999 resultados para 1983-1999


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1 tarjeta, 1 felicitación de Navidad, 1 carta, 1 tarjeta de vistita (manuscritas y mecanografiadas) ; entre 231x165mm y 10x60mm. Ubicación: Caja 1 - Carpeta 30


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2 cartas (mecanografiadas) ; entre 215x265mm y 220x280mm. Ubicación: Caja 1 - Carpeta 35


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5 cartas (mecanografiadas) ; 267x190mm. Ubicación: Caja 1 - Carpeta 39


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„Winter fishery“ on brown shrimp does not imply a special type of fishery. It merely means the continuation of the standard fishing procedure of parts of the fleet during wintertime, when the majority of the mostly smaller vessels stay in harbour due to generally unfavourable weather conditions for their activity. During 1990 to 1999 mean European wide landings in January and February summedup to 854 tonnes making up to only 4 % of the mean annual landings (21 805 t). While German vessels landed0.7 % (68.7 t) of their mean annual landings during that period, the other countries caught about 7 % of their individual, mean annual landings at the same time. The Netherlands and Denmark contributed highest tonnages of 580and 110 tonnes, respectively, to the total European landings, making up 81 % of them. As about 70 % of brown shrimp may carry eggs in January, the winter fishery took a mean total of about 2.15 x 1012brown shrimp eggs out of the stocks in that period annually. As there is no reliable assessment available concerning the brown shrimp stocks, it is despite of these high losses of eggs not possible to trace a negative effect of the winter fishery in scientific terms. However, precautional catch reductions in winter would be in favour of higher survival rates of eggs, which are the carrying source for the recruitment of brown shrimp stocks and catches in forthcoming summer and autumn seasons according to Dutch investigations.


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The spring session of ACFM gave advice for a number of stocks in the North Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic. The situation is given here for stocks of higher importance for the German fishery. These are: Blue Whiting: A short term upwards trend is observed, which, however, will not last very long, due to too intense fishing. Cod in Kattegat: Stock is outside safe biological limits. No immediate recovery in sight. Cod in Sub. Div. 22– 24 (Baltic): Stock is outside safe biological limits. Due to weak recruitment not immediate recovery in prospect. Greenland Halibut: Stock outside safe biological limits and still in downward trend. Herring (atlanto-scandian, Norw. spring spawner): Stock inside safe biological limits, weak recruitment of the past 5 years will, however, lead to a reduction of the biomass. Redfish: Generally decreasing tendency observed, a reduction of the fishery is recommended.


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Information is given about the results of the latest meeting of the Herring Assessment Working Group for the Area South of 62° N and the Baltic Fisheries Assessment Working Group, which were conducted in March and April at ICES headquarters in Copenhagen. The actual stock development and the catch options estimated for different assessment units of herring and sprat are presented. The spawning stock size of North Sea herring reached in 1998 for the first time since 1991 a level above the Minimum Biological Acceptable Level (MBAL) of 800 000 t. Keeping the fishery at the present level the spawning stock size should reach in 1999 a level of about 1.2 mio. t. For the Western Baltic Spring spawning herring stock no actual stock estimate was presented. Due to uncertainties in splitting the catches in North Sea autumn and Baltic spring spawners no analytical assessment was accepted.


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Die Situation der bewirtschafteten Fischbestände im NAFO-Gebiet hat sich im Jahr 1998 im Vergleich zu 1997 nicht verändert. Alle Bestände auf der Grand bank (Gebiet 3LNO) bis auf die Gelbschwarzflunder, deren Bestand sich weiter vergrößerte, bleiben auf niedrigstem Niveau mit wenig Aussicht auf eine kurzfristige Erholung. Auch die Bestände auf der Flämischen Kappe (Gebiet 3M) sind mit Ausnahme der Garnelen (Pandalus boreals) in der gleichen Situation.


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The FIDAWOG workshop held from 29 March to 1 April 1999 in Jinja was the third major stock assessment workshop attended by most of the participants during the project. It followed two workshops, each of which lasted three weeks, held in 1998.


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A tabulated summary is presented of the main Lake Kainji fisheries data collected to date (1999) by the Nigerian-German Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project, together with a current overview of the fishery. The data are given under the following sections: 1) Fishing localities and types; 2) Frame survey data; 3) Number of licensed fishermen by state; 4) Mesh size distribution; 5) Fishing net characteristics; 6) Fish yield; 7) Average monthly CPUE by gear type; 8)Average monthly fishing activity by gear type; 9) Total annual fishing effort by gear type; 10) Total annual value of fish landed by gear type; 11) Trends of the total yield by gear type. (PDF contains 34 pages)


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A presente dissertação discute o repasse cambial para o IPCA na economia brasileira durante o período compreendido entre janeiro de 1999 e dezembro de 2007. A ampla maioria dos trabalhos que versam sobre este tema aborda a redução do repasse após a adoção do regime de metas de inflação e/ou tem como único foco o impacto das desvalorizações cambiais no aumento dos índices de preços. Este trabalho, por outro lado, aborda de maneira explícita o papel da valorização do Real sobre a variação do IPCA no período recente, configurando o que denominamos de repasse cambial reverso. Para tanto, estimamos o repasse cambial por meio de um modelo de vetores auto-regressivos tanto para o referido período (1999-2007), quanto para outros dois recortes temporais: entre janeiro de 1999 e junho 2003 (amostra 1), período no qual se verifica uma tendência de desvalorização cambial e aumento de preços; e de julho de 2003 a dezembro de 2007 (amostra 2), período caracterizado pelo processo inverso, de valorização da taxa de câmbio e de cumprimento das metas de inflação na maioria dos anos. Os principais resultados foram: (i) no longo prazo os coeficientes de repasse cambial para o IPCA para as duas amostras foram superiores àqueles verificados para o período completo; e (ii) o repasse estimado para a amostra 2 foi bem elevado, ainda que inferior àquele obtido para a amostra 1. Estes resultados reforçam o argumento de que a taxa de câmbio desempenhou um papel proeminente no controle da inflação no período 2003-2007.


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The FIDAWOG workshop held at the Tom Mboya Labour College in Kisumu was the fourth stock assessment workshop held under the LVFRP programme. There were two main objectives: training in paper and report writing and presentation, and presentation of research results collected to date.