974 resultados para 802.11b


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VALENTIM, R. A. M. ; MORAIS, A. H. F. ; SOUZA, V. S. V ; ARAUJO JUNIOR, H. B. ; BRANDAO, G. B. ; GUERREIRO, A. M. G. . Rede de Controle em Ambiente Hospitalar: um protocolo multiciclos para automação hospitalar sobre IEEE 802.3 com IGMP Snooping. Revista Ciência e Tecnologia, v. 11, p. 19, 2009


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Programa de doctorado: Tecnologías de la Información y sus Aplicaciones. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura


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Com a incorporação de conceitos da automação em ambientes hospitalares surge uma série de novos requisitos pertinentes a área médica. Dentre esses requisitos, um que merece destaque é a necessidade do estabelecimento de uma rede de comunicação segura e eficiente entre os elementos do ambiente hospitalar, visto que, os mesmos encontram-se de maneira distribuída. Nesse sentido, existe uma série de protocolos que podem ser utilizados no estabelecimento dessa rede, dentre os quais, um que merece destaque é o PM-AH (Protocolo Multiciclos para Automação Hospitalar) justamente por ser voltado a automatização de ambientes hospitalares tanto no que diz respeito ao cumprimento dos requisitos impostos nesse tipo de ambiente, como pelo fato de ser projetado para funcionar sobre a tecnologia Ethernet, padrão esse que é comumente utilizado pela rede de dados dos hospitais. Em decorrência disso, o presente trabalho aborda uma análise de desempenho comparativa entre redes PM-AH e puramente Ethernet visando atestar a eficiência do primeiro no que diz respeito ao cumprimento dos requisitos impostos pela automação hospitalar


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VALENTIM, R. A. M. ; MORAIS, A. H. F. ; SOUZA, V. S. V ; ARAUJO JUNIOR, H. B. ; BRANDAO, G. B. ; GUERREIRO, A. M. G. . Rede de Controle em Ambiente Hospitalar: um protocolo multiciclos para automação hospitalar sobre IEEE 802.3 com IGMP Snooping. Revista Ciência e Tecnologia, v. 11, p. 19, 2009


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Com a incorporação de conceitos da automação em ambientes hospitalares surge uma série de novos requisitos pertinentes a área médica. Dentre esses requisitos, um que merece destaque é a necessidade do estabelecimento de uma rede de comunicação segura e eficiente entre os elementos do ambiente hospitalar, visto que, os mesmos encontram-se de maneira distribuída. Nesse sentido, existe uma série de protocolos que podem ser utilizados no estabelecimento dessa rede, dentre os quais, um que merece destaque é o PM-AH (Protocolo Multiciclos para Automação Hospitalar) justamente por ser voltado a automatização de ambientes hospitalares tanto no que diz respeito ao cumprimento dos requisitos impostos nesse tipo de ambiente, como pelo fato de ser projetado para funcionar sobre a tecnologia Ethernet, padrão esse que é comumente utilizado pela rede de dados dos hospitais. Em decorrência disso, o presente trabalho aborda uma análise de desempenho comparativa entre redes PM-AH e puramente Ethernet visando atestar a eficiência do primeiro no que diz respeito ao cumprimento dos requisitos impostos pela automação hospitalar


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El presente trabajo de graduación consta de la implementación de un sistema de identificación de huellas dactilares para el acceso a lugares restringidos con protocolo de comunicación IEEE 802.11, el cual consta de una Raspberry P: 2.0, un Arduino Nano, una USB Wifi, una pantalla táctil 3.5” y un sensor biométrico GT511C3. El sistema muestra en un navegador web como página inicial la introducción de un usuario y contraseña, la cual da paso a la interfaz principal donde se registra y valida huellas y además consultar la base de datos de las huellas existentes en el sistema, las cuales son asociadas a un nombre de usuario


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The main goal of this thesis is to study the impact of retransmissions in the upcoming IEEE 802.11bd standard and to determine an algorithm which can, on a vehicle to vehicle basis, activate them or not depending on the channel state, using the channel busy rate (CBR) as the leading metric. The study was based on simulations performed with the WiLabV2Xsim, which is an open source discrete event simulator that can be used to simulate communication between vehicles under the rules of different protocols.


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The mesoporous SBA-15 silica with uniform hexagonal pore, narrow pore size distribution and tuneable pore diameter was organofunctionalized with glutaraldehyde-bridged silylating agent. The precursor and its derivative silicas were ibuprofen-loaded for controlled delivery in simulated biological fluids. The synthesized silicas were characterized by elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy, (13)C and (29)Si solid state NMR spectroscopy, nitrogen adsorption, X-ray diffractometry, thermogravimetry and scanning electron microscopy. Surface functionalization with amine containing bridged hydrophobic structure resulted in significantly decreased surface area from 802.4 to 63.0 m(2) g(-1) and pore diameter 8.0-6.0 nm, which ultimately increased the drug-loading capacity from 18.0% up to 28.3% and a very slow release rate of ibuprofen over the period of 72.5h. The in vitro drug release demonstrated that SBA-15 presented the fastest release from 25% to 27% and SBA-15GA gave near 10% of drug release in all fluids during 72.5 h. The Korsmeyer-Peppas model better fits the release data with the Fickian diffusion mechanism and zero order kinetics for synthesized mesoporous silicas. Both pore sizes and hydrophobicity influenced the rate of the release process, indicating that the chemically modified silica can be suggested to design formulation of slow and constant release over a defined period, to avoid repeated administration.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Ethanol oxidation has been studied on Pt-Sn and Pt-Sn-W electrodes prepared in an arc-melting furnace. Different electrochemical techniques like cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry were used to evaluate the catalytic activity of these materials. The electro-oxidation process was also investigated by in situ infrared reflectance spectroscopy in order to determine adsorbed intermediates and reaction products. Experimental results indicated that Pt-Sn and Pt-Sn-W alloys are able to oxidize ethanol mainly to acetaldehyde and acetic acid. Adsorbed CO was also detected, demonstrating the viability of splitting the C-C bond in the ethanol molecule during the oxidation process. The adsorbed CO was further oxidized to CO2.This reaction product was clearly detected by SNIFTIRS. Pt-Sn-W catalyst showed a better electrochemical performance than Pt-Sn that, in it turn, is better than Pt-alone.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate whether yerba maté alcoholic extracts at very low concentrations (0.01 and 0.1%), prevent/retard lipid peroxidation in beef hamburgers without impairing sensory acceptability. For this TBARs and hexanal levels, fatty acid profile and cholesterol oxides were evaluated as oxidation parameters in beef hamburgers during 90 days' storage. The addition of 0.01% yerba maté ethanolic extracts proved inefficient in restraining the lipid peroxidation while the addition of 0.1% resulted in efficient antioxidant activity. Sensory evaluation of hamburger containing 0.1% yerba maté ethanolic extracts showed good acceptability. Yerba maté ethanolic extracts could entirely or partially replace the phenolic synthetic antioxidants in beef hamburgers only when used at above legally allowed concentrations for antioxidant additives (0.01%).


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The influence of the scrotal bipartition and of the year period on the scrotal-testicular thermal regulation was evaluated in male goats raised in Piaui State, Brazil. Eighteen male goats at mating age were accomplished in this study and arranged into three Groups (6 animals each) obeying the classification as goats presenting no scrotal bipartition (Group I), goats showing scrotal bipartition at 50% of the testicular length (Group II), and goats with more than 50% of scrotal bipartition (Group III). The scrotal, testicular and spermatic funiculi temperatures were evaluated invasively with the aid of a digital thermometer and non-invasive with a pyrometer in the proximal, medial and distal portion. The data were acquired during the dry (October-November) and rainy (February-March) period of the year, measured in two shifts: morning (6h00-7h00) and afternoon (14h00-15h00). The results were submitted to variance analysis (ANOVA) following the SNK test for average comparison (p<0.05). The year period interfered on the scrotal-testicular thermal regulation, due to increased temperatures of the scrotal, testicular and spermatic funiculi during the dry period in comparison with the rainy period. The bipartition level was also a factor which contributed to the influence of scrotal-testicular temperature regulation, due to lower average scrotal-testicular temperature rates observed during both periods in the goats with higher levels of scrotal bipartition (>50%). It is possible to conclude that with the experimental conditions applied on this study, the level of scrotal bipartition and the climatic conditions interfere with the scrotal-testicular thermal regulation in goats.


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A técnica de biópsia hepática em ruminantes tem importante valor no diagnóstico clínico de doenças tóxicas e metabólicas, em especial nos desequilíbrios minerais. As técnicas mais comumente utilizadas restringem análises devido ao limitado volume de tecido obtido. No presente trabalho, avaliou-se o uso de uma técnica de biópsia hepática por laparotomia paracostal em bovinos e búfalos. Foram utilizados 10 bovinos e 10 búfalos hígidos. Os animais foram mantidos em estação, sedados com xilazina e infiltrados localmente com lidocaína e epinefrina. O acesso à cavidade abdominal foi realizado por meio de uma incisão dorso-ventral de 15cm no flanco direito, iniciada ventralmente (cerca de 4-5cm) ao processo transverso da 2a ou 3a vértebra lombar e situada caudalmente (cerca de 4cm) e paralelamente à 13a costela, obtendo-se visualização do fígado. Foi então realizado pinçamento do bordo caudal do órgão com pinça Doyen para remoção de fragmento hepático (2 a 4g). Procedeu-se o fechamento da cavidade abdominal como de rotina. Foram analisados os parâmetros bioquímicos e hematológicos antes do procedimento (tempo zero) e após 24 horas, 48 horas, 5 dias e 10 dias após a biópsia. Todas as variáveis bioquímicas estudadas retornaram aos valores basais 5 e 10 dias após o procedimento nos bovinos e búfalos, respectivamente. O tempo médio de cirurgia por animal foi de 25 minutos. A biópsia hepática por laparotomia paracostal demonstrou ser uma técnica eficaz e de baixo risco à saúde dos animais, permitindo a coleta de suficiente quantidade de tecido hepática para realização de múltiplas análises.


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Measurements of polar organic marker compounds were performed on aerosols that were collected at a pasture site in the Amazon basin (Rondonia, Brazil) using a high-volume dichotomous sampler (HVDS) and a Micro-Orifice Uniform Deposit Impactor (MOUDI) within the framework of the 2002 LBA-SMOCC (Large-Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia - Smoke Aerosols, Clouds, Rainfall, and Climate: Aerosols From Biomass Burning Perturb Global and Regional Climate) campaign. The campaign spanned the late dry season (biomass burning), a transition period, and the onset of the wet season (clean conditions). In the present study a more detailed discussion is presented compared to previous reports on the behavior of selected polar marker compounds, including levoglucosan, malic acid, isoprene secondary organic aerosol (SOA) tracers and tracers for fungal spores. The tracer data are discussed taking into account new insights that recently became available into their stability and/or aerosol formation processes. During all three periods, levoglucosan was the most dominant identified organic species in the PM(2.5) size fraction of the HVDS samples. In the dry period levoglucosan reached concentrations of up to 7.5 mu g m(-3) and exhibited diel variations with a nighttime prevalence. It was closely associated with the PM mass in the size-segregated samples and was mainly present in the fine mode, except during the wet period where it peaked in the coarse mode. Isoprene SOA tracers showed an average concentration of 250 ng m(-3) during the dry period versus 157 ng m(-3) during the transition period and 52 ng m(-3) during the wet period. Malic acid and the 2-methyltetrols exhibited a different size distribution pattern, which is consistent with different aerosol formation processes (i.e., gas-to-particle partitioning in the case of malic acid and heterogeneous formation from gas-phase precursors in the case of the 2-methyltetrols). The 2-methyltetrols were mainly associated with the fine mode during all periods, while malic acid was prevalent in the fine mode only during the dry and transition periods, and dominant in the coarse mode during the wet period. The sum of the fungal spore tracers arabitol, mannitol, and erythritol in the PM(2.5) fraction of the HVDS samples during the dry, transition, and wet periods was, on average, 54 ng m(-3), 34 ng m(-3), and 27 ng m(-3), respectively, and revealed minor day/night variation. The mass size distributions of arabitol and mannitol during all periods showed similar patterns and an association with the coarse mode, consistent with their primary origin. The results show that even under the heavy smoke conditions of the dry period a natural background with contributions from bioaerosols and isoprene SOA can be revealed. The enhancement in isoprene SOA in the dry season is mainly attributed to an increased acidity of the aerosols, increased NO(x) concentrations and a decreased wet deposition.