988 resultados para AMAZON RIVER


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Hydrological samples were collected on the continental shelf of the Amazon river to determine particulate organic and inorganic matter, dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP), phosphate, total particulate phosphorus (TPP), chlorophyll a, temperature, salinity, pH, water transparency, dissolved oxygen (DO) and saturation rate. The objective was to study the forms of DOP, phosphate and TPP. In the euphotic layer, the fluvial discharge from the Amazon river favored the distribution of phosphate, TPP and DOP. In the aphotic layer, the phosphate concentration increased due to the decomposition of DOP and TPP. This increase is due to the absence of photosynthetic processes.


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The study of Antarctic archaeal communities adds information on the biogeography of this group and helps understanding the dynamics of biogenic methane production in such extreme habitats. Molecular methods were combined to methane flux determinations in Martel Inlet, Admiralty Bay, to assess archaeal diversity, to obtain information about contribution of the area to atmospheric methane budget and to detect possible interferences of the Antarctic Brazilian Station Comandante Ferraz (EACF) wastewater discharge on local archaeal communities and methane emissions. Methane fluxes in Martel Inlet ranged from 3.2 to 117.9 mu mol CH(4) m(-2) d(-1), with an average of 51.3 +/- 8.5 mu mol CH(4) m(-2) d(-1) and a median of 57.6 mu mol CH(4) m(-2)d(-1). However, three negative fluxes averaging -11.3 mu mol CH(4) m(-2) d(-1) were detected in MacKellar Inlet, indicating that Admiralty Bay can be either a source or sink of atmospheric methane. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) showed that archaeal communities at EACF varied with depth and formed a group separated from the reference sites. Granulometric analysis indicated that differences observed may be mostly related to sediment type. However, an influence of wastewater input could not be discarded, since higher methane fluxes were found at CF site. suggesting stimulation of local methanogenesis. DGGE profile of the wastewater sample grouped separated from all other samples, suggesting that methanogenesis stimulation may be due to changes in environmental conditions rather than to the input of allochtonous species from the wastewater. 16S ribosomal DNA clone libraries analysis showed that all wastewater sequences were related to known methanogenic groups belonging to the hydrogenotrophic genera Methanobacterium and Methanobrevibacter and the aceticlastic genus Methanosaeta. EACF and Botany Point sediment clone libraries retrieved only groups of uncultivated Archaea, with predominance of Crenarchaeota representatives (MCG, MG1, MBG-B, MBG-C and MHVG groups). Euryarchaeota sequences found were mostly related to the LDS and RC-V groups, but MBG-D and DHVE-5 were also present. No representatives of cultivated methanogenic groups were found, but coverage estimates suggest that a higher number of clones would have to be analyzed in order to cover the greater archaeal diversity of Martel Inlet sediment. Nevertheless, the analysis of the libraries revealed groups not commonly found by other authors in Antarctic habitats and also indicated the presence of groups of uncultivated archaea previously associated to methane rich environments or to the methane cycle. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fifteen live adult male botos, or Amazon river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis), were examined using ultrasonography during the yearly capture expedition, between October and November 2005, at the Mamiraua Sustainable Development Reserve, within the Brazilian Amazon (3 degrees S, 65 degrees W). All examinations were performed with a Sonosite 180 plus ultrasound unit in conjunction with a 2- to 5-MHz multifrequency transducer convex array 180 Plus/Elite-C60. Age and maturity estimates were determined considering the body length, weight, and external characteristics. In all examinations, the testes were discerned by the presence of a hyperechoic central line, called the mediastinum testis, a landmark for their identification during ultrasonography. No significant differences in echogenicity were detected on the ultrasonographic appearance of the testes among the studied animals. On adult male botos, apparent parenchymal nodulation of the testis was observed on scanning in most of the animals and probably constituted evidence of reproductive maturity. Using the color Doppler technique, blood flow was detected along the mediastinum testis that progressively decreased toward the periphery of this organ. Little blood flow could be identified by color Doppler. Power Doppler allowed better accuracy to identify testicular vessels, their topography, and their differentiation from adjacent structures. Ultrasonographic examination provides useful data for morphologic characterization of the boto's testes. Examination using Doppler techniques was considered a valuable tool to evidence blood flow through the testicular parenchyma.


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We undertook geometric morphometric analysis of wing venation to assess this character's ability to distinguish Anopheles darlingi Root populations and to test the hypothesis that populations from coastal areas of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest differ from those of the interior Atlantic Forest, Cerrado, and the regions South and North of the Amazon River. Results suggest that populations from the coastal and interior Atlantic Forest are more similar to each other than to any of the other regional populations. Notably, the Cerrado population was more similar to that from north of the Amazon River than to that collected of south of the River. thus showing no correlation with geographical distances. We hypothesize that environmental and ecological factors may affect wing evolution in An. darlingi. Although it is premature to associate environmental and ecological determinants with wing features and evolution of the species, investigations on this field are promising. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tropical regions, especially the Amazon region, account for large emissions of methane (CH4). Here, we present CH4 observations from two airborne campaigns conducted within the BARCA (Balanco Atmosferico Regional de Carbono na Amazonia) project in the Amazon basin in November 2008 (end of the dry season) and May 2009 (end of the wet season). We performed continuous measurements of CH4 onboard an aircraft for the first time in the Amazon region, covering the whole Amazon basin with over 150 vertical profiles between altitudes of 500 m and 4000 m. The observations support the finding of previous ground-based, airborne, and satellite measurements that the Amazon basin is a large source of atmospheric CH4. Isotope analysis verified that the majority of emissions can be attributed to CH4 emissions from wetlands, while urban CH4 emissions could be also traced back to biogenic origin. A comparison of five TM5 based global CH4 inversions with the observations clearly indicates that the inversions using SCIAMACHY observations represent the BARCA observations best. The calculated CH4 flux estimate obtained from the mismatch between observations and TM5-modeled CH4 fields ranges from 36 to 43 mg m(-2) d(-1) for the Amazon lowland region.


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This is an observational study of the large-scale moisture transport over South America, with some analyses on its relation to subtropical rainfall. The concept of aerial rivers is proposed as a framework: it is an analogy between the main pathways of moisture flow in the atmosphere and surface rivers. Opposite to surface rivers, aerial rivers gain (lose) water through evaporation (precipitation). The magnitude of the vertically integrated moisture transport is discharge, and precipitable water is like the mass of the liquid column-multiplied by an equivalent speed it gives discharge. Trade wind flow into Amazonia, and the north/northwesterly flow to the subtropics, east of the Andes, are aerial rivers. Aerial lakes are the sections of a moisture pathway where the flow slows down and broadens, because of diffluence, and becomes deeper, with higher precipitable water. This is the case over Amazonia, downstream of the trade wind confluence. In the dry season, moisture from the aerial lake is transported northeastward, but weaker flow over southern Amazonia heads southward toward the subtropics. Southern Amazonia appears as a source of moisture to this flow. Aerial river discharge to the subtropics is comparable to that of the Amazon River. The variations of the amount of moisture coming from Amazonia have an important effect over the variability of discharge. Correlations between the flow from Amazonia and subtropical rainfall are not strong. However, some months within the set of dry seasons observed showed a strong increase (decrease) occurring together with an important increase (decrease) in subtropical rainfall.


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We investigate changes in the delivery and oceanic transport of Amazon sediments related to terrestrial climate variations over the last 250 ka. We present high-resolution geochemical records from four marine sediment cores located between 5 and 12° N along the northern South American margin. The Amazon River is the sole source of terrigenous material for sites at 5 and 9° N, while the core at 12° N receives a mixture of Amazon and Orinoco detrital particles. Using an endmember unmixing model, we estimated the relative proportions of Amazon Andean material ("%-Andes", at 5 and 9° N) and of Amazon material ("%-Amazon", at 12° N) within the terrigenous fraction. The %-Andes and %-Amazon records exhibit significant precessional variations over the last 250 ka that are more pronounced during interglacials in comparison to glacial periods. High %-Andes values observed during periods of high austral summer insolation reflect the increased delivery of suspended sediments by Andean tributaries and enhanced Amazonian precipitation, in agreement with western Amazonian speleothem records. Increased Amazonian rainfall reflects the intensification of the South American monsoon in response to enhanced land-ocean thermal gradient and moisture convergence. However, low %-Amazon values obtained at 12° N during the same periods seem to contradict the increased delivery of Amazon sediments. We propose that reorganizations in surface ocean currents modulate the northwestward transport of Amazon material. In agreement with published records, the seasonal North Brazil Current retroflection is intensified (or prolonged in duration) during cold substages of the last 250 ka (which correspond to intervals of high DJF or low JJA insolation) and deflects eastward the Amazon sediment and freshwater plume.


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Ceara Rise, located east the Amazon River mouth, is covered with a thick blanket of pelagic carbonate and hemipelagic terrigenous sediment. The terrigenous component has been extracted from 57 bulk sediment samples at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 925 and 929 on Ceara Rise to obtain a Cenozoic record of riverine discharge from northern South America. From the early Eocene to early Miocene (55-20 Ma), terrigenous accumulation was dominated by moderate amounts of generally large-grained, gray to green sediment especially depleted in elements that are enriched in post-Archaean shale (e.g. Cs, Th, Yb). However, pulsed inputs of relatively small-grained, gray to green terrigenous sediment less depleted in the above elements occurred in the late Eocene and Oligocene. The accumulation of terrigenous sediment decreased significantly until 16.5 Ma. In the middle Miocene (16.5-13 Ma), terrigenous accumulation was dominated by small amounts of small-grained, tan sediment notably depleted in Na and heavy rare earth elements. The accumulation rate of terrigenous sediment increased markedly from the latest Miocene (10 Ma) to the present day, a change characterized by deposition of gray-green sediment enriched in elements that are enriched in post-Archaean shale. Observed changes in terrigenous sediment at Ceara Rise record tectonism and erosion in northern South America. The Brazil and Guyana shields supplied sediment to the eastern South American margin until the middle Miocene (20-16.5 Ma) when a period of thrusting, shortening and uplift changed the source region, probably first to highly weathered and proximal Phanerozoic sediments. By the late Miocene (9 Ma), there was a transcontinental connection between the Andes and eastern South America. Weathering products derived from the Andes have increasingly dominated terrigenous deposition at Ceara Rise since the Late Miocene and especially since the late Pliocene.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Carte du Perou, pour servir à l'histoire des Incas et à celle de l'etat present de cette province, dressée par Philippe Buache, sur les observations astronomiq[es] faites aux environs de l'équateur et communiquées à l'Académie depuis l'an 1736 jusqu'en 1739 par M.M. Godin, Bouguer et de la Condaminede l'Acad. R[le] des Sciences Assujetie por les autres parties aux observations du P. Feuillée et de M. Frezier aux routes et remarques geographiques de divers voyageurs. It is part of a two sheet map set: [Carte du Peru]. It was published sur le Quay de la Megisserie avec privilege du Roy in 1739. Scale [ca. 1:195,000]. Covers the territory of the former Inca Empire, South America. This layer is image 1 of 2 total images of the two sheet source map representing the northern portion of the map. Map in French and Spanish. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to a non-standard 'World Sinusoidal' projection with the central meridian at 75 degrees west. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, territorial boundaries, shoreline features, and more. Relief shown pictorially. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection and the Harvard University Library as part of the Open Collections Program at Harvard University project: Organizing Our World: Sponsored Exploration and Scientific Discovery in the Modern Age. Maps selected for the project correspond to various expeditions and represent a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Carte du Pérou et Brésil sepl. de Tierre - Firme, de Guayana, et de la rivière des Amazones : ce qui fait la partie boréale de L'Amérique Meridiole., par le sr. d'Anville. It was published by P. Santini, Chez M. Remondini in 1779. Scale [ca. 1:6,500,000]. Covers the northern part of South America. Map in French. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to a non-standard 'World Sinusoidal' projection with the central meridian at 58.000000 degrees west. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, territorial boundaries, shoreline features, and more. Relief is shown pictorially. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection and the Harvard University Library as part of the Open Collections Program at Harvard University project: Organizing Our World: Sponsored Exploration and Scientific Discovery in the Modern Age. Maps selected for the project correspond to various expeditions and represent a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Peru & Bolivia. It was published by J. Arrowsmith 15 Febr. 1842. Scale [ca. 1:5,000,000]. Covers also parts of surrounding countries.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to a non-standard 'World Sinusoidal' projection with the central meridian at 70.000000 degrees west. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, territorial boundaries, shoreline features, and more. Relief is shown by hachures. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection and the Harvard University Library as part of the Open Collections Program at Harvard University project: Organizing Our World: Sponsored Exploration and Scientific Discovery in the Modern Age. Maps selected for the project correspond to various expeditions and represent a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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To assess the regional effects of glaciation on sedimentation in the Atlantic Ocean we compare sediment types, distributions, and rates between Recent (core top) and last glacial maximum (LGM: ~18,000 years B.P.) stratigraphic levels. Based upon smear slides and carbonate analyses in 178 cores we find that glacial age carbonate content is generally lower than Recent. During both the Recent and LGM, carbonate content shows an east/west asymmetry with western basins exhibiting lower carbonate values. Input of ice-rafted detritus into the North Atlantic during LGM time interrupts this topographic control on carbonate distribution considerably farther south than at present; in the South Atlantic this effect is minor. Comparison of LGM and Recent sediment distributions indicates that the LGM seafloor was dominated by biogenic oozes, calcareous clays, and clays, while the Recent is dominated by biogenic oozes and marls. Coarse-grained detritus is much more prevalent in LGM sediments, derived not only from glacial input but also from fluvial and aeolian sources. Sedimentation rates, calculated from LGM to Recent sediment thickness in cores, are <4 cm/1000 yr for most of the ocean. Higher rates are typical of the continental margin off the Amazon River, the North American Basin, and a small region off west equatorial Africa.