997 resultados para 30-289


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Texto consolidado em 1978 e alterado pelas Resoluções de nº 1, 37, 42, 54/79, 13 e 15/81.


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Texto consolidado em 1982 e alterado pelas Resoluções nºs 15, 16, 17, 24 e 33, de 1983.


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Texto consolidado em 1982 e alterado pelas Resoluções nºs 15, 16, 17, 24 e 33, de 1983; e Resoluções nºs 4, 30 e 55, de 1985; e 34, de 1986


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本文介绍一种新型光学蛋白质芯片技术 .它通过表面格式化、表面改性和配基固定形成多元生物活性感应表面 ;借助蛋白质的特异结合性和高分辨率的生物光学显微成像技术达到识别和检测蛋白质的目的 .它是一种非标记的多元蛋白质定量分析方法 .


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Report of Opening Session Report of Governing Council Meetings Reports of Science Board and Committees: Science Board Biological Oceanography Committee Fishery Science Committee Marine Environmental Quality Committee Physical Oceanography and Climate Committee Finance and Administration: Report of the Finance and Administration Committee Assets on 31st of December, 1992 Income and Expenditures for 1992 Budget for 1994 Composition of the Organization List of Participants (Document has 78 pages.)


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Para beneficiar os Estados, o Deputado Maurício Nasser (PMDB-PR) propõe emenda que garanta uma indenização para o uso de seus recursos naturais. Para o parlamentar, a União deveria pagar royalties aos Estados. A Comissão de Sistematização votará o Título IV do Substitutivo do relator Bernardo Cabral (PMDB-AM), que trata sobre a organização dos poderes e do sistema de governo: presidencialismo ou parlamentarismo. O substitutivo propõe o parlamentarismo. O Deputado Fernando Santana (PCB-BA) defende o parlamentarismo. O grupo parlamentarista está confiante na vitória dentro da Comissão de Sistematização e no Plenário, como declaram os Deputados Gastone Righi, líder do PTB, e Osvaldo Lima Filho (PMDB-PE). Já os presidencialistas acreditam que podem reverter a situação no Plenário, como declaram os deputados Virgílio Guimarães (PT-MG) e Inocêncio Oliveira (PFL-PE). O mandato do presidente José Sarney será definido após a escolha do sistema de governo. O Deputado César Maia (PFL-RJ) tem proposta aprovada na Comissão de Sistematização que reserva vagas aos deficientes físicos em concursos públicos.


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[EN]Rumenic acid (cis9,trans11-18:2) is the main natural isomer of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Rumenic acid has many purported health benefits, but effects of most other CLA isomers are unknown. Typically trans7,cis9-18:2 is the second most abundant CLA isomer, but it co-elutes with rumenic acid on conventional polar gas chromatography (GC) columns, requiring complimentary analysis with silver-ion high performance liquid chromatography (Ag(+)-HPLC). Herein we report a rapid method for analyzing rumenic acid and trans7,cis9-18:2 using a 30 m ionic-liquid GC column. Optimal resolution of the two CLA isomers was at 145 degrees C and analysis of backfat from barley-fed cattle compared well with GC/Ag(+)-HPLC (y =0.978x - 0.031, r =0.985, P <0.001).


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Asia / India: Women in Seafood Processing; Asia / India- Getting on the Bus; Asia / Sri Lanka - Marching for Justice; Asia / Vietnam - Setting the Agenda; Policy / India - Policy but no Practice; Yemaya Recommends - Pacific Voices: Equity and Sustainability in Pacific Island Fisheries; Milestones - Ecuador's new food sovereignty law aims to strengthen the constitutional right to food; What's New, Webby? - Womenspeak; Profile - Marie Ademar; Yemaya Mama ...tries to crack the Code.


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Navassa is a small, undeveloped island in the Windward Passage between Jamaica and Haiti. It was designated a National Wildlife Refuge under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 1999, but the remote location makes management and enforcement challenging, and the area is regularly fished by artisanal fishermen from Haiti. In April 2006, the NOAA Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research conducted a research cruise to Navassa. The cruise produced the first high-resolution multibeam bathymetry for the area, which will facilitate habitat mapping and assist in refuge management. A major emphasis of the cruise was to study the impact of Haitian fishing gear on benthic habitats and fish communities; however, in 10 days on station only one small boat was observed with five fishermen and seven traps. Fifteen monitoring stations were established to characterize fish and benthic communities along the deep (28-34 m) shelf, as these areas have been largely unstudied by previous cruises. The fish communities included numerous squirrelfishes, triggerfishes, and parrotfishes. Snappers and grouper were also present but no small individuals were observed. Similarly, conch surveys indicated the population was in low abundance and was heavily skewed towards adults. Analysis of the benthic photoquadrats is currently underway. Other cruise activities included installation of a temperature logger network, sample collection for stable isotope analyses to examine trophic structure, and drop camera surveys to ground-truth habitat maps and overhead imagery. (PDF contains 58 pages)


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A Comissão de Sistematização conclui capítulo que trata do Servidor Público. Aprovada emenda do Deputado Antônio Carlos Mendes Thame (PFL-SP) que determina igualdade dos salários dos servidores aposentados e os da ativa, tornando a aposentadoria mais justa e digna. O Deputado Gastone Rich (PTB-SP) aprova emenda em que os representantes dos três poderes tenham salário isonômico e será regulamentado por lei ordinária. A emenda do Deputado Paulo Ramos (PMDB-RJ) que estende aos militares os mesmos benefícios concedidos aos servidores públicos civis foi aprovada na Sistematização. Também foi aprovada a emenda do Deputado Arnaldo Faria de Sá (PTB-SP) em que todos os vencimentos estão sujeitos ao desconto de imposto, e a emenda do Deputado Jorge Hage (PMDB-BA) que garante estabilidade no emprego aos servidores públicos. O Deputado Osmar Leitão (PFL-RJ) defende transferências de alguns impostos aos municípios como, por exemplo, o Imposto de Transmissão Intervivo e IPVA. O Deputado Jovanni Masini (PMDB-PR) enfatiza que a proposta satisfaz por ser descentralizadora e permitirá aos municípios maior autonomia. O Deputado Evaldo Gonçalves (PFL-PB) estima que haverá descentralização de responsabilidades e recursos com a Reforma Tributária.


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This is a report of Mr. Haylor's visit to Pakistan to negotiate a Partnership Agreement, agree a National Co-ordinator for STREAM in Pakistan and begin the process of recruiting a Communications Hub Manager. An agreement was also obtained by him for funds from FAO for supporting the establishment of the Communications Hub and to conduct an Aquatic Resources and Poverty Review and a Country Strategy Paper.(PDF contains 22 pages)