975 resultados para 3D imaging


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Electron microscopy (EM) has advanced in an exponential way since the first transmission electron microscope (TEM) was built in the 1930’s. The urge to ‘see’ things is an essential part of human nature (talk of ‘seeing is believing’) and apart from scanning tunnel microscopes which give information about the surface, EM is the only imaging technology capable of really visualising atomic structures in depth down to single atoms. With the development of nanotechnology the demand to image and analyse small things has become even greater and electron microscopes have found their way from highly delicate and sophisticated research grade instruments to key-turn and even bench-top instruments for everyday use in every materials research lab on the planet. The semiconductor industry is as dependent on the use of EM as life sciences and pharmaceutical industry. With this generalisation of use for imaging, the need to deploy advanced uses of EM has become more and more apparent. The combination of several coinciding beams (electron, ion and even light) to create DualBeam or TripleBeam instruments for instance enhances the usefulness from pure imaging to manipulating on the nanoscale. And when it comes to the analytic power of EM with the many ways the highly energetic electrons and ions interact with the matter in the specimen there is a plethora of niches which evolved during the last two decades, specialising in every kind of analysis that can be thought of and combined with EM. In the course of this study the emphasis was placed on the application of these advanced analytical EM techniques in the context of multiscale and multimodal microscopy – multiscale meaning across length scales from micrometres or larger to nanometres, multimodal meaning numerous techniques applied to the same sample volume in a correlative manner. In order to demonstrate the breadth and potential of the multiscale and multimodal concept an integration of it was attempted in two areas: I) Biocompatible materials using polycrystalline stainless steel and II) Semiconductors using thin multiferroic films. I) The motivation to use stainless steel (316L medical grade) comes from the potential modulation of endothelial cell growth which can have a big impact on the improvement of cardio-vascular stents – which are mainly made of 316L – through nano-texturing of the stent surface by focused ion beam (FIB) lithography. Patterning with FIB has never been reported before in connection with stents and cell growth and in order to gain a better understanding of the beam-substrate interaction during patterning a correlative microscopy approach was used to illuminate the patterning process from many possible angles. Electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD) was used to analyse the crystallographic structure, FIB was used for the patterning and simultaneously visualising the crystal structure as part of the monitoring process, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) were employed to analyse the topography and the final step being 3D visualisation through serial FIB/SEM sectioning. II) The motivation for the use of thin multiferroic films stems from the ever-growing demand for increased data storage at lesser and lesser energy consumption. The Aurivillius phase material used in this study has a high potential in this area. Yet it is necessary to show clearly that the film is really multiferroic and no second phase inclusions are present even at very low concentrations – ~0.1vol% could already be problematic. Thus, in this study a technique was developed to analyse ultra-low density inclusions in thin multiferroic films down to concentrations of 0.01%. The goal achieved was a complete structural and compositional analysis of the films which required identification of second phase inclusions (through elemental analysis EDX(Energy Dispersive X-ray)), localise them (employing 72 hour EDX mapping in the SEM), isolate them for the TEM (using FIB) and give an upper confidence limit of 99.5% to the influence of the inclusions on the magnetic behaviour of the main phase (statistical analysis).


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Capable of three-dimensional imaging of the cornea with micrometer-scale resolution, spectral domain-optical coherence tomography (SDOCT) offers potential advantages over Placido ring and Scheimpflug photography based systems for accurate extraction of quantitative keratometric parameters. In this work, an SDOCT scanning protocol and motion correction algorithm were implemented to minimize the effects of patient motion during data acquisition. Procedures are described for correction of image data artifacts resulting from 3D refraction of SDOCT light in the cornea and from non-idealities of the scanning system geometry performed as a pre-requisite for accurate parameter extraction. Zernike polynomial 3D reconstruction and a recursive half searching algorithm (RHSA) were implemented to extract clinical keratometric parameters including anterior and posterior radii of curvature, central cornea optical power, central corneal thickness, and thickness maps of the cornea. Accuracy and repeatability of the extracted parameters obtained using a commercial 859nm SDOCT retinal imaging system with a corneal adapter were assessed using a rigid gas permeable (RGP) contact lens as a phantom target. Extraction of these parameters was performed in vivo in 3 patients and compared to commercial Placido topography and Scheimpflug photography systems. The repeatability of SDOCT central corneal power measured in vivo was 0.18 Diopters, and the difference observed between the systems averaged 0.1 Diopters between SDOCT and Scheimpflug photography, and 0.6 Diopters between SDOCT and Placido topography.


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The goal of this study was to characterize the image quality of our dedicated, quasi-monochromatic spectrum, cone beam breast imaging system under scatter corrected and non-scatter corrected conditions for a variety of breast compositions. CT projections were acquired of a breast phantom containing two concentric sets of acrylic spheres that varied in size (1-8mm) based on their polar position. The breast phantom was filled with 3 different concentrations of methanol and water, simulating a range of breast densities (0.79-1.0g/cc); acrylic yarn was sometimes included to simulate connective tissue of a breast. For each phantom condition, 2D scatter was measured for all projection angles. Scatter-corrected and uncorrected projections were then reconstructed with an iterative ordered subsets convex algorithm. Reconstructed image quality was characterized using SNR and contrast analysis, and followed by a human observer detection task for the spheres in the different concentric rings. Results show that scatter correction effectively reduces the cupping artifact and improves image contrast and SNR. Results from the observer study indicate that there was no statistical difference in the number or sizes of lesions observed in the scatter versus non-scatter corrected images for all densities. Nonetheless, applying scatter correction for differing breast conditions improves overall image quality.


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On-board image guidance, such as cone-beam CT (CBCT) and kV/MV 2D imaging, is essential in many radiation therapy procedures, such as intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT). These imaging techniques provide predominantly anatomical information for treatment planning and target localization. Recently, studies have shown that treatment planning based on functional and molecular information about the tumor and surrounding tissue could potentially improve the effectiveness of radiation therapy. However, current on-board imaging systems are limited in their functional and molecular imaging capability. Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) is a candidate to achieve on-board functional and molecular imaging. Traditional SPECT systems typically take 20 minutes or more for a scan, which is too long for on-board imaging. A robotic multi-pinhole SPECT system was proposed in this dissertation to provide shorter imaging time by using a robotic arm to maneuver the multi-pinhole SPECT system around the patient in position for radiation therapy.

A 49-pinhole collimated SPECT detector and its shielding were designed and simulated in this work using the computer-aided design (CAD) software. The trajectories of robotic arm about the patient, treatment table and gantry in the radiation therapy room and several detector assemblies such as parallel holes, single pinhole and 49 pinholes collimated detector were investigated. The rail mounted system was designed to enable a full range of detector positions and orientations to various crucial treatment sites including head and torso, while avoiding collision with linear accelerator (LINAC), patient table and patient.

An alignment method was developed in this work to calibrate the on-board robotic SPECT to the LINAC coordinate frame and to the coordinate frames of other on-board imaging systems such as CBCT. This alignment method utilizes line sources and one pinhole projection of these line sources. The model consists of multiple alignment parameters which maps line sources in 3-dimensional (3D) space to their 2-dimensional (2D) projections on the SPECT detector. Computer-simulation studies and experimental evaluations were performed as a function of number of line sources, Radon transform accuracy, finite line-source width, intrinsic camera resolution, Poisson noise and acquisition geometry. In computer-simulation studies, when there was no error in determining angles (α) and offsets (ρ) of the measured projections, the six alignment parameters (3 translational and 3 rotational) were estimated perfectly using three line sources. When angles (α) and offsets (ρ) were provided by Radon transform, the estimation accuracy was reduced. The estimation error was associated with rounding errors of Radon transform, finite line-source width, Poisson noise, number of line sources, intrinsic camera resolution and detector acquisition geometry. The estimation accuracy was significantly improved by using 4 line sources rather than 3 and also by using thinner line-source projections (obtained by better intrinsic detector resolution). With 5 line sources, median errors were 0.2 mm for the detector translations, 0.7 mm for the detector radius of rotation, and less than 0.5° for detector rotation, tilt and twist. In experimental evaluations, average errors relative to a different, independent registration technique were about 1.8 mm for detector translations, 1.1 mm for the detector radius of rotation (ROR), 0.5° and 0.4° for detector rotation and tilt, respectively, and 1.2° for detector twist.

Simulation studies were performed to investigate the improvement of imaging sensitivity and accuracy of hot sphere localization for breast imaging of patients in prone position. A 3D XCAT phantom was simulated in the prone position with nine hot spheres of 10 mm diameter added in the left breast. A no-treatment-table case and two commercial prone breast boards, 7 and 24 cm thick, were simulated. Different pinhole focal lengths were assessed for root-mean-square-error (RMSE). The pinhole focal lengths resulting in the lowest RMSE values were 12 cm, 18 cm and 21 cm for no table, thin board, and thick board, respectively. In both no table and thin board cases, all 9 hot spheres were easily visualized above background with 4-minute scans utilizing the 49-pinhole SPECT system while seven of nine hot spheres were visible with the thick board. In comparison with parallel-hole system, our 49-pinhole system shows reduction in noise and bias under these simulation cases. These results correspond to smaller radii of rotation for no-table case and thinner prone board. Similarly, localization accuracy with the 49-pinhole system was significantly better than with the parallel-hole system for both the thin and thick prone boards. Median localization errors for the 49-pinhole system with the thin board were less than 3 mm for 5 of 9 hot spheres, and less than 6 mm for the other 4 hot spheres. Median localization errors of 49-pinhole system with the thick board were less than 4 mm for 5 of 9 hot spheres, and less than 8 mm for the other 4 hot spheres.

Besides prone breast imaging, respiratory-gated region-of-interest (ROI) imaging of lung tumor was also investigated. A simulation study was conducted on the potential of multi-pinhole, region-of-interest (ROI) SPECT to alleviate noise effects associated with respiratory-gated SPECT imaging of the thorax. Two 4D XCAT digital phantoms were constructed, with either a 10 mm or 20 mm diameter tumor added in the right lung. The maximum diaphragm motion was 2 cm (for 10 mm tumor) or 4 cm (for 20 mm tumor) in superior-inferior direction and 1.2 cm in anterior-posterior direction. Projections were simulated with a 4-minute acquisition time (40 seconds per each of 6 gates) using either the ROI SPECT system (49-pinhole) or reference single and dual conventional broad cross-section, parallel-hole collimated SPECT. The SPECT images were reconstructed using OSEM with up to 6 iterations. Images were evaluated as a function of gate by profiles, noise versus bias curves, and a numerical observer performing a forced-choice localization task. Even for the 20 mm tumor, the 49-pinhole imaging ROI was found sufficient to encompass fully usual clinical ranges of diaphragm motion. Averaged over the 6 gates, noise at iteration 6 of 49-pinhole ROI imaging (10.9 µCi/ml) was approximately comparable to noise at iteration 2 of the two dual and single parallel-hole, broad cross-section systems (12.4 µCi/ml and 13.8 µCi/ml, respectively). Corresponding biases were much lower for the 49-pinhole ROI system (3.8 µCi/ml), versus 6.2 µCi/ml and 6.5 µCi/ml for the dual and single parallel-hole systems, respectively. Median localization errors averaged over 6 gates, for the 10 mm and 20 mm tumors respectively, were 1.6 mm and 0.5 mm using the ROI imaging system and 6.6 mm and 2.3 mm using the dual parallel-hole, broad cross-section system. The results demonstrate substantially improved imaging via ROI methods. One important application may be gated imaging of patients in position for radiation therapy.

A robotic SPECT imaging system was constructed utilizing a gamma camera detector (Digirad 2020tc) and a robot (KUKA KR150-L110 robot). An imaging study was performed with a phantom (PET CT PhantomTM), which includes 5 spheres of 10, 13, 17, 22 and 28 mm in diameter. The phantom was placed on a flat-top couch. SPECT projections were acquired with a parallel-hole collimator and a single-pinhole collimator both without background in the phantom, and with background at 1/10th the sphere activity concentration. The imaging trajectories of parallel-hole and pinhole collimated detectors spanned 180 degrees and 228 degrees respectively. The pinhole detector viewed a 14.7 cm-diameter common volume which encompassed the 28 mm and 22 mm spheres. The common volume for parallel-hole was a 20.8-cm-diameter cylinder which encompassed all five spheres in the phantom. The maneuverability of the robotic system was tested by navigating the detector to trace the flat-top table while avoiding collision with the table and maintaining the closest possible proximity to the common volume. For image reconstruction, detector trajectories were described by radius-of-rotation and detector rotation angle θ. These reconstruction parameters were obtained from the robot base and tool coordinates. The robotic SPECT system was able to maneuver the parallel-hole and pinhole collimated SPECT detectors in close proximity to the phantom, minimizing impact of the flat-top couch on detector to center-of-rotation (COR) distance. In no background case, all five spheres were visible in the reconstructed parallel-hole and pinhole images. In with background case, three spheres of 17, 22 and 28 mm diameter were readily observed with the parallel-hole imaging, and the targeted spheres (22 and 28 mm diameter) were readily observed in the pinhole ROI imaging.

In conclusion, the proposed on-board robotic SPECT can be aligned to LINAC/CBCT with a single pinhole projection of the line-source phantom. Alignment parameters can be estimated using one pinhole projection of line sources. This alignment method may be important for multi-pinhole SPECT, where relative pinhole alignment may vary during rotation. For single pinhole and multi-pinhole SPECT imaging onboard radiation therapy machines, the method could provide alignment of SPECT coordinates with those of CBCT and the LINAC. In simulation studies of prone breast imaging and respiratory-gated lung imaging, the 49-pinhole detector showed better tumor contrast recovery and localization in a 4-minute scan compared to parallel-hole detector. On-board SPECT could be achieved by a robot maneuvering a SPECT detector about patients in position for radiation therapy on a flat-top couch. The robot inherent coordinate frames could be an effective means to estimate detector pose for use in SPECT image reconstruction.


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The enteroendocrine cell is the cornerstone of gastrointestinal chemosensation. In the intestine and colon, this cell is stimulated by nutrients, tastants that elicit the perception of flavor, and bacterial by-products; and in response, the cell secretes hormones like cholecystokinin and peptide YY--both potent regulators of appetite. The development of transgenic mice with enteroendocrine cells expressing green fluorescent protein has allowed for the elucidation of the apical nutrient sensing mechanisms of the cell. However, the basal secretory aspects of the enteroendocrine cell remain largely unexplored, particularly because a complete account of the enteroendocrine cell ultrastructure does not exist. Today, the fine ultrastructure of a specific cell can be revealed in the third dimension thanks to the invention of serial block face scanning electron microscopy (SBEM). Here, we bridged confocal microscopy with SBEM to identify the enteroendocrine cell of the mouse and study its ultrastructure in the third dimension. The results demonstrated that 73.5% of the peptide-secreting vesicles in the enteroendocrine cell are contained within an axon-like basal process. We called this process a neuropod. This neuropod contains neurofilaments, which are typical structural proteins of axons. Surprisingly, the SBEM data also demonstrated that the enteroendocrine cell neuropod is escorted by enteric glia--the cells that nurture enteric neurons. We extended these structural findings into an in vitro intestinal organoid system, in which the addition of glial derived neurotrophic factors enhanced the development of neuropods in enteroendocrine cells. These findings open a new avenue of exploration in gastrointestinal chemosensation by unveiling an unforeseen physical relationship between enteric glia and enteroendocrine cells.


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Simultaneous neural recordings taken from multiple areas of the rodent brain are garnering growing interest due to the insight they can provide about spatially distributed neural circuitry. The promise of such recordings has inspired great progress in methods for surgically implanting large numbers of metal electrodes into intact rodent brains. However, methods for localizing the precise location of these electrodes have remained severely lacking. Traditional histological techniques that require slicing and staining of physical brain tissue are cumbersome, and become increasingly impractical as the number of implanted electrodes increases. Here we solve these problems by describing a method that registers 3-D computerized tomography (CT) images of intact rat brains implanted with metal electrode bundles to a Magnetic Resonance Imaging Histology (MRH) Atlas. Our method allows accurate visualization of each electrode bundle's trajectory and location without removing the electrodes from the brain or surgically implanting external markers. In addition, unlike physical brain slices, once the 3D images of the electrode bundles and the MRH atlas are registered, it is possible to verify electrode placements from many angles by "re-slicing" the images along different planes of view. Further, our method can be fully automated and easily scaled to applications with large numbers of specimens. Our digital imaging approach to efficiently localizing metal electrodes offers a substantial addition to currently available methods, which, in turn, may help accelerate the rate at which insights are gleaned from rodent network neuroscience.


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Telecentric optical computed tomography (optical-CT) is a state-of-the-art method for visualizing and quantifying 3-dimensional dose distributions in radiochromic dosimeters. In this work a prototype telecentric system (DFOS-Duke Fresnel Optical-CT Scanner) is evaluated which incorporates two substantial design changes: the use of Fresnel lenses (reducing lens costs from $10-30K t0 $1-3K) and the use of a 'solid tank' (which reduces noise, and the volume of refractively matched fluid from 1 ltr to 10 cc). The efficacy of DFOS was evaluated by direct comparison against commissioned scanners in our lab. Measured dose distributions from all systems were compared against the predicted dose distributions from a commissioned treatment planning system (TPS). Three treatment plans were investigated including a simple four-field box treatment, a multiple small field delivery, and a complex IMRT treatment. Dosimeters were imaged within 2 h post irradiation, using consistent scanning techniques (360 projections acquired at 1 degree intervals, reconstruction at 2mm). DFOS efficacy was evaluated through inspection of dose line-profiles, and 2D and 3D dose and gamma maps. DFOS/TPS gamma pass rates with 3%/3mm dose difference/distance-to-agreement criteria ranged from 89.3% to 92.2%, compared to from 95.6% to 99.0% obtained with the commissioned system. The 3D gamma pass rate between the commissioned system and DFOS was 98.2%. The typical noise rates in DFOS reconstructions were up to 3%, compared to under 2% for the commissioned system. In conclusion, while the introduction of a solid tank proved advantageous with regards to cost and convenience, further work is required to improve the image quality and dose reconstruction accuracy of the new DFOS optical-CT system.


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A phantom was designed and implemented for the delivery of treatment plans to cells in vitro. Single beam, 3D-conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT) plans, inverse planned five-field intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), nine-field IMRT, single-arc volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) and dual-arc VMAT plans were created on a CT scan of the phantom to deliver 3 Gy to the cell layer and verified using a Farmer chamber, 2D ionization chamber array and gafchromic film. Each plan was delivered to a 2D ionization chamber array to assess the temporal characteristics of the plan including delivery time and 'cell's eye view' for the central ionization chamber. The effective fraction time, defined as the percentage of the fraction time where any dose is delivered to each point examined, was also assessed across 120 ionization chambers. Each plan was delivered to human prostate cancer DU-145 cells and normal primary AGO-1522b fibroblast cells. Uniform beams were delivered to each cell line with the delivery time varying from 0.5 to 20.54 min. Effective fraction time was found to increase with a decreasing number of beams or arcs. For a uniform beam delivery, AGO-1552b cells exhibited a statistically significant trend towards increased survival with increased delivery time. This trend was not repeated when the different modulated clinical delivery methods were used. Less sensitive DU-145 cells did not exhibit a significant trend towards increased survival with increased delivery time for either the uniform or clinical deliveries. These results confirm that dose rate effects are most prevalent in more radiosensitive cells. Cell survival data generated from uniform beam deliveries over a range of dose rates and delivery times may not always be accurate in predicting response to more complex delivery techniques, such as IMRT and VMAT.


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We aimed to develop a clinically relevant delayed union/non-union fracture model to evaluate a cell therapy intervention repair strategy. Histology, three-dimensional (3D) micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) imaging and mechanical testing were utilized to develop an analytical protocol for qualitative and quantitative assessment of fracture repair. An open femoral diaphyseal osteotomy, combined with periosteal diathermy and endosteal excision, was held in compression by a four pin unilateral external fixator. Three delayed union/non-union fracture groups established at 6 weeks-(a) a control group, (b) a cell therapy group, and (c) a group receiving phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) injection alone-were examined subsequently at 8 and 14 weeks. The histological response was combined fibrous and cartilaginous non-unions in groups A and B with fibrous non-unions in group C. Mineralized callus volume/total volume percentage showed no statistically significant differences between groups. Endosteal calcified tissue volume/endosteal tissue volume, at the center of the fracture site, displayed statistically significant differences between 8 and 14 weeks for cell and PBS intervention groups but not for the control group. The percentage load to failure was significantly lower in the control and cell treatment groups than in the PBS alone group. High-resolution micro-CT imaging provides a powerful tool to augment characterization of repair in delayed union/non-union fractures together with outcomes such as histology and mechanical strength measurement. Accurate, nondestructive, 3D identification of mineralization progression in repairing fractures is enabled in the presence or absence of intervention strategies. (c) 2007 Orthopaedic Research Society.


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Objective: Positron emission tomography (PET)/CT scans can improve target definition in radiotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). As staging PET/CT scans are increasingly available, we evaluated different methods for co-registration of staging PET/CT data to radiotherapy simulation (RTP) scans.

Methods: 10 patients underwent staging PET/CT followed by RTP PET/CT. On both scans, gross tumour volumes (GTVs) were delineated using CT (GTVCT) and PET display settings. Four PET-based contours (manual delineation, two threshold methods and a source-to-background ratio method) were delineated. The CT component of the staging scan was co-registered using both rigid and deformable techniques to the CT component of RTP PET/CT. Subsequently rigid registration and deformation warps were used to transfer PET and CT contours from the staging scan to the RTP scan. Dice’s similarity coefficient (DSC) was used to assess the registration accuracy of staging-based GTVs following both registration methods with the GTVs delineated on the RTP PET/CT scan.

Results: When the GTVCT delineated on the staging scan after both rigid registration and deformation was compared with the GTVCT on the RTP scan, a significant improvement in overlap (registration) using deformation was observed (mean DSC 0.66 for rigid registration and 0.82 for deformable registration, p50.008). A similar comparison for PET contours revealed no significant improvement in overlap with the use of deformable registration.

Conclusions: No consistent improvements in similarity measures were observed when deformable registration was used for transferring PET-based contours from a staging PET/CT. This suggests that currently the use of rigid registration remains the most appropriate method for RTP in NSCLC.


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It is demonstrated that the electromagnetic (EM) transmission through a subwavelength or non-resonant aperture in a conductive screen can be dramatically enhanced by loading it with folded metallic strips exhibiting resonant properties. When illuminated by an EM plane wave these loaded apertures enable very tight, subwavelength, collimation of the EM power in the near field zone. We propose planar and quasi-planar resonant insertion geometries that should allow, for the first time, two-dimensional dual-polarization subwavelength field confinement along with ability to focus both electric and magnetic fields. The proposed technique for resonance transmission enhancement and near field confinement forms a basis for a new class of microwave near field imaging probe with subwavelength resolution capable of operating over a wide range of imaging distances (0.05–$0.25lambda$). Measurement results demonstrate the possibility of high contrast (more than 3 dB in amplitude and 40 degrees in phase) near field subwavelength imaging of 2D and 3D resonant and non-resonant metallic and dielectric targets in free space and in moderately lossy layered media.


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The overall aim of this study was to assess the accuracy, reproducibility and stability of a high resolution passive stereophotogrammetry system to image a female mannequin torso, to validate measurements made on the textured virtual surface compared with those obtained using manual techniques and to develop an approach to make objective measurements of the female breast. 3D surface imaging was carried out on a textured female torso and measurements made in accordance with the system of mammometrics. Linear errors in measurements were less than 0.5 mm, system calibration produced errors of less than 1.0 mm over 94% over the surface and intra-rater reliability measured by ICC = 0.999. The mean difference between manual and digital curved surface distances was 1.36 mm with maximum and minimum differences of 3.15 mm and 0.02 mm, respectively. The stereophotogrammetry system has been demonstrated to perform accurately and reliably with specific reference to breast assessment. (C) 2011 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Data registration refers to a series of techniques for matching or bringing similar objects or datasets together into alignment. These techniques enjoy widespread use in a diverse variety of applications, such as video coding, tracking, object and face detection and recognition, surveillance and satellite imaging, medical image analysis and structure from motion. Registration methods are as numerous as their manifold uses, from pixel level and block or feature based methods to Fourier domain methods.

This book is focused on providing algorithms and image and video techniques for registration and quality performance metrics. The authors provide various assessment metrics for measuring registration quality alongside analyses of registration techniques, introducing and explaining both familiar and state-of-the-art registration methodologies used in a variety of targeted applications.

Key features:
- Provides a state-of-the-art review of image and video registration techniques, allowing readers to develop an understanding of how well the techniques perform by using specific quality assessment criteria
- Addresses a range of applications from familiar image and video processing domains to satellite and medical imaging among others, enabling readers to discover novel methodologies with utility in their own research
- Discusses quality evaluation metrics for each application domain with an interdisciplinary approach from different research perspectives