436 resultados para 90s
In present work, mesoporous materials of the M41S family were synthesized, which were discovered in the early 90s by researchers from Mobil Oil Corporation, thus allowing new perspectives in the field of catalysis. One of the most important members of this family is the MCM-41, which has a hexagonal array of mesopores with pore diameters ranging from 2 to 10 nm and a high surface area, enabling it to become very promising for the use as a catalyst in the refining of oil in the catalytic cracking process, since the mesopores facilitate the access of large hydrocarbon molecules, thereby increasing the production of light products, that are in high demand in the market. The addition of aluminum in the structure of MCM-41 increases the acidity of the material, making it more beneficial for application in the petrochemical industry. The mesoporous materials MCM-41 and Al-MCM-41 (ratio Si / Al = 50) were synthesized through the hydrothermal method, starting with silica gel, NaOH and distilled water. CTMABr was used as template, for structural guiding. In Al-MCM-41 the same reactants were used, with the adding of pseudoboehmite (as a source of aluminum) in the synthesis gel. The syntheses were carried out over a period of four days with a daily adjustment of pH. The optimum conditions of calcination for the removal of the organic template (CTMABr) were discovered through TG / DTG and also through analysis by XRD, FTIR and Nitrogen Adsorption. It was found that both the method of hydrothermal synthesis and calcination conditions of the studies based on TG were promising for the production of mesoporous materials with a high degree of hexagonal array. The acidic properties of the materials were determined by desorption of n-butylamine via thermogravimetry. One proved that the addition of aluminum in the structure of MCM-41 promoted an increase in the acidity of the catalyst. To check the catalytic activity of these materials, a sample of Atmospheric Residue (RAT) that is derived from atmospheric distillation of oil from the Pole of Guamaré- RN was used. This sample was previously characterized by various techniques such as Thermogravimetry, FTIR and XRF, where through thermal analysis of a comparative study between the thermal degradation of the RAT, the RAT pyrolysis + MCM-41 and RAT + Al- MCM-41. It was found that the Al-MCM-41 was most satisfactory in the promotion of a catalytic effect on the pyrolysis of the RAT, as the cracking of heavy products in the waste occurred at temperatures lower than those observed for the pyrolysis with MCM-41, and thereby also decreasing the energy of activation for the process and increasing the rates of conversion of residue into lighter products
TEMA: a produção científica nacional sobre a linguagem escrita no âmbito da Fonoaudiologia. OBJETIVO: analisar parte da produção fonoaudiológica brasileira acerca da linguagem escrita, entre os anos de 1980 a 2004, levando em conta o período da publicação; a distribuição de freqüência por período; os tipos de publicações; as sub-temáticas abordadas e a autoria. MÉTODO: a pesquisa de caráter documental configurou a opção metodológica selecionada para a realização desse estudo. Foram analisados livros, capítulos de livros e artigos publicados em sete periódicos nacionais de Fonoaudiologia (1980 a 2004). RESULTADOS: as produções científicas em torno da linguagem escrita, no período considerado, perfazem um total de 236 publicações. Desse total, 3,39% foram publicadas na década de 1980; 44,1% na década de 1990; e 52,5% durante o período de 2000-2004. Quanto ao tipo das publicações, 18,5% foram publicadas em forma de livro, 39% de capítulo de livro e 42,5% de artigo em periódico. Quanto à autoria das publicações, 42 autores (76,36%), são vinculados a instituições de ensino superior, como docentes ou discentes, com maior concentração no Estado de São Paulo e menor no Rio de Janeiro. As produções analisadas versaram sobre cinco sub-temáticas: distúrbios de linguagem escrita (52%); processo de apropriação da linguagem escrita (23,5%); surdez e linguagem escrita (8,90%); alterações neurológicas e linguagem escrita (8,22%) e escola e linguagem escrita (7,53%). CONCLUSÃO: a pesquisa permitiu recuperar parte da memória acerca da construção de um campo de atuação e de conhecimento da área fonoaudiológica: a linguagem escrita. O ascendente crescimento de publicações em torno dessa temática aponta para o implemento de pesquisas nesse campo da Fonoaudiologia e, portanto, a pertinência de estudos que objetivem analisar os rumos da produção científica relativa ao mesmo.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Trata-se de trabalho do tipo bibliográfico com a finalidade de fazer uma análise temática da produção do conhecimento em periódicos, acerca da sobrecarga em cuidadores familiares de pessoas com Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC). O corpus de análise reuniu artigos localizados nas décadas de 80 e 90, a partir das bases de dados Medline, Lilacs e Cinahl. A análise de conteúdo foi o referencial metodológico que permitiu organizar todo o conhecimento, em um corpo de categorias e subcategorias, denominadas: Categoria 1 - As seqüelas do AVC gerando sobrecarga; Categoria 2 - Aspectos gerando sobrecarga, congregando as subcategorias: o isolamento social, as mudanças e as insatisfações conjugais, as dificuldades financeiras e os déficits na saúde física e no autocuidado do cuidador; Categoria 3 - Outras análises relacionadas à sobrecarga em cuidadores familiares.
Considering that tourism tends to reproduce itself privatizing the areas where it installs, the secondary residence has been an urban element responsible for the private appropriation of the public spaces of coastal of Nísia Floresta. The private appropriation of these accesses, for secondary residences, constitute in an issue-problem of the research. The principal goal is to analyze the relationship of the consumers/users of secondary residences with the public space; and, specifically, identify how the government has been acting and manifesting itself about the occupation of the coastal of Nísia Floresta; as also to verify how the secondary residence has been appropriating privately of the public access of the coastal. On account of the scarce literature about secondary residences and the importance of the public access to beaches for the inhabitant, the present work aims to contribute to the discussion of this theme. The secondary residences in Rio Grande do Norte began in the late nineteenth century, becoming more common in the 90s, when the coast south of Natal is appropriated from local vacationers. In 2000, foreign investment began to be applied in real state and tourism, producing closed developments, served in leisure infrastructure, trade, and hospitality, mainly to external demands. The methodology included a bibliographic survey, data collection and in lócus observation. Applied questionnaires and interviews were performed with consumers/users of the secondary residences, permanent residents and government, respectively. To the legal grounding, taken as a reference the article. 10, of the law 7.661/88 to establish that the beaches are goods of common use . Considering the conclusive analysis of the research, can be said that the right of free access and use of the beach is committed for the benefit of the consumers/users of secondary residences, due to the negligence and omission of the government
Este artigo gira em torno da possibilidade de reinterpretar dados de pesquisa do passado, à luz das Teorias da Complexidade, conectando-os a dados atuais para conseguir explicações mais compreensivas. São tomados então alguns dados de minhas pesquisas sobre o rural-urbano, a saber: dados quantitativos do Censo de Assentamentos Rurais do Estado de São Paulo sobre as expectativas dos pais em relação à escolarização de meninos e meninas (anos 90); dados qualitativos de uma pesquisa com redações escolares realizada na região de Araraquara no início dos anos 80. Construindo-se uma ponte entre as duas situações, o argumento central é o de que questão das meninas na zona rural deve ser discutida levando-se em conta a relação rural-urbano e superando-se essa dicotomia sob a ótica da história recente do país. Observa-se então que as transformações pelas quais passa a sociedade nacional se refeletem no campo e a conexão entre os dois momentos enfocados (anos 90 versus início dos anos 80) é reveladora de que os germens dessas mudanças já se anunciavam nas relações de algumas meninas que criticavam a sobrecarga do trabalho doméstico sobre os próprios ombros, principalmente sobre os de suas mães.
TEMA: eficácia da reabilitação em disfagia orofaríngea. A atuação fonoaudiológica com disfagia orofaríngea em nosso País alcançou proporções significativas e merece neste momento atenção para que esta atuação esteja baseada em evidências científicas. As técnicas terapêuticas e a eficácia da reabilitação em disfagia orofaríngea têm sido estudadas desde a década de 70, alcançando seu ápice na década de 80 e 90. Poucos estudos têm relatado a eficácia da reabilitação em disfagia orofaríngea, sendo mais freqüente aqueles que têm se preocupado em provar os efeitos da técnica terapêutica na dinâmica da deglutição. No Brasil, as pesquisas em disfagia orofaríngea têm valorizado os procedimentos de avaliação, sendo poucos os trabalhos que tratam da reabilitação. OBJETIVO: apresentar uma análise crítica sobre a eficácia da reabilitação em disfagia orofaríngea. CONCLUSÃO: este artigo de revisão aponta que estudos não randomizados têm comprometido os resultados, uma vez que a casuística das pesquisas têm utilizado amostras muito heterogêneas, que incluem disfagias orofaríngeas mecânicas e neurogênicas ocasionadas por distintas etiologias. Além disto, os programas terapêuticos empregados são pouco descritivos comprometendo a reprodução por parte de outros pesquisadores. Tais achados sugerem a necessidade de estudos mais randomizados, talvez inicialmente por meio de estudos de casos que possam excluir as variáveis do controle da eficácia terapêutica. Outra sugestão seria empregar, assim como as pesquisas atuais têm proposto, escalas que possam medir o impacto do treinamento de deglutição nas condições nutricionais e pulmonares do indivíduo disfágico. Uma importante área da pesquisa, relacionada ao controle da eficiência e eficácia terapêutica, está nos estudos que objetivam estabelecer o grau de redução de custos hospitalares e em empresas de home care, mediante a atuação do fonoaudiólogo com a disfagia orofaríngea.
The aluminum alloy 2524 (Al-Cu-Mg) was developed during the 90s mainly to be employed in aircraft fuselage panels, replacing the standard Al 2024. In the present analysis the fatigue crack growth (FCG) behavior of 2524-T3 was investigated, regarding the influence of three parameters: load ratio, pre strain and crack plane orientation of the material. The pre strain of aluminum alloys is usually performed in order to obtain a more homogeneous precipitates distribution, accompanied by an increase in the yield strength. In this work, it was evaluated the resistance of Al 2524-T3 sheet samples to the fatigue crack growth, having L-T and T-L crack orientations. FCG tests were performed under constant amplitude loading at three distinct positive load ratios. The three material conditions were tested: as received(AR), pre strained longitudinally (SL) and transversally (ST) in relation to rolling direction. In order to describe FCG behavior, two-parameter kinetic equations were compared: a Paris-type potential model and a new exponential equation introduced in a previous work conducted by our research group. It was observed that the exponential model, which takes into account the deviations from linearity presented by da/dN versus AK data, describes more adequately the FCG behavior of Al 224-T3 in relation to load ratio, pre strain effects and crack plane orientation. © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Background: Studies with Doppler ultrassonography started at the end of the 90s for the determination of physiological and pathological alterations in the reproductive tract of the mare. Uterine alterations caused by inflammation, response from seminal plasma infusion, hormonal variations during estrous and diestrus, pregnancy and action of various vasoactive factors influence on the vascular perfusion detected by Doppler ultrasound. The development of efficient methods for uterine quality evaluation is of big importance for field equine reproduction veterinarians, once uterine environment is responsible for pregnancy maintenance. Review: Nowadays, the most used methods of uterine evaluation are the mode B ultrassonography, cytology, culture and biopsy. Hemodynamic evaluation of the uterus can be done by spectral data collected from large vessels, as A. uterine and its ramifications, or from subjective or objective evaluations from endometrium, miometrium and mesometrium attachment, which provide data referent to local and specific alterations of the evaluated area. Alterations in uterine vascular perfusion has been detected during estrous cycle, during pregnancy and in cases of infusion of inflammatory substances. These alterations happen because of vasoactive substances that act in the uterus during these events, however, most of these vasoactive substances are probably not even known. Also, important hemodynamic alterations in old mares, as an increase in vascular resistance, have been described. This increase might result from fibrosis of the uterus and in women it is considered to be a cause of infertility. In mares, periglandular fibrosis of the endometrium is considered to be the major diagnosable cause of embryonic and fetal loss in older mares. For the CL, ovarian artery of the mare supplies the ovary as well as the oviduct and therefore can be used for evaluation of these areas. The CL evaluation can also be done by the percentage of luteum area with colored signals as an indicator of the extent of blood flow. The percentage of the CL area with colored signals is determined subjectively by images observations in real time and/or by a freezing Power Doppler cross-section image with the maximum number of color pixels taped and the total number of color pixels is assessed by a computer analysis system. Therefore, a high correlation between plasmatic progesterone and CL vascularization also allows the CL evalution by this technique. In a first report, CL circulation reached its maximum on D5, the progesterone concentration in peripheral blood increased until D7 and in a posterior report, maximum perfusion was achieved two days after the maximum progesterone concentration (D8). Blood flow reduced between D10-D14 some days before the plasma progesterone decrease and, during the luteolytic period (D15-D17), the decline in CL blood-flow area was greater than blood flow decrease. Conclusion: Doppler ultrassonography add knowledge about uterine viability and CL functionality can be easily used by veterinarians in the field. It is a noninvasive method that provides real time results. However, because of the short time studies in this area have been done, many other answers still need to be found until normal and pathological patterns will be established.
Incluye Bibliografía
Includes bibliography
This article discusses the controversy surrounding the winning project of the competition organized by the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the Brazilian pavilion at the Expo'92 in Seville, Spain; the views of architecture critics made at the time of the results, and, their implications for Brazilian architecture. At the beginning of the 90s, this competition was a kind of confrontation of ideas, between the architects who were in favour of a renewal of architecture and those who defended the resumption of national architectural traditions, buildings with large spans, constructed in reinforced concrete. These architects were the heirs of the so called Paulista architecture, which was characterised by the work undertaken from the 60's by important architects such as Vilanova Artigas and Paulo Mendes da Rocha. The modern references adopted by the winning project, from the architects Angelo Bucci, Alvaro Puntoni and José Oswaldo Vilela, sparked controversies because of the difficulty of resuming the teachings of the old modern masters when faced with new times. These controversies were related to the end of the military dictatorship in Brazil and the process of opening markets, and by the relevance of a re-evaluation of the so-called Paulista architecture.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular) - IBRC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC