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En la pampa inundable se ha producido un importante aumento de carga animal durante la última década. Para sostenerlo son necesarias alternativas tecnológicas que permitan mejorar las áreas con pastizales menos productivos, como son las estepas de halófitas o bajos alcalino - sódicos. En la presente tesis se evaluaron los efectos de la introducción de Chloris gayana (Chloris) y Panicum coloratum (Panicum) sobre las características agronómicas y edáficas de un ambiente halomórfico de esta región. Para ello se realizó un experimento a campo al Noreste de la región (35° 24.851` S., 57° 43.2`O.) sobre un suelo Natracualf típico donde se sembraron estas especies y se dejaron parcelas con el pastizal natural en clausura (E. Clausura) y pastoreo (E. Pastoreo) como testigo. La implantación de Chloris y Panicum incrementó en 90 por ciento y 117 por ciento respectivamente la Productividad Primaria Neta Aérea respecto de la estepa de halófitas, aunque no superó su calidad nutricional. Las parcelas sembradas duplicaron en cobertura al pastizal natural y el contenido de materia orgánica de sus suelos se incrementó significativamente (3,1 Chloris y 2,8 Panicum vs. 2,1 E. Clausura y 2,25 en E. Pastoreo). Tanto la densidad aparente (1,21 Chloris y 1,24 Panicum vs. 1,31 en las estepas) como el Cambio en Diámetro Medio Ponderado (CDMP) (0,33 Chloris y 0,33 Panicum vs. 0,45 E, Pastoreo y 0,77 E. Clausura) fueron significativamente inferiores en las parcelas sembradas, mientras que la tasa de infiltración del agua (3,19 Chloris y 2,56 Panicum vs. 2 E. Clasura y 1,48 E. Pastoreo) fue significativamente superior. Sobre los parámetros de halomorfismo edáfico evaluados se registró sólo una leve disminución del PH superficial que no llegaría a afectar el fuerte carácter sódico del suelo. Concluyendo, tanto C. Gayana como P. coloratum podrían considerarse alternativas promisorias para mejorar ambientes halomórficos, aunque se requiere estudiar mejor aspectos como implantación, supervivencia a bajas temperaturas y excesos hídricos, y efectos fitorremediadores bajo pastoreo.
Tres semanas después de recibir la enseñanza de probabilidad, diez estudiantes de un bachillerato tecnológico fueron seleccionados para desarrollar una actividad extra-aula experimental, fundamentada en la aproximación de la frecuencia relativa a la probabilidad. Se utilizaron hojas de control y se videograbó la sesión. Inicialmente los estudiantes lanzaron volados individualmente y después se organizaron en equipos para analizar sus datos. En la interacción social en dos equipos se manifestó la confusión entre los conceptos de frecuencias relativa y absoluta, y se observó la subordinación de ideas de los miembros ante un líder conceptual. Los estudiantes en un inicio confundieron los valores de la variable aleatoria con el espacio muestra, lo cual corrigieron posteriormente; si bien expresaron una aproximación intuitiva a la ley de los grandes números, no lograron progresar en ella. En general los estudiantes se mostraron dubitativos al contestar a las preguntas de las hojas de control, a pesar del poco tiempo transcurrido desde la enseñanza.
The anticipated rewards of adaptive approaches will only be fully realised when autonomic algorithms can take configuration and deployment decisions that match and exceed those of human engineers. Such decisions are typically characterised as being based on a foundation of experience and knowledge. In humans, these underpinnings are themselves founded on the ashes of failure, the exuberance of courage and (sometimes) the outrageousness of fortune. In this paper we describe an application framework that will allow the incorporation of similarly risky, error prone and downright dangerous software artefacts into live systems – without undermining the certainty of correctness at application level. We achieve this by introducing the notion of application dreaming.
In this paper, the buildingEXODUS evacuation model is described and discussed and attempts at qualitative and quantitative model validation are presented. The data sets used for validation are the Stapelfeldt and Milburn House evacuation data. As part of the validation exercise, the sensitivity of the building-EXODUS predictions to a range of variables is examined, including occupant drive, occupant location, exit flow capacity, exit size, occupant response times and geometry definition. An important consideration that has been highlighted by this work is that any validation exercise must be scrutinised to identify both the results generated and the considerations and assumptions on which they are based. During the course of the validation exercise, both data sets were found to be less than ideal for the purpose of validating complex evacuation. However, the buildingEXODUS evacuation model was found to be able to produce reasonable qualitative and quantitative agreement with the experimental data.
Effects of ocean acidification on the composition of the active bacterial and archaeal community within Arctic surface sediment was analysed in detail using 16S rRNA 454 pyrosequencing. Intact sediment cores were collected and exposed to one of five different pCO(2) concentrations [380 (present day), 540, 750, 1120 and 3000 atm] and RNA extracted after a period of 14 days exposure. Measurements of diversity and multivariate similarity indicated very little difference between pCO(2) treatments. Only when the highest and lowest pCO(2) treatments were compared were significant differences evident, namely increases in the abundance of operational taxonomic units most closely related to the Halobacteria and differences to the presence/absence structure of the Planctomycetes. The relative abundance of members of the classes Planctomycetacia and Nitrospira increased with increasing pCO(2) concentration, indicating that these groups may be able to take advantage of changing pH or pCO(2) conditions. The modest response of the active microbial communities associated with these sediments may be due to the low and fluctuating pore-water pH already experienced by sediment microbes, a result of the pH buffering capacity of marine sediments, or due to currently unknown factors. Further research is required to fully understand the impact of elevated CO2 on sediment physicochemical parameters, biogeochemistry and microbial community dynamics.
Absolute and differential abundance analyses have been performed from high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio optical (Keck I) spectra for three evolved Galactic halo stars, namely PG 1704 + 222, HD 341617 and LSIV -0401. Their derived atmospheric parameters indicate that all three objects are undergoing a post-asymptotic giant branch (post-AGB) phase of evolution. A differential abundance analysis reveals HD 341617 as having a mild carbon deficiency of 0.74 dex, possibly due to the star having evolved off the AGB before the onset of the third dredge-up. Although such carbon underabundances are typical of hot post-AGB objects, the same trend is not observed in PG 1704 + 222, where the carbon abundance is found to be consistent with those derived for nitrogen and oxygen. Hence, a dredge-up scenario need not be invoked to explain the chemical composition of PG 1704 + 222. For LSIV -0401 no iron deficiency is apparent relative to magnesium and silicon, and hence a gas- dust separation event in the AGB progenitor need not be invoked for this star.
Quantum nonlocality is tested for an entangled coherent state, interacting with a dissipative environment. A pure entangled coherent state violates Bell's inequality regardless of its coherent amplitude. The higher the initial nonlocality, the more rapidly quantum nonlocality is lost. The entangled coherent state can also be investigated in the framework of 2x2 Hilbert space. The quantum nonlocality persists longer in 2x2 Hilbert space. When it decoheres it is found that the entangled coherent state fails the nonlocality test, which contrasts with the fact that the decohered entangled state is always entangled.