948 resultados para 1984: Hot Dogs and Croissants
The objective of the study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of RoekoSeal sealer Roeko (Dental Products, Langenau, Germany) with the periapical tissues of dogs and compare it with AH Plus sealer (Dentsply/De Trey, Konstanz, Germany). The pulps of 32 root canals were removed, the apical cementum layer perforated, the biomechanical preparation performed, and the root canals filled by lateral condensation technique. Ninety days after the surgery, the animals were euthanized, the bone with teeth removed, and the samples prepared for histopathological analysis. In group 1 (RoekoSeal Automix), deposition of mineralized tissue was observed, with complete newly mineralized apical formed tissue in 43.8% and partial sealing in 56.2%. In group 2 (AH Plus), in 12.5% there was complete newly mineralized apical formed tissue, in 75% the sealing was partial, and in 12.5% there was no sealing (p < 0.05). There were no differences between the groups in relation to the inflammatory infiltrate; thickness of the periodontal ligament; and the resorption of dentin, cementum or bone (p > 0.05).
Anormalidades do filme lacrimal de cães podem ser classificadas quanto ao seu aspecto quantitativo, qualitativo ou ambos, sendo comumente observada na prática cotidiana. Intercorrências na produção de um ou mais componentes do filme lacrimal ensejam distúrbios oculares em graus variados, denominados ceratoconjuntivite seca. Diversas são as causas da ceratoconjuntivite seca em cães, mas a maioria dos casos é de caráter idiopático, estando associada à participação de linfócitos T. O diagnóstico em medicina veterinária é firmado com base nos valores obtidos pelo teste da lacrimal de Schirmer. O presente artigo objetiva revisar os aspectos relacionados à etiopatogenia e ao diagnóstico da ceratoconjuntivite seca em cães, assim como discutir novas modalidades terapêuticas para a doença.
Titanium alloys are hoped to be used much more for applications as implant materials in the medical and dental fields because of their basic properties, such as biocompatibility, corrosion resistance and specific strength compared with other metallic implant materials. Thus, the Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy that has recently been developed for biomedical use, that is, primarily developed for orthopaedic use, is to be studied in this paper, for application in dental implants. The biocompatibility test in vivo was carried out in dogs and the osseointegration was verified through histological analysis of the samples of the Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy with and without hydroxyapatite coating that were inserted in the alveoli. Within the controlled conditions the samples did not show any toxic effects on the cells. (C) 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
The superior cervical ganglion (SCG) provides sympathetic input to the head and neck, its relation with mandible, submandibular glands, eyes (second and third order control) and pineal gland being demonstrated in laboratory animals. In addition, the SCG's role in some neuropathies can be clearly seen in Horner's syndrome. In spite of several studies published involving rats and mice, there is little morphological descriptive and comparative data of SCG from large mammals. Thus, we investigated the SCG's macro- and microstructural organization in medium (dogs and cats) and large animals (horses) during a very specific period of the post-natal development, namely maturation (from young to adults). The SCG of dogs, cats and horses were spindle shaped and located deeply into the bifurcation of the common carotid artery, close to the distal vagus ganglion and more related to the internal carotid artery in dogs and horses, and to the occipital artery in cats. As to macromorphometrical data, that is ganglion length, there was a 23.6% increase from young to adult dogs, a 1.8% increase from young to adult cats and finally a 34% increase from young to adult horses. Histologically, the SCG's microstructure was quite similar between young and adult animals and among the 3 species. The SCG was divided into distinct compartments (ganglion units) by capsular septa of connective tissue. Inside each ganglion unit the most prominent cellular elements were ganglion neurons, glial cells and small intensely fluorescent cells, comprising the ganglion's morphological triad. Given this morphological arrangement, that is a summation of all ganglion units, SCG from dogs, cats and horses are better characterized as a ganglion complex rather than following the classical ganglion concept. During maturation (from young to adults) there was a 32.7% increase in the SCG's connective capsule in dogs, a 25.8% increase in cats and a 33.2% increase in horses. There was an age-related increase in the neuronal profile size in the SCG from young to adult animals, that is a 1.6-fold, 1.9-fold and 1.6-fold increase in dogs, cats and horses, respectively. on the other hand, there was an age-related decrease in the nuclear profile size of SCG neurons from young to adult animals (0.9-fold, 0.7-fold and 0.8-fold in dogs, cats and horses, respectively). Ganglion connective capsule is composed of 2 or 3 layers of collagen fibres in juxtaposition and, as observed in light microscopy and independently of the animal's age, ganglion neurons were organised in ganglionic units containing the same morphological triad seen in light microscopy. Copyright (c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel.
The aims of this study were to evaluate the immunomodulatory role of TGF-beta(1), 1L-10, and INF-gamma in spleen and liver extracts and supernatant cultures of white spleen cells from male symptomatic and asymptomatic dogs, naturally infected by Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi. Thirty dogs from Aracatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, an endemic leishmaniosis area, were selected by positive ELISA serological reaction for Leishmania sp. and divided into two groups: asymptomatic (n=15) and symptomatic (n=15) consisting of animals with at least three characteristic signs (fever, dermatitis, lymphoadenopathy, onychogryphosis, weight loss, cachex a, locomotion problems, conjunctivitis, epistaxis, hepatosplenomegaly, edema, and apathy). After euthanasia, spleen and liver fragments were collected for ex vivo quantification of TGF-beta(1), IL-10, and INF-gamma. Naturally active in vitro produced TGF-beta(1) was also evaluated in spleen cell culture supernatant. Spleen and liver extract of asymptomatic dogs had higher mean TGF-beta(1) levels than symptomatic dogs. High concentrations of IL-10 were found in spleen, and mainly in liver extract of both groups. Higher INF-gamma concentrations were found in spleen extracts of symptomatic dogs, and in liver extracts of asymptomatic dogs. Extract of this cytokire was lower in spleen extract. Although INF-gamma is being produced in canine infection, mean levels of TGF-beta(1) and IL-10 from spleen and liver extracts were quantitatively much higher; suggesting that immune response in both asymptomatic and symptomatic dogs A as predominantly type Th2. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Two rapid tests evaluated in dogs considered to be of high risk of Infection with the Chagas parasite Trypanosoma cruzi using two immunochromatographic assays. Trypanosoma Detect (TM) for canine, InBios, Seattle, WA and CHAGAS STAT-PAK (TM) assay, Chembio Diagnostic Systems, Medford, NY, in south central Louisiana. For this purpose a serological survey was carried out in a total of 122 dogs and a serum bank was created. These 122 animals were first tested by IFAT that was used as the standard test From the serum bank 50 samples were tested using the two rapid Chagas assays and results compared to the standard test IFAT The serological survey using IFAT showed it prevalence of T cruzi infection in 22.1% of the tested dogs. In the immunochromatographic assays. 13 and 11 animals were positive on rapid assay Trypanosoma Detect (TM) for canine, InBios and CHAGAS STAT-PAK (TM), Chembio Diagnostic Systems, respectively compared to 11 positive by IFAT. These two immunochromatographic tests have shown high susceptibility and specificity compared to our standard method IFAT. The rapid, easy and accurate screening assays used in conjunction with confirmatory tests, would be an excellent tool for veterinarians to diagnose T cruzi infection. Early detection of T cruzi infection may prevent complications through an effective treatment. Greater awareness by veterinarians of the risk. clinical findings, history along with diagnostic methods will contribute greatly to an understanding of the true prevalence of Chagas disease in dogs in Louisiana. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The effects of gonadectomy on the secretion of prolactin, LH, TSH, and thyroxine were investigated. Blood serum hormone concentrations were analysed before and at 20, 120, and 180 min after a single iv TRH injection in each of eight healthy intact and castrated male beagle dogs before (control) and after 4-week treatment with the dopamine-2 receptor agonist cabergoline. Under control conditions the mean prolactin, TSH, and thyroxine concentrations were similar in intact and gonadectomised dogs, and administration of TRH provoked a significant (p < 0.01) increase in concentrations of the three hormones. The overall inhibitory effect of cabergoline treatment on prolactin secretion was more pronounced in the castrated dogs compared with the intact group. Cabergoline significantly suppressed the TRH-induced prolactin increase in each group (p < 0.01). Corresponding TRH-stimulated TSH concentrations were not affected by cabergoline. In the gonadectomised dogs, thyroxine concentrations before and at 120 and 180 min after TRH injection were significantly lower than under control conditions. LH concentrations were always higher (p < 0.01) in gonadectomised dogs compared with the intact dogs, but appeared to be affected neither by TRH nor by cabergoline administration. It can thus be concluded from the results, that gonadectomy does not result in hyperprolactinaemia in male dogs, while LH concentrations are significantly increased due to missing androgen feedback. Thyroid function remains unaffected by gonadectomy. Testicular steroids appear to interact with central dopaminergic and probably other neuroendocrine mechanisms regulating the secretion of prolactin, TSH, and thyroxine. Thus, long-term dopamine-2 receptor agonistic treatment may lead to a hypothyroid condition in castrated male dogs. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Hepatozoon canis is a protozoan that infects dogs and is transmitted by the ingestion of the brown dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Two distinct species of Hepatozoon genus can infect dogs, H. canis and H. americanum. Routine tests to detect the disease are based on direct examination of gametocytes on Giemsa-stained blood smears. The objectives of this study were the investigation of infection prevalence in rural area dogs, the comparison of diagnostics by blood smear examination and polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and the association of infection with tick infestation. Blood smears, collected by puncture of the cephalic vein and ear margin capillary bed from 150 dogs, were examined. This technique detected 17 positive animals (11.3%), with 14 (9.3%) in peripheral blood and seven (4.7%) in cephalic vein blood. PCR tests detected 80 (53.3%) positive animals. R. sanguineus and Amblyomma spp. were found in 36 of the dogs (24%), in equal proportions. The identified species for Amblyomma genus were A. cajennense and A. ovale. Data analysis showed that PCR was much more sensitive when compared to blood smear examination. Hepatozoon species was previously identified as closely related to H. canis.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The aim of this paper was to obtain normative data of auditory evoked potentials from 34 mixed breed dogs and evaluate the age influence. The animals were divided in two groups of different ages and auditory evoked potential was performed with a 85dB stimulus intensity. Group 1 included 16 dogs between 1 and 8 years of age, and group 2 included 18 dogs with over 8 years of age. The length and head diameter were measured and there was no statistical difference between the two groups. In group 1, mean latencies of waves I, III, and V were 1.13; 2.64, and 3.45ms, and the intervals I-III, III-V, and I-V were 1.51; 0.81, and 2.32 ms, respectively. In group 2, the mean latencies of waves I, III and V were 1.15, 2.62, and 3.55ms, and the intervals I-III, III-V, and I-V were 1.47, 0.93, and 2.40ms, respectively. The latencies observed in this study were similar to previous studies conducted by other authors. It was observed that significant differences were present for wave V and intervals III-V and I-V latencies when comparing groups with different ages, consequently this characteristic must be considered during BAEP result interpretation.
A leishmaniose visceral canina (LVC) é reconhecida pelas características clínicas da doença e é altamente letal. A infecção, entretanto, pode ser totalmente assintomática em alguns cães soropositivos, o que tem levantado questão polêmica sobre a possibilidade desses animais, serem ou não uma fonte importante da infecção para o flebotomíneo, Lutzomyia longipalpis, o principal vetor da leishmaniose visceral americana (LVA). Neste estudo foram examinados 51 cães com LVC aguda, provenientes de área endêmica de LVA no Estado do Pará, Brasil, e a carga parasitária, formas amastigotas de, na pele, linfonodo poplíteo e vísceras (fígado e baço) foi comparada com a de nove cães assintomáticos soropositivos (IFAT-IgG). Fragmentos de biópsia desses tecidos obtidos post-mortem foram processados para análise através de imunohistoquímica, usando um anticorpo policlonal contra Leishmania sp. Os testes do Qui-quadrado (X2) e Mann Whitney foram usados para avaliar as médias da densidade de macrófagos infectados (p < 0,05). Os resultados mostraram que não houve diferença (p > 0,05) na densidade de macrófagos infectados da pele (10,7/mm2 x 15,5/mm2) e do linfonodo (6,3/mm2 x 8,3/mm2) entre cães assintomáticos e sintomáticos. Entretanto, a densidade de macrófagos infectados da víscera de cães sintomáticos (5,3/mm2) foi maior (p < 0,05) que a de cães assintomáticos (1,4/mm2). Estes resultados sugerem, fortemente, que cães naturalmente infectados por L. (L.) i. chagasi, assintomáticos ou sintomáticos, podem servir como fonte de infecção, principalmente, considerando-se que a densidade de macrófagos infectados da pele (10,7/mm2 x 15,5/mm2), local onde o flebotomíneo vetor Lu. longipalpis realiza a hematofagia, foi maior (p < 0,05) que as do linfonodo (6,3/mm2 x 8.3/mm2) e vísceras (1,4/mm2x 5,3/mm2).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)