983 resultados para 423
Con el objeto de evaluar la presencia de cisticercosis en su estado quístico larvario en músculos de reses faenadas en el Matadero Industrial Nuevo Carnic S.A; ubicado en el km 10 carretera norte, un km al norte. Realizamos el presente estudio, cuyos datos recopilados se obtuvieron de los registros de matanza de marzo a agosto 2014, los cuales provenían de los registros de inspección post mortem realizados por los inspectores veterinarios. La metodología se basó en la elaboración de un perfil de cada una de las canales de reses identificadas con la presencia de cisticercos y se determinó según la cantidad encontrada de quistes, si serían retenidas o decomisadas. Se determinó la prevalencia de animales afectados, los que se relacionaron con el número de animales faenados por lotes y total, logrando de esta manera identificar la procedencia de los lotes a los que se le diagnosticó la presencia de cisticercosis. Se valoró las pérdidas económicas que esta patología ocasiona a los productores. El estudio tuvo un alcance de 31.37% de los municipios del país, se faenaron 67,423 animales, 258 se trataron por cisticercosis bovina para una prevalencia de 0.38% y se obtuvieron 13 condenas representando una prevalencia de 0.02%. Lo que nos indicó que después de seis años, en comparación con el estudio que llevaron a cabo Pérez y Serrano en el mismo Matadero en el año 2008, la presencia de cisticercosis se ha reducido hasta un 0.45%. La categoría con mayor prevalencia de C. bovis fue la categoría macho representando un 58.67% con respecto a la hembra que se obtuvo un 36.53%, esto se debe que la categoría macho son los animales que se entregan con mayor frecuencia para el sacrificio, y destinados para el engorde. El municipio que presentó mayor frecuencia de animales afectados fue Managua, seguido de Matiguas, Waslala, Bocay, Santo Domingo, Paiwas, San Ramón, Nagarote, Rancho Grande y Estelí; Managua no es un municipio con vocación ganadera, sobre todo de ganado de carne, por lo que se puede considerar como un lugar de acopio de ganado. Los meses que presentaron con mayor prevalencia de cisticercosis bovina fueron Marzo y Agosto, aunque se presentó en todos los meses del estudio, concluyendo que la enfermedad se encuentra durante todo el año y no depende de factores estacionales. Las pérdidas económicas para los productores fueron de $30,162.79 entre animales retenidos y condenados
Audiência pública realizada pela Comissão de Legislação Participativa, em 14 de outubro de 2009, para discutir o projeto "Trilhas da Saúde das Mulheres" e homenagear os dezoito anos da Rede Nacional Feminista da Saúde.
<正> 随着观测特征不断积累和丰富,太阳耀斑的理论模型也越来越多。空间观测的结果似乎只要求活动区磁场是双极拱形,与大量的电流片模型不一致。耀斑过程可能并不总是一种机制。本文从理论上进一步讨论太阳耀斑的级联爆发模型。对流区的波动能量转换为活动区的横向磁场能量,由于扭转不稳定性使磁能释放,并转换为激波动能,活动区激发的级联
For over a decade now, work has been ongoing on the professional organization and management of town centre retail spaces in Spain under what is known as the Open Shopping Centre model. Introducing this model has involved a process of public-private collaboration in several different phases, conditioned to a large extent by the specific context of each initiative. With a view to furthering the process of benchmarking developed out of the experiences of recent years, we shall use case analysis to explain trends in initiatives for retail regeneration and stimulation undertaken in the Basque Country (an autonomous community in the north of Spain) since 2000. We analyze the factors that have prompted these initiatives, assessing and comparing the landmarks and conditions that have marked, or are determining, progress in the dynamic of collaboration between municipal authorities and retailers for a competitive improvement both in the retail sector and in the environment in which it operates: the city. Finally we list witch are these key factors.
Aristófanes nasceu em Atenas entre 450 e 445 a.C. e morreu por volta de 388 a.C. Considerado o principal representante da comédia antiga, em suas peças predominavam a sátira política e a social. Suas primeiras comédias foram assinadas sob pseudônimo e somente após ‘Os Acarnianos’ (ou ‘Acarnanos’) tornou-se conhecido. Da sua obra apenas onze peças conservaram-se integralmente. Esta coleção, em dois volumes, contém onze peças. O primeiro volume inclui ‘Os Plutos’ (publicada no ano de 388 a.C.), sua ultima comédia; ‘As Nuvens’ (423 a.C.); ‘As Rãs’ (405 a.C.); ‘Os Cavaleiros’ (424 a.C.); ‘Os Acarnianos’ (425 a.C.) e ‘As Vespas’ (422 a.C.). O segundo volume contém ‘Os Pássaros’ (414 a.C.); ‘A Paz’(421a.C.); ‘A Assembleia das mulheres’ (392 a.C.); ‘As Convocadas’ (411 a.C.) e ‘Lisistrata’ (411 a.C.)
The MID-K, a new kind of multi-pipe string detection tool is introduced. This tool provides a means of evaluating the condition of in-place pipe string, such as tubing and casino. It is capable of discriminating the defects of the inside and outside, and estimating the thickness of tubing and casing. It is accomplished by means of a low frequency eddy current to detect flaws on the inner surface and a magnetic flux leakage to inspect the full thickness. The measurement principle, the technology and applications are presented in this paper.
Silva, Innocencio Francisco da. Diccionario bibliographico portuguez. 1908.
Aspects of the reproductive biology of Mugil cephalus in the Bonny estuary (Nigeria) were studied between January and December 1996. Males were observed to be more slender than females while the females have deeper bodies. The male:female ratio (1:0:95) was not significantly different. The minimum size at maturity was 16.6cm (0.5 yr). Fish matured at 24.3cm TL(1.76 yr) with median maturity size of 19.5cm TL(0.71 yr). Median maturity for male and female fish were 16.4cm TL(0.41 yr) and 18.2cm TL(0.60 yr) respectively. Breeding occurred once a year between September and December, from late rainy season to early dry season. Mean absolute fecundity was 1,403, 808 eggs (range 107, 729-4,445, 423 eggs) for fish of TL (mean 22.5cm TL). Fecundity correlated positively with fish total weight, length, ovary weight and age
Clarias (Clarias gariepinus) (Burshell, 1821) fingerlings were fed isonitrogenous diets (38.9% crude protein) with fermented fluted pumpkin leaves (FFPL) replacing different proportion (0,50,75,100%) of extruded soybean meal (ESM) for 8 weeks. Growth responses at the different substitution levels measured. Increasing FFPL intake resulted in better weight gains and higher specific growth rates (SGR) of 0.29, 0.36 and 0.38% per day respectively. The increase in growth from feeding diets containing 75% and 100% of the ESM replaced with FFPL were significantly higher (P<0.05) than those of other diets. Further more fish tissue protein deposition consistently increased with increasing level of FFPL concentration in their diets. Fish fed diets where whole ESM was replace 100% FFPL gave the best overall response in terms of their weight gain, food conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio, and specific growth rate. Economic considerations indicate the replacement of ESM with FFPL, which is a cheaper ingredient in feeds for Clarias
This paper focuses on the financial analysis involved in setting up of fish farming on a small-scale in a homestead. About 0.5 acres of land was used for the construction of pond which as a stock of Clarias spp/ Heterobranchus spp and Tilapia spp at the ratio of one to three for a period of 12 months. The land/land development cost is N26,500.00, pond construction cost, N35,700.00, equipment cost, N2,650.00 and stock/Input requirement cost N155,727.00 while the revenue from sales is N376,000.00. A cash flow analysis is also calculated for the fish farm, which is N155,423.00 for first year cash flow, and appropriate profit/mosses were calculated for five-year production cycle of N1,036,515.00 million. At the end appreciable profit is realized from the enterprises. This type of enterprises is viable for small-scale farmers to practices and adopted for financial support for their family
We demonstrate the coherent linking of periodic nano-ripples formed on the surface of ZnO crystals induced by femtosecond laser pulses. By adjusting the distance between two laser scanning zones, the periodic nano-ripples induced by two separated laser writing processes can be coherently linked and the ZnO nanograting with much longer grooves is therefore produced. The length limitation of this kind of nanograting previously set by the laser focus size is thus overcome. The micro-Raman mapping technique is used to evaluate the quality of coherent linking, and the underlying physics is discussed. The demonstrated scheme is promising for producing large-size self-organized nanogratings induced by femtosecond laser pulses.