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A tuberculose multirresistente (MR) a drogas é uma séria ameaça à saúde pública devido à maiores complexidade, custo e efeitos colaterais do tratamento. Poucos estudos descreveram a epidemiologia molecular de isolados de <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosisi> MR no Brasil. Neste trabalho foi investigada a diversidade genética e mutações associadas à resistência a drogas de 99 isolados MR e 7 não MR coletados em um período de 8 anos e provenientes de 12 estados brasileiros. Esta investigação foi feita através da análise do polimorfismo de fragmentos de restrição do elemento de inserção IS6110 (IS6110-RFLP), spoligotyping e sequenciamento de regiões dos genes rpoB e katG que conferem resistência aos antibióticos rifampicina e isoniazida, respectivamente. Mutações nos genes katG e rpoB foram encontradas em 90,9% e 93% dos isolados MR analisados, respectivamente. Para o gene rpoB, 91,9% das mutações estavam contidas na região RRDR de 81-pb. Um total de 51 (51.5%), 23 (23.3%) e 11 (11.1%) isolados MR apresentaram mutações nos códons 531, 526 e 516, respectivamente. Com relação ao gene katG, foram encontradas mutações em 93% dos isolados MR analisados, sendo que 7 apresentaram mutações apenas na primeira região analisada (katG1). O codon 315 da segunda região analisada do gene katG (katG2) apresentou mutações em 82.8% dos isolados MR, sendo a maioria Ser315Thr. A região katG1 apresentou mutações em 30.3% dos isolados MR sendo a maioria deleção do códon 4. Pelo spoligotyping foi possível determinar que os isolados MR deste estudo pertencem a 5 diferentes famílias (com suas subfamílias) de M. tuberculosis circulantes no Brasil, onde as mais frequentemente encontradas foram: LAM (46%), T (17%) e H (12%). Nós observamos que uma das famílias, a EAI5, carrega mutações no códon 463 do gene katG, o que não ocorre para as demais. Além disso, entre nossos isolados foi identificada um isolado pertencente à cepa Beijing (extremamente virulenta), mas este fato não é alarmante já que se tratou de apenas um caso. Através de nossos dados foram descritos novos alelos mutados para os genes rpoB e katG. Com exceção da família X2, foi identificada uma região inicial do gene katG com alta frequência de mutações nos isolados MR. A análise por IS6110-RFLP revelou que 25 isolados formaram 11 grupos genotípicos enquanto 74 mostraram um padrão único de bandas. Esta alta taxa de polimorfismo indica aquisição independente de resistência entre nossos isolados. Para a família H, foi identificada uma inversão na freqüência de ocorrência de mutações no gene rpoB, sendo o códon 516 o mais mutado, seguido pelo 526 e 531. Os resultados deste estudo fornecem informações úteis para um melhor entendimento do espectro de mutações dos isolados MR de pacientes no Brasil. Nossos resultados também se tornam úteis no desenvolvimento de testes diagnósticos de tuberculose MR e para auxiliar no rastreamento da transmissão global desta doença.


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A matriz extracelular (MEC) é capaz de modular a adesão celular, induzindo processos de sinalização celular. No estado de aderência intermediária, induzido por proteínas matricelulares, as células tendem a se diferenciar, migrar e proliferar. A tenascina-C é uma proteína matricelular amplamente secretada em gliomas que está envolvida na proliferação e angiogênese tumoral. A MEC de gliomas, possui elevada incorporação de tenascina-C (TN-C), uma glicoproteína matricelular desadesiva que compete com a glicoproteína adesiva fibronectina (FN), desestabilizando os contatos focais e induzindo proliferação celular em gliomas. Neste trabalho nós nos propusemos a investigar o papel da TN-C tumoral no fenótipo angiogênico de células endoteliais. Recentemente em um trabalho publicado pelo nosso grupo observamos que as células endoteliais semeadas sobre matrizes de glioma (U373 MG) aderem menos e são deficientes na capacidade de formar tubos quando comparadas com àquelas plaqueadas sobre MEC de HUVECs. No entanto, neste trabalho, reproduzimos este fenótipo semeando as células endoteliais em suportes de TN-C /FN miméticos da composição da matriz tumoral nativa. Por western blotting, observamos um aumento na fosforilação em treonina 638 da proteína PKCα, um possível sítio inibitório, e um aumento na ativação de PKCδ. O efeito antagônico na regulação dessas isoformas de PKC foi demonstrado quando usamos inibidores seletivos de PKC α e δ e um ativador de PKCα (PMA). Observamos que quando tratamos as HUVECs plaqueadas sobre MEC de U373 com PMA, resgatamos a capacidade dessas células de formar tubos, o pré-tratamento dessas HUVECs com inibidor de PKC δ (rotlerina) resgatou parcialmente a capacidade tubulogênica dessas células. O pré-tratamento das HUVECs que foram semeadas sobre MEC da HUVEC (que formam tubos normalmente) com um inibidor de PKC α (RO320432) levou a diminuição da capacidade tubulogênica. Além disso, esta matriz também induz ativação de ERK e AKT. Investigamos também se o bloqueio dos diferentes domínios da TN-C na matriz derivada de glioma poderia, de alguma forma, reverter o defeito angiogênico das células, propiciado pela interação com a matriz extracelular de gliomas. O pré-tratamento da matriz extracelular de glioma com anticorpos anti-TN-C (contra os domínios FNIII 1-3, 4-5 FNIII e N-terminal) resgatou parcialmente a capacidade das células endoteliais de formar tubos. Nossos dados sugerem que a indução do fenótipo vascular observado em muitos gliomas, com predomínio de vasos mal formados e sub-funcionais, pode ser parcialmente devido ao comprometido da sinalização mediada por PKCs em células endoteliais, bem como do aumento da ativação das vias de ERK e Akt.


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Within the spectrum of extratesticular mesenchymal tumors in the scrotum and perineum lies cellular angiofibroma, also known as angiomyofibroblastoma-like tumor, a rare lesion originally described to almost exclusively occur in the vulva, perineum, and pelvis of women. We report a case of this tumor, with an adjacent scrotal lipoma, occurring in a 60-year-old male who presented to our department with a firm palpable scrotal mass. To our knowledge, the MRI findings of this entity have yet to be described in the radiological literature. We present the MRI features of cellular angiofibroma that are consistent with the pathological characteristics of this entity-a benign cellular and fibrous tumor with prominent vascularity.


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The double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-dependent protein kinase (PKR) belongs to the eIF2 alpha kinase family and plays a critical role in interferon (IFN)-mediated antiviral response. Recently, in Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus), a PKR gene has been identified. In this study, we showed that PoPKR localized to the cytoplasm, and the dsRNA-binding motifs (dsRBMs) played a determinative role in protein localization. In cultured FEC cells, PoPKR was detected at a low level of constitutive expression but was highly induced after treatment with UV-inactivated grass carp hemorrhagic virus, active SMRV and Poly I:C although with different expression kinetics. In flounder, PoPKR was ubiquitously distributed in all tested tissues, and SMRV infection resulted in significant upregulation at mRNA and protein levels. In order to reveal the role of PoPKR in host antiviral response, its expression upon exposure to various inducers was characterized and further compared with that of PoHRI, which is another eIF2 alpha kinase of flounder. Interestingly, expression comparison revealed that all inducers stimulated upregulation of PoHRI in cultured flounder embryonic cells and fish, with a similar kinetics to PoPKR but to a less extent. These results suggest that, during antiviral immune response, both flounder eIF2 alpha kinases might play similar roles and that PoPKR is the predominant kinase. (C) 2009 National Natural Science Foundation of China and Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier Limited and Science in China Press. All rights reserved.


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An essential for respiration and viability (ERV1) homologue, 88R, was cloned and characterized from Rana grylio virus (RGV). Database searches found its homologues in all sequenced iridoviruses, and sequence alignment revealed a highly conserved motif shared by all ERV1 family proteins: Cys-X-X-Cys. RT-PCR and western blot analysis revealed that 88R begins to transcribe and translate at 6 h postinfection (p.i.) and remains detectable at 48 h p.i. during RGV infection course. Furthermore, using drug inhibition analysis by a de novo protein synthesis inhibitor and a viral DNA replication inhibitor, RGV 88R was classified as a late (L) viral gene during the in vitro infection. 88R-EGFP fusion protein was observed in both the cytoplasm and nucleus of pEGFP-N3-88R transfected EPC cells. Although result of immunofluorescence is similar, 88R protein was not detected in viromatrix. Moreover, function of RGV 88R on virus replication were evaluated by RNAi assay. Nevertheless, effect of knockdown of RGV 88R expression on virus replication was not detected in cultured fish cell lines. Collectively, current data indicate that RGV 88R was a late gene of iridovirus encoding protein that distributed both the cytoplasm and nucleus.


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Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) is a rare and endangered species, and also an important resource for the sturgeon aquaculture industry. To understand molecular characterization of Chinese sturgeon gonadotropins (GTHs), we cloned the full-length cDNAs of gonadotropin subunits common alpha (GTH-alpha), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) from a pituitary cDNA library of mature female. Two subtypes of GTH-alpha were identified. The nucleotide sequences of A. sinensis common alpha I (AsGTH-alpha I), common alpha II (AsGTH-alpha II), FSH beta (AsFSH beta) and LH beta (AsLH beta) subunit cDNAs are 345, 363, 387 and 414 bp in length, and encode mature peptides of 115, 121, 129 and 138 aa, respectively. Then, three polyclonal antibodies were prepared from the in vitro expressed AsGTH-alpha I, AsFSH beta and AsLH beta mature proteins, respectively. Significant expression differences were revealed between immature and mature sturgeon pituitaries. Western blot detection and immunofluoresence localization revealed the existence of three-gonadotropin subunits (AsGTH-alpha, AsFSH beta and AsLH beta) in mature sturgeon pituitaries, but only AsFSH beta was detected in immature individual pituitaries during early stages in the sturgeon life, and obvious difference was observed between males and females. In males, AsFSH beta was expressed in 4-year-old individuals, whereas in females, AsFSH beta was just expressed in 5-year-old individuals. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Anterior gradient 2 (Agr2) genes encode secretory proteins, and play significant roles in anterior-posterior patterning and tumor metastasis. Agr2 transcripts were shown to display quite diverse tissue distribution in different species, and little was known about the cellular localization of Agr2 proteins. In this study, we identified an Agr2 homologue from gibe[ carp (Carassius auratus gibelio), and revealed the expression patterns and cellular localization during embryogenesis and in adult tissues. The full-length cDNA of CagAgr2 is 803 nucleotides (nt) with an open reading frame of 510 nt encoding 169 amino acids. The Agr2 C-terminus matches to the class I PDZ-interacting motif, suggesting that it might be a PDZ-binding protein. During embryogenesis, CagAgr2 was found to be transcribed in the mucus-secreting hatching gland from tailbud stage and later in the pharynx region, swim bladder and pronephric duct as revealed by RT-PCR and whole mount in situ hybridization. In the adult fish, its transcription was predominantly confined to the kidney, and lower transcription levels were also found in the intestine, ovary and gills. To further localize the Agr2 protein, the anti-CagAgr2 polyclonal antibody was produced and used for immunofluorescence observation. In agreement with mRNA expression data, the Agr2 protein was localized in the pronephric duct of 3dph larvae. In adult fish, Agr2 protein expression is confined to the renal collecting system with asymmetric distribution along the apical-basolateral axis. The data provided suggestive evidence that fish Agr2 might be involved in differentiation and secretory functions of kidney epithelium. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Interferon (IFN)-regulatory transcription factor-1 (IRF-1) has been studied in mammals and fish but little is known about the relationship between its gene structure and nuclear 'ion of IRF-1 protein. In this study, a cDNA encoding Carassius auratus IRF-1 (CaIRF-1) was isolated from an interferon-producing cell line, C. ouratus blastulae embryonic (CAB) cells, exposed to UV-inactivated grass carp hemorrhagic virus (GCHV). The CaIRF-1 genomic locus exhibits exon-intron arrangements similar to those of other vertebrate IRF-1 loci, with nine exons and eight introns, although together with pufferfish IRF-1, CaIRF-1 distinguishes itself from other vertebrate IRF-1 genes by a relatively compact genomic size. Similar to the known IRF-1 genes, CaIRF-1 is ubiquitously expressed, and is upregulated in vitro and in vivo in response to virus, Poty I:C, or CAB INF-containing supernatant (ICS). Subcellular localization analysis confirms the nuclear distribution of CaIRF-1 protein, and reveals two nuclear localization signals (NILS), any one of which is sufficient for nuclear translocation of CaIRF-1. One NLS Locates to amino acids 117-146, and appears to be the structural and functional equivalent of the NLS in mammalian IRF-1. The second NLS (amino acids 73-115) is found within the DNA-binding domain (DBD) of CaIRF-1, and contains two regions rich in basic amino acids (''(KDKSINK101)-K-95" and ''(75)KTWKANFR(82)"). In comparison with mammalian IRF-1, in which the corresponding amino acid stretch does not seem to drive nuclear translocation, five conserved basic amino acids (K-75, K-78, R-82, K-95, and K-101) and one non-conserved basic amino acid (K-97) are present in this NLS from CaIRF-1. This observation suggests that K97 Of CaIRF-1 might be essential for the function of its second NLS, wherein the six basic aminoacids might cooperate to drive CaIRF-1 to the nucleus. Therefore, the current study has revealed a new nuclear localization motif in the DBD of a vertebrate IRF-1. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) constitute a large superfamily involved in various types of signal transduction pathways, and play an important role in coordinating the activation and migration of leukocytes to sites of infection and inflammation. Viral GPCRs, on the other hand, can help the virus to escape from host immune surveillance and contribute to viral pathogenesis. Lymphocystis disease virus isolated in China (LCDV-C) contains a putative homolog of cellular GPCRs, LCDV-C GPCR. In this paper, LCDV-C GPCR was cloned, and the subcellular localization and characterization of GPCR protein were investigated in fish cells. LCDV-C GPCR encoded a 325-amino acid peptide, containing a typical seven-transmembrane domain characteristic of the chemokine receptors and a conserved DRY motif that is usually essential for receptor activation. Transient transfection of GPCR-EGFP in fathead minnow (FHM) cells and epithelioma papulosum cyprini (EPC) cells indicated that LCDV-C GPCR was expressed abundantly in both the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm. Transient overexpression of GPCR in these two cells cannot induce obvious apoptosis. FHM cells stably expressing GPCR showed enhanced cell proliferation and significant anchorage-independent growth. The effects of GPCR protein on external apoptotic stimuli were examined. Few apoptotic bodies were observed in cells expressing GPCR treated with actinomycin D (ActD). Quantitative analysis of apoptotic cells indicated that a considerable decrease in the apoptotic fraction of cells expressing GPCR, compared with. the control cells, was detected after exposure to ActD and cycloheximide. These data suggest that LCDV-C GPCR may inhibit apoptosis as part of its potential mechanism in mediating cellular transformation.


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Several biochemical responses were measured in silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) after exposure to sediments obtained from contaminated Ya-Er Lake, No, 1 pond, and an unpolluted reference site, Honglian Lake. After 1 week of exposure, a significant induction of the phase I biotransformation enzyme (ethoxylresorufin-o-deethylase, EROD) was found (83-fold of control), whereas the phase II biotransformation enzyme (glutathione S-transferase, GST) exhibited a slight, but significant induction (1,4-fold of control) after 4 weeks of exposure. The level of cellular glutathione in the liver was also slightly elevated after 4 weeks of exposure. The delayed response of GST to the contaminants indicates that the phase I and phase II biotransformation enzymes are regulated differently in fish. The results suggest that EROD is a sensitive bioindicator to assess the toxicity of dioxin-contamined sediment in the laboratory, (C) 1998 Academic Press.


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This study attempts to model alpine tundra vegetation dynamics in a tundra region in the Qinghai Province of China in response to global warming. We used Raster-based cellular automata and a Geographic Information System to study the spatial and temporal vegetation dynamics. The cellular automata model is implemented with IDRISI's Multi-Criteria Evaluation functionality to simulate the spatial patterns of vegetation change assuming certain scenarios of global mean temperature increase over time. The Vegetation Dynamic Simulation Model calculates a probability surface for each vegetation type, and then combines all vegetation types into a composite map, determined by the maximum likelihood that each vegetation type should distribute to each raster unit. With scenarios of global temperature increase of I to 3 degrees C, the vegetation types such as Dry Kobresia Meadow and Dry Potentilla Shrub that are adapted to warm and dry conditions tend to become more dominant in the study area.


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Ebolaviruses (EBOVs) are among the most virulent and deadly pathogens ever known, causing fulminant haemorrhagic fevers in humans and non-human primates. The 2014 outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in West Africa has claimed more lives than all previous EVD outbreaks combined. The EBOV high mortality rates have been related to the virus-induced impairment of the host innate immunity reaction due to two virus-coded proteins, VP24 and VP35. EBOV VP35 is a multifunctional protein, it is essential for viral replication as a component of the viral RNA polymerase and it also participates in nucleocapsid assembly. Early during EBOV infection, alpha-beta interferon (IFN-α/β) production would be triggered upon recognition of viral dsRNA products by cytoplasmic retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I)-like receptors (RLRs). However, this recognition is efficiently prevented by the double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) binding activity of the EBOV VP35 protein, which hides RLRs binding sites on the dsRNA phosphate backbone as well the 5’-triphosphate (5’-ppp) dsRNA ends to RIG-I recognition. In addition to dsRNA binding and sequestration, EBOV VP35 inhibits IFN-α/β production preventing the activation of the IFN regulatory factor 3 (IRF-3) by direct interaction with cellular proteins. Previous studies demonstrated that single amino acid changes in the VP35 dsRNA binding domain reduce EBOV virulence, indicating that VP35 is an attractive target for antiviral drugs development. Within this context, here we report the establishment of a novel method to characterize the EBOV VP35 inhibitory function of the dsRNA-dependent RIG-I-mediated IFN-β signaling pathway in a BLS2 cell culture setting. In such system, a plasmid containing the promoter region of IFN-β gene linked with a luciferase reporter gene was transfected, together with a EBOV VP35 mammalian expression plasmid, into the IFN-sensitive A549 cell line, and the IFN-induction was stimulated through dsRNA transfection. Through alanine scanning mutational studies with biochemical, cellular and computational methods we highlighted the importance of some VP35 residues involved in dsRNA end-capping binding, such as R312, K282 and R322, that may serve as target for the development of small-molecule inhibitors against EBOV. Furthermore, we identified a synthetic compound that increased IFN-induction only under antiviral response stimulation and subverted VP35 inhibition, proving to be very attractive for the development of an antiviral drug. In conclusion, our results provide the establishment of a new assay as a straightforward tool for the screening of antiviral compounds that target i) dsRNA-VP35 or cellular protein-VP35 interaction and ii) dsRNA-dependent RIG-I-mediated IFN signaling pathway, in order to potentiate the IFN response against VP35 inhibition, setting the bases for further drug development.


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One-and two-dimensional cellular automata which are known to be fault-tolerant are very complex. On the other hand, only very simple cellular automata have actually been proven to lack fault-tolerance, i.e., to be mixing. The latter either have large noise probability ε or belong to the small family of two-state nearest-neighbor monotonic rules which includes local majority voting. For a certain simple automaton L called the soldiers rule, this problem has intrigued researchers for the last two decades since L is clearly more robust than local voting: in the absence of noise, L eliminates any finite island of perturbation from an initial configuration of all 0's or all 1's. The same holds for a 4-state monotonic variant of L, K, called two-line voting. We will prove that the probabilistic cellular automata Kε and Lε asymptotically lose all information about their initial state when subject to small, strongly biased noise. The mixing property trivially implies that the systems are ergodic. The finite-time information-retaining quality of a mixing system can be represented by its relaxation time Relax(⋅), which measures the time before the onset of significant information loss. This is known to grow as (1/ε)^c for noisy local voting. The impressive error-correction ability of L has prompted some researchers to conjecture that Relax(Lε) = 2^(c/ε). We prove the tight bound 2^(c1log^21/ε) < Relax(Lε) < 2^(c2log^21/ε) for a biased error model. The same holds for Kε. Moreover, the lower bound is independent of the bias assumption. The strong bias assumption makes it possible to apply sparsity/renormalization techniques, the main tools of our investigation, used earlier in the opposite context of proving fault-tolerance.