962 resultados para ACQUIRED ACID RESISTANCE


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The current paradigm in soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics is that the proportion of biologically resistant SOM will increase when total SOM decreases. Recently, several studies have focused on identifying functional pools of resistant SOM consistent with expected behaviours. Our objective was to combine physical and chemical approaches to isolate and quantify biologically resistant SOM by applying acid hydrolysis treatments to physically isolated silt- and clay-sized soil fractions. Microaggegrate-derived and easily dispersed silt- and clay-sized fractions were isolated from surface soil samples collected from six long-term agricultural experiment sites across North America. These fractions were hydrolysed to quantify the non-hydrolysable fraction, which was hypothesized to represent a functional pool of resistant SOM. Organic C and total N concentrations in the four isolated fractions decreased in the order: native > no-till > conventional-till at all sites. Concentrations of non-hydrolysable C (NHC) and N (NHN) were strongly correlated with initial concentrations, and C hydrolysability was found to be invariant with management treatment. Organic C was less hydrolysable than N, and overall, resistance to acid hydrolysis was greater in the silt-sized fractions compared with the clay-sized fractions. The acid hydrolysis results are inconsistent with the current behaviour of increasing recalcitrance with decreasing SOM content: while %NHN was greater in cultivated soils compared with their native analogues, %NHC did not increase with decreasing total organic C concentrations. The analyses revealed an interaction between biochemical and physical protection mechanisms that acts to preserve SOM in fine mineral fractions, but the inconsistency of the pool size with expected behaviour remains to be fully explained.


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Bananas (Musa sp) are one of the most important food crops in the world and provide a staple food and source of income in many households especially in Africa. Diseases are a major constraint to production with bunchy top, caused by Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) generally considered the most important virus disease of bananas worldwide. Of the fungal diseases, Fusarium wilt, caused by the Fusarium oxysporum f.sp cubense (Foc), and black Sigatoka, caused by Mycosphaerella fijiensis, are arguably two of the most important and cause significant yield losses. The low fertility of commercially important banana cultivars has hampered efforts to generate disease resistance using conventional breeding. Possible alternative strategies to generate or increase disease resistance are through genetic engineering or by manipulation of the innate plant defence mechanisms, namely systemic acquired resistance (SAR). The first research component of this thesis describes attempts to generate BBTV-resistant banana plants using a genetic modification approach. The second research component of the thesis focused on the identification of a potential marker gene associated with SAR in banana plants and a comparison of the expression levels of the marker gene in response to biotic and abiotic stresses, and chemical inducers. Previous research at QUT CTCB showed that replication of BBTV DNA components in banana embryogenic cell suspensions (ECS) was abolished following co-bombardment with 1.1mers of mutated BBTV DNA-R. BBTV DNA-R encodes the master replication protein (Rep) and is the only viral protein essential for BBTV replication. In this study, ECS of banana were stably transformed with the same constructs, each containing a different mutation in BBTV DNA-R, namely H41G, Y79F and K187M, to examine the effect on virus replication in stably transformed plants. Cells were also transformed with a construct containing a native BBTV Rep. A total of 16, 16, 11 and five lines of stably transformed banana plants containing the Y79F, H41G, K187M and native Rep constructs, respectively, were generated. Of these, up to nine replicates from Y79F lines, four H41G lines, seven K187M lines and three native Rep lines were inoculated with BBTV by exposure to viruliferous aphids in two separate experiments. At least one replicate from each of the nine Y79F lines developed typical bunchy top symptoms and all tested positive for BBTV using PCR. Of the four H41G lines tested, at least one replicate from three of the lines showed symptoms of bunchy top and tested positive using PCR. However, none of the five replicates of one H41G line (H41G-3) developed symptoms of bunchy top and none of the plants tested positive for BBTV using PCR. Of the seven K187M lines, at least one replicate of all lines except one (K187M-1) developed symptoms of bunchy top and tested positive for BBTV. Importantly, none of the four replicates of line K187M-1 showed symptoms or tested positive for BBTV. At least one replicate from each of the three native Rep lines developed symptoms and tested positive for BBTV. The H41G-3 and K187M-1 lines possibly represent the first transgenic banana plants generated using a mutated Rep strategy. The second research component of this thesis focused on the identification of SAR-associated genes in banana and their expression levels in response to biotic and abiotic stresses and chemical inducers. The impetus for this research was the observation that tissue-cultured (TC) banana plants were more susceptible to Fusarium wilt disease (and possibly bunchy top disease) than plants grown from field-derived suckers, possibly due to decreased levels of SAR gene expression in the former. In this study, the pathogenesis-related protein 1 (PR-1) gene was identified as a potential marker for SAR gene expression in banana. A quantitative real-time PCR assay was developed and optimised in order to determine the expression of PR-1, with polyubiquitin (Ubi-1) found to be the most suitable reference gene to enable relative quantification. The levels of PR-1 expression were subsequently compared in Lady Finger and Cavendish (cv. Williams) banana plants grown under three different environmental conditions, namely in the field, the glass house and in tissue-culture. PR-1 was shown to be expressed in both cultivars growing under different conditions. While PR-1 expression was highest in the field grown bananas and lowest in the TC bananas in Lady Finger cultivar, this was not the case in the Cavendish cultivar with glass house plants exhibiting the lowest PR-1 expression compared with tissue culture and field grown plants. The important outcomes of this work were the establishment of a qPCR-based assay to monitor PR-1 expression levels in banana and a preliminary assessment of the baseline PR-1 expression levels in two banana cultivars under three different growing conditions. After establishing the baseline PR-1 expression levels in Cavendish bananas, a study was done to determine whether PR-1 levels could be increased in these plants by exposure to known banana pathogens and non-pathogens, and a known chemical inducer of SAR. Cavendish banana plants were exposed to pathogenic Foc subtropical race 4 (FocSR4) and non-pathogenic Foc race 1 (Foc1), as well as two putative inducers of resistance, Fusarium lycopersici (Fol) and the chemical, acibenzolar-S-methyl (BION®). Tissue culture bananas were acclimatised under either glass house (TCS) or field (TCH) conditions and treatments were carried out in a randomised complete block design. PR-1 expression was determined using qPCR for both TCS and TCH samples for the period 12-72h post-exposure. Treatment of TCH plants using Foc1 and FocSR4 resulted in 120 and 80 times higher PR-1 expression than baseline levels, respectively. For TCS plants treated with Foc1, PR-1 expression was 30 times higher than baseline levels at 12h post-exposure, while TCS plants treated with FocSR4 showed the highest PR-1 expression (20 times higher than baseline levels) at 72h post-exposure. Interestingly, when TCS plants were treated with Fol there was a marked increase of PR-1 expression at 12 h and 48 h following treatment which was 4 and 8 times higher than the levels observed when TCS plants were treated with Foc1 and FocSR4, respectively. In contrast, when TCH plants were treated with Fol only a slight increase in PR-1 expression was observed at 12 h, which eventually returned to baseline levels. Exposure of both TCS and TCH plants to BION® resulted in no effect on PR-1 expression levels at any time-point. The major outcome of the SAR study was that the glass house acclimatised tissue culture bananas exhibited lower PR-1 gene expression compared to field acclimatised tissue culture plants and the identification of Fol as a good candidate for SAR induction in banana plants exhibiting low PR-1 levels. A number of outcomes that foster understanding of both pathogen-derived and plant innate resistance strategies in order to potentially improve banana resistance to diseases were explored in this study and include identification of potential inducers of systemic acquired resistance and a promising mutated Rep approach for BBTV resistance. The work presented in this thesis is the first report on the generation of potential BBTV resistant bananas using the mutated Rep approach. In addition, this is the first report on the status of SAR in banana grown under different conditions of exposure to the biotic and abiotic environment. Further, a robust qPCR assay for the study of gene expression using banana leaf samples was developed and a potential inducer of SAR in tissue culture bananas identified which could be harnessed to increase resistance in tissue culture bananas.


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PURPOSE We have previously shown that the aminoacidemia caused by the consumption of a rapidly digested protein after resistance exercise enhances muscle protein synthesis (MPS) more than the amino acid (AA) profile associated with a slowly digested protein. Here, we investigated whether differential feeding patterns of a whey protein mixture commencing before exercise affect postexercise intracellular signaling and MPS. METHODS Twelve resistance-trained males performed leg resistance exercise 45 min after commencing each of three volume-matched nutrition protocols: placebo (PLAC, artificially sweetened water), BOLUS (25 g of whey protein + 5 g of leucine dissolved in artificially sweetened water; 1× 500 mL), or PULSE (15× 33-mL aliquots of BOLUS drink every 15 min). RESULTS The preexercise rise in plasma AA concentration with PULSE was attenuated compared with BOLUS (P < 0.05); this effect was reversed after exercise, with two-fold greater leucine concentrations in PULSE compared with BOLUS (P < 0.05). One-hour postexercise, phosphorylation of p70 S6K and rpS6 was increased above baseline with BOLUS and PULSE, but not PLAC (P < 0.05); furthermore, PULSE > BOLUS (P < 0.05). MPS throughout 5 h of recovery was higher with protein ingestion compared with PLAC (0.037 ± 0.007), with no differences between BOLUS or PULSE (0.085 ± 0.013 vs. 0.095 ± 0.010%•h, respectively, P = 0.56). CONCLUSIONS Manipulation of aminoacidemia before resistance exercise via different patterns of intake of protein altered plasma AA profiles and postexercise intracellular signaling. However, there was no difference in the enhancement of the muscle protein synthetic response after exercise. Protein sources producing a slow AA release, when consumed before resistance exercise in sufficient amounts, are as effective as rapidly digested proteins in promoting postexercise MPS.


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Background: Ingestion of whey or casein yields divergent patterns of aminoacidemia that influence whole-body and skeletal muscle myofibrillar protein synthesis (MPS) after exercise. Direct comparisons of the effects of contrasting absorption rates exhibited by these proteins are confounded by their differing amino acid contents. Objective: Our objective was to determine the effect of divergent aminoacidemia by manipulating ingestion patterns of whey protein alone on MPS and anabolic signaling after resistance exercise. Design: In separate trials, 8 healthy men consumed whey protein either as a single bolus (BOLUS; 25-g dose) or as repeated, small, "pulsed" drinks (PULSE; ten 2.5-g drinks every 20 min) to mimic a more slowly digested protein. MPS and phosphorylation of signaling proteins involved in protein synthesis were measured at rest and after resistance exercise. Results: BOLUS increased blood essential amino acid (EAA) concentrations above those of PULSE (162% compared with 53%, P < 0.001) 60 min after exercise, whereas PULSE resulted in a smaller but sustained increase in aminoacidemia that remained elevated above BOLUS amounts later (180-220 min after exercise, P < 0.05). Despite an identical net area under the EAA curve, MPS was elevated to a greater extent after BOLUS than after PULSE early (1-3 h: 95% compared with 42%) and later (3-5 h: 193% compared with 121%) (both P < 0.05). There were greater changes in the phosphorylation of the Akt-mammalian target of rapamycin pathway after BOLUS than after PULSE. Conclusions: Rapid aminoacidemia in the postexercise period enhances MPS and anabolic signaling to a greater extent than an identical amount of protein fed in small pulses that mimic a more slowly digested protein. A pronounced peak aminoacidemia after exercise enhances protein synthesis.


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Cisplatin is one of the most potent anticancer agents, displaying significant clinical activity against a variety of solid tumours. To date, cisplatin-based combination treatment remains the most effective systemic chemotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. Unfortunately, the outcome of cisplatin therapy in NSCLC has reached a plateau due to the development of both intrinsic and acquired resistance that have become a major obstacle in the use of cisplatin in the clinical setting. The molecular mechanisms that underlie chemoresistance are largely unknown. Mechanisms of acquired resistance to cisplatin include reduced intracellular accumulation of the drug, enhanced drug inactivation by metallothionine and glutathione, increased repair activity of DNA damage, and altered expression of oncogenes and regulatory proteins. Cisplatin-induced cytotoxicity is mediated through the induction of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest as a result of cisplatin-DNA adduct formation, which in turn, activates multiple signaling pathways and mediators. These include p53, Bcl-2 family, caspases, cyclins, CDKs, MAPK and PI3K/Akt. Increased expression of anti-apoptotic genes and mutations in the intrinsic apoptotic pathway may also contribute to the inability of cells to detect DNA damage or to induce apoptosis. This chapter will provide an insight into the mechanisms involved in cisplatin resistance and a better understanding of the molecular basis of the cellular response to cisplatin-based chemotherapy in lung cancer.


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Intrinsic or acquired resistance to chemotherapeutic agents is a common phenomenon and a major challenge in the treatment of cancer patients. Chemoresistance is defined by a complex network of factors including multi-drug resistance proteins, reduced cellular uptake of the drug, enhanced DNA repair, intracellular drug inactivation, and evasion of apoptosis. Pre-clinical models have demonstrated that many chemotherapy drugs, such as platinum-based agents, antracyclines, and taxanes, promote the activation of the NF-κB pathway. NF-κB is a key transcription factor, playing a role in the development and progression of cancer and chemoresistance through the activation of a multitude of mediators including anti-apoptotic genes. Consequently, NF-κB has emerged as a promising anti-cancer target. Here, we describe the role of NF-κB in cancer and in the development of resistance, particularly cisplatin. Additionally, the potential benefits and disadvantages of targeting NF-κB signaling by pharmacological intervention will be addressed.


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Objective There are no objective ambulatory studies on the temporal relationship between reflux and cough in children. Commercial pHmetry loggers have slow capture rates (0.25 Hz) that limit objective quantification of reflux and cough. The authors aimed to evaluate if there is a temporal association between cough and acid pH in ambulatory children with chronic cough. setting and patients The authors studied children (aged <14 years) with chronic cough, suspected of acid reflux and considered for pHmetry using a specifically built ambulatory pHmetry–cough logger that enabled the simultaneous ambulatory recording of cough and pH with a fast (10 Hz) capture rate. Main outcome measures Coughs within (before and after) 10, 30, 60 and 120 s of a reflux episode (pH<4 for >0.5 s). Results Analysis of 5628 coughs in 20 children. Most coughs (83.9%) were independent of a reflux event. Cough–reflux (median 19, IQR 3–45) and reflux–cough (24.5, 13–51) sequences were equally likely to occur within 120 s. Within the 10 and 30 s time frame, reflux–cough (10 s=median 2.5, IQR 0–7.25; 30 s=6.5, 1.25–22.25) sequences were significantly less frequent than reflux–no cough (10 s=27, IQR 15–65; 30 s=24.5, 14.5–55.5) sequences, (p=0.0001 and p=0.001, respectively). No differences were found for 60 and 120 s time frame. Cough–reflux sequence (median 1.0, IQR 0–8) within 10 s was significantly less (p=0.0001) than no cough–reflux sequences (median 29.5, 15–67), within 30 s (p=0.006) and 60 s (p=0.048) but not within 120 s (p=0.47). Conclusions In children with chronic cough and suspected of having gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, the temporal relationship between acid reflux and cough is unlikely causal.


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Critical phenotypic changes that occur during the progression of breast cancer include the loss of hormone-dependence, acquired resistance to systemic therapies, and increased metastatic potential. We have isolated a series of MCF-7 human breast cancer variants which exhibit hormone-independent growth, antiestrogen resistance, and increased metastatic potential. Analysis of the phenotypes of these variants strongly suggests that changes in the expression of specific genes may be critical to the generation of phenotypic diversity in the process of malignant progression in breast cancer. Epigenetic changes may contribute significantly to the generation of these phenotypic changes observed during breast cancer progression. Many of the characteristics of the progressed phenotypes appear to have arisen in response to appropriate selective pressures (growth in ovariectomized nude mice; growth in the presence of antiestrogens). These observations are consistent with the concept of clonal selection and expansion in the process of malignant progression.


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Artemisinin (ART) based combination therapy (ACT) is used as the first line treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria worldwide. However, despite high potency and rapid action there is a high rate of recrudescence associated with ART monotherapy or ACT long before the recent emergence of ART resistance. ART induced ring stage dormancy and recovery has been implicated as possible cause of recrudescence; however, little is known about the characteristics of dormant parasites including whether dormant parasites are metabolically active. We investigated the transcription of 12 genes encoding key enzymes in various metabolic pathways in P. falciparum during dihydroartemisinin (DHA) induced dormancy and recovery. Transcription analysis showed an immediate down regulation for 10 genes following exposure to DHA, but continued transcription of 2 genes encoding apicoplast and mitochondrial proteins. Transcription of several additional genes encoding apicoplast and mitochondrial proteins, particularly genes encoding enzymes in pyruvate metabolism and fatty acid synthesis pathways, were also maintained. Additions of inhibitors for biotin acetyl CoA carbozylase and enoyl-acyl carrier reductase of the fatty acid synthesis pathways delayed the recovery of dormant parasites by 6 and 4 days, respectively following DHA treatment. Our results demonstrate most metabolic pathways are down regulated in DHA induced dormant parasites. In contrast fatty acid and pyruvate metabolic pathways remain active. These findings highlight new targets to interrupt recovery of parasites from ART-induced dormancy and to reduce the rate of recrudescence following ART treatment.


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Bulk heterojunction organic solar cells based on poly[4,7-bis(3- dodecylthiophene-2-yl) benzothiadiazole-co-benzothiadiazole] and [6,6]-phenyl C71-butyric acid methyl ester are investigated. A prominent kink is observed in the fourth quadrant of the current density-voltage (J-V) response. Annealing the active layer prior to cathode deposition eliminates the kink. The kink is attributed to an extraction barrier. The J-V response in these devices is well described by a power law. This behavior is attributed to an imbalance in charge carrier mobility. An expected photocurrent for the device displaying a kink in the J-V response is determined by fitting to a power law. The difference between the expected and measured photocurrent allows for the determination of a voltage drop within the device. Under simulated 1 sun irradiance, the peak voltage drop and contact resistance at short circuit are 0.14 V and 90 Ω, respectively. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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OBJECTIVE The effects of free fatty acids (FFA), leptin, tumour necrosis factor (TNF) alpha and body fat distribution on in vivo oxidation of a glucose load were studied in two South African ethnic groups. DESIGN AND MEASUREMENTS Anthropometric and various metabolic indices were measured at fasting and during a 7h oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Body composition was measured using bioelectrical impedance analysis and subcutaneous and visceral fat mass was assessed using a five- and two-level CT-scan respectively. Glucose oxidation was evaluated by measuring the ratio of (13)CO(2) to (12)CO(2) in breath following ingestion of 1-(13)C-labelled glucose. SUBJECTS Ten lean black women (LBW), ten obese black women (OBW), nine lean white women (LWW) and nine obese white women (OWW) were investigated after an overnight fast. RESULTS Visceral fat levels were significantly higher (P < 0.01) in obese white than black women, despite similar body mass indexes (BMIs). There were no ethnic differences in glucose oxidation however; in the lean subjects of both ethnic groups the area under the curve (AUC) was higher than in obese subjects (P < 0.05 for both) and was found to correlate negatively with weight (r = -0.69, P < 0.01) after correcting for age. Basal TNF alpha concentrations were similar in all groups. Percentage suppression of FFAs at 30 min of the OCTT was 24 +/- 12% in OWW and - 38 +/- 23% (P < 0.05) in OBW, ie the 30 min FFA level was higher than the fasting level in the latter group. AUC for FFAs during the late postprandial period (120 - 420 min) was significantly higher in OWW than OBW (P < 0.01) and LWW (P < 0.01) and correlated positively with visceral fat mass independent of age (r = 0.78, P < 0.05) in the OWW only. Leptin levels were higher (P < 0.01) both at fasting and during the course of the OCTT in obese women from both ethnic groups compared to the lean women. CONCLUSIONS Glucose oxidation is reduced in obese subjects of both ethnic groups; inter- and intra-ethnic differences were observed in visceral fat mass and FFA production and it is possible that such differences may play a role in the differing prevalences of obesity-related disorders that have been reported in these two populations.


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Amoebic gill disease (AGD) is a parasite-mediated proliferative gill disease capable of affecting a range of teleost hosts. While a moderate heritability for AGD resistance in Atlantic salmon has been reported previously, the mechanisms by which individuals resist the proliferative effects remain poorly understood. To gain more knowledge of this commercially important trait, we compared gill transcriptomes of two groups of Atlantic salmon, one designated putatively resistant, and one designated putatively susceptible to AGD. Utilising a 17k Atlantic salmon cDNA microarray we identified 196 transcripts that were differentially expressed between the two groups. Expression of 11 transcripts were further examined with real-time quantitative RT-PCR (qPCR) in the AGD-resistant and AGD-susceptible animals, as well as non-infected naïve fish. Gene expression determined by qPCR was in strong agreement with the microarray analysis. A large number of differentially expressed genes were involved in immune and cell cycle responses. Resistant individuals displayed significantly higher expression of genes involved in adaptive immunity and negative regulation of the cell cycle. In contrast, AGD-susceptible individuals showed higher expression of acute phase proteins and positive regulators of the cell cycle. Combined with the gill histopathology, our results suggest AGD resistance is acquired rather than innately present, and that this resistance is for the most part associated with the dysregulation of immune and cell cycle pathways. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper relates to the importance of impact of the chosen bottle-point method when conducting ion exchange equilibria experiments. As an illustration, potassium ion exchange with strong acid cation resin was investigated due to its relevance to the treatment of various industrial effluents and groundwater. The “constant mass” bottle-point method was shown to be problematic in that depending upon the resin mass used the equilibrium isotherm profiles were different. Indeed, application of common equilibrium isotherm models revealed that the optimal fit could be with either the Freundlich or Temkin equations, depending upon the conditions employed. It could be inferred that the resin surface was heterogeneous in character, but precise conclusions regarding the variation in the heat of sorption were not possible. Estimation of the maximum potassium loading was also inconsistent when employing the “constant mass” method. The “constant concentration” bottle-point method illustrated that the Freundlich model was a good representation of the exchange process. The isotherms recorded were relatively consistent when compared to the “constant mass” approach. Unification of all the equilibrium isotherm data acquired was achieved by use of the Langmuir Vageler expression. The maximum loading of potassium ions was predicted to be at least 116.5 g/kg resin.


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OBJECTIVES: To locate the acquired bla(OXA-23) carbapenem resistance gene in an Australian A. baumannii global clone 1 (GC1) isolate. METHODS: The genome of the extensively antibiotic-resistant GC1 isolate A85 harbouring bla(OXA-23) in Tn2006 was sequenced using Illumina HiSeq, and the reads were used to generate a de novo assembly. PCR was used to assemble relevant contigs. Sequences were compared with ones in GenBank. Conjugation experiments were conducted. RESULTS: The sporadic GC1 isolate A85, recovered in 2003, was extensively resistant, exhibiting resistance to imipenem, meropenem and ticarcillin/clavulanate, to cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones and to the older antibiotics gentamicin, kanamycin and neomycin, sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim and tetracycline. Genes for resistance to older antibiotics are in the chromosome, in an AbaR3 resistance island. A second copy of the ampC gene in Tn6168 confers cephalosporin resistance and the gyrA and parC genes have mutations leading to fluoroquinolone resistance. An 86 335 bp repAci6 plasmid, pA85-3, carrying bla(OXA-23) in Tn2006 in AbaR4, was shown to transfer imipenem, meropenem and ticarcillin/clavulanate resistance into a susceptible recipient. A85 also contains two small cryptic plasmids of 2.7 and 8.7 kb. A85 is sequence type ST126 (Oxford scheme) and carries a novel KL15 capsule locus and the OCL3 outer core locus. CONCLUSIONS: A85 represents a new GC1 lineage identified by the novel capsule locus but retains AbaR3 carrying genes for resistance to older antibiotics. Resistance to imipenem, meropenem and ticarcillin/clavulanate has been introduced into A85 by pA85-3, a repAci6 conjugative plasmid carrying Tn2006 in AbaR4.


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An Acinetobacter baumannii global clone 1 (GC1) isolate was found to carry a novel capsule biosynthesis gene cluster, designated KL12. KL12 contains genes predicted to be involved in the synthesis of simple sugars, as well as ones for N-acetyl-l-fucosamine (l-FucpNAc) and N-acetyl-d-fucosamine (d-FucpNAc). It also contains a module of 10 genes, 6 of which are required for 5,7-di-N-acetyl-legionaminic acid synthesis. Analysis of the composition of the capsule revealed the presence of N-acetyl-d-galactosamine, l-FucpNAc and d-FucpNAc, confirming the role of fnlABC and fnr/gdr genes in the synthesis of l-FucpNAc and d-FucpNAc, respectively. A non-2-ulosonic acid, shown to be 5,7-diacetamido-3,5,7,9-tetradeoxy-l-glycero-l-altro-non-2-ulosonic acid, was also detected. This sugar has not previously been recovered from biological source, and was designated 5,7-di-N-acetyl-acinetaminic acid (Aci5Ac7Ac). Proteins encoded by novel genes, named aciABCD, were predicted to be involved in the conversion of 5,7-di-N-acetyl-legionaminic acid to Aci5Ac7Ac. A pathway for 5,7-di-N-acetyl-8-epilegionaminic acid biosynthesis was also proposed. In available A. baumannii genomes, genes for the synthesis of 5,7-di-N-acetyl-acinetaminic acid were only detected in two closely related capsule gene clusters, KL12 and KL13, which differ only in the wzy gene. KL12 and KL13 are carried by isolates belonging to clinically important clonal groups, GC1, GC2 and ST25. Genes for the synthesis of N-acyl derivatives of legionaminic acid were also found in 10 further A. baumannii capsule gene clusters, and three carried additional genes for production of 5,7-di-N-acetyl-8-epilegionaminic acid.