551 resultados para Almirante Saldanha


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Introduction Most studies that have evaluated the stomachs of patients with Chagas disease were performed before the discovery of Helicobacter pylori and used no control groups. This study compared the gastric features of chagasic and non-chagasic patients and assessed whether gastritis could be associated with Chagas disease. Methods Gastric biopsy samples were taken from patients who underwent endoscopy for histological analysis according to the Updated Sydney System. H. pylori infection was assessed by histology, 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) polymerase chain reaction (PCR), serology and the 13C-urea breath test. Patients were considered H. pylori-negative when all of these diagnostic tests were negative. Clinical and socio-demographic data were obtained by reviewing medical records and using a questionnaire. Results The prevalence of H. pylori infection (70.3% versus 71.7%) and chronic gastritis (92.2% versus 85%) was similar in the chagasic and non-chagasic groups, respectively; such as peptic ulcer, atrophy and intestinal metaplasia. Gastritis was associated with H. pylori infection independent of Chagas disease in a log-binomial regression model. However, the chagasic H. pylori-negative patients showed a significantly higher grade of mononuclear (in the corpus) and polymorphonuclear (PMN) (in the antrum) cell infiltration. Additionally, the patients with the digestive form of Chagas disease showed a significantly lower prevalence of corpus atrophy than those with other clinical forms. Conclusions The prevalence of H. pylori infection and of gastric histological and endoscopic features was similar among the chagasic and non-chagasic patients. Additionally, this is the first controlled study to demonstrate that H. pylori is the major cause of gastritis in patients with Chagas disease.


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Mutations at codons 12, 13, or 61 of the H-ras, K-ras, and N-ras have been detected in human neoplasias by a variety of techniques. Some of these techniques are very sensitive and can detect K-ras mutation in 90% of the cases of pancreatic adenocarcinomas. We analyzed 11 samples of pancreatic adenocarcinoma, three samples of pancreatic mucinous cystadenoma, and two samples without tumors in formalin-fixed paraffin embedded tissue sections. K-ras mutations at codon 12 were detected by a two-step PCR-enriched technique in all the samples of pancreatic adenocarcinoma, but not in cystadenoma or control samples. This technique may be useful for early detection of pancreatic cancer.


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A case of widespread hematogenous metastases and Trousseau's syndrome is reported in a 40 year-old white housewife with gastric cancer, presenting subdural hematoma, ecchymoses, epistaxis, stomach and uterine bleeding. After undergoing hematoma drainage, she was unsuccessfully treated with platelets, red blood cells, plasma cryoprecipitate transfusions, and antibiotics. Necropsy disclosed gastric ring-signet adenocarcinoma invading the serous layer, with massive disseminated intravascular coagulation and systemic neoplastic embolism. Multiple old and recent hyaline (rich in fibrin and platelets) microthrombi, and tumor emboli were observed in the bone marrow, meninges, liver, lungs, kidneys, lymph nodes, adrenals, thyroid, heart, pancreas, and ovaries (Krukenberg tumor).


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PURPOSE: Hyperglycemia and abnormal glucose tolerance tests observed in some patients with chronic Chagas' disease suggest the possibility of morphological changes in pancreatic islets and/or denervation. The purpose of this study was to describe the morphology and morphometry of pancreatic islets in chronic Chagas' disease. METHODS: Morphologic and computerized morphometric studies were performed in fragments of the head, body, and tail regions of the pancreas obtained at necropsies of 8 normal controls and 17 patients with chronic Chagas' disease: 8 with the digestive form (Megas) and 9 with the congestive heart failure form. RESULTS: The Megas group had a larger (p < 0.05) pancreatic islet area in the tail of the pancreas (10649.3 ± 4408.8 µm²) than the normal control (9481.8 ± 3242.4 µm²) and congestive heart failure (9475.1 ± 2104.9 µm²) groups; likewise, the density of the pancreatic islets (PI) was greater (1.2 ± 0.7 vs. 0.9 ± 0.6 vs. 1.9 ± 1.0 PI/mm², respectively). In the tail region of the pancreas of patients with the Megas form, there was a significant and positive correlation (r = +0.73) between the area and density of pancreatic islets. Discrete fibrosis and leukocytic infiltrates were found in pancreatic ganglia and pancreatic islets of the patients with Chagas' disease. Trypanosoma cruzi nests were not observed in the examined sections. Individuals with the Megas form of Chagas' disease showed increased area and density of pancreatic islets in the tail of the pancreas. CONCLUSION: The observed morphometric and morphologic alterations are consistent with functional changes in the pancreas, including glycemia and insulin disturbances.


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PURPOSE: The differential diagnosis between benign and malignant adrenal cortical tumors circumscribed to the gland is controversial. One hundred and seven patients with adrenal cortex tumors (excluding those with primary hyperaldosteronism) were studied to assess the 5-year survival rate of adults, children, patients stratified by pathological stage, and patients stratified according to Weiss's score of <3 or >3. METHODS: The patients were evaluated both clinically and biochemically. One hundred and five patients underwent surgery and were classified pathologically as stages I, II, III, or IV. The tumors were weighed, measured, and classified according to Weiss's criteria and divided into 2 groups: <3 and >3. RESULTS: After 5 years, the survival rate was 77.5% for the whole group, 74.61% for the adults, 84.3% for the children, 100% for stage I, 83.9% for stage II, 33% for stage III, and 11.7% for stage IV groups. Additionally, after 5 years, 100% of the patients with tumors with Weiss's score <3 were alive compared to 61.65% of those with Weiss's score >3. The average weights of the tumors of score <3 and >3 were 23.38 g ± 41.36 g and 376.3 ± 538.76 g, respectively, which is a statistically significant difference. The average sizes of tumors of Weiss's score <3 and >3 were 3.67 ± 2.2 cm and 9.64 ± 5.8 cm, respectively, which is also a statistically significant difference. CONCLUSIONS: Weiss's score may be a good prognostic factor for tumors of the adrenal cortex. Additionally, there was a statistically significant difference between the average weight and size of tumors with benign behavior (Weiss's score <3) and those with malignant behavior (Weiss's score >3).


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Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Fundação Millennium bcp


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A produção nacional de banana está comprometida pela atuação da sigatoka-negra (Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet) por todo o país, e particularmente no Amapá. Os cultivares Caipira, Thap Maeo, PV03-44, FHIA-01 e FHIA-18, altamente resistentes à doença, e o cultivar suscetível FHIA-21 foram avaliados quanto às características físico-químicas dos frutos, no período de 2003-2004, nas condições edafoclimáticas do Estado do Amapá. O teor médio de umidade dos frutos de banana foi de 74,61% onde FHIA-18 (75,91%) diferiu estatisticamente de Thap Maeo (74,01%), FHIA-21 (73,96%) e de PV03-44 (73,68%). Em relação à matéria seca dos frutos (média de 25,39%), FHIA-18 (24,09%) apresentou valores significativamente menores que PV03-44 (26,32%), FHIA-21 (26,04%) e Thap Maeo (25,99%). Foi observado que as polpas dos cultivares apresentaram natureza ácida (pH 4,8), sendo que PV03-44 (5,1) diferiu estatisticamente de FHIA-18 (4,6). No teor de sólidos solúveis (média de 21,51ºBrix), o cultivar FHIA 21 (24,82ºBrix) diferiu significativamente dos demais. A relação SS/AT (média de 82,90) do cultivar FHIA-21 (99,23) diferiu estatisticamente de Thap Maeo (78,95), FHIA-18 e PV03-44 (77,48). Em relação à acidez titulável (0,27% ácido málico) e ao teor de lipídeos (0,17%), não houve diferenciação entre os cultivares. Quanto ao teor protéico dos materiais resistentes à sigatoka-negra, a média do ensaio foi de 4,59%, tendo o genótipo PV03-44 (4,08%) diferido estatisticamente dos demais. Os cultivares resistentes estudados apresentaram aspectos positivos de qualidade, principalmente na relação SS/AT, um dos principais parâmetros de atributo qualitativo de sabor da fruta.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of carvedilol in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. METHODS: In a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled study, 30 patients (7 women) with functional class II and III heart failure were assessed. Their ages ranged from 28 to 66 years (mean of 43±9 years), and their left ventricular ejection fraction varied from 8% to 35%. Carvedilol was added to the usual therapy of 20 patients; placebo was added to the usual therapy of 10 patients. The initial dose of carvedilol was 12.5 mg, which was increased weekly until it reached 75 mg/day, according to the patient's tolerance. Clinical assessment, electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, and radionuclide ventriculography were performed in the pretreatment phase, being repeated after 2 and 6 months of medication use. RESULTS: A reduction in heart rate (p=0.016) as well as an increase in left ventricular shortening fraction (p=0.02) and in left ventricular ejection fraction (p=0.017) occurred in the group using carvedilol as compared with that using placebo. CONCLUSION: Carvedilol added to the usual therapy for heart failure resulted in better heart function.


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FUNDAMENTO: Pacientes que são submetidos à cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio (CRM) apresentam risco maior para desenvolver complicações pulmonares, como atelectasias, pneumonia e derrame pleural. Estas complicações podem aumentar o tempo de internação hospitalar, a necessidade de recursos financeiros e também se associam com a redução da qualidade de vida e da capacidade funcional a longo prazo. OBJETIVO: Testar se o uso de espirometria de incentivo (EI) associada com pressão positiva expiratória na via aérea (EPAP), após CRM melhora a dispneia, a sensação de esforço percebido e a qualidade de vida 18 meses após a CRM. MÉTODOS: Dezesseis pacientes submetidos a CRM foram randomizados para o grupo controle (n=8) ou para o grupo EI+EPAP (n=8). O protocolo de EI+EPAP foi realizado no período pós-operatório imediato e durante mais 4 semanas no domicílio. Dezoito meses após a CRM foram avaliadas a força da musculatura respiratória, a capacidade funcional, a função pulmonar, a qualidade de vida e o nível de atividade física. RESULTADOS: Após o teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6), o escore para dispneia (1,6±0,6 vs 0,6±0,3, P<0,05) e a sensação de esforço (13,4±1,2 vs 9,1±0,7, P<0,05) foram maiores no grupo controle comparado com o grupo EI+EPAP. Na avaliação da qualidade de vida, o domínio relacionado às limitações nos aspectos físicos foi melhor no grupo EI+EPAP (93,7±4,1 vs 50±17, P<0,02). CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes que realizam EI+EPAP apresentam menos dispneia e menor sensação de esforço após o TC6 e também melhor qualidade de vida 18 meses após a CRM.


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É referido o encontro de barbeiros (Panstrongylus megistus) adultos em residências do Distrito Federal, nos bairros de Santa Teresa (Rua Almirante Alexandrino) e de Botafogo (Travessa João Afonso). Um exemplar capturado em Santa Teresa estava infectado por flagelados, critidias e tripanosomas metacíclicos, fato pela primeira vez assinalado na Capital da República. Dejeções no inseto infectado foram inoculadas em camondongos brancos, determinando apenas infecções sanguíneas inaparentes, reveladas pelo xenodiagnóstico. Entretanto, no exsudato peritoneal dos animais foram encontrados a fresco tripanosomas com caracters de Schizotrypanum. Os transmissores da doença de chagas até agora referidos no Distrito Federal são: Panstrongylus megistus, Panstrongylus geniculatus, Triatoma vitticeps, Triatoma oswaldoi e Triatoma rubrofasciata.


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We sought to provide a contemporary picture of the presentation, etiology, and outcome of infective endocarditis (IE) in a large patient cohort from multiple locations worldwide. Prospective cohort study of 2781 adults with definite IE who were admitted to 58 hospitals in 25 countries from June 1, 2000, through September 1, 2005. The median age of the cohort was 57.9 (interquartile range, 43.2-71.8) years, and 72.1% had native valve IE. Most patients (77.0%) presented early in the disease (<30 days) with few of the classic clinical hallmarks of IE. Recent health care exposure was found in one-quarter of patients. Staphylococcus aureus was the most common pathogen (31.2%). The mitral (41.1%) and aortic (37.6%) valves were infected most commonly. The following complications were common: stroke (16.9%), embolization other than stroke (22.6%), heart failure (32.3%), and intracardiac abscess (14.4%). Surgical therapy was common (48.2%), and in-hospital mortality remained high (17.7%). Prosthetic valve involvement (odds ratio, 1.47; 95% confidence interval, 1.13-1.90), increasing age (1.30; 1.17-1.46 per 10-year interval), pulmonary edema (1.79; 1.39-2.30), S aureus infection (1.54; 1.14-2.08), coagulase-negative staphylococcal infection (1.50; 1.07-2.10), mitral valve vegetation (1.34; 1.06-1.68), and paravalvular complications (2.25; 1.64-3.09) were associated with an increased risk of in-hospital death, whereas viridans streptococcal infection (0.52; 0.33-0.81) and surgery (0.61; 0.44-0.83) were associated with a decreased risk. In the early 21st century, IE is more often an acute disease, characterized by a high rate of S aureus infection. Mortality remains relatively high.


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BACKGROUND The purpose of this study was to assess the incidence of neurological complications in patients with infective endocarditis, the risk factors for their development, their influence on the clinical outcome, and the impact of cardiac surgery. METHODS AND RESULTS This was a retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data on a multicenter cohort of 1345 consecutive episodes of left-sided infective endocarditis from 8 centers in Spain. Cox regression models were developed to analyze variables predictive of neurological complications and associated mortality. Three hundred forty patients (25%) experienced such complications: 192 patients (14%) had ischemic events, 86 (6%) had encephalopathy/meningitis, 60 (4%) had hemorrhages, and 2 (1%) had brain abscesses. Independent risk factors associated with all neurological complications were vegetation size ≥3 cm (hazard ratio [HR] 1.91), Staphylococcus aureus as a cause (HR 2.47), mitral valve involvement (HR 1.29), and anticoagulant therapy (HR 1.31). This last variable was particularly related to a greater incidence of hemorrhagic events (HR 2.71). Overall mortality was 30%, and neurological complications had a negative impact on outcome (45% of deaths versus 24% in patients without these complications; P<0.01), although only moderate to severe ischemic stroke (HR 1.63) and brain hemorrhage (HR 1.73) were significantly associated with a poorer prognosis. Antimicrobial treatment reduced (by 33% to 75%) the risk of neurological complications. In patients with hemorrhage, mortality was higher when surgery was performed within 4 weeks of the hemorrhagic event (75% versus 40% in later surgery). CONCLUSIONS Moderate to severe ischemic stroke and brain hemorrhage were found to have a significant negative impact on the outcome of infective endocarditis. Early appropriate antimicrobial treatment is critical, and transitory discontinuation of anticoagulant therapy should be considered.


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The impact of antimicrobial resistance on clinical outcomes is the subject of ongoing investigations, although uncertainty remains about its contribution to mortality. We investigated the impact of carbapenem resistance on mortality in Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteremia in a prospective multicenter (10 teaching hospitals) observational study of patients with monomicrobial bacteremia followed up for 30 days after the onset of bacteremia. The adjusted influence of carbapenem resistance on mortality was studied by using Cox regression analysis. Of 632 episodes, 487 (77%) were caused by carbapenem-susceptible P. aeruginosa (CSPA) isolates, and 145 (23%) were caused by carbapenem-resistant P. aeruginosa (CRPA) isolates. The median incidence density of nosocomial CRPA bacteremia was 2.3 episodes per 100,000 patient-days (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.9 to 2.8). The regression demonstrated a time-dependent effect of carbapenem resistance on mortality as well as a significant interaction with the Charlson index: the deleterious effect of carbapenem resistance on mortality decreased with higher Charlson index scores. The impact of resistance on mortality was statistically significant only from the fifth day after the onset of the bacteremia, reaching its peak values at day 30 (adjusted hazard ratio for a Charlson score of 0 at day 30, 9.9 [95% CI, 3.3 to 29.4]; adjusted hazard ratio for a Charlson score of 5 at day 30, 2.6 [95% CI, 0.8 to 8]). This study clarifies the relationship between carbapenem resistance and mortality in patients with P. aeruginosa bacteremia. Although resistance was associated with a higher risk of mortality, the study suggested that this deleterious effect may not be as great during the first days of the bacteremia or in the presence of comorbidities.


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The impact of antimicrobial resistance on clinical outcomes is the subject of ongoing investigations, although uncertainty remains about its contribution to mortality. We investigated the impact of carbapenem resistance on mortality in Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteremia in a prospective multicenter (10 teaching hospitals) observational study of patients with monomicrobial bacteremia followed up for 30 days after the onset of bacteremia. The adjusted influence of carbapenem resistance on mortality was studied by using Cox regression analysis. Of 632 episodes, 487 (77%) were caused by carbapenem-susceptible P. aeruginosa (CSPA) isolates, and 145 (23%) were caused by carbapenem-resistant P. aeruginosa (CRPA) isolates. The median incidence density of nosocomial CRPA bacteremia was 2.3 episodes per 100,000 patient-days (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.9 to 2.8). The regression demonstrated a time-dependent effect of carbapenem resistance on mortality as well as a significant interaction with the Charlson index: the deleterious effect of carbapenem resistance on mortality decreased with higher Charlson index scores. The impact of resistance on mortality was statistically significant only from the fifth day after the onset of the bacteremia, reaching its peak values at day 30 (adjusted hazard ratio for a Charlson score of 0 at day 30, 9.9 [95% CI, 3.3 to 29.4]; adjusted hazard ratio for a Charlson score of 5 at day 30, 2.6 [95% CI, 0.8 to 8]). This study clarifies the relationship between carbapenem resistance and mortality in patients with P. aeruginosa bacteremia. Although resistance was associated with a higher risk of mortality, the study suggested that this deleterious effect may not be as great during the first days of the bacteremia or in the presence of comorbidities.