521 resultados para 976
This paper presents a new technique for the detectionof islanding conditions in electrical power systems. This problem isespecially prevalent in systems with significant penetrations of distributedrenewable generation. The proposed technique is based onthe application of principal component analysis (PCA) to data setsof wide-area frequency measurements, recorded by phasor measurementunits. The PCA approach was able to detect islandingaccurately and quickly when compared with conventional RoCoFtechniques, as well as with the frequency difference and change-ofangledifference methods recently proposed in the literature. Thereliability and accuracy of the proposed PCA approach is demonstratedby using a number of test cases, which consider islandingand nonislanding events. The test cases are based on real data,recorded from several phasor measurement units located in theU.K. power system.
The main objective of the study presented in this paper was to investigate the feasibility using support vector machines (SVM) for the prediction of the fresh properties of self-compacting concrete. The radial basis function (RBF) and polynomial kernels were used to predict these properties as a function of the content of mix components. The fresh properties were assessed with the slump flow, T50, T60, V-funnel time, Orimet time, and blocking ratio (L-box). The retention of these tests was also measured at 30 and 60 min after adding the first water. The water dosage varied from 188 to 208 L/m3, the dosage of superplasticiser (SP) from 3.8 to 5.8 kg/m3, and the volume of coarse aggregates from 220 to 360 L/m3. In total, twenty mixes were used to measure the fresh state properties with different mixture compositions. RBF kernel was more accurate compared to polynomial kernel based support vector machines with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 26.9 (correlation coefficient of R2 = 0.974) for slump flow prediction, a RMSE of 0.55 (R2 = 0.910) for T50 (s) prediction, a RMSE of 1.71 (R2 = 0.812) for T60 (s) prediction, a RMSE of 0.1517 (R2 = 0.990) for V-funnel time prediction, a RMSE of 3.99 (R2 = 0.976) for Orimet time prediction, and a RMSE of 0.042 (R2 = 0.988) for L-box ratio prediction, respectively. A sensitivity analysis was performed to evaluate the effects of the dosage of cement and limestone powder, the water content, the volumes of coarse aggregate and sand, the dosage of SP and the testing time on the predicted test responses. The analysis indicates that the proposed SVM RBF model can gain a high precision, which provides an alternative method for predicting the fresh properties of SCC.
Espécies de Aeromonas encontram-se distribuídas por diferentes habitats, estando especialmente relacionadas com ambientes aquáticos. O seu papel em complicações na saúde humana e animal é reconhecido. De facto, não só pelo seu potencial de virulência, mas também pelos determinantes genéticos de resistência a antibióticos que possam conter, estes organismos constituem uma preocupação na medicina humana e veterinária. Assim, é essencial o estudo da diversidade de espécies de Aeromonas bem como explorar as suas características fenotípicas e genéticas que podem conduzir a impactos negativos. A água constitui um importante veículo de transmissão de microrganismos e espécies de Aeromonas estão amplamente distribuídas em águas tratadas e não tratadas. Em Portugal é ainda comum o consumo de águas não tratadas cuja qualidade, na maioria das vezes, não é sujeita a monitorização, como acontece por exemplo, em explorações agrícolas de gestão familiar. Neste estudo, investigou-se a presença de Aeromonas em águas não tratadas para consumo. Estabeleceu-se também uma linha horizontal de colheitas de diferentes amostras de origem agrícola com o intuito de avaliar a possibilidade de a água ser uma das vias de contaminação de culturas agrícolas e animais por espécies de Aeromonas. Obtiveram-se 483 isolados que foram discriminados por RAPD-PCR. 169 estirpes distintas foram identificadas ao nível da espécie por análise filogenética baseada no gene gyrB. Verificou-se uma frequente ocorrência bem como uma diversidade considerável de espécies de Aeromonas. Em alguns casos, as relações genotípicas entre isolados de diferentes amostras eram muito próximas. Adicionalmente, a maioria das amostras continha diferentes espécies e estirpes distintas da mesma espécie. A. media e A. hydrophila foram as espécies mais ocorrentes. Um grupo de isolados apresentou variantes moleculares de gyrB diferente das conhecidas até agora, o que indica que poderão constituir espécies não descritas. O perfil de susceptibilidade da colecção de Aeromonas a diferentes antibióticos foi estabelecido, constituindo um perfil típico do género, com algumas excepções. Estirpes multirresistentes foram encontradas. A presença de genes tet e bla foi investigada por estudos de PCR, hibridação e, em alguns casos, de sequenciação. Como era esperado, cphA/imiS foi o mais detectado. A detecção de integrões fez-se por PCR e hibridação e a sua caracterização foi feita por sequenciação de DNA; a sua ocorrência foi reduzida. A maioria das estirpes sintetizou enzimas extracelulares com actividade lipolítica e proteolítica que potencialmente contribuem para virulência. A análise por PCR e hibridação permitiram a detecção de vários determinantes genéticos que codificam moléculas possivelmente envolvidas em processos patogénicos. Diversas espécies de Aeromonas apresentando características relacionadas com resistência a antibióticos e potencialmente de virulência estão frequentemente presentes em produtos para consumo humano e animal em Portugal. ABSTRACT: Aeromonas spp. are present in a wide range of ecological niches, being mainly related to aquatic environments. Their role in human and animal health complications is recognised. In fact, not only for their putative virulence but also for the antibiotic resistance genetic determinants Aeromonas may harbour, these organisms constitute an issue of concern in human and veterinary medicine. Thus, it is essential to get knowledge on Aeromonas sp. diversity and on their genotypic and phenotypic characteristics that may lead to negative impacts. Water constitutes a good contamination route for microorganisms and Aeromonas are widespread in untreated and treated waters from different sources. In Portugal there is still an extensive use of untreated water which is not regularly monitored for quality. This is often the case in family smallholding farms. In this study untreated drinking and mineral waters were assessed for their content in Aeromonas spp. Furthermore, a sampling scheme was designed to investigate the occurrence and diversity of Aeromonas sp. in different agricultural correlated sources and to assess the possibility of water being the transmission vehicle between those sources. 483 isolates were obtained and discriminated by RAPD-PCR. Identification at the species level for 169 distinct strains was done by gyrB based phylogenetic analysis. Results demonstrated the frequent occurrence and considerable diversity of Aeromonas spp. In some cases, genotypic close relations were found between isolates from different sources. Also, most samples contained different species and distinct strains of the same species. A. media and A. hydrophila were the most occurring. A group of isolates displayed gyrB gene sequences distinct from the previously known, indicating that they may constitute representatives of non-described species. The antibiotic susceptibility profile of the aeromonads collection was established and constituted a typical profile of the genus, although few exceptions. Multiresistance patterns were found. The presence of tet and bla genes was investigated by PCR, hybridisation and, in some cases, sequencing analysis. As expected, cphA/imiS was the most detected. Integrons were screened by PCR and hybridisation and characterised by DNA sequencing; low occurrence was recorded. The bulk of strains was able to produce extracellular enzymes with lipolytic and proteolytic activities, which may contribute to virulence. PCR and hybridisation surveys allowed the detection of distinct genetic determinants coding for molecules putatively involved in pathogenic processes. Diverse Aeromonas sp. presenting distinct antibiotic resistance features and putative virulence traits are frequently present in many sources for human and animal consumption in Portugal.
Se presentan en variaciones estacionales y se discuten las interrelaciones entre el medio ambiente y la productividad durante agosto de 1972 - junio 1973 en el área de 06° - 09°S, la cual es un importante centro de afloramiento. Este estudio forma parte de las investigaciones que se realizan en dicha área a través del proyecto OEA/ IMARPE. Las temperaturas en la superficie del mar se desarrollaron por encima del promedio hasta marzo de 1973, restableciéndose las condiciones oceanográficas en abril de ese año. En diciembre se observó un cambio brusco en las condiciones oceanográficas debido a la presencia de las aguas de la región ecuatorial las cuales avanzaron hasta Huarmey (10°S) en forma de una lengua costera con temperaturas de 23 - 25 °C, salinidades de 34.0 - 34.8‰, bajo contenido de nutrientes y pobre productividad, afectando la distribución y/o disponibilidad de la fauna marina. En la superficie del mar se halló la relación P: N: Si promedio de 1: 9.5: 8.3, lo cual hace pensar que los silicatos pueden llegar a ser limitantes en la producción fotosintética. La clorofila "a" lejos de la costa presentó concentraciones bajas y relativamente uniformes con la profundidad, con un promedio de 0.60 ug/L en la columna 0-25 m, mientras que cerca de la costa su distribución vertical fue irregular presentando también valores bajos con relación al promedio del área debido a los efectos del Fenómeno El Niño de 1972-73.
Se estimaron las biomasas de las especies: anchoveta (Engraulis ringens), vinciguerria (Vinciguerria lucetia), falso volador (Prionotuis stephanophrys), bagre (Galeichthys peruvianus) y múnida (Pleuroncodes monodon), mediante técnicas hidroacústicas durante el Crucero 9811-12 de Evaluación Hidroacústica de Recursos Pelágicos, a bordo del BIC José Olaya Balandra desde el 28 de noviembre al 23 de diciembre de 1998 entre la Isla Lobos de Tierra y el Morro Sama. El trayecto utilizado fue el sistemático paralelo con transectos perpendiculares a la costa con 14 mn de separación. El equipo utilizado fue la ecosonda científica EK 500 SIMRAD en frecuencias de 38 y 120 kHz, en un rango de detección de 3 a 250 m de profundidad. Se realizó la calibración de equipos en la Isla San Lorenzo, Callao (12° S). Para la obtención de las biomasas se utilizó el método de estratificación por áreas isoparalitorales. La biomasa de anchoveta se estimó en 2.700.205 t (± 23,92%), las mayores biomasas se encontraron entre los grados 13 y 14 de latitud sur. La biomasa de la vinciguerria se calculó en 2.248.405 t (± 31,28%) con un mayor porcentaje en el grado 10 de latitud sur. La biomasa del falso volador se estimó en 422.349 t (± 38,82%), la del bagre se determinó en 409.470 t (± 30,32%) y de la múnida en 911.976 t (± 31,78 %).
OBJECTIVE: To assess recommended and actual use of statins in primary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) based on clinical prediction scores in adults who develop their first acute coronary syndrome (ACS). METHOD: Cross-sectional study of 3172 adults without previous CVD hospitalized with ACS at 4 university centers in Switzerland. The number of participants eligible for statins before hospitalization was estimated based on the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines and compared to the observed number of participants on statins at hospital entry. RESULTS: Overall, 1171 (37%) participants were classified as high-risk (10-year risk of cardiovascular mortality ≥5% or diabetes); 1025 (32%) as intermediate risk (10-year risk <5% but ≥1%); and 976 (31%) as low risk (10-year risk <1%). Before hospitalization, 516 (16%) were on statins; among high-risk participants, only 236 of 1171 (20%) were on statins. If ESC primary prevention guidelines had been fully implemented, an additional 845 high-risk adults (27% of the whole sample) would have been eligible for statins before hospitalization. CONCLUSION: Although statins are recommended for primary prevention in high-risk adults, only one-fifth of them are on statins when hospitalized for a first ACS.
1886/11/14 (Numéro 976).
Collection : Collection Lecoffre
Collection : Collection Lecoffre
F. 1-61v Temporal (incompl. du début) : Fin de l'office de Noël (1). F. 62 Calendrier de Saint-Denis, avec obits d'abbés et de membres de la famille royale. F. 68-156v Sanctoral : — Dédicace de l'église (80) ; — Reliques de s. Denis et de ses compagnons (86v, 88v et 95v) ; — Messe de s. Denis (136v) ; cf. Omont, Messe grecque de Saint-Denys, dans Mélanges Monod, 180. F. 156v Commemorationes sanctorum. F. 157 Consecrationes altarium Sancti Dionysii (Delisle, dans Bibl. Éc. Ch., XXXVIII, 1877, 463-466). F. 161 « In anniversario Sugerii abbatis. »
Contient les descriptions des manuscrits sanscrits 245, 304, 612, 740, 761, 791, 791, 868, 889, 956, 957, 958, 961, 969, 972, 973, 976, 980, 995, 997, 998, 1011, 1012, 1014, 1015, 1017, 1020, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1028
Commençant par : « Primo Dyoscorus rex, pater beate Barbare, incipit : « Ha, Jupiter et Baratron, Cahu mon souverain patron... » et finissant par : « Et allons sejourner plus Chantant Te Deum laudamus. Explicit vita beate Barbare » .