258 resultados para APIDAE


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This paper revises the bees currently considered to belong to the genus Rhectomia s.l. and proposes a species phylogeny based on morphological characters, using other Corynurina as outgroups. The results indicate that Rhinocorynura Schrottky renders Rhectomia s.l. paraphyletic. Consequently, Corynurella is removed from synonymy with Rhectomia s.s., and Paracorynurella gen.n. is proposed. The topology among these genera is: outgroup [(Rhectomia s.s. + Rhinocorynura) (Paracorynurella gen.n. + Corynurella)]. Nine species are assigned to Corynurella: C. brokopondoi sp.n., C. caerulea sp.n., C. cognata sp.n., C. decora sp.n., C. harrisoni (Engel), C. mourei Eickwort, C. nigra sp.n., C. singularis sp.n. and C. triangulata sp.n. Three new species are described in Paracorynurella gen.n.: type species P. betoi sp.n., P. excavata sp.n., P. reticulata sp.n.; P. difficillima (Ducke) comb.n. is transferred from Rhinocorynura. Three species are recognized in Rhectomia s.s.: R. catarina sp.n., R. liebherri Engel and R. pumilla Moure. The male of R. liebherri is described for the first time. Keys for the identification of the genera and species are provided.


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A new species of Megommation, M. amazonicum n. sp., is described and illustrated. An identification key for the two species of this genus is provided. Additionally, the lectotype and paralectotype of Megalopta (Megaloptella) ipomoea Schrottky are designated.


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Considering the ecological importance of stingless bees as caretakers and pollinators of a variety of native plants makes it necessary to improve techniques which increase of colonies' number in order to preserve these species and the biodiversity associated with them. Thus, our aim was to develop a methodology of in vitro production of stingless bee queens by offering a large quantity of food to the larvae. Our methodology consisted of determining the amount of larval food needed for the development of the queens, collecting and storing the larval food, and feeding the food to the larvae in acrylic plates. We found that the total average amount of larval food in a worker bee cell of E varia is approximately 26.70 +/- 3.55 mu L. We observed that after the consumption of extra amounts of food (25, 30, 35 and 40 mu L) the larvae differentiate into queens (n = 98). Therefore, the average total volume of food needed for the differentiation of a young larva of F. varia queen is approximately 61.70 +/- 5.00 mu L. In other words; the larvae destined to become queens eat 2.31 times more food than the ones destined to become workers. We used the species Frieseomelitta varia as a model, however the methodology can be reproduced for all species of stingless bees whose mechanism of caste differentiation depends on the amount of food ingested by the larvae. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of the in vitro technique developed herein, pointing to the possibility of its use as a tool to assist the production of queens on a large scale. This would allow for the artificial splitting of colonies and contribute to conservation efforts in native bees.


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The euglossine bee Eulaema nigrita plays an important role for the pollination of native and economically important plants, such as the sweet passion-fruit Passiflora alata. E. nigrita uniquely collects the nectar from the flowers of P alata, nevertheless, it needs to visit other plants to collect pollen, nectar and other resources for its survival. There are two methods to identify the species of plants used by bees in their diet: by direct observation of the bees in the flowers, and through identification of pollen grains present in brood cells, feces, or in the bees' body. In order to identify the other plants that E. nigrita visits, we analyzed samples of pollen grains removed from the bee's body in the course of the flowering period of P alata. Among our results, the flora visited by E. nigrita comprised 40 species from 32 genera and 19 families, some of them used as a pollen source or just nectar. In spite of being a polyletic species, E. nigrita exhibited preference for some plant species with poricidal anthers. P alata which has high sugar concentration nectar was the main source of nectar for this bee in the studied area. Nonetheless, the pollinic analysis indicated that others nectariferous plant species are necessary to keep the populations of E. nigrita. Studies such as this one are important since they indicate supplementary pollen-nectar sources which must be used for the conservation of the populations of E. nigrita in crops neighbouring areas. In the absence of pollinators, growers are forced to pay for hand pollination, which increases production costs; keeping pollinators in cultivated areas is still more feasible to ensure sweet passion fruit production. Rev. Biol. Trop. 60 (4): 1553-1565. Epub 2012 December 01.


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In the present study, a microsatellite-enriched genomic library was constructed and primers for 14 microsatellite loci were designed for Xylocopa frontalis. Twenty unrelated individuals were screened. All loci were polymorphic and the number of alleles per locus ranged from 6 to 17 (x = 10.43). Observed (H-o) and expected (H-e) heterozygosities ranged from 0.350 to 0.950 and 0.674 to 0.898, respectively. All loci were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, except one. The microsatellite loci described in this study will contribute towards general biology studies of X. frontalis, intranidal genetic relationships and nest management for the pollination of passion fruit.


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Lia Goncalves, Claudia Ines da Silva, and Maria Luisa Tunes Buschini (2012) Collection of pollen grains by Centris (Hemisiella) tarsata Smith (Apidae: Centridini): Is C. tarsata an oligolectic or polylectic species? Zoological Studies 51(2): 195-203. Among pollinator species, bees play a prominent role in maintaining biodiversity because they are responsible, on average, for 80% of angiosperm pollination in tropical regions. The species richness of the bee genus Centris is high in South America. In Brazil, these bees occur in many types of ecosystems. Centris tarsata is an endemic species occurring only in Brazil. No previous studies considered interactions between plants and this bee species in southern Brazil, where it is the most abundant trap-nesting bee. Accordingly, the goals of this study were to investigate plants used by this species for its larval food supply and determine if this bee is polylectic or oligolectic in this region. This work was conducted in the Parque Municipal das Araucarias, Guarapuava (PR), southern Brazil, from Mar. 2002 to Dec. 2003. Samples of pollen were collected from nests of these bees and from flowering plants in grassland and swamp areas where the nests were built. All of the samples were treated with acetolysis to obtain permanent slides. The family Solanaceae was visited most often (71%). Solanum americanum Mill. (28.6%) and Sol. variabile Mart. (42.4%) were the primary pollen sources for C. tarsata in the study area. We found that although C. tarsata visited 20 species of plants, it preferred Solanum species with poricidal anthers and pollen grains with high protein levels. This selective behavior by females of C. tarsata indicates that these bees are oligolectic in their larval provisioning in this region of southern Brazil. http://zoolstud.sinica.edu.tw/Journals/51.2/195.pdf


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The spatial and temporal distribution of organisms is a fundamental aspect of biological communities. The present study focused on three remnants of arboreal Caatinga in northeastern Brazil between May, 2009 and April, 2010. A total of 627 euglossine males were captured in traps baited with artificial aromatic compounds. The specimens belonged to 14 species and four genera: Euglossa Latreille, Eulaema Lepeletier, Eufriesea Cockerell, and Exaerete Hoffmannsegg. Eulaema nigrita Lepeletier (41.6), Euglossa carolina Nem,sio (15.3%), Eulaema marcii Nem,sio (13.6%), and Euglossa melanotricha Moure (12.8%) were the most common species sampled. The distribution of collected specimens per fragment was as follows: BraA(0)na (280 ha)-259 individuals belonging to 14 species; Cambui (179 ha)-161 individuals from eight species; and Pindoba (100 ha)-207 individuals represented by seven species. BraA(0)na had the highest diversity (H'aEuro parts per thousand= 1.91) and estimated species richness. The largest fragment was the main source of the observed variation in species richness and abundance, indicating a non-random pattern of spatial distribution. The analysis of environmental factors indicated that seasonal variation in these factors was the principal determinant of species occurrence and abundance.


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Biogeography has been difficult to apply as a methodological approach because organismic biology is incomplete at levels where the process of formulating comparisons and analogies is complex. The study of insect biogeography became necessary because insects possess numerous evolutionary traits and play an important role as pollinators. Among insects, the euglossine bees, or orchid bees, attract interest because the study of their biology allows us to explain important steps in the evolution of social behavior and many other adaptive tradeoffs. We analyzed the distribution of morphological characteristics in Colombian orchid bees from an ecological perspective. The aim of this study was to observe the distribution of these attributes on a regional basis. Data corresponding to Colombian euglossine species were ordered with a correspondence analysis and with subsequent hierarchical clustering. Later, and based on community proprieties, we compared the resulting hierarchical model with the collection localities to seek to identify a biogeographic classification pattern. From this analysis, we derived a model that classifies the territory of Colombia into 11 biogeographic units or natural clusters. Ecological assumptions in concordance with the derived classification levels suggest that species characteristics associated with flight performance, nectar uptake, and social behavior are the factors that served to produce the current geographical structure.


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The stingless bees are an important component of the insect biomass in many tropical areas, due to their collection of nectar and pollen. Trigona spinipes is a widely distributed species in South America, and described as a pollinator of many crops that can be used in a commercial pollinating system. The effects of plant extracts on insects are studied because of the demand for organic food and their selectivity to natural enemies. Plant insecticides are reported as a potential agent for the control of insect pests, however little is known about their impact on beneficial insects. This study investigated the survival of Trigona spinipes (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Meliponini) Fabricius, after exposure to the leaf extracts of Azadiracha indica (Meliaceae), Lippia sidoides (Verbenaceae), Sapindus saponaria (Sapindaceae), Anonna squamosa (Anonnaceae) Cymbopogon winterianum (Poaceae), Corimbia citriodora (Myrtaceae), Jatropha curcas (Euphorbiaceae) and Ricinus communis (Euphorbiaceae) and of seeds of Azadiracha indica, Ricinus communis Nordestina and AL Guarany varieties and Jatropha curcas. The extracts that had the greatest influence on the survival of the bees were A. indica at 3% and 7% of concentration, A. squamosa at a concentration of 10% with 68.89% survival and green leaf of R. communis at a concentration of 7%. The results show that although the extracts were effective in controlling pests, they may also affect the pollinator Trigona spinipes.


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Morphometric methods permit identification of insect species and are an aid for taxonomy. Quantitative wing traits were used to identify male euglossine bees. Landmark- and outline-based methods have been primarily used independently. Here, we combine the two methods using five Euglossa. Landmark-based methods correctly classified 84% and outline-based 77%, but an integrated analysis correctly classified 91% of samples. Some species presented significantly high reclassification percentages when only wing cell contour was considered, and correct identification of specimens with damaged wings was also obtained using this methodology.


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The nesting biology and social behavior of the euglossine bee species Euglossa melanotricha was analyzed based on the monitoring of eight nests found in man-made cavities and transferred to observation boxes. Euglossa melanotricha females usually construct their nests in cavities in the ground, in buildings, or in mounds. In this study, we present new data on the nesting biology of E. melanotricha. The process of reactivation of nests was commonly observed with one to three females participating in the reactivation. The duration of the process of reactivation ranged from 10 to 78 days (n = 31) and were longer during the rainy season. Time spent (in days) for provisioning, oviposition and closing a single cell was higher in reactivations that occurred during the dry period. 151 emergences were observed (39 males and 112 females). 90 (80.3%) of the emerged females returned to the natal nest, but only 35(38.9%) remained and actively participated in the construction and provisioning of cells. The other 55 abandoned the nests after several days without performing any work in the nest. Matrifilial nest structure was regulated by dominance-subordinate aggressive behavior among females, where the dominant female laid almost all eggs. Task allocation was recognized by behavioral characteristics, namely, agonism and oophagy in cells oviposited by other females. Euglossa melanotricha is multivoltine and its nesting is asynchronous with respect to season. Our observations suggest a primitively eusocial organization. These observations of E. melanotricha provide valuable information for comparison with other species of Euglossa in an evolutionary context.


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Flight activity of foragers of four colonies of Plebeia remota (Holmberg, 1903) was registered from December 1998 to December 1999, using an automated system (photocells and PLC system). The colonies originated from two different regions: Cunha, state of Sao Paulo, and Prudentopolis, state of Parana, Brazil. Flight activity was influenced by different climatic factors in each season. In the summer, the intensity of the correlations between flight activity and climatic factors was smaller than in the other seasons. During the autumn and winter, solar radiation was the factor that most influenced flight activity, while in the spring, this activity was influenced mainly by temperature. Except in the summer, the various climatic factors similarly influenced flight activity of all of the colonies. Flight activity was not affected by geographic origin of the colonies. Information concerning seasonal differences in flight activity of P. remota will be useful for prediction of geographic distribution scenarios under climatic changes.


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Pollen traps used for harvesting pollen from Apis mellifera do not work for stingless bees, as most species have small entrances and rapidly deposit large quantities of propolis at any barrier in front of the nest. Some stingless beekeepers harvest pollen by removing it directly from pollen pots, but this pollen is normally fermented and unpalatable. The aim of this study was to test a new method for harvesting pollen from stingless bee colonies before it begins to ferment. Colonies of Scaptotrigona depilis were removed and replaced by empty hives, which were occupied by the returning foragers and used for storing pollen and nectar. After one week, the pollen and honey were harvested directly from the storing pots and weighed. On average, the colonies produced 8.7 g of honey and 54.2 g of unfermented pollen (n = 10). This method is a viable option for harvesting unfermented pollen from stingless bees, especially with species that harvest large amounts of pollen. The unfermented pollen of S. depilis was well received in taste tests, receiving higher scores than fermented pollen, and similar scores to A. mellifera pollen, so could have great commercial possibilities. It is also a good method for studying the foraging of stingless bees because the amount of harvested food can be easily and precisely quantified.


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The endemic stingless honey-making bee Melipona (Melikerria) insularissp.n. on Coiba and Rancheria Islands in Pacific Panama is described, together with the proposed sister species, M. ambigua sp.n. from northeast Colombia. The Coiba Island group and Panama mainland were surveyed, yielding one meliponine endemic (M. insularissp.n.) and six meliponine genera and species. The poor Coiba fauna of amphibians and birds corresponds to the poor social bee fauna and suggests habitat barriers generally precluded recolonization from the mainland during glacial periods. Many animals became extinct, yet some remain as relicts. Melipona insularissp.n. was isolated on accreted terranes of Coiba rainforest in the Panama microplate. Morphology suggests that M. insularissp.n. is not a direct descendant of the San Blas-E. Panama endemic Melikerria, M. triplaridis. A phylogenetic hypothesis corroborates disjunct distributions. Rainforest endemics such as Peltogyne purpurea (Fabaceae) and Ptilotrigona occidentalis (Apidae, Meliponini) also occur as relictual, disjunct populations in Central and South America. These may have been isolated before accelerated biotic exchange began 2.4 Ma. Our work supports the geological findings of both a volcanic arc and the San Blas massif providing a substantial bridge for Melikerria from Colombia and Panama in Eocene to Miocene times. We suggest there have been taxon cycles permitting recolonization during glaciations, whereby colonies of M. insularissp.n. were able to recolonize Rancheria, a 250 ha island, 2 km from Coiba. However, rafting colonies nesting in trees, carried on vegetation mats, may have produced founding populations of Melipona in Central America and on oceanic islands such as Coiba.


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Flight activity of foragers of four colonies of Plebeia remota (Holmberg, 1903) was registered from December 1998 to December 1999, using an automated system (photocells and PLC system). The colonies originated from two different regions: Cunha, state of São Paulo, and Prudentópolis, state of Paraná, Brazil. Flight activity was influenced by different climatic factors in each season. In the summer, the intensity of the correlations between flight activity and climatic factors was smaller than in the other seasons. During the autumn and winter, solar radiation was the factor that most influenced flight activity, while in the spring, this activity was influenced mainly by temperature. Except in the summer, the various climatic factors similarly influenced flight activity of all of the colonies. Flight activity was not affected by geographic origin of the colonies. Information concerning seasonal differences in flight activity of P. remota will be useful for prediction of geographic distribution scenarios under climatic changes.