997 resultados para 82-557


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3 Briefe zwischen Graf Lazy Henckel von Donnersmarck und Max Horkheimer, 1968; 2 Briefe zwischen Gräfin Nina Henckel von Donnersmarck und Max Horkheimer, 1968; 4 Briefe zwischen der Sängerin Carla Henius und Max Horkheimer, 1970-1971; 1 Brief an K. H. Hennings von Max Horkheimer, 1967; 4 Briefe zwischen Professor Wilhelm Hennis und Max Horkheimer, 1971; 1 Brief an Professor Dieter Henrich von Max Horkheimer, 1964; 2 Briefe zwischen Caroline Hergert und Max Horkheimer, 1970; 1 Brief von Professor Fred Herman an Max Horkheimer, 1959; 2 Briefe zwischen der Fachschülerin Dora Herrmann und Max Horkheimer, 1972; 2 Briefe zwischen Professor Franz Herrmann und Max Horkheimer, 1970; 6 Briefe zwischen Dr. phil. Gert-Julius Herrmann und Max Horkheimer, 1968; 2 Briefe zwischen Dipl. Kfm. Dr. Dr. Otto O. Herz und Max Horkheimer, 1969; 4 Briefe zwischen Professor und Museumsdirektor Erich Herzog und Max Horkheimer, 1970; 2 Briefe zwischen Hans Eberhard Hess und Max Horkheimer, 1970; 16 Briefe zwischen Professor Eugen Hess-Baer und Max Horkheimer, 1966-1971; 3 Briefe zwischen Karl Hess und Max Horkheimer, 1969-1971; 1 Drucksache von Pfarrer Walter Hess, 1971; 6 Briefe zwischen dem Bankier Walter Hesselbach und Max Horkheimer, 1971-1973; Drucksachen vom Hessischen Kreis, 1968; Briefe zwischen dem Hessischen Landesmuseum Darmstadt und Max Horkheimer, 1969; 25 Briefe zwischen Professor Heinz Joachim Heydorn und Max Horkheimer, 1965-1973; 2 Briefe zwischen Dr. Karl Heymann und Max Horkheimer, 1970; 1 Brief an den Hippokrates-Verlag von Max Horkheimer, 1971; 9 Briefe zwischen Walter Hirschmann und Max Horkheimer, 1969-1971;


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Vorbesitzer: Dominikanerkloster Frankfurt am Main


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u.a.: Annahme der Professur in Berlin; Heinrich Floris Schopenhauer;


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Übersendung eines Diploms


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Zu einem "Festspiel"


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Trägerband: Inc. oct. 514; Vorbesitzer: Dominikanerkloster Frankfurt am Main


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139 Briefe zwischen Max Horkheimer und Leo Löwenthal; 5 Briefe zwischen Charles Y. Glock und Max Horkheimer; 2 Briefe von Leo Löwenthal an Frederick Pollock, 1951/1952; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Robert S. Lynd, 08.11.1951; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Nevitt R. Sanford, 21.04.1951; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Herbert Marcuse, 05.03.1951; 1 Brief von Harry J. Krould an Max Horkheimer, 19.02.1951; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Paul Lazarsfeld, 09.02.1951; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Manfred George, 12.08.1952; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Paul Massing, 27.07.1952;


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Vorbesitzer: Johannes Hundt


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Vorbesitzer: Johannes Bartholomaei;


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The cruise with RV Tydeman was devoted to study permanently stratified plankton systems in the (sub)tropical ocean, which are characterised by a deep chlorophyll peak between 80 and 150 m. To minimise lateral effects by horizontal transport of nutrients and organic matter from river outflow and upwelling regions, stations were selected in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean between the continents of America and Africa. (5 - 35° N and 50 - 15° W). Here the vertical distributions of light and nutrients control the abundance and growth of autotrophic algae in the thermically stratified water column. This phytoplankton is numerically dominated by the prokaryotic picoplankters Synechococcus spp. and Prochlorococcus spp., which are smaller than 2 ?m. The productivity of the 100 to 150 m deep euphotic zone can be high, because a high heterotrophic/autotrophic biomass ratio induces a rapid regeneration of nutrients and inorganic carbon. Primary grazers are mainly micro-organisms such as heterotrophic nannoflagellates and ciliates, which feed on the small algae and on bacteria. Heterotrophic bacteria can outnumber the autotrophic algae, because their number is related to the substrate pools of dissolved and particulate dead organic matter. These DOC and detritus pools reach equilibrium at a concentration, where the rate of their production (proportional to algal biomass) equals their mineralisation and sinking rate (proportional to the concentration and weight of POC and detritus). At a relatively low value of the weight-specific loss rates, the equilibrium concentration of these carbon pools and their load of bacteria can be high. The bacterial productivity is proportional to the mineralisation rate, which in a steady state can never be higher than the rate of primary production. Hence the ratio in turnover rate of bacteria and autotrophs tends to be reciprocally proportional to their biomass ratio.