991 resultados para 1926 - 1984


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Table of Contents.


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Este trabalho visa explorar a dinâmica da relação nuclear entre Argentina e o Brasil ao longo do período 1968-1984. Em particular, ele procura analisar a interação de duas dimensões desta relação. A primeira, de ordem bilateral, centra-se no estudo da rivalidade argentino-brasileira e procura medir o seu impacto tanto nas decisões nucleares de cada país como nas tentativas de estabelecer um acordo de cooperação nesta área. A segunda dimensão, de ordem internacional, analisa o impacto que teve sobre o relacionamento argentino-brasileiro a coincidente postura de ambos os países frente o regime de não proliferação nuclear (Tlatelolco e TNP) e a pressão internacional que ambos tiveram que suportar sobre os seus programas nucleares. Com esse objetivo, o trabalho se concentra em uma abordagem histórica guiada por fontes primárias (pesquisa de arquivo e entrevistas pessoais) com o objeto de reconstruir a narrativa histórica e contribuir a novas interpretações sobre o relacionamento argentino-brasileiro no período em questão em base à nova evidencia apresentada. São apresentadas quatro conclusões centrais: (1) mesmo sob uma situação de competição regional e crescente disputa geopolítica na Bacia da Prata, não houve uma corrida armamentista para a obtenção da bomba devido à natureza da rivalidade argentino-brasileira; (2) em todo momento os dois países têm incentivos para cooperar no campo nuclear por causa da sua visão compartilhada respeito à ordem nuclear global e a falta de informação perfeita sobre as atividades nucleares do outro país; (3) a dinâmica da rivalidade regional argentino-brasileira é fundamental para explicar por que, apesar de numerosas tentativas de cooperação nuclear de ambos os lados, escolhem uma lógica de não-cooperação entre as décadas de 1960 e 1970, e posteriormente, passam a uma de cooperação no começo de 1980 (4) a democratização como variável central para explicar o rapprochement nuclear teve um papel menor do que a literatura sugere.


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This is the report from the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 30th January, 1984. The report contains information on the use of fyke nets and an application to use Rotenone fish Toxicant. Also included is information on Dunsop Trout Farm and the establishment of migratory fish rearing facilities, the decline of salmon and sea trout catches in South Cumbria, and the decline of salmon stocks in the River Eden. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 18th June, 1984. The report contains information on fishing licence duties, the Flimby Arrangement and the Disease of Fish Acts 1937 and 1983. Also covered is the use of Rotenone in the Lancaster Canal at Stainton, and the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act, 1975. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 15th October, 1984. The report contains sections on Grass Carp Field Trials in the Lancaster Canal, liaisons with Sea Fisheries Committees, Rivers Leven and Crake migratory fish stocking, and migratory fish stocking policy. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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TOPIC 1: In terms of seasonal scale, temperature effect dominates the annual change of steric height in the open ocean whereas salinity effect controls it along the continental shelf. Large portion of the annual change of height relative to the 1000-db surface is contained in the upper 100m layer. However, in interannual scale large anomalies of steric height in the open ocean, are more often than not, caused by halosteric rather than thermosteric effect. At least in the open ocean the heights are almost totally determined by the behavior of deep water. Their interannual variability appears to be related to the cumulative effect of Eckman pumping. TOPIC 2: There is a "trend" that over the past 28 years the water at Station P has warmed. Least-square analysis indicates that this warming may be significant but shortening of the time-series data by approximately 10 years fails to show that this is the case. These "trends" have to be interpreted with care. The warming may be "apparent" in that it is not indicated clearly in the deep isopynal surfaces which, during the above period, have deepened. Thus warming at the isobaric surfaces may be the effect of the downward migration of the isopynal surfaces.


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Triennial bottom trawl survey data from 1984 to 1996 were used to evaluate changes in the summer distribution of walleye pollock in the western and central Gulf of Alaska. Differences between several age groups of pollock were evaluated. Distribution was examined in relation to several physical characteristics, including bottom depth and distance from land. Interspecies associations were also analyzed with the Bray-Curtis clustering technique to better understand community structure. Our results indicated that although the population numbers decreased, high concentrations of pollock remained in the same areas during 1984–96. However, there was an increase in the number of stations where low-density pollock concentrations of all ages were observed, which resulted in a decrease in mean population density of pollock within the GOA region. Patterns emerging from our data suggested an alternative to Mac-Call’s “basin hypothesis” which states that as population numbers decrease, there should be a contraction of the population range to optimal habitats. During 1984–96 there was a concurrent precipitous decline in Steller sea lions in the Gulf of Alaska. The results of our study suggest that decreases in the mean density of adult pollock, the main food in the Steller sea lion diet, combined with slight changes in the distribution of pollock (age-1 pollock in particular) in the mid-1980s, may have contributed to decreased foraging efficiency in Steller sea lions. Our results support the prevailing conceptual model for pollock ontogeny, although there is evidence that substantial spawning may also occur outside of Shelikof Strait.


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El próximo septiembre se cumplen treinta años de la llamada Expedición Naútica-Cientifíca “R. P. Francisco Morillo” realizada en botes neumáticos por un grupo de personas de diferentes orígenes y entre los que se encontraban naturalistas y profesionales de las Ciencias Naturales. A nivel profesional fue una gran experiencia, ya que me permitió transitar por un ámbito geográfico de difícil acceso, con flora y fauna cuya referencia la tenía solo a través de textos. Por otra parte y mirado a la distancia, fue muy interesante el comportamiento humano del grupo. Entiendo que un sociólogo podría dar alguna interpretación, pero he visto de todo, actos de solidaridad, de mezquindad, egoísmo y de cierta locura, como por ejemplo, querer matar un yacaré por el simple hecho de que estaba en la playa tomando sol. En este caso, la suerte estuvo del lado de la noble bestia, ya que los involucrados en las Ciencias Naturales pudimos detener semejante barbaridad y hacer comprender a los de “gatillo fácil” que no había ningún sentido en lo que querían hacer. Irónicamente, entre otras cosas, este viaje tenía dentro de sus objetivos participar en un Congreso de Conservación… Los objetivos del viaje para los naturalistas, sólo se cumplieron en parte, ya que al principio de esta travesía comenzaron a suscitarse problemas, principalmente por las características del río, lo que dificultó, por falta de tiempo, la toma de muestras y las consiguientes observaciones. A nivel personal me queda la riqueza que me dio esta experiencia y el haber conocido a dos personas que me llamaron profundamente la atención. A nuestro baqueano José “Pipo” Marty, un hombre generoso y de una gran sabiduría. El otro fue Exequiel Martínez, al que conocí en el congreso que se realizaba en Resistencia y con quién, a partir de ese momento, me une un lazo afectivo que nace de un profundo respeto y admiración.


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After 1975 a large inventory work of fisheries resources began in Mozambican waters. The tuna stocks, for instance, were virtually unexplored. After 10 years roughly, the oceanographic investigations led to the temporary localization of the most favorable areas for longline fishing or surface gears.