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Axisymmetric notched bars with notch roots of large and small radii were tested under large strain cyclic loading. The main attention is focused on the fracture behaviour of steels having cycles to failure within the range 1-100. Our study shows that a gradual transition from a static ductile nature to one of fatigue cleavage can be observed and characterized by the Coffin-Manson formula in a generalized form. Both the triaxial tensile stress within the central region of specimens and static damage caused by the first increasing load have effects on the final failure event. A generalized cyclic strain range parameter DELTAepsilon is proposed as a measure of the numerous factors affecting behaviour. Fractographs are presented to illustrate the behaviour reported in the paper.


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in the corona, consisting of an eruptive prominence and/or a magnetic flux region (loop or arcade, or blob) in front of the prominence. Ahead of the piston, there is a compressed flow, which produces a shock front. This high-density region corresponds to the bright feature of the transient. Behind the piston, there is a rarefaction region, which corresponds to the dark feature of the transient. Therefore, both the bright and dark features of the transient may be explained at the same time by the dynamical process of the moving piston.


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Five short bottom sediment cores taken in Wakulla Spring Wakulla County, Florida, were described lithologically and sampled for palynological study. Four of the cores were recoveredfrom sediments at the spring cave entrance (130 feet water depth). One core was taken in a fossil vertebrate bone bed, 280 feet distance into the main spring cave at a water depth of 240 feet. Sediments in the cores are composed of alternating intervals of quartz sand and calcilitite, containing freshwater diatoms, freshwater mollusk shells and plant remains. The predominant pollen present in all cores consists of a periporate variety typical of the herb families Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae. Arboreal flora, typical of the area surrounding the spring today, represent a very low percentage of thle pollen assemblage in the cores. Clustered Chenopod-Amaranth type pollen observed in one core suggest minimal transport prior to deposition, and indicate that the bottom sediments in the cave may be essentially In situ. An absence of exotic flora suggests a Quaternary age for the sediments. (PDF contains 11 pages.)


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Estudio de tecnologías de Gestores de Contenidos (CMS) en la nube. CMS bajo Joomla! y orientado a la Prevención de Riesgos Laborales en la Empresa.


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Este proyecto de fin de carrera consiste en el desarrollo de una aplicación que sirva para gestionar la prevención de riesgos laborales a través de la herramienta Liferay. Gracias a ella toda la información quedará alojada en la nube.


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The present paper investigates particle density pro les of a dust cloud induced by a normal shock wave moving at a constant speed along a at surface deposited with ne particles. In shock-fixxed coordinates, numerical simulation of ow structures of the carrier- and dispersed- phases was performed for the M = 2 case. The neness and non-uniformity of the particle size are taken into account and their effcts on the dust cloud are discussed in detail.


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Curtis+Cartwright Consulting Ltd, working with the University of Surrey and Professor Charles Oppenheim, has been commissioned by Jisc to investigate Cloud Computing for Research. This document is the final report, and is accompanied by a briefing paper which provides advice targeted at researchers.


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The review of the environmental and organisational implications of cloud computing in higher and further education was commissioned by Jisc as part of its green ICT programme.


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Cloud-based infrastructure essentially comprises two offerings, cloud-based compute and cloud-based storage. These are perhaps best typified for most people by the two main components of the Amazon Web Services (AWS)1 public cloud offer, the Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)2 and the Simple Storage Service (S3)3, though, of course, there are many other related services offered by Amazon and many other providers of similar public cloud infrastructure across the Internet.