438 resultados para Aloe chinensis


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Estudaram-se as interações entre os ácidos indol-butírico, alfa-naftaleno-acético e bórico no desenvolvimento de calos e na sobrevivência das estacas de lichieira (Litchi chinensis Sonn.). As estacas apresentavam 25 cm de comprimento e 4 folhas cortadas pela metade, sendo retiradas em duas épocas diferentes (janeiro e abril) e colocadas para enraizar em bandejas de isopor, tendo como substrato vermiculita e em condições de câmara de nebulização. Foi feita imersão de 2,5 cm da base das estacas, em soluções aquosas por l minuto. Os tratamentos utilizados corresponderam a 5.000 e 2.000 ppm de IBA; 3.000 e 1.500 ppra de NAA; 150 microgramas/ml de H3BO3; IBA 5.000 e 2.000 ppm + H3BO(3)150 microgramas/ml; NAA 3.000 e 1.500 ppm + H3BO3 150 microgramas/ml e H2O. Avaliou-se a formação de calos e a sobrevivência das estacas após 120 dias do plantio. Através dos resultados obtidos, foi possível concluir que dos tratamentos utilizados, nenhum foi efetivo na formação de raízes, havendo somente a formação de calos. A melhor época para a retirada de estacas correspondeu ao mês de abril.


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Estudou-se os efeitos de auxilias exógenas e ácido bórico, no enraizamento de estacas de lichia (Litchi chinensis Sonn.). As estacas foram uniformizadas, com 25 cm de comprimento e 4 folhas cortadas pela metade. Cerca de 2,5 cm da base das mesmas foi mergulhado nos tratamentos: H2O; Boro 150 µg/ml; IBA 5.000 ppm, IBA 2.000 ppm; IBA 5.000 ppm + Boro 150 µg/ml; IBA 2.000 ppm + Boro 150 µg/ml; NAA 3.000 ppm; NAA 1.500 ppm; NAA 3.000 ppm + Boro 150 µg/ml; NAA 1.500 ppm + Boro 150 µ/g/ml. A estaquia foi realizada no mês de setembro (Hemisfério sul), sendo que as estacas foram colocadas em bandejas de isopor, tendo como substrato vermiculita e mantidas sob nebulização intermitente. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que o IBA 5.000 ppm por 1 minuto foi o tratamento mais efetivo, proporcionando 83,33% de estacas enraizadas em 120 dias, enquanto o tratamento testemunha (H2O), apresentou somente 16,67% de estacas enraizadas.


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O trabalho teve como finalidade, estudar o efeito de várias auxinas sintéticas em formulações comerciais e do boro, sobre o enraizamento de estacas caulinares de kiwi (Actinidia chinensis Planch, cv Abbott.). As estacas utilizadas continham dois nós e duas folhas cortadas ao meio, com aproximadamente 10 cm de comprimento, onde o corte basal em bisel foi realizado logo abaixo de um nó e o apical acima do outro nó. O efeito das auxinas, sobre o enraizamento de estacas caulinares de kiwi foi verificado mediante os seguintes tratamentos, aplicados sobre as bases das estacas: T1 H(2)0); T2 (NAA 300 ppm); T3 (IBA 300 ppm); T4 (NAA 300 ppm + B); T5 (IBA 300 ppm + B); T6 (NAA 0,5%-pó) e T7 (IBA 0,5%-pó). Após o tratamento das estacas, estas foram plantadas em bandejas de enraizamento, contendo vermiculita pura e colocadas em câmara de nebulização, onde permaneceram por 120 dias, até a sua coleta. Para a avaliação do efeito de auxinas e do ácido bórico, sobre o enraizamento de estacas caulinares de kiwi, foram realizadas as seguintes observações: 1. porcentagem de estacas enraizadas; 2. análise de açúcares redutores e açúcares totais (em g/100 g de matéria seca); 3. análise de triptofano (em µg/100 mg de matéria seca). Os resultados obtidos no processo de enraizamento de estacas caulinares de kiwi (Actinidia chinensis Planch.) variedade Abbott, levou a concluir que o inverno e outono foram as melhores épocas de coleta dos ramos de auxinas para a confecção das estacas. O processo de enraizamento foi ainda incrementado com a aplicação exógena na base das estacas, sendo que o alto teor de açúcares redutores e totais beneficiou a maior porcentagem de enraizamento.


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Com o objetivo de analisar a aplicação de ácido giberélico (GA3) na germinação de sementes de Actinidia chinensis Pl, sementes foram extraídas de frutos maduros, lavadas e secas à sombra, recebendo os seguintes tratamentos: T1 - estratificação (5oC por 2 semanas); T2 - testemunha; T3 - GA3 à 50 mg.L-1 ; T4 - GA3 à 100 mg.L-1 e T5 - GA3 à 150 mg.L-1. Durante a primeira semana o substrato dos tratamentos T3, T4 e T5 foi umedecido com GA3. O tratamento mais efetivo para aumentar a porcentagem de germinação e diminuir o tempo médio de germinação foi com 150 mg.L-1 de GA3.


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This work studies the effects of some synthetical auxins and boron in the rooting of stem cuttings of kiwi (Actinidia chinensis Planch cv Matua). The stems used had two nodes and two leaves cut in half. The auxin effect was observed through seven different treatments: T1 (H2O); T2 (NAA 300 ppm); T3 (IBA 300 ppm); T4 (NAA 300 ppm + B); T5 (IBA 300 ppm + B); T6 (NAA 0,5%-talc) and T7 (IBA 0,5%-talc), applied to the bases of stem cuttings. After these treatments, the cuttings were placed in suitable rooting dishes, with pure vermiculite in misty nebulization chamber for 120 days until collection day. The evaluation of auxin and boric acid effects were made based on the following observations: 1. The percentage of rooted stem cuttings; 2. reducing sugar and total sugar analyses; and 3. tryptophan analyses. The effects of such treatments were observed in the four seasons. The results showed that winter is best for rooting. Application of IBA talc 0,5% to the cuttings bases increased rooting.


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Action of auxins on the rooting of stem cuttings of kiwi (Actinidia chinensis P. cv Monty). This work studies the effects of some synthetic auxins and B in the rooting of kiwi (Actinidia chinensis Planch cv Monty) stem cuttings. The treatments used were as follows: T1 (H2O); T2 (NAA 300 ppm); T3 (IBA 300 ppm); T4 (NAA 300 ppm + B); T5 (IBA 300 ppm + B); T6 (NAA 0,5%-talc) and T7 (IBA 0,5%-talc), applied to the bases of the cuttings. These were then placed in rooting dishes with pure vermiculite in a misty nebulization chamber until collection day (120 days). The evaluation of auxin and boric acid effects on kiwi stem cuttings were made based on the following observations: 1. The percentage of rooted stem cuttings; 2. reducing sugars and total sugar analyses (in g/100 g of dry matter); and 3. tryptophan analyses (in mu g/100 mg of dry matter). The results show that summer is the best season for rooting Actinidia chinensis Planch cv Monty stem cuttings. The use of IBA talc 0,5% on the bases of the cuttings shamed positive results too.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The lateral shoots of the Aloe vera L. Burm have been inoculated in culture medium. The work has been divided in two phases. In the phase I different concentrations of NAA and BAP were added to the MS . In the phase II, plants proceeding of the MS were inoculated in medium containing or not spermidine and/or spermine. In the phase I the best results for mass production and shooting came out with the use of MS + 8,88 m mol L -1 BAP + 5,36 m mol L -1 NAA and these treatments didn't induce the rooting. Plants submitted to treatments with polyamines presented emission of roots during the phase II, suggesting possible inductor effect when used by isolated means during the rooting. No traces of oxidation were noted in the culture medium containing the polyamines. The use of spermidine in the culture-medium promoted a greater mass increasing and the most number of shoots was obtained with the use of the combination of polyamines. © 2008 1999, Editorial Ciencias Médicas.


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Lateral shoots of the Aloe vera (L.) Burm. cultivated in vitro, without addition vegetal regulators, for 90 days, were inoculated in MS culture-medium, containing or not spermine and/or spermidine. After 30 days of cultivation, the plants were submitted to biochemical analysis together with micropropagated plants - that were under in vitro cultivation for 90 days - (denominated as characterization), and matrix plants (in vivo). The levels of free polyamines, total phenols, total flavonoids, and the activity of peroxidase were evaluated in the biochemical analyses. The exogenous application of spermidine have promoted large number of shoots. Spermidine and spermine have promoted, when associated, an increase in the number of shoots as well as an increase of the contents of putrescine and and flavonoids. The putrescine has presented the most significant alterations, enabling to be utilized as marker of morphogenesis in the micropropagated Aloe vera. Tissues under active growth have presented high activity of peroxidase as well as those with greater rate of oxidation. In these tissues, there were noticed also higher contents of total flavonoids, indicating the need of antioxidative compounds. The action of polyamines jointly tseemed to be benefic for the shooting of micropropagated Aloe vera.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to characterize lychee seeds regarding their centesimal composition, and also to evaluate their antioxidant potential and fatty acid profile. Design/methodology/approach: To obtain the extract, dehydrated and grinded seeds were extracted with ethyl alcohol for 30 min, at a proportion of 1:3 of seeds:ethyl alcohol, under continuous agitation, at room temperature. Afterwards, the mixture was filtered and the supernatant subjected to a rotoevaporator at 40oC aiming to determine, by direct weighing, the extract dry matter yield. Findings: The largest found values went to the total carbohydrates (72.75 percent). In the oil from the lychee seeds there was a high percentage of unsaturated fatty acids, the main component being linoleic, considered an essential fatty acid. Research limitations/implications: Implies the identification of compounds biativos extracted from seeds of tropical and subtropical fruits, and to prevent certain types of diseases. Originality/value: The article tries to identify new source of phenolic compounds extracted from fruit. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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The lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonnerat), of the family Sapindaceae, is a highly valued fruit throughout the world. It is native to southern China, but it is cultivated in many parts of the world. In Brazil, the cultivation of the lychee was initiated in the 1970s in the State of São Paulo and has been increasing in production even though the crop size still averages only 1.4 ha per producer. The low crop size is attributed to the high cost of seedlings and the amount of time required for the plant to bear fruit. These factors discourage planting in large areas. The purpose of this research is to study some aspects of what is vitally important for the production of lychee seedlings on a large scale, with low cost and good genetic quality. Tests were performed using rootstocks from seeds of lychee and longan (Euphoria longan Lam.). Scions for grafting were taken from plants of lychee 'Bengal' in the collection of fruit species from FCAV-UNESP, Campus of Jaboticabal, Brazil. The experiments were started in September 2007 and the grafting process was performed in each month of the year finishing in August 2008. During this period the influence of these criteria were evaluated: 1) time of the year; 2) species of rootstock; 3) percentage of grafting success; 4) stem height at grafting point; 5) stem diameter at grafting point. Therefore, through statistical analysis we obtained significant differences in relation to the rootstock used, the months of the year in which the grafting was performed and the interaction between rootstock and the month in which the grafting was performed.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS