988 resultados para 1969-1973
The vertical zoning of the planktonic Crustacea in a lake is the expression of a complex set of different factors. Besides the measurable, external influences such as light, temperature, acid and C02 stratification, a particularly large part is played by internal factors, which co-ordinate a specific reaction in each species depending on state of development, age and sex. Supporting this extensive, predictable, annual course of diurnal depths and the daily vertical migrations, whose extent is again dependent on external conditions, primarily of course on the amount of light. The individual factors mentioned, however, are here also of great significance. Within the scope of a long-term study of the planktonic Copepoda of Lake Constance, some day and night series were in 1963 also carried out in the Obersee, in order to obtain at least volumetric data on the extent of the daily migrations of these creatures.
The significance of detritus in the nutrition of aquatic animals, especially of the small representatives of the zooplankton, has been studied very slightly. Research so far has established that in M. rectirostris with feeding on protococcal and single-celled green algae and bacteria the beginning of formation of eggs takes place in 2 - 4 days. The young appear in 4 - 6 days. In this study M. rectirostris and C. quadrangula are fed on detritus of natural origin in laboratory conditions. In order to determine the assimilability and productive: effect of detritus, the author set up experiments, permitting to characterize the rate of growth, speed of maturing and fertility of M. rectirostris and C. quadrangula with feeding of them on detritus of different composition and age.
The feeding methods of macrothricids was investigated in three species — Ophryoxus gracilis G.O. Sars, Ilyocryptus sordidus (Lievin) and Lathonura rectirostris O.F.Muller. The procuring of food in those species follows two methods: filtration of dispersed particles or scraping off and collecting food from the surface of the substrate. When collecting food by scraping off is the sole method of feeding (as in Lathonura rectirostris), movement along the substrate and feeding are combined so intimately that they appear as parts of one and the same mechanism.
Systematic investigations of the distribution of pollen in stationary water bodies until now have hardly been conducted. For clarification of the problem of how the pollen of different plants which falls into a lake is deposited in relation to its physical properties, the character of the lake, wind currents and other factors, pollen analyses were carried out of surface samples of the bottom sediments of 13 Lithuanian lakes. Lakes were selected of different sizes (areas from 2333 ha. to 8 ha.) and different depths, not uniformly overgrown, situated in different physico-geographic regions of Lithuania. As a result of the investigation, it was established that in the surface layer of the sediments of the lakes of Lithuania pollen of woody species predominates.
The connection between the activity of the gonadotropic cells of the hypophysis and the neurosecretion in the pre-optico neuro-hypophysial system in different groups of vertebrates has been examined by many authors. It has been established that in many species there exists some kind of synchronism between the sexual cycle and the cellular activity of neurosecretion, a fact that has led to the prevailing idea that gonadotropic activity in the hypophysis is regulated by the hypothalamus. This paper summarises the results of experiments made in this direction on Cyclostomata. The materials for research came from adult individuals of Eudontomyson danfordi Regan taken from the rivers Somes-Rece and Ivo (Harghita district) at different times of the year.
When dissolved in water, compounds of nitrogen and phosphorus ought to contain the basic assimilated food requirements for autotrophic plants and therefore autotrophic algae. This article summarises the occurrence of nitrogen in water, how species of algae utilize nitrogen and phosphorus forms for growth and the capacities of algae to adapt to environments of different nutrient wealth. This topic has unquestionable importance not only for the purpose of survival of a species but also in deciding indirectly about the stability of ecosystems.
In a lake the nitrogen compounds are liable to regular cycling in which nitrate is reduced and ammonium oxidised. As a nitrate maximum is regularly established in the upper part of the hypolimnion of a stratified summer lake, the authors have dealt in particular with the oxidising side of the nitrogen cycle. Described here are partial results of the nitrification in Plusssee. The Plusssee was chosen, since it is almost entirely without inflows, and, lying in a wooded basin, is well protected from the wind, and therefore stably stratified. In order to determine the number of autotrophic nitrificants the distribution of the Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter spores in the lake were analysed. From the estimates on the determination of spore numbers of the heterotrophic nitrificants, 14 species in the pure culture were isolated and examined from morphological, biochemical and taxonomic viewpoints.
We know very little about the role of birds in different ecosystems, despite numerous interesting works of researchers and amateur ornithologist scattered throughout the world. Less attention is paid to freshwater ecosystems because of the difficulties encountered in the experimental methods as well as a lack of interest on behalf of hydrobiologists, for the activities of birds in these ecosystems. This article summarises types and morphoecological forms of waterfowl and their place in the lake ecosystem.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa has for some time been known as a denitrifier. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was chosen for further studies, because P. aeruginosa occurs abundantly in Plusssee and moreover there are contradictory assertions on the gas products of denitrification by this bacteria. In experimental research the pattern of growth and gas production of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on nutrient broth was studied.
Since 1967 data have been collected on the distribution of fish caught in a 24 hour period during the winter angling season. The present study on activity periods is based on data from nearly 2000 perch collected between 1967 and 1971. The distribution of number of fish caught during 24 hrs during December - May was studied. Of the total, the most productive period was found to be between 0600 - l600 hrs., with the peak period occurring between 0800 - 1000 hrs. The present data together show that during the darkest months of the year, the perch is only active in the mid-day period. Throughout the whole winter fishing season, activity only occurs during the time between surise and sunset.
The most common catch of the amateur angler is the perch and it is the diurnal periodicity of activity (& catchability) which is examined in this study based on earlier articles and manuscripts by the authors. Of all environmental factors, variation in light and temperature are the chief reasons in establishing the times of activity periods. Winter, summer and autumn activity was studied. The spawning perch was found to be more active than the non-spawning perch. The time of day in which the fish may be active is dependant on its ability to sense changes in the external environment. Its adaptation to light is the reason for day-activity in the winter, and also accounts for the fact that hardly any activity occurs between sunset and sunrise when this period exceeds 6 hours.
Catchability and activity of Perca fluviatilis in relation to temperature is examined. The number of fish caught and water temperature during the 3 summer months was used the assess the numbers of hours of activity of perch. Parallel to the research on activity, large-scale marking was carried out to establish the periods of growth during the year.
The rainfall regime and the karstic nature of the subsoil determines the alternation of a period of flow and a period of drought for a large number of Mediterranean streams. Amongst this type of stream it is possible to distinguish temporary streams, characterised by a period of flow for several months permitting the establishment of the principal groups of aquatic insects; and ephemeral streams whose very brief period of flow permits the establishment of a community reduced to a few species of Diptera. This paper aims to study the structure of the communities which colonise this particular type of stream and the ecology of the principal species which constitute these communities. Four French temporary streams were examined and temperature regimes, dissolved oxygen, calcium and magnesium measured. Samples of fauna were taken regularly and the biotic composition established. The analysis of similarities between the three permanent streams are discussed and compared with permanent streams.
Dormancy has been observed in several species of Cyclops. Animals in dormancy are characterised by almost complete inactivity of the main appendages and sluggish intestinal peristalsis. In Cyclops vicinus dormancy can take place in copepod stages III (19%), IV (78%) and V (3%) but one and the same animal only in one developmental stage. The author gives his own results between frequency of dormancy and photoperiod (20 C, 1000 lux). He concludes that dormancy in C. vicinus can be influenced by day length and can be ended prematurely by short day length.
In the skin of Salmo irideus the production of mucus is due to one type of cell specialized as a mucus cell. The histochemical research presented in this paper describes the mucous cells of Salmo irideus and demonstrates observable variation in such cells during the fish's development.