898 resultados para 3-18


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峨眉山玄武岩分布于云、贵、川三省。在滇黔交界处,二叠世玄武岩因为广泛发育自然铜矿化而具有重要的研究意义。本研究通过地质、地层和地球化学的方法探讨本区出露的峨眉山玄武岩的起源、成因和喷发时代,同时用同位素方法探讨玄武岩铜矿成矿。通过本次研究获得以下成果: 1 探讨了威宁二叠纪玄武岩的成因。通过主量和微量元素地球化学特征研究表明:玄武岩起源于微混染的EMⅡ型富集地幔,岩浆端元矿物为石榴子石二辉橄榄岩。岩浆在上升过程中发生了辉石和橄榄石的分离结晶。微量元素Rb的强烈负异常,表明玄武岩形成后遭到了强烈的热液蚀变。 2 用恢复Rb-Sr古混合线定年方法确定了本区宣威组底部硅质页岩的成岩年龄为255±12 Ma,首次确定了峨眉山玄武岩的喷发上限年龄。 3 玄武岩铜矿石铅同位素组成206Pb/204Pb=18.078~18.923;207Pb/204Pb= 15.463~15.690; 208Pb/204Pb=38.301~39.036。通过Pb同位素比较研究,矿石铅同位素组成与玄武岩岩石铅同位素组成相似,成铜物质可能来源于玄武岩的淋滤。 4 与玄武岩铜矿伴生的沥青和碳质δ13CPDB值变化在-32.3‰ ~-21‰之间,与自然界δC13储库生物成因的碳同位素组成相符,表明其为有机成因。铜矿石中方解石的碳氧同位素表现出明显的特殊性,以富δ18OSMOW和贫δ13CPDB 为特征,δ18OSMOW和δ13CPDB值分别为13.1‰~22.9‰ 和-32.3 ‰ ~ -13.5‰。不同矿床碳同位素组成一致,暗示碳为同一来源,均为有机碳。 5 矿石中石英和方解石中流体包裹体的H-O同位素组成为:δ18O矿物-SMOW,14.3‰ ~18.9‰;δ18O水-SMOW,2.8‰ ~ 7.2‰; δ18D水-SMOW,-63.6‰ ~ -80.6‰。其中流体包裹体均一温度为151 ~ 201℃。研究表明,成矿流体来源于建造水与玄武岩发生强烈的水-岩反应所形成的成矿流体。成矿流体通过对流循环方式从玄武岩中萃取成矿物质,有机质对成矿流体的还原和对成矿物质的吸附作用可能是成矿的重要机制。


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本研究根据贵阳市区域内不同土地利用方式,选择了自然土壤、农业土壤和城市土壤为主要研究对象。对表层土壤实行多样点的统计分析、以及典型剖面有机碳迁移过程分析,同时结合同位素地球化学示踪原理,探讨了贵阳市区域内土地利用方式变化对土壤有机碳的影响,以及不同土地利用方式间土壤有机碳的来源和降解过程的差异。主要结论如下: (1) 自然土壤转化为农业土壤后,表层(0~10cm) SOC有较为明显的降低趋势。其中,相对于自然土壤(黄壤) 表层SOC(平均值)而言,玉米地、水田、果园下降了40%左右,菜地下降了15%左右。然而,不同菜地土壤间耕种强度存在较大差异,其SOC变异程度高于其它几类农业土壤(CV=57.07%)。与之相反,农业土壤表层DOC(18.86~48.20mg•L-1)接近或超过自然土壤(10.74~36.30 mg•L-1),且ƒDOC占SOC的比例明显大于自然土壤。其中,玉米地DOC最高(平均值:48.20mg•L-1),菜地次之(平均值:30.00mg•L-1),果园第三(平均值:29.87mg•L-1),水田最低(平均值:18.86mg•L-1),但水田由于干湿交替的影响,DOC的变异程度最大(CV=128.57%)。据此推断,在相同气候条件下,自然土壤转化为农业土壤后,由于表层DOC数量和比例的增加,提高了SOC的迁移性,进而加速了碳素在土壤中的迁移转化进程。 (2) 自然土壤转化为农业土壤后,剖面内部(>10cm)多数层次SOC相对于黄壤和黄色石灰土有明显的增加趋势。且通过对不同类型农业土壤人为干扰强度的调查表明:人为干扰强度越强,剖面中一定深度内SOC增加幅度越大。即:离城市较近的菜地2增长最为突出,果园其次,水田和玉米地相当。离城市较远的菜地1由于受人为干扰层次较浅,且出现了犁底层,剖面内SOC的含量水平与黄色石灰土相当。 (3) 原始土壤经搬运重组后形成城市公路绿化带土壤,表层SOC和DOC变幅较宽、离散程度较大,且没有随时间或植被类型等因素的变化而呈现明显的变化趋势。其中,SOC变异程度依次为新成公路绿化带2(CV=58.0%)、老成公路绿化带(CV=55.5%)、新成公路绿化带1(CV=34.1%)。DOC变异程度依次为新成公路绿化带1(CV=93.8%)、新成公路绿化带2(CV=85.7%)、老成公路绿化带(CV=78.0%)。 (4) 在自然土壤、农业土壤和城市绿化带土壤表层中,DOC与SOC、N、C/N、NO3-、NH4-,以及粘粒含量等的相关性均未达到显著水平。另据方差分析显示:果园、水田、菜地和玉米地表层土壤间DOC、SOC含量均无显著差异,说明农业土壤利用方式不是决定土壤表层SOC和DOC含量的绝对因素;新成公路绿化带1,2和老成公路绿化带表层土壤间DOC、SOC含量均无显著差异,说明植被类别和形成时间不是决定土壤表层SOC和DOC含量的绝对因素。 (5) 自然土壤中,枯枝落叶转化为表层(0~5cm)土壤有机质后,δ13CSOC值升高了1~4‰。通过不同碳源间δ13Corg相互关系的判断,在具备枯枝落叶覆盖的表层土壤中,DOC主要来源于枯枝落叶;而在土壤剖面内,随土壤剖面深度的增加,来自于土壤腐殖类物质的DOC占土壤DOC总量的比例呈增加趋势。在黄壤和黄色石灰土中(>5cm土层),土壤剖面中大多数层次DOC比SOC更富13C。 (6) 大多数农业土壤有机碳δ13C值显示其有机肥源中存在C4-C源。且农业土壤中受碳源多样性的影响,菜地、果园、水田和玉米地表层土壤中δ13CSOC与δ13CDOC的相关性均未达到显著水平。其次,除玉米地土壤剖面外,其它供试农业土壤剖面大多数层次δ13CDOC值比δ13CSOC偏负,说明菜地、果园、水田土壤DOC主要为外源的加入。 (7) C3植被转化为C4植被(林-农生态系统转化)后,玉米地剖面中SOC有2.55%~20.80%源于C4-C,随剖面层次的加深有降低趋势,但表现为“之”字形反复;DOC中C4-C的比例在剖面0~40cm处较为相近(25.94%~34.54%),40cm以下则急剧下降(3.18%~15.65%)。说明玉米地剖面 DOC主要来源于土壤腐殖类物质的转化。与林-农生态系统转变过程中的变化趋势相反,洼地农业土壤退耕弃荒一段时间(林-农-林生态系统转化)后,土壤剖面内C4-C占SOC的比例随土壤层次的加深逐渐增加,变化范围在5.77~26.76%。 (8) 在C3植被转向C4植被(林-农生态系统转化)后,玉米地δ13CSOC值与C4-C、C3-C相关系数(r)分别为0.372和-0.102,δ13CDOC值与C4-C、C3-C相关系数分别为0.131和-0.339,其相关性均未达到显著水平。而再从C4植被转回C3植被后,土壤δ13CSOC与C3-C之间呈显著相关性(r=0.88,n=7),说明退耕弃荒后新加入的C3-C对土壤δ13CSOC值影响较大。其SOC的主要来源于洼地周边坡面土壤的侵蚀堆积物和新生草本植被残体。结合当前SOC降解过程的研究成果,本研究认为:洼地土壤退耕弃荒后一段时间里,土壤SOC可能处于累积大于损失状态。这有利于土壤性状向良性方向发展。 (9) 根据同位素值的相互关系和有机碳的来源调查,判断公路绿化带土壤中C4-C为原始土壤所带来。大气颗粒物和雨水中的DOC是表层土壤DOC的主要来源。公路绿化带土壤剖面中,随着时间的增加,土壤腐殖类物质与DOC的相互转化逐渐加强。 上述结论可为人类认识城市区域(特别是有强烈酸性沉降历史的喀斯特城市区域)土地利用方式改变对土壤碳循环的影响,以及不同土地利用方式间土壤有机碳迁移转化过程提供科学依据,也可为正确评估城市区域土壤与其他圈层间碳循环的源、汇关系提供基础资料。


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En este trabajo recogemos un breve resumen de la tesis doctoral "aspectos epistemológicos y cognitivos de la resolución de problemas de matemáticas bien y mal definidos. Un estudio con alumnos del primer Ciclo de la Eso Y maestros en formación" que, bajo la dirección de los Doctores D. Martín M. Socas Robayna y la Doctora Josefa Hernández Domínguez, ha sido realizada, por M. Aurelia Noda Herrera, e el área de didáctica de las matemáticas del departamento de análisis matemático.


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El presente artículo muestra los resultados obtenidos en una experiencia pedagógica de aula con estudiantes de la carrera de Ingeniería en Gestión de Empresas del Instituto Profesional La Araucana de Osorno, quienes dada una empresa, ficticia o real, debieron crear afiches publicitarios utilizando contenidos matemáticos básicos y avanzados para promocionar los bienes o servicios que ofrecen a la comunidad. Como resultado de la experiencia se logró que los estudiantes aplicaran conceptos de matemática básica y avanzada para la creación de publicidad de acuerdo a las necesidades de una empresa, visualizando la matemática como una disciplina aplicable a diferentes situaciones.


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BACKGROUND: The term endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) is currently used to refer to cell populations which are quite dissimilar in terms of biological properties. This study provides a detailed molecular fingerprint for two EPC subtypes: early EPCs (eEPCs) and outgrowth endothelial cells (OECs). METHODS: Human blood-derived eEPCs and OECs were characterised by using genome-wide transcriptional profiling, 2D protein electrophoresis, and electron microscopy. Comparative analysis at the transcript and protein level included monocytes and mature endothelial cells as reference cell types. RESULTS: Our data show that eEPCs and OECs have strikingly different gene expression signatures. Many highly expressed transcripts in eEPCs are haematopoietic specific (RUNX1, WAS, LYN) with links to immunity and inflammation (TLRs, CD14, HLAs), whereas many transcripts involved in vascular development and angiogenesis-related signalling pathways (Tie2, eNOS, Ephrins) are highly expressed in OECs. Comparative analysis with monocytes and mature endothelial cells clusters eEPCs with monocytes, while OECs segment with endothelial cells. Similarly, proteomic analysis revealed that 90% of spots identified by 2-D gel analysis are common between OECs and endothelial cells while eEPCs share 77% with monocytes. In line with the expression pattern of caveolins and cadherins identified by microarray analysis, ultrastructural evaluation highlighted the presence of caveolae and adherens junctions only in OECs. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence that eEPCs are haematopoietic cells with a molecular phenotype linked to monocytes; whereas OECs exhibit commitment to the endothelial lineage. These findings indicate that OECs might be an attractive cell candidate for inducing therapeutic angiogenesis, while eEPC should be used with caution because of their monocytic nature.


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Chinese hamster V79 fibroblasts were irradiated in the gas explosion apparatus and the chemical repair rates of the oxygen-dependent free radical precursors of DNA double-strand breaks (dsb) and lethal lesions measured using filter elution (pH 9.6) and a clonogenic assay. Depletion of cellular GSH levels, from 4.16 fmol/cell to 0.05 fmol/cell, by treatment with buthionine sulphoximine (50 mumol dm-3; 18 h), led to sensitization as regards DNA dsb induction and cell killing. This was evident at all time settings but was particularly pronounced when the oxygen shot was given 1 ms after the irradiation pulse. A detailed analysis of the chemical repair kinetics showed that depletion of GSH led to a reduction in the first-order rate constant for dsb precursors from 385 s-1 to 144 s-1, and for lethal lesion precursors from 533 s-1 to 165 s-1. This is generally consistent with the role of GSH in the repair-fixation model of radiation damage at the critical DNA lesions. However, the reduction in chemical repair rate was not proportional to the severe thiol depletion (down to almost-equal-to 1% for GSH) and a residual repair capacity remained (almost-equal-to 30%). This was found not to be due to compartmentalization of residual GSH in the nucleus, as the repair rate for dsb precursors in isolated nuclei, washed virtually free of GSH, was identical to that found in GSH-depleted cells (144 s-1), also the OER remained substantially above unity. This suggests that other reducing agents may have a role to play in the chemical repair of oxygen-dependent damage. One possible candidate is the significant level of protein sulphydryls present in isolated nuclei.


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High rates of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in The Gambia, West Africa, are primarily due to a high prevalence of chronic hepatitis B virus infection and heavy aflatoxin exposure via groundnut consumption. We investigated genetic polymorphisms in carcinogen-metabolizing (GSTM1, GSTT1, HYL1*2) and DNA repair (XRCC1) enzymes in a hospital-based case-control study. Incident HCC cases (n = 216) were compared with frequency-matched controls (n = 408) with no clinically apparent liver disease. Although the prevalence of variant genotypes was generally low, in multivariable analysis (adjusting for demographic factors, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, and TP53 status), the GSTM1-null genotype [odds ratio (OR), 2.45; 95% confidence interval (95% CI), 1.21-4.95] and the heterozygote XRCC1-399 AG genotype (OR, 3.18; 95% CI, 1.35-7.51) were significantly associated with HCC. A weak association of the HYL1*2 polymorphism with HCC was observed but did not reach statistical significance. GSTT1 was not associated with HCC. The risk for HCC with null GSTM1 was most prominent among those with the highest groundnut consumption (OR, 4.67; 95% CI, 1.45-15.1) and was not evident among those with less than the mean groundnut intake (OR, 0.64; 95% Cl, 0.20-2.02). Among participants who had all three suspected aflatoxin-related high-risk genotypes [GSTM1 null, HLY1*2 (HY/HH), and XRCC1 (AG/GG)], a significant 15-fold increased risk of HCC was observed albeit with imprecise estimates (OR, 14.7; 95% CI, 1.27-169). Our findings suggest that genetic modulation of carcinogen metabolism and DNA repair can alter susceptibility to HCC and that these effects may be modified by environmental factors.


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Background: Depression in palliative care patients is important because of its intrinsic burden and association with elevated physical symptoms, reduced immunity and increased mortality risk. Identifying risk factors associated with depression can enable clinicians to more readily diagnose it, which is important since depression is treatable. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to determine the prevalence of depressive symptoms and risk factors associated with them in a large sample of palliative home care patients.

Methods: The data come from interRAI Palliative Care assessments completed between 2006 and 2012. The sample (n = 5144) consists of adults residing in Ontario (Canada), receiving home care services, classified as palliative, and not experiencing significant cognitive impairment. Logistic regression identified the risk factors associated with depressive symptoms. The dependent variable was the Depression Rating Scale (DRS) and the independent variables were functional indicators from the interRAI assessment and other variables identified in the literature. We examined the results of the complete case and multiple imputation analyses, and found them to be similar.

Results: The prevalence of depressive symptoms was 9.8%. The risk factors associated with depressive symptoms were (pooled estimates, multiple imputation): low life satisfaction (OR = 3.01 [CI = 2.37-3.82]), severe and moderate sleep disorders (2.56 [2.05-3.19] and 1.56 [1.18-2.06]), health instability (2.12 [1.42-3.18]), caregiver distress 2.01 [1.62-2.51]), daily pain (1.73 [1.35-2.22]), cognitive impairment (1.45 [1.13-1.87]), being female (1.37 [1.11-1.68]), and gastrointestinal symptoms (1.27 [1.03-1.55]). Life satisfaction mediated the effect of prognostic awareness on depressive symptoms.

Conclusions: The prevalence of depressive symptoms in our study was close to the median of 10-20% reported in the palliative care literature, suggesting they are present but by no means inevitable in palliative patients. Most of the factors associated with depressive symptoms in our study are amenable to clinical intervention and often targeted in palliative care programs. Designing interventions to address them can be challenging, however, requiring careful attention to patient preferences, the spectrum of comorbid conditions they face, and their social supports. Life satisfaction was one of the strongest factors associated with depressive symptoms in our study, and is likely to be among the most challenging to address.