191 resultados para ANGIOPLASTY
The objective of this study was to clarify the relative roles of medial versus luminal factors in the induction of thickening of the arterial intima after balloon angioplasty injury. Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and thrombin, both associated with thrombosis, and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), stored in the arterial wall, have been implicated in this process. To unequivocally isolate the media from luminally derived factors, we used a 20-μm thick hydrogel barrier that adhered firmly to the arterial wall to block thrombus deposition after balloon-induced injury of the carotid artery of the rat. Thrombosis, bFGF mobilization, medial repopulation, and intimal thickening were measured. Blockade of postinjury arterial contact with blood prevented thrombosis and dramatically inhibited both intimal thickening and endogenous bFGF mobilization. By blocking blood contact on the two time scales of thrombosis and of intimal thickening, and by using local protein release to probe, by reconstitution, the individual roles of PDGF-BB and thrombin, we were able to conclude that a luminally derived factor other than PDGF or thrombin is required for the initiation of cellular events leading to intimal thickening after balloon injury in the rat. We further conclude that a luminally derived factor is required for mobilization of medial bFGF.
Blood vessel elasticity is important to physiology and clinical problems involving surgery, angioplasty, tissue remodeling, and tissue engineering. Nonlinearity in blood vessel elasticity in vivo is important to the formation of solitons in arterial pulse waves. It is well known that the stress–strain relationship of the blood vessel is nonlinear in general, but a controversy exists on how nonlinear it is in the physiological range. Another controversy is whether the vessel wall is biaxially isotropic. New data on canine aorta were obtained from a biaxial testing machine over a large range of finite strains referred to the zero-stress state. A new pseudo strain energy function is used to examine these questions critically. The stress–strain relationship derived from this function represents the sum of a linear stress–strain relationship and a definitely nonlinear relationship. This relationship fits the experimental data very well. With this strain energy function, we can define a parameter called the degree of nonlinearity, which represents the fraction of the nonlinear strain energy in the total strain energy per unit volume. We found that for the canine aorta, the degree of nonlinearity varies from 5% to 30%, depending on the magnitude of the strains in the physiological range. In the case of canine pulmonary artery in the arch region, Debes and Fung [Debes, J. C. & Fung, Y. C.(1995) Am. J. Physiol. 269, H433–H442] have shown that the linear regime of the stress–strain relationship extends from the zero-stress state to the homeostatic state and beyond. Both vessels, however, are anisotropic in both the linear and nonlinear regimes.
Lipocalin-type prostaglandin D synthase (L-PGDS) is localized in the central nervous system and male genital organs of various mammals and is secreted as β-trace into the closed compartment of these tissues separated from the systemic circulation. In this study, we found that the mRNA for the human enzyme was expressed most intensely in the heart among various tissues examined. In human autopsy specimens, the enzyme was localized immunocytochemically in myocardial cells, atrial endocardial cells, and a synthetic phenotype of smooth muscle cells in the arteriosclerotic intima, and accumulated in the atherosclerotic plaque of coronary arteries with severe stenosis. In patients with stable angina (75–99% stenosis), the plasma level of L-PGDS was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the great cardiac vein (0.694 ± 0.054 μg/ml, n = 7) than in the coronary artery (0.545 ± 0.034 μg/ml), as determined by a sandwich enzyme immunoassay. However, the veno-arterial difference in the plasma L-PGDS concentration was not observed in normal subjects without stenosis. After a percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty was performed to compress the stenotic atherosclerotic plaques, the L-PGDS concentration in the cardiac vein decreased significantly (P < 0.05) to 0.610 ± 0.051 μg/ml at 20 min and reached the arterial level within 1 h. These findings suggest that L-PGDS is present in both endocardium and myocardium of normal subjects and the stenotic site of patients with stable angina and is secreted into the coronary circulation.
Restenosis is due to neointimal hyperplasia, which occurs in the coronary artery after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA). During restenosis, an impairment of nitric oxide (NO)-dependent pathways may occur. Concomitant hypercholesterolemia may exacerbate restenosis in patients undergoing PTCA. Here, we show that a NO-releasing aspirin derivative (NCX-4016) reduces the degree of restenosis after balloon angioplasty in low-density lipoprotein receptor-deficient mice and this effect is associated with reduced vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation and macrophage deposition at the site of injury. Drugs were administered following both therapeutic or preventive protocols. We demonstrate that NCX-4016 is effective both in prevention and treatment of restenosis in the presence of hypercholesterolemia. These data indicate that impairment of NO-dependent mechanisms may be involved in the development of restenosis in hypercholesterolemic mice. Although experimental models of restenosis may not reflect restenosis in humans in all details, we suggest that a NO-releasing aspirin derivative could be an effective drug in reducing restenosis following PTCA, especially in the presence of hypercholesterolemia and/or gastrointestinal damage.
Smooth muscle cell plasticity is considered a prerequisite for atherosclerosis and restenosis following angioplasty and bypass surgery. Identification of transcription factors that specify one smooth muscle cell phenotype over another therefore may be of major importance in understanding the molecular basis of these vascular disorders. Homeobox genes exemplify one class of transcription factors that could govern smooth muscle cell phenotypic diversity. Accordingly, we screened adult and fetal human smooth muscle cell cDNA libraries with a degenerate oligonucleotide corresponding to a highly conserved region of the homeodomain with the idea that homeobox genes, if present, would display a smooth muscle cell phenotype-dependent pattern of expression. No homeobox genes were detected in the adult human smooth muscle cell library; however, five nonparalogous homeobox genes were uncovered from the fetal library (HoxA5, HoxA11, HoxB1, HoxB7, and HoxC9). Northern blotting of adult and fetal tissues revealed low and restricted expression of all five homeobox genes. No significant differences in transcripts of HoxA5, HoxA11, and HoxB1 were detected between adult or fetal human smooth muscle cells in culture. HoxB7 and HoxC9, however, showed preferential mRNA expression in fetal human smooth muscle cells that appeared to correlate with the age of the donor. This phenotype-dependent expression of homeobox genes was also noted in rat pup versus adult smooth muscle cells. While similar differences in gene expression have been reported between subsets of smooth muscle cells from rat vessels of different-aged animals or clones of rat smooth muscle, our findings represent a demonstration of a transcription factor distinguishing two human smooth muscle cell phenotypes.
Smooth muscle cell (SMC) proliferation is thought to play a major role in vascular restenosis after angioplasty and is a serious complication of the procedure. Developing antisense (AS) oligonucleotides as therapeutics is attractive because of the potentially high specificity of binding to their targets, and several investigators have reported inhibition of SMC proliferation in vitro and in vivo by using AS strategies. We report here the results of our experiments on vascular SMCs using AS oligonucleotides directed toward c-myb and c-myc. We found that significant inhibition of SMC proliferation occurred with these specific AS sequences but that this inhibition was clearly not via a hybridization-dependent AS mechanism. Rather, inhibition was due to the presence of four contiguous guanosine residues in the oligonucleotide sequence. This was demonstrated in vitro in primary cultures of SMCs and in arteries ex vivo. The ex vivo model developed here provides a rapid and effective system in which to screen potential oligonucleotide drugs for restenosis. We have further explored the sequence requirements of this non-AS effect and determined that phosphorothioate oligonucleotides containing at least two sets of three or four consecutive guanosine residues inhibit SMC proliferation in vitro and ex vivo. These results suggest that previous AS data obtained using these and similar, contiguous guanosine-containing AS sequences be reevaluated and that there may be an additional class of nucleic acid compounds that have potential as antirestenosis therapeutics.
A via de acesso arterial é um importante sítio de complicações após a realização de procedimentos coronários invasivos. Dentre as estratégias para a redução de complicações vasculares, encontra-se estabelecida a eficácia da técnica radial. Os dispositivos de oclusão vascular propiciam maior conforto ao paciente, reduzindo o tempo de hemostasia e repouso no leito. Entretanto, a inconsistência de dados comprovando sua segurança limita sua adoção rotineira como estratégia para redução de complicações vasculares, requerendo evidências de estudos randomizados com metodologia adequada. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a incidência de complicações no sítio de punção arterial entre a técnica radial e a técnica femoral com utilização de Angio-Seal em pacientes com síndrome coronariana aguda sem supradesnível do segmento ST submetidos à estratégia invasiva precoce. Trata-se de um ensaio clínico unicêntrico, de não inferioridade, no qual duzentos e quarenta pacientes foram randomizados para a técnica radial ou técnica femoral com utilização de Angio-Seal. O objetivo primário foi a ocorrência de complicações no sítio de punção arterial até 30 dias após o procedimento, incluindo sangramento grave, hematoma >= 5 cm, hematoma retroperitoneal, síndrome compartimental, pseudoaneurisma, fístula arteriovenosa, infecção, isquemia de membro, oclusão arterial, lesão de nervo adjacente ou necessidade de reparo vascular cirúrgico. Em relação às características demográficas e clínicas, houve diferença apenas quanto ao gênero, com presença maior de pacientes do sexo feminino no grupo radial (33,3% versus 20,0%, p=0,020). Não se observaram diferenças entre os grupos quanto ao diagnóstico de admissão, alterações isquêmicas presentes no eletrocardiograma, elevação de marcadores de necrose miocárdica ou escores de risco, bem como quanto à farmacoterapia antitrombótica adjunta e características da intervenção coronária percutânea. A hemostasia foi obtida na totalidade dos procedimentos do grupo radial com a utilização da pulseira compressora seletiva TR Band e em 95% dos procedimentos realizados pela técnica femoral com o Angio-Seal (p=0,029). Exceto pela maior incidência de oclusão arterial no grupo radial comparado ao femoral, não houve diferenças entre os demais desfechos analisados. Segundo o teste de não inferioridade para complicações na via de acesso arterial aos 30 dias, verificou-se que a utilização do Angio-Seal não produziu resultados inferiores ao acesso radial, considerando-se a margem de 15% (12,5% versus 13,3%, diferença -0,83%, IC 95% -9,31 - 7,65, p para não inferioridade <0,001). Os resultados principais deste estudo demonstram que, em uma população de pacientes com diagnóstico de síndrome coronariana aguda sem supradesnível do segmento ST, submetida à estratificação de risco invasiva, a utilização do dispositivo de oclusão vascular Angio-Seal confere ao procedimento efetivado pelo acesso femoral inferioridade na incidência de complicações no sítio de punção arterial aos 30 dias quando comparado ao acesso radial.
INTRODUÇÃO: Durante procedimentos endovasculares, estão presentes os riscos relacionados ao uso dos contrastes iodados, tais como a nefropatia por contraste, uma vez que é fundamental o emprego de um meio de contraste para a obtenção das imagens radiológicas vasculares. A injeção intravascular de gás CO2 purificado é reconhecidamente uma alternativa relativamente mais segura ao contraste iodado, contudo, seu manuseio artesanal pode também trazer dificuldades técnicas e riscos aos pacientes. Para contemplar estas questões, foi desenvolvido o protótipo de um injetor intravascular de CO2 medicinal, microprocessado, dedicado à obtenção de imagens angiográficas. OBJETIVOS: Realizar os testes de viabilidade técnica inicial do protótipo em modelo in vivo. MÉTODOS: Realizar a angioplastia da artéria renal esquerda de 10 porcos, divididos em 2 grupos: Grupo 1 (n=5) injeção de contraste iodado, Grupo 2 (n=5) injeção de CO2 através do protótipo. Monitorização clínica e laboratorial dos animais no pré, intra e pós-operatório, com exames de função renal na véspera e 48h após os procedimentos e 3 gasometrias arteriais seriadas no intra-operatório. Observação clínica foi mantida por 48h no pós- operatório. RESULTADOS: Os procedimentos de angioplastia com CO2 foram realizados com sucesso técnico de 100%, sem necessidade de complementação com injeção de contraste iodado no Grupo 2. Não foram identificadas falhas no protótipo em funcionamento. Não foram identificadas alterações clínicas ou radiológicas sugestivas de contaminação por ar ambiente do sistema de CO2 e nem alterações laboratoriais nos animais. As imagens angiográficas obtidas no Grupo 2 foram consideradas, numa avaliação subjetiva, relativamente inferiores às imagens obtidas no Grupo 1. DISCUSSÃO: A qualidade inferior de imagem no Grupo 2 pode ser atribuída ao equipamento de fluoroscopia utilizado, com software desatualizado em relação aos equipamentos atuais, que incluem pré-configurações para angiografia com CO2; no entanto, ainda assim todos os procedimentos propostos no Grupo 2 foram realizados com sucesso técnico, o que nos leva a classificar as imagens deste grupo 2 como satisfatórias. O manuseio do aparelho mostrou-se ágil e eficiente, com a programação dos parâmetros sendo realizada com facilidade através do visor \"touch screen\", comparativamente superior ao método artesanal de injeção de CO2 com seringas em selo d\'água. CONCLUSÕES: O protótipo do aparelho injetor intravascular de CO2 funcionou de forma adequada durante os testes e as imagens obtidas permitiram a compleição com sucesso dos procedimentos. Portanto, os resultados positivos obtidos sugerem que o equipamento é tecnicamente viável
Deformable Template models are first applied to track the inner wall of coronary arteries in intravascular ultrasound sequences, mainly in the assistance to angioplasty surgery. A circular template is used for initializing an elliptical deformable model to track wall deformation when inflating a balloon placed at the tip of the catheter. We define a new energy function for driving the behavior of the template and we test its robustness both in real and synthetic images. Finally we introduce a framework for learning and recognizing spatio-temporal geometric constraints based on Principal Component Analysis (eigenconstraints).
Objective: Our previous studies showed that the pleiotropic cytokine leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) inhibits the de novo formation of experimental atherosclerotic lesions. The present study examined whether LIF also inhibits progression of pre-existing atheroma. Methods: Balloon angioplasty was performed on the right carotid arteries of 18 rabbits immediately before placing animals on a cholesterol-enriched diet. After 4 weeks, at which time the intima:media ratio (IN) was 0.99+/-0.12 (n=6), osmotic minipumps containing LIF (n=6) or saline control n=6) were inserted into the peritoneal cavity of each of the remaining rabbits for a further 4 weeks. Arteries were then harvested for analysis. Results: Continuous administration of LIF for the final 4 weeks of an 8-week cholesterol-enriched diet completely inhibited lesion progression in injured carotid arteries (I:M 1.05+/-0.16) compared with the saline-treated group at 8 weeks (1.62+/-0.13; P
Objective: We sought to define the influence of revascularisation and contractile reserve on left ventricular (LV) remodelling in patients with LV dysfunction after myocardial infarction. Revascularisation of viable myocardium is associated with improved regional function, but the effect on remodelling is undefined. Methods: We studied 70 patients with coronary artery disease and LV dysfunction, 31 of whom underwent revascularisation. A standard dobutamine stress echocardiogram (DbE) was carried out. All patients underwent standard medical treatment; the decision to revascularise was made clinically, independent of this study. LV volumes and ejection fraction were measured by 3D echocardiography at baseline and after an average of 40 weeks. Results: There was no significant difference in baseline ejection fraction or volumes between patients who underwent revascularisation and the remainder. Compared to medically treated patients, revascularised patients had significant improvements in ejection fraction and end-systolic volume in follow-up. The impact of baseline variables on remodelling was assessed by dividing patients into tertiles of LV ejection fraction and volumes. Revascularised patients in the lowest tertile of ejection fraction at baseline (<38%) had a significant improvement in end-systolic volume and ejection fraction, larger than obtained in medically treated patients with low ejection fraction. Revascularised patients with an ejection fraction >38% did not show significant improvement in volumes compared to baseline. Revascularised patients in the largest tertiles of end-systolic (>88 ml) or end-diastolic volume (>149 ml) at baseline had a significant improvement in end-systolic volume. Conclusion: Remodeling appears to occur independent of the presence of regional contractile reserve but does correlate with the volume response to low-dose dobutamine. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: Postsystolic thickening (PST) of ischemic myocardial segments has been reported to account for the characteristic heterogeneity or regional asynchrony of myocardial wall motion during acute ischemia. Hypothesis: Postsystolic thickening detected by Doppler myocardial imaging (DMI) could be a useful clinical index of myocardial viability or peri-infarction viability in patients with myocardial infarction (MI). Methods: Doppler myocardial imaging was recorded at each stage of a standard dobutamine stress echocardiogram (DSE) in 20 patients (16 male, 60 +/- 13 years) with an NIT in the territory of the left anterior descending artery. Myocardial velocity data were measured in the interventricular septum and apical inferior segment of the MI territory. Postsystolic thickening was identified if the absolute velocity of PST was higher than peak systolic velocity in the presence of either a resting PST > 2.0 cm/s or if PST doubled at low-dose dobutamine infusion. Results: Doppler myocardial imaging data could be analyzed in 38 ischemic segments (95%), and PST was observed in 21 segments (55%), including 3 segments showing PST only at low-dose dobutamine infusion. There was no significant difference of baseline wall motion score index (2.1 +/- 0.3 vs. 2.1 +/- 0.6, p = 0.77) or peak systolic velocity (1.1 +/- 1.1 vs. 1.9 +/- 2.0 cm/s, p = 0.05) between segments with and without PST Peri-infarction ischemia or viability during DSE was more frequently observed in segments with PST than in those without (86 vs. 24%, p < 0.05). The sensitivity and specificity of PST for prediction of peri-infarction viability or ischemia was 82 and 81%, respectively. Conclusions: Postsystolic thickening in the infarct territory detected by DMI is closely related with peri-infarction ischemia or viability at DSE.
Clinical evaluation of arterial potency in acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is unreliable. We sought to identify infarction and predict infarct-related artery potency measured by the Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) score with qualitative and quantitative intravenous myocardial contrast echocardiography (MCE). Thirty-four patients with suspected STEMI underwent MCE before emergency angiography and planned angioplasty. MCE was performed with harmonic imaging and variable triggering intervals during intravenous administration of Optison. Myocardial perfusion was quantified offline, fitting an exponential function to contrast intensity at various pulsing intervals. Plateau myocardial contrast intensity (A), rate of rise (beta), and myocardial flow (Q = A x beta) were assessed in 6 segments. Qualitative assessment of perfusion defects was sensitive for the diagnosis of infarction (sensitivity 93%) and did not differ between anterior and inferior infarctions. However, qualitative assessment had only moderate specificity (50%), and perfusion defects were unrelated to TIMI flow. In patients with STEMI, quantitatively derived myocardial blood flow Q (A x beta) was significantly lower in territories subtended by an artery with impaired (TIMI 0 to 2) flow than those territories supplied by a reperfused artery with TIMI 3 flow (10.2 +/- 9.1 vs 44.3 +/- 50.4, p = 0.03). Quantitative flow was also lower in segments with impaired flow in the subtending artery compared with normal patients with TIMI 3 flow (42.8 +/- 36.6, p = 0.006) and all segments with TIMI 3 flow (35.3 +/- 32.9, p = 0.018). An receiver-operator characteristic curve derived cut-off Q value of
There is an urgent need to treat restenosis, a major complication of the treatment of arteries blocked by atherosclerotic plaque, using local delivery techniques. We observed that cross-linked fibrin (XLF) is deposited at the site of surgical injury of arteries. An antibody to XLF, conjugated to anti-restenotic agents, should deliver the drugs directly and only to the site of injury. An anti-XLF antibody (H93.7C.1D2/48; 1D2) was conjugated to heparin (using N-succinimidyl 3-(2-pyridyldithio)-propionate), low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) (adipic acid dihydrazide) and rapamycin (1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide/N-hydroxysuccinimide), and the conjugates purified and tested for activity before use in vivo. Rabbits had their right carotid arteries de-endothelialised and then given a bolus of 1D2-heparin, 1D2-LMWH or 1D2-rapamycin conjugate or controls of saline, heparin, LMWH, rapamycin or 1D2 (+/-heparin bolus) and sacrificed after 2 or 4 weeks (12 groups, n=6/group). Rabbits given any of the conjugates had minimal neointimal development in injured arteries, with up to 59% fewer neointimal cells than those given control drugs. Rabbits given 1D2-heparin or 1D2-LMWH had an increased or insignificant reduction in luminal area, with positive remodelling, while the medial and total arterial areas of rabbits given 1D2-rapamycin were not affected by injury. Arteries exposed to 1D2-heparin or 1D2-rapamycin had more endothelial cells than rabbits given control drugs. Thus, XLF-antibodies can site-deliver anti-restenotic agents to injured areas of the artery wall, where the conjugates can influence remodelling, re-endothelialisation and neointimal cell density, with reduced neointimal formation. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.