998 resultados para 18-177


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Tsunami waves of the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake on 26 December 2004 claimed approximately 230 000 lives and started the biggest identification operation in Interpol's history. The aim of this study was to resolve methods of the identification and results received. The viewpoint is mainly that of forensic odontology, but also includes other means of identification and results of the medico-legal examination performed in Finland. Of the 5395 victims in Thailand, approximately 2 400 were foreigners from 36 nations including 177 Finnish nationals. Additionally, a Finnish woman perished in Sri Lanka and a severely injured man after the evacuation in a hospital. The final numbers of missing persons and dead bodies registered in the Information Management Centre in Phuket,Thailand, were 3 574 ante-mortem (AM) and 3 681 post-mortem (PM) files. The number of identifications by December 2006 was 3 271 or 89% of the victims registered. Of Finnish victims, 172 have been identified in Thailand and 163 repatriated to Finland. One adult and four children are still missing. For AM data, a list of Finnish missing persons including 178 names was published on 30 December 2004. By February 2005 all useful dental AM data were available. Five persons on the list living in Finland lacked records. Based on the AM database, for the children under age 18 years (n=60) dental identification could be established for 12 (20%). The estimated number for adults (n=112) was 96 (86%). The final identification rate, based on PM examinations in Finland, was 14 (25%) for children (n= 56) and 98 (90%) for adults (n= 109). The number of Finnish victims identified by dental methods, 112 (68%), was high compared to all examined in Thailand (43%). DNA was applied for 26 Finnish children and for 6 adults, fingerprints for 24 and 7, respectively. In 12 cases two methods were applied. Every victim (n=165) underwent in Finland a medico-legal investigation including an autopsy with sampling specimens for DNA, the toxicological and histological investigation. Digital radiographs and computed tomography were taken of the whole body to verify autopsy findings and bring out changes caused by trauma, autolysis, and sampling for DNA in Thailand. Data for identification purposes were also noted. Submersion was the cause of death for 101 of 109 adults (92.7%), and trauma for 8 (7.3%). Injuries were 33 times contributing factors for submersion and 3 times for trauma-based death. Submersion was the cause of death for 51 (92.7%) children and trauma for 4 (7.3%). Injuries were in 3 cases contributing factors in submersion and once in trauma-based death. The success of the dental identification of Finnish victims is mainly based on careful registration of dental records, and on an education program from 1999 in forensic odontology.


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Tutkimuksen kohteena olivat Pyhtään työikäisten asukkaiden näkemykset ja kokemukset työssä esiintyvästä kilpailusta Tutkimusongelma oli työhön liittyvän kilpailun ilmiön hahmottaminen. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli valottaa työhön liittyvän kilpailun moninaisuutta antaen esimerkkejä sen eri muodoista, esittäen ajatuksia uusien tulkintojen tekemiselle ja herättäen ideoita kilpailun eri muotojen soveltamiselle työn ja työilmapiirin tutkimuksissa. Tavoitteena oli tutkia haastatteluissa esiintyviä tapoja käsittää työhön liittyvä kilpailu ja sitä, missä määrin eri ammateissa kuvattiin sosiaalista kilpailua verrattuna välineelliseen kilpailuun. Työyhteisöön samastumista tarkasteltiin kilpailun ja koetun oikeudenmukaisuuden näkökulmista. Työn arvostusta käsiteltiin tarkastellen haastateltujen käsitystä ammattinsa yleisestä arvostuksesta sekä haastateltujen omia arvioita ammatistaan, sekä millä tavalla ammattirooli nousi esiin haastateltujen itsen kuvauksissa. Työpaikan ihmissuhteita ja valtaa tarkasteltiin kohdistamalla huomio työtovereiden kanssa toimeen tulemiseen ja työpaikan ihmissuhteiden aiheuttamaan stressiin sekä haastateltujen työssään kokeman oman vaikutusvallan, tasavertaisuuden, epäreiluuden, arvostuksen ja kilpailun määrään. Selvitettiin myös miten vallankäyttöä ja kiusaamista kuvattiin ja millä tavalla vallankäytön ja kiusaamisen katsottiin edesauttavan tavoitteiden saavuttamisessa. Lopuksi tarkastelun kohteina olivat ongelmien käsittely, työssä viihtyminen ja viihtymiseen vaikuttavat seikat. Aineisto kerättiin Pyhtäällä kesällä 2007. Vastaajia oli yhteensä 245 ja vastausprosentti oli 50. Tutkimuksessa mukana olivat kalkki työilmapiiriä ja työpaikan ihmissuhteita koskeviin kysymyksiin vastanneet haastatellut (N = 167). Suurimmaksi osaksi tutkimus oli kuvailevaa, mutta siinä oli myös kvantitatiivista kysymyksenasettelua. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin sekä kvalitatiivisia että kvantitatiivisia analyysimenetelmiä. Puolistrukturoiduissa yksilöhaastatteluissa hyödynnettiin tulkitsevaa fenomenologista analyysia. Kirjattuja avovastauksia tutkittiin luokittavalla ja tulkitsevalla sisällönanalyysilla. Lisäksi laskettiin tilastollisia merkitsevyyksiä Työpaikalla esiintyvä kilpailu nähtiin haastateltujen selonteoissa hyvin moninaisena, sekä myönteisenä että haitallisena. Siihen ymmärrettiin kuuluvan niin resursseihin, työtehtäviin, tuloksiin ja palkkioihin liittyvää välineellistä kilpailua, kuin ihmisten välistä sosiaalista valtataisteluakin. Suhteessa välineelliseen kilpailuun sosiaalista kilpailua kuvattiin eniten hoiva- ja sosiaalialan ammateissa. Suhteessa sosiaaliseen kilpailuun välineellistä kilpailua kuvasivat eniten yrittäjät Vastausten perusteella suun kilpailun määrä korreloi työpaikan ihmissuhteiden aiheuttamaan stressiin, mutta vain silloin, kun kokemus työpaikan oikeudenmukaisuudesta oli matala. Kilpailun eri muotojen (kilpailu omien tavoitteiden saavuttamisesta vs. kilpailu organisaation tavoitteiden saavuttamisesta) väliset yhteydet työyhteisöön samastumiseen eivät aineistossa olleet tilastollisesti merkitseviä. Haastatellun arvio oman ammattinsa arvostuksesta ei myöskään ennustanut haastatellun todennäköisyyttä esittää itsensä ammattikuntansa edustajana avoimen itsen kuvauksen tilanteessa. Koettu oikeudenmukaisuus kuitenkin korreloi työyhteisöön samastumiseen. Mitä oikeudenmukaisempana haastatellut työpaikkaansa pitivät, sitä tärkeämmäksi samastumiskohteeksi he sen tyypillisesti arvioivat. Myös työssä viihtymisen ja työpaikan koetun oikeudenmukaisuuden välinen korrelaatio oli aineistossa voimakas. Lisäksi silloin, kun kokemus oikeudenmukaisuudesta oli matalalla tasolla, oli myös työpaikan ihmissuhteiden aiheuttama stressi yhteydessä vähäiseen työssä viihtymiseen. Tärkeimmät läheet tutkimuksessa olivat: Turner. John C 1975. Social comparison and social identity. Some prospects for intergroup behaviour. European Journal of Social Psychology, 5(1), 5-34. Haslam, S. Alexander 2004. Psychology in organizalions. The social identity approach Second Edition. London: SAGE Publications. Tyler, Tom - Blader. Steven 2000. Cooperation in Groups: Procedural Justice, Social Identity, and Behavioural Engagement. Essays in Social Psychology. Philadelphia: Psychology Press / Taylor & Francis Group. Kantolahti, T. - Tikander, T. 2010. Puheenvuoroja työn kuormittavuudesta. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön selvityksiä 2010:17


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he solvation of (2,3,7,8,12,13,17,18-octabromo-5,10,15,20-tetraphenylporphyrinato)zinc(II)[Zn(obtpp)], in twelve different solvents results in large red shifts of the B and Q bands of the porphyrin accompanied by enhanced absorbance ratios of the Q bands. These observations are ascribed to the destabilisation of the highest occupied molecular orbital a2u of the porphyrin arising from a flow of charge from the axial ligand to the porphyrin ring through the zinc(II) ion. The binding constants of adducts of [Zn(obtpp)] with neutral bases have been found to be an order of magnitude greater than those observed for the corresponding adducts of (5,10,15,20-tetraphenylporphyrinato)-zinc and vary in the order piperidine > imidazole > pyridine > 3-methylpyridine > pyridine-3-carbaldehyde. The enhanced binding constants and large spectral shifts are interpreted in terms of the electrophilicity of [Zn(obtpp)] induced by the electron-withdrawing bromine substituents in the porphyrin core. The structure of [Zn(obtpp)(PrCN)2] has been determined; it reveals six-co-ordinated zinc(II) with two long Zn–N distance [2.51(4), 2.59(3)Å]. The porphyrin is non-planar and displays a saddle-shaped conformation.


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The t(14;18) translocation in follicular lymphoma is one of the most common chromosomal translocations. Most breaks on chromosome 18 are located at the 3'-UTR of the BCL2 gene and are mainly clustered in the major breakpoint region (MBR). Recently, we found that the BCL2 MBR has a non-B DNA character in genomic DNA. Here, we show that single-stranded DNA modeled from the template strand of the BCL2 MBR, forms secondary structures that migrate faster on native PAGE in the presence of potassium, due to the formation of intramolecular G-quadruplexes. Circular dichroism shows evidence for a parallel orientation for G-quadruplex structures in the template strand of the BCL2 MBR. Mutagenesis and the DMS modification assay confirm the presence of three guanine tetrads in the structure. 1H nuclear magnetic resonance studies further confirm the formation of an intramolecular G-quadruplex and a representative model has been built based on all of the experimental evidence. We also provide data consistent with the possible formation of a G-quadruplex structure at the BCL2 MBR within mammalian cells. In summary, these important features could contribute to the single-stranded character at the BCL2 MBR, thereby contributing to chromosomal fragility.


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The constructional details of an 18-bit binary inductive voltage divider (IVD) for a.c. bridge applications is described. Simplified construction with less number of windings, interconnection of winding through SPDT solid state relays instead of DPDT relays, improves reliability of IVD. High accuracy for most precision measurement achieved without D/A converters. The checks for self consistency in voltage division shows that the error is less than 2 counts in 2(18).


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The t(14;18) translocation in follicular lymphoma is one of the most common chromosomal translocations. Most breaks on chromosome 18 are located at the 3'-UTR of the BCL2 gene and are mainly clustered in the major breakpoint region (MBR). Recently, we found that the BCL2 MBR has a non-B DNA character in genomic DNA. Here, we show that single-stranded DNA modeled from the template strand of the BCL2 MBR, forms secondary structures that migrate faster on native PAGE in the presence of potassium, due to the formation of intramolecular G-quadruplexes. Circular dichroism shows evidence for a parallel orientation for G-quadruplex structures in the template strand of the BCL2 MBR. Mutagenesis and the DMS modification assay confirm the presence of three guanine tetrads in the structure. 1H nuclear magnetic resonance studies further confirm the formation of an intramolecular G-quadruplex and a representative model has been built based on all of the experimental evidence. We also provide data consistent with the possible formation of a G-quadruplex structure at the BCL2 MBR within mammalian cells. In summary, these important features could contribute to the single-stranded character at the BCL2 MBR, thereby contributing to chromosomal fragility.


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Layered organic inorganic hybrids based on perovskite-derived alkylammonium lead halides have been demonstrated as important new materials in the construction of molecular electronic devices. Typical of this class of materials are the single-perovskite slab lead iodides of the general formula (CnH2n+1NH3)(2)PbI4. While for small n, these compounds are amenable to single-crystal structure determination, the increasing degree of disorder in the long chain (n = 12,14...) compounds makes such an analysis difficult. In this study, we use powder X-ray diffraction, and vibrational and C-13 NMR spectroscopies to establish the conformation, orientation and organization of hydrocarbon chains in the series of layered alkylammonium lead iodides (CnH2n+1NH3)(2)PbI4 (n = 12,16,18). We find that the alkyl chains adopt a tilted bilayer arrangement, while the structure of the inorganic layer remains invariant with respect to the value of n. Conformation-sensitive methylene stretching modes in the infrared and Raman spectra, as well as the C-13 NMR spectra indicate that bonds in the methylene chain are in trans configuration. The skeletal modes of the alkyl chain in the Raman spectra establish that there is a high degree of all-trans conformational registry for the values of n studied here. From the orientation dependence of the infrared spectra of crystals of (CnH2n+1NH3)(2)PbI4 ( n = 12,16), we find that the molecular axis of the all-trans alkyl chains are tilted away from the interlayer normal by an angle of 55degrees. This value of this tilt angle is consistent with the dependence of the c lattice expansion as a function of n, as determined from powder X-ray diffraction.


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In this study, we investigated nonlinear measures of chaos of QT interval time series in 28 normal control subjects, 36 patients with panic disorder and 18 patients with major depression in supine and standing postures. We obtained the minimum embedding dimension (MED) and the largest Lyapunov exponent (LLE) of instantaneous heart rate (HR) and QT interval series. MED quantifies the system's complexity and LLE predictability. There was a significantly lower MED and a significantly increased LLE of QT interval time series in patients. Most importantly, nonlinear indices of QT/HR time series, MEDqthr (MED of QT/HR) and LLEqthr (LLE of QT/HR), were highly significantly different between controls and both patient groups in either posture. Results remained the same even after adjusting for age. The increased LLE of QT interval time, series in patients with anxiety and depression is in line with our previous findings of higher QTvi (QT variability index, a log ratio of QT variability corrected for mean QT squared divided by heart rate variability corrected for mean heart rate squared) in these patients, using linear techniques. Increased LLEqthr (LLE of QT/HR) may be a more sensitive tool to study cardiac repolarization and a valuable addition to the time domain measures such as QTvi. This is especially important in light of the finding that LLEqthr correlated poorly and nonsignificantly with QTvi. These findings suggest an increase in relative cardiac sympathetic activity and a decrease in certain aspects of cardiac vagal function in patients with anxiety as well as depression. The lack of correlation between QTvi and LLEqthr suggests that this nonlinear index is a valuable addition to the linear measures. These findings may also help to explain the higher incidence of cardiovascular mortality in patients with anxiety and depressive disorders. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The single perovskite slab alkylammonium lead iodides (CnH2n+1NH3)(2)PbI4, n = 12, 16, 18, display two phase transitions, just above room temperature, associated with changes in the alkylammonium chains. We have followed these two phase transitions using scanning calorimetry, X-ray powder diffraction, and IR and Raman spectroscopies. We find the first phase transition to be associated with symmetry changes arising from a dynamic rotational disordering of the ammonium headgroup of the chain whereas the second transition, the melting of the chains in two dimensions, is characterized by an increased conformational disorder of the methylene units of the alkyl chains. We examine these phase transitions in light of the interesting optical properties of these materials, as well as the relevance of these systems as models for phase transitions in lipid bilayers.


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The 18 September 2011, magnitude Mw 6.9 earthquake close to the Nepal-Sikkim border caused significant damage due to ground shaking and caused several landslides. Observations from the post-earthquake surveys in the affected areas within Sikkim suggest that the poorly engineered, multistoried structures were relatively more impacted. Those located on alluvial terraces were also affected. The morphology of the region is prone to landslides and the possibility for their increased intensity during the forthcoming monsoon need to be considered seriously. From the seismotectonic perspective, the mid-crustal focal depth of the North Sikkim earthquake reflects the ongoing deformation of the subducting Indian plate.


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The GasBench II peripheral along with MAT 253 combination provides a more sensitive platform for the determination of water isotope ratios. Here, we examined the role of adsorbed moisture within the gas chromatography (GC) column of the GasBench II on measurement uncertainties. The uncertainty in O-18/O-16 ratio measurements is determined by several factors, including the presence of water in the GC. The contamination of GC with water originating from samples as water vapour over a longer timeframe is a critical factor in determining the reproducibility of O-18/O-16 ratios in water samples. The shift in isotope ratios observed in the experiment under dry and wet conditions correlates strongly with the retention time of analyte CO2, indicating the effect of accumulated moisture. Two possible methods to circumvent or minimise the effect of adsorbed water on isotope ratios are presented here. The proposed methodology includes either the regular baking of the GC column at a higher temperature (120 degrees C) after analysis of a batch of 32 sample entries or conducting the experiment at a low GC column temperature (22.5 degrees C). The effects of water contamination on long-term reproducibility of reference water, with and without baking protocol, have been described.


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The t(14;18) translocation in follicular lymphoma is one of the most common chromosomal translocations. Breaks in chromosome 18 are localized at the 3'-UTR of BCL2 gene or downstream and are mainly clustered in either the major breakpoint region or the minor breakpoint cluster region (mcr). The recombination activating gene (RAG) complex induces breaks at IgH locus of chromosome 14, whereas the mechanism of fragility at BCL2 mcr remains unclear. Here, for the first time, we show that RAGs can nick mcr; however, the mechanism is unique. Three independent nicks of equal efficiency are generated, when both Mg2+ and Mn2+ are present, unlike a single nick during V(D)J recombination. Further, we demonstrate that RAG binding and nicking at the mcr are independent of nonamer, whereas a CCACCTCT motif plays a critical role in its fragility, as shown by sequential mutagenesis. More importantly, we recapitulate the BCL2 mcr translocation and find that mcr can undergo synapsis with a standard recombination signal sequence within the cells, in a RAG-dependent manner. Further, mutation to the CCACCTCT motif abolishes recombination within the cells, indicating its vital role. Hence, our data suggest a novel, physiologically relevant, nonamer-independent mechanism of RAG nicking at mcr, which may be important for generation of chromosomal translocations in humans.


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New 18-membered cyclotriphosphazene-containing macrocycles 7-10 were obtained by 1 + 1 condensation reaction of dispiro-N3P3(C12H8O2)(2)((N(Me)N=CH)(2) N4C20H26)] (2) with N,N'-dimethyl-ethylenediamine-1,4-diyldimethylenebis(4-methyl-2-formylph enol) (3), N,N'-dimethyl-ethylenediamine-1,4-diyldimethylenebis(4,5-dimethyl-2-form ylphenol) (4), N,N'-dimethyl-ethylenediamine-1,4-diyldimethylenebis(5-chloro-2-formylph enol) (5) and N,N'-dimethyl-ethylenediamine-1,4-diyldimethylenebis(5-bromo-2-formylphe nol) (6), respectively. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work presents a finite element-based strategy for exterior acoustical problems based on an assumed pressure form that favours outgoing waves. The resulting governing equation, weak formulation, and finite element formulation are developed both for coupled and uncoupled problems. The developed elements are very similar to conventional elements in that they are based on the standard Galerkin variational formulation and use standard Lagrange interpolation functions and standard Gaussian quadrature. In addition and in contrast to wave envelope formulations and their extensions, the developed elements can be used in the immediate vicinity of the radiator/scatterer. The method is similar to the perfectly matched layer (PML) method in the sense that each layer of elements added around the radiator absorbs acoustical waves so that no boundary condition needs to be applied at the outermost boundary where the domain is truncated. By comparing against strategies such as the PML and wave-envelope methods, we show that the relative accuracy, both in the near and far-field results, is considerably higher.