1000 resultados para Abordagens sobre a nanotecnologia e a nanociência
Breve reflexão sobre a insolvência transnacional. Divergências doutrinárias. Experiência brasileira.
Esta monografia aborda o problema resultante da ausência de regulamentação da insolvência transnacional no Brasil. O processo de globalização viabilizou a intensificação das relações comerciais internacionais, culminando com o surgimento dos grandes grupos econômicos, com sociedades atuantes em diversos países. Assim, como outras grandes economias mundiais, o Brasil hoje faz parte desta realidade. Atualmente, inexiste legislação brasileira específica para tratar da insolvência transnacional, o que gera muitas incertezas e insegurança jurídica. Com isso, o enfoque do estudo passa a ser a necessidade de criação de legislação específica para regular a insolvência internacional. Neste sentido, são apresentadas as diferentes abordagens existentes, através dos modelos teóricos desenvolvidos no meio acadêmico, para lidar com falências transnacionais. O trabalho, então, se concentra de forma mais analítica nas duas maiores correntes teóricas sobre o assunto: os modelos territorialista e universalista. Logo após, são descritas algumas experiências do direito comparado seguidas de um retrospecto sobre a história legislativa brasileira, sobre o tema de interesse. Por fim, um caso é trazido à colação como forma de elucidar o conteúdo dissertado e auxiliar na busca por respostas que indiquem a melhor forma de enfrentar a polêmica questão das falências transnacionais.
Esta tese é composta por três artigos e uma nota, sendo um em cada capítulo. Todos os capítulos enquadram-se na área de Microeconomia Aplicada e Economia do Trabalho. O primeiro artigo estende o modelo tradicional de decomposição das flutuações na taxa de desemprego de Shimer (2012), separando o emprego formal do informal. Com essa modificação, os principais resultados da metodologia se alteram e conclui-se que os principais fatores para a queda do desemprego na última década foram (i) a queda na taxa de participação, principalmente pela menor entrada na força de trabalho; (ii) o aumento da formalização, atingido tanto pelo aumento da probabilidade de encontrar um trabalho formal quanto pela probabilidade de deixar a condição de empregado formal. O segundo capítulo apresenta estimativas para o retorno à educação no Brasil, utilizando uma nova metodologia que não necessita de variáveis de exclusão. A vantagem do método em relação a abordagens que utilizam variáveis instrumentais é a de permitir avaliar o retorno médio para todos os trabalhadores (e não somente os afetados pelos instrumentos) e em qualquer instante do tempo. Face aos resultados, concluímos as estimativas via MQO subestimam o retorno médio. Discute-se possíveis explicações para esse fenômeno. O terceiro artigo trata da terceirização da mão de obra no Brasil. Mais especificamente, mede-se o diferencial de salários entre os trabalhadores terceirizados e os contratados diretamente. Os resultados de uma comparação não condicional indicam que os terceirizados têm salário médio 17% menor no período 2007 a 2012. Porém, com estimativas que levam em conta o efeito fixo de cada trabalhador, esse diferencial cai para 3,0%. Além disso, o diferencial é bastante heterogêneo entre os tipos de serviços: aqueles que utilizam trabalhadores de baixa qualificação apresentam salário menores, enquanto nas ocupações de maior qualificação os terceirizados têm salários iguais ou maiores do que os diretamente contratados. Mais ainda, as evidencias apontam para a diminuição do diferencial ao longo do tempo no período analisado. Finalmente, a nota que encerra a tese documenta dois aspectos relevantes e pouco conhecidos da Pesquisa Mensal de Emprego do IBGE que podem levar a resultados imprecisos nas pesquisas que utilizam esse painel se não forem tratados adequadamente.
Os conceitos de museu e de museologia há muito que estão em constante renovação. Os museus de hoje - particularmente aqueles que acolhem a arte contemporânea - são espaços dinâmicos, abertos a uma vasta tipologia de públicos, com variadas exigências e expetativas às quais as recentes baixas dotações e carências financeiras nem sempre possibilitam responder de forma satisfatória. Situando-se dentro das práticas museológicas atuais, esta dissertação pretende abordar os princípios fundamentais em torno dos museus de arte contemporânea como entidade institucional, dando especial atenção ao Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Funchal. Quais são as principais questões, preocupações e práticas pelo museu geridas? Que manifestações são necessárias para o desenvolvimento de infraestruturas de arte contemporânea idealizadas para uma determinada região ou plateia específica? O que é necessário para participar de forma significativa no contexto local?
O conteúdo de ciências no Ensino Fundamental dos ciclos I e II é ministrado por um professor polivalente com formação em Pedagogia. Sua formação deve possibilitar uma visão global do fenômeno educativo, o que implica a construção de conhecimentos múltiplos e contextualizados, porém com pouco aprofundamento. Este trabalho objetiva identificar as opiniões e dificuldades de licenciandos de Pedagogia a respeito dos conteúdos de Ciências nos dois primeiros ciclos do Ensino Fundamental, mediado por dois questionamentos: Com relação aos conteúdos de ciências ministrados no I e II ciclos, você os considera fácil ou difícil? Sendo solicitado que justificasse sua resposta; De acordo com seus conhecimentos sobre ciências, cite as principais dificuldades que você teria (tem/teve) em ensinar ciências nos ciclos I e II. Participaram do estudo 29 licenciandas da turma de Ensino das Ciências Naturais II do Curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Com relação ao questionamento referente à consideração dos conteúdos de ciências, 52% das licenciandas consideraram fácil, 31% difícil e 17% não responderam a questão. Foram identificadas três categorias de respostas: processo de elaboração do planejamento (20,5% fácil e 20,5% difícil), nível de conhecimento dos alunos (7% fácil e 0% difícil) e natureza dos conteúdos abordados (14% fácil e 10,5% difícil). Foram classificadas três categorias distintas em relação às dificuldades em ensinar ciências: natureza dos conteúdos abordados (50%), aspectos metodológicos (25%), e conhecimento básico (25%). A análise dos resultados revelou que a principal dificuldade das licenciandas em Pedagogia quanto à aplicabilidade do ensino de ciências nos primeiros ciclos do Ensino Fundamental esta diretamente relacionada à falta de conhecimento básico destes conteúdos, que somente foram estudados por elas no Ensino Básico, indicando a necessidade de incorporação de abordagens de conteúdos de ciências no currículo do curso de Pedagogia.
This work consists in a study of the Shrimp Industry in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, whose central issue relates to the understanding of how the Triple Helix (University, Government and the productive sector) interrelationship limits or expands the industry s innovation process. The study aims to understand how the Triple Helix relationship interferes in the innovation process of shrimp in Rio Grande do Norte. As the knowledge becomes the resource key for production methods, the generation of new technologies, new products and processes which demands joint and integrated action of the institutions comprising the Triple Helix: University, Government and productive sector, which possess the essential resources to innovate the process and can be maximized from cooperative relationships between the referred Institutions. Thus, in this work, it was sharply used the pioneering studies of Sabato and Botana (1968) regarding the cooperation relationship between the scientific-technological sphere, the governmental and the productive base, and studies on the Triple Helix approach, proposed by Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff (2000), in which the university has a key role in the process of technological and innovative development of countries and regions, and under which it is assigned to the very University - the character of the entrepreneurial institution, through the concept of entrepreneurial University. Aiming to overcome the criticism of Cooke (2005), regarding the limitations of the Triple Helix approach, in this study it was used - as analytical perspectives - the perspective of social immersion (Granovetter, 1985, 2005) and the theory of resources dependence (PFEFFER; SALANCIK, 1978). The analytical perspectives presented in here, despite of the different assumptions, are essential to eliminate the bias that one only approach can lead (ASTLEY; VAN DE VEM; 2007). The authors arguments focus on the fact that the integration is possible if the researcher acknowledged that different perspectives may have different descriptions of the same phenomenon. As a research strategy, this study is characterized as a study case, along with the proposed objectives - the qualitative method was used as an approach and, depending on the gathering of the sector s historical, a sectional longitudinal view approach was applied (VIEIRA, 2004). The primary and secondary data were used in order to understand the sector s evolutionary process and its inter-institutional relations - regarding the shrimp culture in Rio Grande do Norte - to promote the development, as the content was used for the technical analysis (BARDIN, 1977). The approach of social immersion and resources addiction dependence made it possible to understand that relationships are established within and between each sphere (university, government and productive sector) characterizing a network of low density relationships and strongly internal and external dependence. Based on the speech of Etzkowitz and Mello (2006), a successful Triple Helix strategy of innovation requires not only the involvement and commitment of the parts, within the institutional sphere and among them, but also the development of mechanisms to coordinate the multiple and complex interactions and interfaces, focusing on promoting both environment and context for innovation and learning; it can be acknowledge from study results that the shrimp in the State of the RN, although there are several institutional mechanisms to promote greater integration and technological development, has been presented disjointed - both internally and between the spheres - and under no legitimate practice when facing the innovational promotion and integration institutions. Due to those factors, the central institutions of the network are crucial to the promotion of innovations, spreading through their direct contacts the importance factor of the sustainable competitive activity in the world market and on the national level. However, it may be concluded, from the data, that the Triple Helix relations are interfering in a negative way on what concerns the promotion of innovations in the shrimp industry in RN
In the social-historical moment we live in, it is each time more evident the necessity of the people to learn to deal with the environment in conscientious way, taking care of themselves properly through it. In this direction, considering the school as a place where children, young and adolescents spend great part of their time, this work had as objective to examine the perception of school environment for students, professors and employees of two schools in João Pessoa city - Centro Estadual Experimental de Ensino-Aprendizagem Sesquicentenário and Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental e Médio Presidente Emílio Garrastazu Médici (Experimental State Center of Learning-teaching Sesquicentenário and Basic and High State School Education Emilio Garrastazu Médici President). From the presupposed that the environments in which and with which people live reflect their daily practices, the field work searched to identify the social-environmental practices that characterize the relation of these users with the school and, from this understanding, to infer some of their concerns regarding the environment as a whole. To analyze the use of the available physical space in the two institutions it was opted the use of the After-Occupation Evaluation, one of the approaches that feed the process of building production or built set, rescuing aspects related to its use, operation and maintenance. Besides analyzing diverse school environments (such as classroom circulations/accesses, library, pedagogical and sportive spaces) in relation to the environmental comfort and the perceptions of the main users of the schools (pupils, professors and employees), the dissertation tried to inquire the care (ambient education) of these users with the school space. In general, it was verified that the two schools have evaluations and perceptions really different for four reasons: (i) management of the schools; (ii) the users perception; (III) localization of schools and (IV) feeling of place, territoriality and appropriation
In recent decades have seen a sharp growth in the study area of nanoscience and nanotechnology and is included in this area, the study of nanocomposites with self-cleaning properties. Since titanium dioxide (TiO2) has high photocatalytic activity and also antimicrobial, self-cleaning surfaces in your application has been explored. In this study a comparison was made between two synthesis routes to obtain TiO2 nanoparticles by hydrothermal method assisted by microwave. And after analysis of XRD and SEM was considered the best material for use in nanocomposites. It was deposited nanocomposite film of poly (dimethyl siloxane) (PDMS) with 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2% by weight of nanoparticles of titanium dioxide (TiO2) by the spraying method. The nanocomposite was diluted with hexane and the suspension was deposited onto glass substrate, followed by curing in an oven with forced air circulation. The photocatalytic activity of the nanocomposite impregnated with methylene blue was evaluated by UV- vis spectroscopy from the intensity variation of absorption main peak at 660nm with time of exposure to the UV chamber. Changes in the contact angle and microhardness were analyzed before and after UV aging test. The effect of ultraviolet radiation on the chemical structure of the PDMS matrix was evaluated by spectrophotometry Fourier transform infrared (FTIR).The results indicated that the addition of TiO2 nanoparticles in the coating PDMS gave high photocatalytic activity in the decomposition of methylene blue, an important characteristic for the development of self-cleaning coatings
Os nascimentos ocorridos em uma população consistem em informação de grande valia para diversos estudos e planejamento de políticas públicas. O Sistema de informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (SINASC) representa uma promissora fonte de informação sobre o tema, uma vez que coleta continuamente e no âmbito municipal, dados sobre nascimentos. Tendo em vista a necessidade de avaliação contínua do SINASC e o panorama do declínio da fecundidade no Nordeste, objetivou-se avaliar a qualidade das informações provenientes do SINASC para o Nordeste, estados e microrregiões, nos anos 2000 e 2010, utilizando o Censo Demográfico como informação de referência, avaliando a cobertura do SINASC e identificando níveis e padrões de fecundidade. Pretendeu-se ainda verificar a relação entre os níveis de fecundidade, o grau de cobertura do SINASC e as condições socioeconômicas das microrregiões sintetizadas pelo Índice Social de Desenvolvimento Municipal (ISDM), utilizando-se a análise de cluster, associada à análise de variância (ANOVA) e o teste de Tukey. Por último, analisou-se a incompletude no preenchimento dos campos da Declaração de Nascido Vivo (DNV). De acordo com os resultados, observou-se que houve ampliação da qualidade das informações do SINASC no período estudado, resultando em uma maior aproximação das TFTs oriundas das duas fontes de dados consideradas no estudo. Maranhão e Paraíba foram os estados com maiores ganhos em cobertura das TFTs no período, e os estados do Rio Grande do Norte e Sergipe revelaram um grau de cobertura ligeiramente inferior em 2010 frente aos resultados de 2000, bem como ainda persistem várias microrregiões com TFTs oriundas do SINASC bem abaixo daquelas estimadas pelo Censo. Na verificação da associação entre o ISDM, TFTs e cobertura, a análise de cluster resultou em três agrupamentos, GrISDM A com melhores coberturas, ISDM e mais baixas TFT; GrISDM B , intermediário e GrISDM C com piores coberturas, ISDM e TFT mais altas. Notou-se a evolução das condições socioeconômicas no Nordeste, tendo o GrISDM A passado de 8% do total de microrregiões em 2000 para 37% em 2010. Reiterou-se ainda que quanto melhores as condições socioeconômicas de uma população, menores são as TFTs e melhores as coberturas do SINASC. A análise de variância apontou interações significativas entre o ano estudado versus ISDM (p-valor < 0,016) e o ano versus fonte de informação (p-valor < 0,020), e o teste Tukey apontou que não houve similaridade entre as médias das TFT das fontes Censo versus SINASC no período, fato que aponta para a captação ainda deficiente do SINASC nas microrregiões. O resultado da análise de variância da cobertura do SINASC em relação ao Censo apresentou uma interação significativa entre as variáveis UF versus Ano (p-valor < 0,0001), causada pelos estados que apresentaram queda de cobertura entre 2000 e 2010. Quanto à incompletude dos itens da DNV, evidenciou-se uma melhor coleta no período, embora alguns itens ainda careçam de atenção, como o apgar no 1º e 5º minuto e ocupação da mãe, sendo esta a que apresenta maiores percentuais de informações ignoradas. Destaca-se a possibilidade de preenchimento inconsistente nas variáveis referentes ao histórico de gestações anteriores, com o uso da informação zero inserida no lugar da informação ignorado . Concluiu-se que o SINASC é uma importante base de dados sobre nascimentos e que dispõe de dados confiáveis para o acompanhamento dos nascimentos e de seu panorama epidemiológico no Nordeste brasileiro, embora para alguns estados, assim como para algumas microrregiões, ainda faz-se necessária a ampliação da cobertura do Sistema. As informações constantes na DNV podem servir como embasamento para diversos estudos sobre as condições epidemiológicas dos nascituros e das suas mães, e dos indicadores baseados as informações dos nascimentos
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
T he reflexive action on the process of texts (re)writing, central topic of this study, is still a challenge within the elementary school. What made this issue a special theme of study was the fact that the chosen focus is based on a lived experiences with (re) writing activities where the uniqueness of the professional practice would be transformed into a place of knowledge production, offering theoretical and a practical support to a teacher, in order to understand the interactive nature of language as a space for recovery of the individual (as a historical, social, and cultural being). The empirical field research, structured in the light of assumptions of qualitative research into the action research format, was a public school in Bahia, in a third grade classroom. The instruments of data collection were open questionnaire, semistructured interviews, observations with video recording, documentary analysis of texts produced by students, and reflective sessions. The objectives that supported the research study were: 1) Investigate, in the pedagogical action of teacher Maria, activities on the writing process, 2) Interact with the teacher, in the form of action inquiry to: a) reflect on the procedures for theoretical and methodological development of reflective practice on the process of the (re) writing of the text, b) intervene in the construction of didactic situations that enable the learning and the development of reflexive actions in the (re) writing of texts. To accomplish these goals, it was established as a commitment a dialogic communication with the protagonist, providing reflection sessions so she could examine her teaching practices. The most relevant theoretical arguments to the establishment of this research came from the theoretical and methodological approaches of Bakhtin s theory of enunciation-discourse (2003, 2004) and Vygotsky s socio-interactionist theory (1989, 1998), as it is believed that both theories, through a paradigm shift, in which the constitution of the individual and the participation of others in the actions of analysis and reflection on the language, would give opportunities for internalization and construction of knowledge. The systematic and critical pondering led the participating teacher into reviewing her teaching praxis, compelling her to promote a more insightful understanding of the writing process of her students. That experirence brought into evidence three categories of actions: 1) actions that reflect the technical rationalism, 2) actions that reflect an emancipatory metamorphosis, and 3) actions that reflect empowerment and awareness. The results confirm that the action / reflection on the process of the (re) writing of a text has a dimension of increasing levels of awareness and self criticism, reproducing other meanings for teaching praxis
The following study aims at the main conceptions around the body and the learning through physical education classes at school. Therefore, this research mainly presents a proposal of pedagogical intervention on physical education for Ensino Médio, centered on the knowledge about the body as well as how to evaluate the impacts of such interventions on the students‟ learning process. In order to surround our field of investigation, this work elaborates the following study questions: a) What have students learned about the body in physical education classes in Ensino Médio at IFRN? b) What methodological possibilities can contribute on the experience of meaningful learning processes in physical education in Ensino Médio related to the knowledge of body aspects? Regarding to the methodology used, this ethnographic research used several instruments for data collecting like dairies, diagnostic activities, self-assessment evaluations, portfolio, filming, photographs and posts on the social network facebook. The materialization of the pedagogical intervention and all of its implications allow us to consider that the physical education classes in Ensino Médio at IFRN, campus Parnamirim have supported meaningful experiences of learning. Also they motivate relevant discussions applicable to the students‟ everyday lives once they are supported by discussions related to the influence of media about the body of teenagers, the irregular use of steroids, massaging as a possibility of body relaxation. Also, we point out that the students had the chance to experience body activities which crossed the limits of physical education classes‟ hegemony at school, such as indoor soccer, dodgeball, volleyball, basketball and handball. Thus, the students could experience body activities beyond the limits of most common sports, which started several discussions about the juvenile universe and culture. Beside the professional and personal importance of this work, we list the scientific relevance for the production of knowledge on the educational field once the number of Works about the knowledge of the body are still only a few. This study is mainly about alternative body practices. Therefore, we consider that the knowledge about the body can and must be studied not only through alternative practices, but also in different approaches which can be attributed to body running phenomenon. Finally, we believe that the discussions hereby motivated about the matter are far from being enough, so we deliver our intention in deepening this study on forthcoming researches about the knowledge of the body in the field of physical education in Ensino Médio
In the new world order is notorious changes in social, ethical, economical and political aspects in the society, which reach incisively higher education, requiring a number of modifications and a new vision in nursing education, in order to meet the demands of the Unique Health System. Thus, the Higher Education Institutes (HEI) and teachers are invited to face new challenges and reflect on their practices, using pedagogical approaches and innovative methodologies to meet the requirements of a globalized society. This study has as an objective to analyze the perspective of teachers in what concern the pedagogical approaches used in nursing education and to identify pedagogical approaches utilized by teachers in nursing education. This is a field research of exploratory kind, descriptive, of quantitative approach. The search was conducted at the Department of Nursing of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte UFRN, based in the city of Natal. The population consisted of forty-six teachers. From this population was selected a sample of twenty teachers. Data collection occurred from August to September 2011, through the utilization of the technique of interview and questionnaire. The obtained data were analyzed in two moments. In the first moment, was carried out the quantitative analysis that refers to the obtained data through the interview technique, methodological procedures were submitted to the content analysis proposed by Bardin. On the second moment, concerning the quantitative analysis of the questionnaires applied to the teachers and of the identification data, which were digitized and transferred to a spreadsheet electronic of Microsoft Excel XP, tabulated and organized into tables, containing their relative and absolute frequencies. It is worth mentioning that were respected the aspects of the CNS Resolution 196/96. With regard to the characteristics of research participants, 20% were male; with a degree of titration of 55% doctorates; regarding time of service there was a greater representation from 15 to 45 years, with 45%. The results showed that 90% of teachers who participated in the research have an appropriate understanding of non-critical pedagogical approaches, only 10% had an inadequate understanding. However, 70% of teachers, despite having an adequate understanding, reported difficulties when attempting to implement these pedagogies. Most teachers, with representability of 80% consider the non-critical pedagogies relevant in nursing education, as well as critical pedagogies, being represented by 95% of teachers. It was concluded that both critical and non-critical pedagogies are in teachers practice of undergraduate nursing education. It feels like a moment of transition, since the presence of new ways of teaching as a part of this educational context, with educational models that give value to scientific, ethical and personal aspects in the educational process. The research contains limitations, however highlights the contribution of new possibilities for action, reflection on the context of performance, maximizing the pedagogical skills necessary to conduct teaching process, in line with the new educational paradigm of higher education
In last decades, the importance of including the contents of the Nature of Science (NOS) in Science Education has been emphasized. Several studies have focused on investigating the conceptions of NOS, supported by students and teachers, as well as design, implement and evaluate proposals that aim to provide a reflection on this theme in the educational context. Considering the complexity of such content, studies indicate the need for explicit and contextualized approaches and the History of Science (HS) is one of the possible paths to this inclusion. We started from the premise that, through a historical study, that aims to discuss the meaning and the basis of our "beliefs", we can know the process of building on what we "believe" and better understand its meaning. This thesis is part of this perspective, proposing to explore the History of the Vacuum, a themed high didactic potential still little used, in order to collaborate with the teaching content of NOS. We present actions on different fronts that originated three products in the context of this research. On the first front, we insert the research and production of instructional materials (three historical texts) to subsidize people interested in the implementation of HPS for educational context through this material. The relevance of this front is justified by the existence of gaps with regard to the production of such material for the context of teacher training. However, we consider that the preparation of instructional material of good quality and accessible does not guarantee that these resources will be used, if they will not be accompanied by discussions in teacher training, on how to use them, contexts and obstacles to be faced. The second part presented refers to the organization and implementation of a workshop for undergraduate students in physics and physics teachers, considering the instrumentalization of these individuals to the preparation and use of teaching strategies to approach aspects of NOS through episodes of History of the Vacuum, as well as the preparation of the text orientation for people interested in implementing the instructional material for secondary education. This guidance text contemplates the difficulties anticipated by the literature of the area and the main challenges faced by the participants about the didactic transposition of HPS for the educational context they were noted during the workshop. The relevance of this second front, in particular, is justified by the existence of gaps with regard to the inclusion of the theme of NOS and the HPS teacher training
Esta investigación es un análisis del contexto actual que rodea a la publicidad brasileña, más concretamente, la publicidad discurso televisivo dirigido a los niños en Brasil. Análisis de los documentos se basa en la revisión retórica (Leach, 2004) (SODRE, 2006) A partir de la primera supuesta inadecuación de algunos de sus contenidos al público para que se comunican. También investiga las posibilidades de regulación y la educación del consumidor y el papel de los medios de comunicación en la sociedad mediante la movilización exigiendo el cumplimiento y la mejora de la legislación vigente, evitando los posibles abusos y distorsiones de las secciones generales de la ley. Hemos llevado a cabo por separado se analiza en los niños y sus conceptualizaciones y la función social, abordando también el juguete y el acto de jugar hoy y su sede histórica en un intento de crear una fundación que apoya el análisis de la relación entre la infancia y la publicidad y el consumo, basado en obras de Roger Silverstone, Kapferer, Leontiev y Walter Benjamin. También se hicieron inferencias basadas en estudios de Pablo Del Río, sobre las posibles consecuencias psicológicas del consumo de medios por los niños, sin embargo, en arvorarmos llevar a cabo investigaciones en el estudio de la recepción. Se enfrentarán, tanto en acciones a favor de la aprobación de la Ley 5.921/2001 N º Suplente sugiere que la prohibición de la publicidad infantil en todo el país, los enfoques ampliamente "integrado" y por lo tanto, favorables a la continuidad de la actividad publicitaria en el país bajo la acción de la CONAR de autorregulación, lo que demuestra sin embargo, la viabilidad de ambas propuestas. Tambien relativa a el CONAR se llevó a cabo un estudio sobre su Consejo Asesor, dando a entender su composición y características. Por último, se estudian las posibilidades y el concepto de la educación para el consumo de los medios de comunicación, a partir de la utilización de los recursos de los propios medios de comunicación, como una propuesta para un cambio de paradigma en el mercado de la publicidad en Brasil. En conclusión, vemos que a partir del análisis de la publicidad comercial de los niños atendidos por la Red Globo de Televisión, en una muestra de 170 inserciones, todavía existen graves lagunas, pero que los desequilibrios se pueden resolver con medidas relativamente sencillas que incluyan campañas de educación y la exigencia de adecuación de los pocos grandes anunciantes que violan la ley. Afortunadamente, una nueva entrega de los anunciantes mostró la responsabilidad social en sus acciones
Among the therapeutic approaches that can be used to achieve this goal is the gait training on sloping surfaces, but there are few scientific findings that elucidate the results of this practice. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of training on sloping surfaces on the gait of subjects with chronic hemiparesis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A controlled, randomized, blinded clinical trial was conducted. Concluded the study twenty-four subjects with age between 40 and 70 years (54,91±9,3). Their neurological function, functional independence, motor function and balance assessed, besides the gait evaluation through kinemetry. The subjects were allocated into two groups: control group (CG) underwent gait training on treadmill with partial body weight support (PBWS) without inclination; and the experimental group (EG) submitted to gait training on treadmill with PBWS and inclination of 10%. Twelve training sessions were performed. The paired t Student test and Wilcoxon test were used in statistical analysis to compare findings before and after training for each group, and the t student test for independent samples and Mann-Whitney.test were used to compare the to groups. RESULTS: After training within-group changes were observed on balance recovery, motor function and functionality, in both experimental conditions. The EG showed changes after training on speed, stride length, step length of paretic and non-paretic side, paretic single support, double support time and non-paretic swing time. The CG the differences were detected on double support, paretic single support and hip range of movement. The EG showed better results when compared to CG on the variables: speed (p=0,034), non-paretic single support (p=0,02) and paretic swing time (p=0,02). CONCLUSION: gait training on sloping surfaces represents a promising strategy for gait training of subjects with chronic hemiparesis since it is can influence a greater number of gait variables, when compared with gait training on flat surface