898 resultados para 710501 Economic issues


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This article aims to analyze the content expressed in the weekly Bundas and show how this addressed the economic issues in Brazil in the period 1999-2001. Through this study, we will seek to understand how the printed addressed the economic issues and the language employed by evidence how the vehicle was differed from the others in the category accessibility. The economic journalism has a way of approach often incomprehensible by readers, so the analysis of Bundas show the role of that journalism to the society and the importance of it becoming available to the reading public.


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Scenario-based analyses were computed for benefits and costs linked with hypothetical oral rabies vaccination (ORV) campaigns to contain or eliminate skunk-variant rabies in skunks (Mephitis mephitis) in California, USA. Scenario 1 assumed baiting eight zones (43,388 km2 total) that comprised 73% of known skunk rabies locations in the state. Scenario 2 also assumed baiting these eight zones, but further assumed that added benefits would result from preventing the spread of skunk-variant rabies into Los Angeles County, USA. Scenarios assumed a fixed bait cost ($1.24 each) but varied campaigns (one, two and three annual ORV applications), densities of baits (37.5/km2, 75/km2 and 150/km2), levels of prevention (50%, 75%, and 100%), and contingency expenditures if rabies recurred (20%, 40%, and 60% of campaign costs). Prorating potential annual benefits during a 12-yr time horizon yielded benefit-cost ratios (BCRs) between 0.16 and 2.91 and between 0.34 and 6.35 for Scenarios 1 and 2, respectively. Economic issues relevant to potentially managing skunk-variant rabies with ORV are discussed.


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The present study sought to develop and validate an interview version of the Native American Cultural Involvement and Detachment Anxiety Questionnaire (CIDAQ; McNeil, Porter, Zvolensky, Chaney, & Kee, 2000) in an effort to construct a more culturally appropriate means of obtaining anxiety-related information from a tribally homogenous sample of Native Americans. Five pilot subjects (60% women; M age = 35.8 years) and 50 Native American participants (46% women; M age = 40.32 years) residing on a Northern Plains reservation were administered the CIDAQ - Interview, designed specifically for this study, the Worry Domains Questionnaire (WDQ; Tallis, Eysenck, & Mathews, 1992), a measure of non-pathological worry, the CIDAQ (McNeil et al., 2000), a self-report measure of culturally-related anxiety, and a demographics form. Using a mixed design method of analysis, interviews were audio taped and data was both qualitatively and quantitatively compared for convergence and discrepancies across measures. As hypothesized, CIDAQ-Interview subscales corresponded with subscales from the CIDAQ self-report and included worries and anxiety in three content areas: (1) social involvement with Native Americans and cultural knowledge, (2) economic issues, and (3) social involvement with the majority culture. Results further revealed similarities between CIDAQ-Interview items and those on the CIDAQ self-report, indicating reliability for the Interview. Findings also confirmed the Interview's validity (r 's range = .349-.754), as well as a high level of internal consistency for the CIDAQ self-report (Cronbach alpha = .931). Data suggest the CIDAQ-Interview is a more culturally appropriate method of assessment and may be capable of assessing anxiety at a higher level of specificity then the self-report version. Results of the study are discussed in relation to the assessment of anxiety for homogenous reservation Native Americans, study limitations and directions for future research with the CIDAQ-Interview are also discussed.


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The Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) is a long term (20 years) research effort aimed at the understanding of the functioning of the Amazonian ecosystem. In particular, the strong biosphere-atmosphere interaction is a key component looking at the exchange processes between vegetation and the atmosphere, focusing on aerosol particles. Two aerosol components are the most visible: The natural biogenic emissions of aerosols and VOCs, and the biomass burning emissions. A large effort was done to characterize natural biogenic aerosols that showed detailed organic characterization and optical properties. The biomass burning component in Amazonia is important in term of aerosol and trace gases emissions, with deforestation rates decreasing, from 27,000 Km2 in 2004 to about 5,000 Km2 in 2011. Biomass burning emissions in Amazonia increases concentrations of aerosol particles, CO, ozone and other species, and also change the surface radiation balance in a significant way. Long term monitoring of aerosols and trace gases were performed in two sites: a background site in Central Amazonia, 55 Km North of Manaus (called ZF2 ecological reservation) and a monitoring station in Porto Velho, Rondonia state, a site heavily impacted by biomass burning smoke. Several instruments were operated to measured aerosol size distribution, optical properties (absorption and scattering at several wavelengths), composition of organic (OC/EC) and inorganic components among other measurements. AERONET and MODIS measurements from 5 long term sites show a large year-to year variability due to climatic and socio-economic issues. Aerosol optical depths of more than 4 at 550nm was observed frequently over biomass burning areas. In the pristine Amazonian atmosphere, aerosol scattering coefficients ranged between 1 and 200 Mm-1 at 450 nm, while absorption ranged between 1 and 20 Mm-1 at 637 nm. A strong seasonal behavior was observed, with greater aerosol loadings during the dry season (Jul-Nov) as compared to the wet season (Dec-Jun). During the wet season in Manaus, aerosol scattering (450 nm) and absorption (637 nm) coefficients averaged, respectively, 14 and 0.9 Mm-1. Angstrom exponents for scattering were lower during the wet season (1.6) in comparison to the dry season (1.9), which is consistent with the shift from biomass burning aerosols, predominant in the fine mode, to biogenic aerosols, predominant in the coarse mode. Single scattering albedo, calculated at 637 nm, did not show a significant seasonal variation, averaging 0.86. In Porto Velho, even in the wet season it was possible to observe an impact from anthropogenic aerosol. Black Carbon was measured at a high 20 ug/m³ in the dry season, showing strong aerosol absorption. This work presents a general description of the aerosol optical properties in Amazonia, both during the Amazonian wet and dry seasons.


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[ES] Este artículo estudia la evolución de la historiografía obrera italiana, que surge del marxismo y vinculada al PCI. Esta historiografía militante se caracterizó por la recopilación de fuentes documentales y el estudio del movimiento organizado, al tiempo que se debatía sobre cuestiones socio-económicas. En una segunda fase, a partir de 1956, la historiografía obrera italiana avanzó en pos de un mayor rigor científico, propósito que se concretó en una mayor apertura de los archivos y en la ampliación de la investigación a temáticas políticamente sensibles. Posteriormente, al calor de los cambios experimentados por el país en los años sesenta y setenta, y favorecida por los contactos con historiografías foráneas, la historiografía obrera italiana perdió progresivamente su carácter militante y se renovó con nuevas interrogantes y metodologías. [EN] This article looks at the evolution of labour historiography in Italy, a movement that emerged from Marxism and was linked to the PCI. This militant historiography was characterized by the compilation of documentary sources and the study of the organised movement, while general socio-economic issues were under discussion. The second phase, from 1956 onward, saw Italian labour historiography making advances in achieving greater thoroughness, involving the opening of more archives and expanding the research to politically sensitive issues. Subsequently, in the light of changes experienced by the country in the 1960s and 1970s, and thanks to foreign historiographies, the Italian labour historiography lost its militant nature in a progressive way and developed new queries and methodologies.


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Stocks’ overexploitation and socio-economic sustainability are two major issues currently at stake in European fisheries. In this view the European Commission is considering the implementation of management plans as a means to move towards a longer-term perspective on fisheries management, to consider regional differences and to increase stakeholder involvement. Adriatic small pelagic species (anchovies and sardines) are some of the most studied species in the world from a biologic perspective; several economic analysis have also been realised on Italian pelagic fishery; despite that, no complete bioeconomic modelization has been carried out yet considering all biologic, technical and economic issues. Bioeconomic models cannot be considered foolproof tools but are important implements to help decision makers and can supply a fundamental scientific basis for management plans. This research gathers all available information (from biologic, technologic and economic perspectives) in order to carry out a bioeconomic model of the Adriatic pelagic fishery. Different approaches are analyzed and some of them developed to highlight potential divergences in results, characteristics and implications. Growth, production and demand functions are estimated. A formal analysis about interaction and competition between Italian and Croatian fleet is examined proposing different equilibriums for open access, duopoly and a form of cooperative solution. Anyway normative judgments are limited because of poor knowledge of population dynamics and data related to the Croatian fleet.


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The thesis focuses on the process of international openness of Transition Countries. This study provides a theoretical analysis based on reference literature, and an empirical analysis which is aimed at estimating some main effects of Foreign Direct Investment. Transition has represented a highly complex phenomenon, characterized by several aspects, whose interaction has shaped the developmental path of each country involved. Although the thesis focuses on economic issues it is outstanding to underline that Transition implies political, institutional, and even social deep changes, which must be taken into consideration in the general overview of the contex. The empirical part has been developed along two different ways: a country analysis and a firm analysis, thus allowing to widen the study and delve deeper into the use of econometric instruments. More specifically, in the first empirical stage both static (Fixed Effects) and dynamic (LSDV Corrected) methodologies have been implemented, whereas in the second stage the Cox Proportional Function has been chosen in order to handle with censored data.


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Food Security has become an important issue in the international debate, particularly during the latest economic crisis. It relevant issue also for the Mediterranean Countries (MCs), particularly those of the southern shore, as they are is facing complex economic and social changes. On the one hand there is the necessity to satisfy the increasing and changing food demand of the growing population; on the other hand it is important to promote economic growth and adjust the agricultural production to food demand in a sustainable perspective. The assessment of food security conditions is a challenging task due to the multi-dimensional nature and complexity of the matter. Many papers in the scientific literature focus on the nutritional aspects of food security, while its economic issues have been addressed less frequently and only in recent times. Thus, the main objective of the research is to assess food (in)security conditions in the MCs. The study intends to identify and implement appropriate theoretical concepts and methodological tools to be used in the assessment of food security, with a particular emphasis on its economic dimension within MCs. The study follows a composite methodological approach, based on the identification and selection of a number of relevant variables, a refined set of indicators is identified by means of a two-step Principal Component Analysis applied to 90 countries and the PCA findings have been studied with particular attention to the MCs food security situation. The results of the study show that MCs have an higher economic development compared to low-income countries, however the economic and social disparities of this area show vulnerability to food (in)security, due to: dependency on food imports, lack of infrastructure and agriculture investment, climate condition and political stability and inefficiency. In conclusion, the main policy implications of food (in)security conditions in MCs are discussed.


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La ricerca è stata incentrata su di una fonte di grande importanza per una più puntuale comprensione della vita del regno di Federico II: il Quaternus excadenciarum Capitinate. Essa ha tenuto presenti le altre fonti coeve: Liber Augustalis, Registro della Cancelleria di Federico II degli anni 1239-1240, fonti cronachistiche. Il Quaternus è un inventario di talune particolari categorie di beni demaniali, le excadencie, la cui concessione è scaduta e pertanto ritornano al fisco. Tali beni sono situati in 33 località del Giustizierato di Capitanata. Senza data, è stato redatto tra il 1249 e il 1250 (risultano inseriti i beni confiscati a Pier della Vigna, bollato di tradimento nel febbraio 1249). Obiettivo della ricerca è stato duplice: 1) analizzare e approfondire le questioni di natura giuridico-istituzionale ed economica implicate nel documento e tentare di ricostruire uno spaccato della Capitanata del XIII sec.; 2) offrire una nuova e più corretta edizione del testo. La prima parte dello studio ha inteso inquadrare il documento nel contesto delle esigenze proprie delle monarchie del tempo di tenere sotto controllo i beni immobili di ciascun regno ed analizzare la politica economica fridericiana (capp. I, II). La seconda parte è stata dedicata agli approfondimenti innanzi ricordati. Essa è struttura in sette capitoli (I. Il Quaternus excadenciarum Capitinate; II. Beni e diritti costituenti le excadencie Capitinate; III. Il Quaternus come specchio di una politica dispotica; IV. La gestione delle excadencie; V. Pesi e misure; VI. Monete e valori; VII. Il Quaternus come documento sullo stato della Capitanata nel XIII secolo). In appendice: tabelle che offrono per ciascuna delle 33 località considerate, puntuali indicazioni dei beni e diritti censiti, dei nomi dei titolari delle concessioni (spesso personaggi di rango) e delle relative rendite.


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During the PhD program in chemistry, curriculum in environmental chemistry, at the University of Bologna the sustainability of industry was investigated through the application of the LCA methodology. The efforts were focused on the chemical sector in order to investigate reactions dealing with the Green Chemistry and Green Engineering principles, evaluating their sustainability in comparison with traditional pathways by a life cycle perspective. The environmental benefits associated with a reduction in the synthesis steps and the use of renewable feedstock were assessed through a holistic approach selecting two case studies with high relevance from an industrial point of view: the synthesis of acrylonitrile and the production of acrolein. The current approach wants to represent a standardized application of LCA methodology to the chemical sector, which could be extended to several case studies, and also an improvement of the current databases, since the lack of data to fill the inventories of the chemical productions represent a huge limitation, difficult to overcome and that can affects negatively the results of the studies. Results emerged from the analyses confirms that the sustainability in the chemical sector should be evaluated from a cradle-to-gate approach, considering all the stages and flows involved in each pathways in order to avoid shifting the environmental burdens from a steps to another. Moreover, if possible, LCA should be supported by other tools able to investigate the other two dimensions of sustainability represented by the social and economic issues.


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This dissertation seeks to contribute to film, feminist and Latino/a studies by exploring the construction and ideological implications of representations of Latinas in four recent, popular U.S. films: Girlfight (Kusama 2000), Maid in Manhattan (Wang 2002), Real Women Have Curves (Cardoso 2002) and Spanglish (Brooks 2004). These films were released following a time of tremendous growth in the population and the political and economic strength of the Latina/o community as well as a rise in popularity and visibility in the 1990s of entertainers like Selena and actresses such as Jennifer Lopez and Salma Hayek. Drawing on the critical concepts of hybridity, Latinidad, and Bakhtinian dialogism, I analyze these films from a cultural and historical perspective to consider whether and to what degree, assuming changes in the situation of Latinas/os in the 1990’s, representations of Latinas have also changed. Specifically, in this dissertation I consider the ways in which the terrain of the Latina body is articulated in these films in relation to competing societal, cultural and familial conflicts, focusing on the body as a site of struggle where relationships collide, interact and are negotiated. In this dissertation I argue that most of the representations of Latinas in these films defy easy categorization, featuring complex characters grappling with economic issues, intergenerational differences, abuse, mother-daughter relationships, notions of beauty, familial expectations and the very real tensions between Latina/o cultural beliefs and practices and the dominant Anglo culture of the United States. Specifically, I argue that narrative and visual representation of Latina bodies in these films reflects a change in the Latinas offered for consumption to film viewers, presenting us with what some critics have called ‘emergent’ Latinas: conflicted and multilayered representations that in some cases challenge dominant ideologies and offer new demonstrations of Latina agency.


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Policy actors tend to misinterpret and distrust opponents in policy processes. This phenomenon, known as the “devil shift”, consists of the following two dimensions: actors perceive opponents as more powerful and as more evil than they really are. Analysing nine policy processes in Switzerland, this article highlights the drivers of the devil shift at two levels. On the actor level, interest groups, political parties and powerful actors suffer more from the devil shift than state actors and powerless actors. On the process level, the devil shift is stronger in policy processes dealing with socio-economic issues as compared with other issues. Finally, and in line with previous studies, there is less empirical evidence of the power dimension of the devil shift phenomenon than of its evilness dimension.


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Recent research on the transformation of West European party systems emphasises that cultural issues such as immigration have gained in importance besides the traditional socio-economic cleavage. While this literature shows that parties address not only cultural but also economic is-sues, it has paid less attention on whether parties combine cultural and economic issues. In this paper we focus on immigrants’ social rights by analysing if and how mainstream parties combine immigration and redistributive issues. Drawing on Faist (1995), we distinguish three different perspectives how political actors, here mainstream parties, might react to the welfare chauvinist claims that aim to restrict immigrants’ social rights. Our analysis relies on party manifestos in Germany, Switzerland and the United Kingdom between 1999 and 2011. The results of the anal-ysis indicate that variation is found among party families, in particular among the left. Even though the purpose of the paper is not to ‘prove’ that the populist challenge explains how the mainstream left-wing parties behave, the results allow nonetheless for interpreting mainstream parties’ strategic combination of welfare and immigration issues as a response to anti-immigration and anti-integration issues raised by populist challengers.


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Grain legume production in Europe has decreased in recent years, while legume demand has rapidly increased due to growth of meat production. Therefore, Europe imports grain legumes, principally soybeans, to meet feed protein requirements. Various investigations have identified problems and benefits of local grain legume cultivation. Nevertheless, grain legume cultivation has still not increased in the last years. Studies investigating why farmers do not cultivate grain legumes are missing. Here, we surveyed the knowledge of farmers about grain legume cultivation, problems and constraints of grain legume cultivation and the barriers faced by and incentives needed by farmers. We sent a questionnaire to 1373 farmers in Luxembourg, with a response rate of 29 %. Results show that only 17 % of all the responding farmers cultivated grain legumes; 88 % of the conventional farmers did not cultivate grain legumes, while 85 % of the organic farmers did. We observed that Luxembourgish farmers feel badly informed about grain legume cultivation; organic farmers generally feel better informed than their conventional colleagues. The main barrier, named by Luxemburgish farmers to not cultivate grain legumes, is not economic issues but a lack of knowledge and extension services for these crops. Main incentives needed to start grain legume cultivation in the future are economic issues. Even though grain legume producers mentioned several negative experiences with grain legume cultivation, they are not discouraged by the poor economic conditions and appreciate the benefits of grain legume cultivation. Overall, our findings show that research results on grain legume should be better disseminated to extension services and farmers.


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Así como la Historia reconoce a Entre Ríos como cuna de la colonización, es también en esta provincia donde desde el comienzo del siglo XX se desarrolla el cooperativismo agrario que presta importantes servicios al asociado en materia de abastecimiento, comercialización y transformación. Prestación que se traduce en un uso más racional de la tierra, un mayor volumen de negocios, el mejoramiento en la calidad del producto, la utilización eficiente del capital, el aumento de la demanda por la ampliación de los mercados y la introducción de servicios que cada agricultor por si sólo no podría alcanzar. El presente artículo se propone analizar la trayectoria de una cooperativa arrocera -fundada en la década de 1970- ubicada en la localidad entrerriana de Villa Elisa que en mayor o menor media ha ido cumpliendo con esas prestaciones y que hoy se posiciona como el tercer exportador nacional de arroz y el primero de gestión cooperativa. Más allá de las cuestiones económicas, se prestará especial atención a la articulación interinstitucional de la empresa y a los cambios introducidos a nivel organizacional