974 resultados para 2 oxoglutaric acid


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Pyrenylterpyridine (pytpy) oxovanadium(IV) complexes VO(pytpy)(L)]Cl-2 (1-6) of the dipyridophenazine bases (L), viz., dipyrido-6,7,8,9-tetrahydrophenazine (dpqC in 1), dipyrido3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine-2-carboxylic acid (dppzc in 2), dipyrido3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine-11-sulfonic acid (dppzs in 3), 7-aminodipyrido3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine (dppza in 4), benzo-i]dipyrido3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine (dppn in 5) and dipyrido3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine (dppz in 6) were prepared, characterized and their DNA binding, photocleavage activity and photocytotoxicity studied. The complexes which showed a d-d band near 750 nm in DMF are efficient binders to calf thymus DNA (K-b: 3.2 x 10(5)-2.9 x 10(6) M-1). The complexes showed significant pUC19 DNA cleavage in near-IR light of 785 nm forming center dot OH radicals and photocytotoxicity in HeLa cells in visible light with the benzo-i] dipyrido3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine complex 5 showing a remarkably low IC50 value of 0.036 mu M. Flow-cytometric analysis shows a high sub-G1 phase cell cycle arrest in HeLa cells by the complexes on photo-irradiation. The photocytotoxicity correlates well with the hydrophobicity, photosensitizing ability and DNA binding propensity of the complexes. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A rapid and the simple chiral derivatizing protocol involving the coupling of 2-formylphenylboronic acid and an optically pure 1,1-binaphthalene]-2,2-diamine is introduced for the accurate determination of the enantiopurity of hydroxy acids and their derivatives, possessing one or two optically active centers, using H-1 NMR spectroscopy.


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[EN]Forty feedlot steers were fed a barleygrain-based finishing diet typical for western Canada, with two levels of supplementary vitamin E (468 or 1068 IU head_1 d_1) and the effect on backfat trans-18:1 isomeric profile was determined. Feeding 1068 IU vitamin E reduced the total trans-18:1 content in backfat (P<0.01), as well as the percentage of trans 10-18:1 (P<0.001), which are related to an increased risk for cardiovascular diseases. On the other hand, trans 11-18:1 (vaccenic acid) the precursor for cis 9,trans 11- 18:2 (rumenic acid), which have several purported health benefits, increased (P<0.01). Vitamin E could, therefore, be used to decrease trans-18:1 in beef and improve its isomeric profile.


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The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is a chloride channel member of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily of membrane proteins. CFTR has two homologous halves, each consisting of six transmembrane spanning domains (TM) followed by a nucleotide binding fold, connected by a regulatory (R) domain. This thesis addresses the question of which domains are responsible for Cl^- selectivity, i.e., which domains line the channel pore.

To address this question, novel blockers of CFTR were characterized. CFTR was heterologously expressed in Xenopus oocytes to study the mechanism of block by two closely related arylaminobenzoates, diphenylamine-2-carboxylic acid (DPC) and flufenamic acid (FFA). Block by both is voltage-dependent, with a binding site ≈ 40% through the electric field of the membrane. DPC and FFA can both reach their binding site from either side of the membrane to produce a flickering block of CFTR single channels. In addition, DPC block is influenced by Cl^- concentration, and DPC blocks with a bimolecular forward binding rate and a unimolecular dissociation rate. Therefore, DPC and FFA are open-channel blockers of CFTR, and a residue of CFTR whose mutation affects their binding must line the pore.

Screening of site-directed mutants for altered DPC binding affinity reveals that TM-6 and TM-12 line the pore. Mutation of residue 5341 in TM-6 abolishes most DPC block, greatly reduces single-channel conductance, and alters the direction of current rectification. Additional residues are found in TM-6 (K335) and TM-12 (T1134) whose mutations weaken or strengthen DPC block; other mutations move the DPC binding site from TM-6 to TM-12. The strengthened block and lower conductance due to mutation T1134F is quantitated at the single-channel level. The geometry of DPC and of the residues mutated suggest α-helical structures for TM-6 and TM-12. Evidence is presented that the effects of the mutations are due to direct side-chain interaction, and not to allosteric effects propagated through the protein. Mutations are also made in TM-11, including mutation S1118F, which gives voltage-dependent current relaxations. The results may guide future studies on permeation through ABC transporters and through other Cl^- channels.


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This work describes the design and synthesis of a true, heterogeneous, asymmetric catalyst. The catalyst consists of a thin film that resides on a high-surface- area hydrophilic solid and is composed of a chiral, hydrophilic organometallic complex dissolved in ethylene glycol. Reactions of prochiral organic reactants take place predominantly at the ethylene glycol-bulk organic interface.

The synthesis of this new heterogeneous catalyst is accomplished in a series of designed steps. A novel, water-soluble, tetrasulfonated 2,2'-bis (diphenylphosphino)-1,1'-binaphthyl (BINAP-4S0_3Na) is synthesized by direct sulfonation of 2,2'-bis(diphenylphosphino)-1,1'-binaphthyl (BINAP). The rhodium (I) complex of BINAP-4SO_3Na is prepared and is shown to be the first homogeneous catalyst to perform asymmetric reductions of prochiral 2-acetamidoacrylic acids in neat water with enantioselectivities as high as those obtained in non-aqueous solvents. The ruthenium (II) complex, [Ru(BINAP-4SO_3Na)(benzene)Cl]Cl is also synthesized and exhibits a broader substrate specificity as well as higher enantioselectivities for the homogeneous asymmetric reduction of prochiral 2-acylamino acid precursors in water. Aquation of the ruthenium-chloro bond in water is found to be detrimental to the enantioselectivity with some substrates. Replacement of water by ethylene glycol results in the same high e.e's as those found in neat methanol. The ruthenium complex is impregnated onto a controlled pore-size glass CPG-240 by the incipient wetness technique. Anhydrous ethylene glycol is used as the immobilizing agent in this heterogeneous catalyst, and a non-polar 1:1 mixture of chloroform and cyclohexane is employed as the organic phase.

Asymmetric reduction of 2-(6'-methoxy-2'-naphthyl)acrylic acid to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, naproxen, is accomplished with this heterogeneous catalyst at a third of the rate observed in homogeneous solution with an e.e. of 96% at a reaction temperature of 3°C and 1,400 psig of hydrogen. No leaching of the ruthenium complex into the bulk organic phase is found at a detection limit of 32 ppb. Recycling of the catalyst is possible without any loss in enantioselectivity. Long-term stability of this new heterogeneous catalyst is proven by a self-assembly test. That is, under the reaction conditions, the individual components of the present catalytic system self-assemble into the supported-catalyst configuration.

The strategies outlined here for the design and synthesis of this new heterogeneous catalyst are general, and can hopefully be applied to the development of other heterogeneous, asymmetric catalysts.


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O objetivo deste estudo in vitro foi avaliar por meio da fluorescência de Raios X, oefeito remineralizante de dois diferentes princípios bioativos contidos no Desensibilize Nano P (nanopartículas de hidroxiapatita de cálcio) e no GC Tooth Mousse (CPP-ACP,fosfopeptídios de caseína e fosfato de cálcio amorfo) assim como da saliva artificial e do fluoreto de sódio gel neutro no esmalte dental bovino submetido a desafio erosivo. Foram utilizados 20 incisivos bovinos, seccionados na linha amelo-cementária, fixados em resina epóxi e padronizados pela planificação da superfície. Foram obtidos 20 corpos de prova (CP) que foram divididos aleatoriamente em 4 grupos. Todos os dentes foram avaliadosinicialmente para a obtenção da contagem dos elementos fósforo (P), cálcio (Ca) e estrôncio (Sr) interpretados a partir de um espectro de Fluorescência de Raios X obtidos pelo Artax 800. Após uma semana da medição inicial, cada grupo de amostras foi imerso em uma solução de 10 ml de ácido cítrico a 2% (pH 2,6) por 90 minutos. Imediatamente após obtenção dos espectros dos dentes submetidos ao desafio erosivo, cada grupo recebeu seus tratamentos correspondentes. Grupo 1 (Saliva) - saliva; Grupo 2 (Flúor) - Flúor; Grupo 3 (Nano P) - Desensibilize Nano P; Grupo 4 (Recaldent) - GC Tooth Mousse. A leitura e os tratamentos eram realizados a cada sete dias sendo repetidos por de 3 semanas. Foi utilizado inicialmente o teste de Bonferroni para comparação das médias de P, Ca e Sr dentro de cada grupo, com um nível de significância de 0,05 (p=0,05), que demonstrou remineralização efetiva na terceira semana de tratamento no grupo Nano P. Posteriormente foi utilizado o teste T-Student para comparação das médias de P, Ca e Sr entre os diferentes grupos, também com um nível de significância de 0,05 (p=0,05). O grupo Nano P foi mais efetivo do que todos os outros grupos e o grupo Saliva menos efetivo que Fluor e Recaldent após três semanas de tratamento. Nestas condições expirimentais in vitro a pasta Desensibilize Nano P foi eficaz noprocesso de remineralização dental desde a primeira semana de tratamento e estável após 3 semanas de tratamento do que os tratamentos com Saliva, Flúor e GC Tooth Mousse.


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Esta investigação objetivou a eficácia antimicrobiana de agentes desinfetantes utilizados na desinfecção dos instrumentos endodônticos, durante o período transoperatório do tratamento endodôntico. A atividade antimicrobiana dos desinfetantes álcool isopropílico, acetona e ácido peracético (PAA) foi avaliada sobre microrganismos planctônicos através de teste de contato (time kill assay), utilizando inóculo de 9,9 X 109 a 1,2 X 1012 unidades formadoras de colônia (UFC) e por determinação da concentração bactericida mínima (CBM), usando inóculo de aproximadamente 106 UFC. Os agentes químicos também foram avaliados sobre Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) ATCC 29212 cultivada em matriz de dentina (ex vivo) visando a formação de biofilme. O biofilme (organismos sésseis) microbiano foi removido com limas tipo Kerr (LK), até as lâminas estarem visualmente preenchidas. As LK contaminadas foram usadas como carreadores (logo após a contaminação ou secas dentro de uma câmara de fluxo laminar por 10 minutos). As LK carreadoras foram imersas em álcool isopropílico ou acetona ambos a 80%, ou em Ácido peracético 2%, por 30 ou 60 segundos. As limas foram posteriormente colocadas em tubos de ensaio contendo caldo Enterococcosel para observar o crescimento dos enterococos viáveis. Depois, os experimentos in vivo foram realizados com LK contaminadas por material necrótico pulpar da região cervical de dentes indicados para tratamento endodôntico. As LK contaminadas foram imersas, por 30 ou 60 segundos, em 80% de acetona ou 80% de álcool isopropílico ou 2% de PAA. As limas foram então inoculadas em tubos de ensaio contendo meio tioglicolato. Os organismos que cresceram, foram identificados após o tratamento com PAA. A corrosão mediada pelos agentes químicos também foi testada, após a incubação de LK de aço inoxidável e de NiTi por 60 minutos, medindo o peso das LK antes e depois da imersão e por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Todos os agentes químicos foram capazes de eliminar ou reduzir a viabilidade das bactérias de espécies planctônicas Gram-negativas e Gram-positivas, embora a atividade dos produtos químicos sobre E. faecalis sésseis em testes de carreadores de LK demonstrou que o álcool isopropílico ou acetona foram incapazes de eliminar a contaminação bacteriana, especialmente, quando as limas foram secas previamente à exposição aos produtos químicos, por 15 ou 30 segundos. O PAA demonstrou a melhor atividade antimicrobiana e eliminou a viabilidade das células sésseis E. faecalis de ambas as limas endodônticas tipo K úmidas ou secas, após exposição por 15 segundos (100% de eliminação). Os experimentos desenvolvidos in vivo demonstraram que o PAA foi o agente mais eficaz (p<0,05), capaz de eliminar a viabilidade dos organismos em 92% das LK imersas depois de 60 segundos, quando comparado com acetona (64%) ou com álcool isopropílico (50%). O crescimento microbiano após o contato com o PAA demonstrou que somente o grupo dos Lactobacillus sp foi resistente a essa substância química. Os agentes químicos não demonstraram ser corrosivos, após a imersão por 1 hora, tanto por pesagem quanto por MEV. Foi observado que o PAA foi o agente mais eficaz para ser utilizado como desinfetante de instrumentos, durante o período transoperatório do tratamento endodôntico.


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Neurodevelopmental disruptions caused by obstetric complications play a role in the etiology of several phenotypes associated with neuropsychiatric diseases and cognitive dysfunctions. Importantly, it has been noticed that epigenetic processes occurring early in life may mediate these associations. Here, DNA methylation signatures at IGF2 (insulin-like growth factor 2) and IGF2BP1-3 (IGF2-binding proteins 1-3) were examined in a sample consisting of 34 adult monozygotic (MZ) twins informative for obstetric complications and cognitive performance. Multivariate linear regression analysis of twin data was implemented to test for associations between methylation levels and both birth weight (BW) and adult working memory (WM) performance. Familial and unique environmental factors underlying these potential relationships were evaluated. A link was detected between DNA methylation levels of two CpG sites in the IGF2BP1 gene and both BW and adult WM performance. The BW-IGF2BP1 methylation association seemed due to non-shared environmental factors influencing BW, whereas the WM-IGF2BP1 methylation relationship seemed mediated by both genes and environment. Our data is in agreement with previous evidence indicating that DNA methylation status may be related to prenatal stress and later neurocognitive phenotypes. While former reports independently detected associations between DNA methylation and either BW or WM, current results suggest that these relationships are not confounded by each other.


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鹿角蕨(Platycerium wallichii Hook.)是鹿角蕨科鹿角蕨属植物,为国家二级保护植物。该植物主要分布在云南西南部盈江县那邦坝,在当地用作跌打药。有关鹿角蕨属的系统关系存在一些假设,关于鹿角蕨属植物化学成分及生物活性的研究未见报道。从鹿角蕨(Platycerium wallichii Hook.)叶95%乙醇提取物中,我们分离得到了七个已知化合物。根据理化常数及波谱数据 (IR、UV、MS及NMR),其结构分别鉴定为:(I)β一谷甾醇、(II)胡萝卜甙、 (III)2-propenoic acid,3一[(2R, 3S)-2,3-dihydro-2- (4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl) -3- (hydroxymethyl) -7-mnethoxy-5-benzofuranyll -、(Ⅳ)松脂素-4’-0-β -D-葡萄糖甙、(v)松腊素、(Ⅵ)2,5_二羟基苯甲酸甲酯、(Ⅶ)槲皮素3-0-β -半乳糖甙。七个成分均为首次从该种植物中获得。 我们对鹿角蕨(Platvcerium wallichii Hook.)能育叶部分以及基生叶部分的乙醇提取物进行了镇痛试验和抗炎试验,试验表明鹿角蕨(Platvcerium wallichii Hook.)的叶有弱镇痛作用。


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Various phosphates and their mixtures were screened for their efficiency of preventing drip loss in frozen prawns. The effectiveness of the phosphates decreased in the following order: Sodium tripolyphosphate — Sodium pyrophosphate — Sodium hexametaphosphate Sodium metaphosphate — Sodium dihydrogen phosphate; the last two being ineffective. Even though thaw drip loss was reduced by the above treatments the organoleptic quality of the thawed as well as cooked products was unsatisfactory, discoloration being the major defect. A solution of a mixture of 12% sodium tripolyphosphate and 8.6% sodium dihydrogen phosphate or 2% citric acid in water when used as dip prevented thaw drip loss, improved cooked yield and organoleptic quality without adversely affecting the biochemical characteristics. Commercial scale trials showed that the results are highly reproducible.


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A process for the preparation of a wholesome smoked and canned product from dhoma (Sciaenid sp.) is discussed. The dressed dhoma is cold blanched in 15% brine containing 0.5% potash alum and 0.2% citric acid and smoked for 120 minutes at 45 ± 5°C. The smoked fish after filling in cans is precooked at 0.35 kg/sq.cm steam pressure for 50 minutes in inverted position, filled with hot refined groundnut oil, sealed and processed for 60 minutes at 0.7 kg/sq.cm steam pressure.


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A simple method for canning squid (Loligo sp.) is discussed. Hot blanching the dressed meat in 7% brine containing 0.2% citric acid for 5 min, packing and subsequent filling with 2% brine containing 0.2% citric acid and processing at 1.0 kg/cm² steam for 20 mm gave an excellent canned product with good shelf-life.


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A birnavirus strain, Paralichthys olivaceus birnavirus (POBV), was isolated and characterized from cultured flounder in China, and its complete genomic sequence was subsequently determined. The virus could induce cytopathic effects (CPE) in four of seven fish cell lines and was resistant to chloroform, 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine, acid and alkaline pH, and heat treatment. Purified virus particles had a typical icosahedral shape, with a diameter of approximately 55-60 nm. The genomic segments A and B of POBV were 3,091 and 2,780 bp in length and shared many of the features of the members of the family Birnaviridae. Segment A contained two partially overlapping ORFs encoding a polyprotein, pVP2-VP4-VP3, and a nonstructural protein, VP5, while segment B had only one ORF encoding for the VP1, a viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). This is the first report about a birnavirus strain from a new non-salmonid host in China and its complete genome sequence.


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Toxic cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) waterblooms have been found in several Chinese water bodies since studies began there in 1984. Waterbloom samples for this study contained Anabaena circinalis, Microcystis aeruginosa and Oscillatoria sp. Only those waterblooms dominated by Microcystis aeruginosa were toxic by the intraperitoneal (i.p.) mouse bioassay. Signs of poisoning were the same as with known hepatotoxic cyclic peptide microcystins. One toxic fraction was isolated from each Microcystis aeruginosa sample. Two hepatotoxic peptides were purified from each of the fractions by high-performance liquid chromatography and identified by amino acid analysis followed by low and high resolution fast-atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FAB-MS). LD50 i.p. mouse values for the two toxins were 245-mu-g/kg (Toxin A) and 53-mu-g/g (Toxin B). Toxin content in the cells was 0.03 to 3.95 mg/g (Toxin A) and 0.18 to 3.33 mg/kg (Toxin B). The amino acid composition of Toxin A was alanine [1], arginine [2], glutamic acid [1] and beta-methylaspartic acid [1]; for Toxin B it was the same, except one of the arginines was replaced with a leucine. Low- and high-resolution FAB-MS showed that the molecular weights were 1,037 m/z (Toxin A) and 994 m/z (Toxin B), with formulas of C49H76O12N13 (Toxin A) and C49H75O12N10 (Toxin B). It was concluded that Toxin A is microcystin-RR and Toxin B is microcystin-LR, both known cyclic heptapeptide hepatotoxins isolated from cyanobacteria in other parts of the world. Sodium borohydride reduction of microcystin-RR yielded dihydro-microcystin-RR (m/z = 1,039), an important intermediate in the preparation of tritium-labeled toxin for metabolism and fate studies.


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不对称催化还原反应是当今有机化学研究中最具活力的研究方向之一。在这一研究领域中,已有不少催化剂体系能够对前手性酮或亚胺进行高对映选择性还原,但极少能够对酮和亚胺同时具有很好的催化效果。本论文从光学纯的哌啶酸出发,设计与合成了一系列结构简单、合成方便的手性有机小分子路易斯碱催化剂,并研究了该系列催化剂在酮和亚胺不对称还原本课题组前期研究中开发出L-哌啶酸和(1S,2R)-1,2-二苯基氨基乙醇衍生的路易斯碱催化剂,在三氯氢硅对亚胺的还原反应中显示出很高的催化活性和对映选择性,但对酮的还原却没有得到很理想的催化效果。本研究对该催化剂进行一定的结构改造和修饰,获得了能够同时高对映选择性催化还原酮和亚胺两类底物的有机小分子催化剂。通过优化条件,取得了很好的收率(高达99%)和对映选择性(高达93%的ee 值)。而且,其底物普适性也是前所未有的,对芳香酮和脂肪酮,芳香亚胺和脂肪亚胺都具有很好的催化效果。通过机理方面的探讨,我们推测该催化体系对酮的还原和对亚胺的还原反应可能分别采用了七配位和六配位过渡态模型。Asymmetric reduction is one of the most active research areas in modernasymmetric synthesis. A number of highly efficient methods have been developed forthe asymmetric reduction of either ketones or ketimines. However, there have beenextremely rare examples of catalytic systems that allow for highly enantioselectivereductions of both ketones and ketimines.In this study, starting from optically pure pipecolinic acid, we designed andsynthesized a series of structurally simple and easily accessible chiral organic Lewisbasic catalysts and employed them in asymmetric reduction of ketones and ketimines.Previously our group has developed a highly enantioselective Lewis basiccatalyst for the asymmetric reduction of ketimines by trichlorosilane starting fromL-piperdine-2-carboxylic acid and (1R,2S)-2-amino-1,2-diphenylethanol. But thiscatalyst was found not to be very effective in the asymmetric reduction of ketones.Slight modifications of this catalyst has led to a new highly enantioselective catalystapplicable for the reduction of both ketones and ketimines by trichlorosilane. Underthe optimal conditions, this catalyst afforded excellent yields (up to 99%) andenantioselectivities (up to 93% ee). Moreover, an unprecedented substrate spectrumwas observed with this catalyst, which are highly effective for aromatic and aliphaticketones as well as aromatic and aliphatic ketimines. A heptacoordinate silicontransition structure and a hexacoordinate one were proposed for the reduction of ketones and ketimines, respectively.