910 resultados para 3D feature extraction


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Neste artigo é proposto um método semiautomático para extração de rodovias combinando um estereopar de imagens aéreas de baixa resolução com um poliedro gerado a partir de um modelo digital do terreno (MDT). O problema é formulado no espaço-objeto através de uma função objetivo que modela o objeto 'rodovia' como uma curva suave e pertencente a uma superfície poliédrica. A função objetivo proposta depende também de informações radiométricas, que são acessadas no espaço-imagem via relação de colinearidade entre pontos da rodovia no espaço-objeto e os correspondentes nos espaços imagem do estereopar. A linha poligonal que melhor modela a rodovia selecionada é obtida por otimização no espaço-objeto da função objetivo, tendo por base o algoritmo de programação dinâmica. O processo de otimização é iterativo e dependente do fornecimento por um operador de uma aproximação inicial para a rodovia selecionada. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o método é robusto frente a anomalias existentes ao longo das rodovias, tais como obstruções causadas por sombras e árvores.


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An approach using straight lines as features to solve the photogrammetric space resection problem is presented. An explicit mathematical model relating straight lines, in both object and image space, is used. Based on this model, Kalman Filtering is applied to solve the space resection problem. The recursive property of the filter is used in an iterative process which uses the sequentially estimated camera location parameters to feedback to the feature extraction process in the image. This feedback process leads to a gradual reduction of the image space for feature searching, and consequently eliminates the bottleneck due to the high computational cost of the image segmentation phase. It also enables feature extraction and the determination of feature correspondence in image and object space in an automatic way, i.e., without operator interference. Results obtained from simulated and real data show that highly accurate space resection parameters are obtained as well as a progressive processing time reduction. The obtained accuracy, the automatic correspondence process, and the short related processing time show that the proposed approach can be used in many real-time machine vision systems, making possible the implementation of applications not feasible until now.


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This paper presents a technique for oriented texture classification which is based on the Hough transform and Kohonen's neural network model. In this technique, oriented texture features are extracted from the Hough space by means of two distinct strategies. While the first operates on a non-uniformly sampled Hough space, the second concentrates on the peaks produced in the Hough space. The described technique gives good results for the classification of oriented textures, a common phenomenon in nature underlying an important class of images. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the performance of the new technique in comparison, with an implemented technique based on Gabor filters.


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In this paper, the concept of Matching Parallelepiped (MP) is presented. It is shown that the volume of the MP can be used as an additional measure of `distance' between a pair of candidate points in a matching algorithm by Relaxation Labeling (RL). The volume of the MP is related with the Epipolar Geometry and the use of this measure works as an epipolar constraint in a RL process, decreasing the efforts in the matching algorithm since it is not necessary to explicitly determine the equations of the epipolar lines and to compute the distance of a candidate point to each epipolar line. As at the beginning of the process the Relative Orientation (RO) parameters are unknown, a initial matching based on gradient, intensities and correlation is obtained. Based on this set of labeled points the RO is determined and the epipolar constraint included in the algorithm. The obtained results shown that the proposed approach is suitable to determine feature-point matching with simultaneous estimation of camera orientation parameters even for the cases where the pair of optical axes are not parallel.


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The problem of dynamic camera calibration considering moving objects in close range environments using straight lines as references is addressed. A mathematical model for the correspondence of a straight line in the object and image spaces is discussed. This model is based on the equivalence between the vector normal to the interpretation plane in the image space and the vector normal to the rotated interpretation plane in the object space. In order to solve the dynamic camera calibration, Kalman Filtering is applied; an iterative process based on the recursive property of the Kalman Filter is defined, using the sequentially estimated camera orientation parameters to feedback the feature extraction process in the image. For the dynamic case, e.g. an image sequence of a moving object, a state prediction and a covariance matrix for the next instant is obtained using the available estimates and the system model. Filtered state estimates can be computed from these predicted estimates using the Kalman Filtering approach and based on the system model parameters with good quality, for each instant of an image sequence. The proposed approach was tested with simulated and real data. Experiments with real data were carried out in a controlled environment, considering a sequence of images of a moving cube in a linear trajectory over a flat surface.


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An artificial neural network (ANN) approach is proposed for the detection of workpiece `burn', the undesirable change in metallurgical properties of the material produced by overly aggressive or otherwise inappropriate grinding. The grinding acoustic emission (AE) signals for 52100 bearing steel were collected and digested to extract feature vectors that appear to be suitable for ANN processing. Two feature vectors are represented: one concerning band power, kurtosis and skew; and the other autoregressive (AR) coefficients. The result (burn or no-burn) of the signals was identified on the basis of hardness and profile tests after grinding. The trained neural network works remarkably well for burn detection. Other signal-processing approaches are also discussed, and among them the constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) power law and the mean-value deviance (MVD) prove useful.


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This article presents a quantitative and objective approach to cat ganglion cell characterization and classification. The combination of several biologically relevant features such as diameter, eccentricity, fractal dimension, influence histogram, influence area, convex hull area, and convex hull diameter are derived from geometrical transforms and then processed by three different clustering methods (Ward's hierarchical scheme, K-means and genetic algorithm), whose results are then combined by a voting strategy. These experiments indicate the superiority of some features and also suggest some possible biological implications.


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In this article we describe a feature extraction algorithm for pattern classification based on Bayesian Decision Boundaries and Pruning techniques. The proposed method is capable of optimizing MLP neural classifiers by retaining those neurons in the hidden layer that realy contribute to correct classification. Also in this article we proposed a method which defines a plausible number of neurons in the hidden layer based on the stem-and-leaf graphics of training samples. Experimental investigation reveals the efficiency of the proposed method. © 2002 IEEE.


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This paper presents results from an efficient approach to an automatic detection and extraction of human faces from images with any color, texture or objects in background, that consist in find isosceles triangles formed by the eyes and mouth.


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The Brazilian Cartography presents great deficiency in cartographic products updating. This form, Remote Sensins techniques together Digital Processing Images - DPI, are contributing to improve this problem. The Mathematical Morphology theory was used in this work. The principal function was the pruning operator. With its were extracted the interest features that can be used in cartographic process updating. The obtained results are positives and showed the use potential of mathematical morphology theory in cartography, mainly in updating.


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This paper proposes a methodology for edge detection in digital images using the Canny detector, but associated with a priori edge structure focusing by a nonlinear anisotropic diffusion via the partial differential equation (PDE). This strategy aims at minimizing the effect of the well-known duality of the Canny detector, under which is not possible to simultaneously enhance the insensitivity to image noise and the localization precision of detected edges. The process of anisotropic diffusion via thePDE is used to a priori focus the edge structure due to its notable characteristic in selectively smoothing the image, leaving the homogeneous regions strongly smoothed and mainly preserving the physical edges, i.e., those that are actually related to objects presented in the image. The solution for the mentioned duality consists in applying the Canny detector to a fine gaussian scale but only along the edge regions focused by the process of anisotropic diffusion via the PDE. The results have shown that the method is appropriate for applications involving automatic feature extraction, since it allowed the high-precision localization of thinned edges, which are usually related to objects present in the image. © Nauka/Interperiodica 2006.


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The main purpose of this work is the development of computational tools in order to assist the on-line automatic detection of burn in the surface grinding process. Most of the parameters currently employed in the burning recognition (DPO, FKS, DPKS, DIFP, among others) do not incorporate routines for automatic selection of the grinding passes, therefore, requiring the user's interference for the choice of the active region. Several methods were employed in the passes extraction; however, those with the best results are presented in this article. Tests carried out in a surface-grinding machine have shown the success of the algorithms developed for pass extraction. Copyright © 2007 by ABCM.


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The swallowing disturbers are defined as oropharyngeal dysphagia when present specifies signals and symptoms that are characterized for alterations in any phases of swallowing. Early diagnosis is crucial for the prognosis of patients with dysphagia and the potential to diagnose dysphagia in a noninvasive manner by assessing the sounds of swallowing is a highly attractive option for the dysphagia clinician. This study proposes a new framework for oropharyngeal dysphagia identification, having two main contributions: a new set of features extract from swallowing signal by discrete wavelet transform and the dysphagia classification by a novel pattern classifier called OPF. We also employed the well known SVM algorithm in the dysphagia identification task, for comparison purposes. We performed the experiments in two sub-signals: the first was the moment of the maximal peak (MP) of the signal and the second is the swallowing apnea period (SAP). The OPF final accuracy obtained were 85.2% and 80.2% for the analyzed signals MP and SAP, respectively, outperforming the SVM results. ©2008 IEEE.


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Low-frequency multipath is still one of the major challenges for high precision GPS relative positioning. In kinematic applications, mainly, due to geometry changes, the low-frequency multipath is difficult to be removed or modeled. Spectral analysis has a powerful technique to analyze this kind of non-stationary signals: the wavelet transform. However, some processes and specific ways of processing are necessary to work together in order to detect and efficiently mitigate low-frequency multipath. In this paper, these processes are discussed. Some experiments were carried out in a kinematic mode with a controlled and known vehicle movement. The data were collected in the presence of a reflector surface placed close to the vehicle to cause, mainly, low-frequency multipath. From theanalyses realized, the results in terms of double difference residuals and statistical tests showed that the proposed methodology is very efficient to detect and mitigate low-frequency multipath effects. © 2008 IEEE.


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Autonomous robots must be able to learn and maintain models of their environments. In this context, the present work considers techniques for the classification and extraction of features from images in joined with artificial neural networks in order to use them in the system of mapping and localization of the mobile robot of Laboratory of Automation and Evolutive Computer (LACE). To do this, the robot uses a sensorial system composed for ultrasound sensors and a catadioptric vision system formed by a camera and a conical mirror. The mapping system is composed by three modules. Two of them will be presented in this paper: the classifier and the characterizer module. The first module uses a hierarchical neural network to do the classification; the second uses techiniques of extraction of attributes of images and recognition of invariant patterns extracted from the places images set. The neural network of the classifier module is structured in two layers, reason and intuition, and is trained to classify each place explored for the robot amongst four predefine classes. The final result of the exploration is the construction of a topological map of the explored environment. Results gotten through the simulation of the both modules of the mapping system will be presented in this paper. © 2008 IEEE.