1000 resultados para 150 Psychology


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The present research is based on the notion that disengagement from goals is not a discrete event but a process (Klinger, 1975). A critical phase in this process is when difficulties and setbacks in striving for a goal accumulate. This critical phase is termed here as an action crisis. Given the profound effects that people's thoughts have on their self-regulatory efficiency, it is essential to understand the cognitive correlates of an action crisis. In two experimental lab and two correlational field studies, the hypothesis that goal-related costs and benefits become cognitively highly accessible during an action crisis was tested and supported. Participants who were experiencing an action crisis in such diverse goal areas as intimate relationships, sports, and university studies, thought about goal-related costs and benefits more intensively and frequently in comparison to participants who were not in an action crisis. In an incidental learning task they recognized more of cost–benefit-items and less of implementation-items than the control group. Results are interpreted in terms of action phase specific mindsets (Gollwitzer, 1990, 2012).


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The aim of this study was to examine the effects of aging and target eccentricity on a visual search task comprising 30 images of everyday life projected into a hemisphere, realizing a ±90° visual field. The task performed binocularly allowed participants to freely move their eyes to scan images for an appearing target or distractor stimulus (presented at 10°; 30°, and 50° eccentricity). The distractor stimulus required no response, while the target stimulus required acknowledgment by pressing the response button. One hundred and seventeen healthy subjects (mean age = 49.63 years, SD = 17.40 years, age range 20–78 years) were studied. The results show that target detection performance decreases with age as well as with increasing eccentricity, especially for older subjects. Reaction time also increases with age and eccentricity, but in contrast to target detection, there is no interaction between age and eccentricity. Eye movement analysis showed that younger subjects exhibited a passive search strategy while older subjects exhibited an active search strategy probably as a compensation for their reduced peripheral detection performance.


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Background Workplace Health Promotion (WHP) is becoming increasingly important. Individualized exercise counselling provides a person-oriented measure of WHP which sets out to increase the level of sport activity. The aim of the present study was to check the efficacy of individualized exercise counselling in workplace. Method 86 employees received counselling in 60–90-min sessions. Their level of sport activity was ascertained both during the intervention and 6 weeks later. At T2, the perceived impulse to change their personal behaviour was also determined. The data were analysed by calculating Spearman’s rank correlation and conducting t-tests. Results Overall, the level of sport activity increased from 173 to 228 min/week (ES = 0.34). Particularly those people who had been inactive (ES = 0.76), < 90 min/week (ES = 0.63) or 90–180 min/week active (ES = 0.53) at T1, report a higher level of sport activities at T2. Discussion The findings speak in favour of integrating individualized exercise counselling into WHP, whereby the person-oriented measure should be supplemented by environmental strategies.


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A successful career in football is the result of the appropriate interaction between different aspects of an individual’s life, since the various areas and phases of one’s life depend on each other. An endogenous causal relationship exists throughout a person’s entire history (Mayer, 1990). In particular, their family, work and sports career must be tuned to each other. The transition from the initial stages of education (compulsory schooling) to vocational training, which coincides with the beginning of the selection for the national youth teams, is a particularly critical phase (Wylleman, Theeboom, & Lavallee, 2004). In order to do justice to the overall life situation of a young sports talent during this transition phase, we have adopted a holistic perspective and follow Bergman, Magnusson and El-Khouri (2003) in using a person-oriented and systemic approach. In doing so, our main focus lies on the person-environment system. This overall system is made up of various subsystems, consisting of several operating factors which interact with one another. The different levels to which these operating factors are expressed lead to observable patterns, which can be summarised in the form of types. Particularly promising types can therefore be identified and the developmental process can be described. Former players on the Swiss U16 to U21 national football teams, born between 1981 and 1987 (n=159), were interviewed concerning their careers, and the operating factors school/vocational training, family support and sports environment were examined. With the help of the LICUR method (Linking of Clusters after removal of Residue) (Bergman et al., 2003), developmental types were identified which were promising in terms of achieving top performance in adulthood. A range of developmental types and anti-types emerge for the transition from the under-15 phase to the over-16 phase. One particularly promising type is observed in the over-16 phase, for which the operating factors education, family support and participation in national U16 to U18 teams have slightly above-average scores, with scores that are well above average in the sports environment.


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Da eine leistungssportliche Fussball Karriere mit Blick auf eine existenzsichernde Zukunft ein risikoreiches Unterfangen ist, absolvieren die meisten Schweizer Fussball-Juniorennationalspieler auch eine Berufsausbildung. Daher stellt sich die Frage, ob und unter welchen Bedingungen eine erfolgreiche Fussballkarriere möglich ist, wenn parallel ein Berufsabschluss angestrebt wird. Nach Mayer (2009) vollzieht sich der menschliche Lebensverlauf in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen, die sich gegenseitig beeinflussen. Um dieser Interdependenz gerecht zu werden, wurde von einem personorientierten Ansatz ausgegangen, der Entwicklungsprozesse möglichst ganzheitlich zu erfassen vermag. 159 ehemalige Schweizer Juniorennationalspieler wurden zu ihrer Karriere retrospektiv befragt und die Daten mittels LICUR-Methode (Bergman, Magnusson, & El-Khouri, 2003) ausgewertet. Dabei wurden auf der Grundlage relevanter Variablen der sportlichen Laufbahn, der beruflichen Ausbildung und der familialen Unterstützung spezifische Muster identifiziert und diese anschließend mit einem Leistungskriterium im Höchstleistungsalter verglichen. Dadurch konnten erfolgsversprechende Entwicklungsmuster aufgedeckt werden. Es zeigt sich, dass der kritische Übergang von der Development zur Mastery Phase (Salmela, 1994) insgesamt durch Kontinuität geprägt ist. Die erfolgreichsten Muster charakterisieren sich durch eine überdurchschnittlich hohe Unterstützung durch die Familie bei gleichzeitig überdurchschnittlich professionellen Förderbedingungen im Club.


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Most physical education intervention studies on the positive effect of sports on self-concept development have attempted to increase schoolchildren’s self-concept without taking the veridicality of the self-concept into account. The present study investigated whether a 10-week intervention in physical education would lead to an increase not only in the general level of self-concept of endurance and self-concept of strength but also in its veridicality in those who had previously under- or overestimated their abilities. A total of 464 primary schoolchildren (246 boys, 218 girls, Mage = 11.9) either participated in the intervention or served as controls. The intervention group received endurance and strength training during physical education lessons carried out with a consistent individualized teacher frame of reference (iTFR). Results showed that this specific intervention was associated with increases not only in the general level of self-concept but also in its veridicality in under- and overestimators. Results are discussed in terms of didactic methods to promote functional self-concepts in physical education.


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Changes in physical self-concept and veridicality (i.e., the appropriateness of one’s self-perceptions to reality) during childhood and adolescence are related to performance in physical fi tness, exercise, and global self-esteem, particularly in male adolescents. This cross-sectional study examined the relation between the self-concept of strength and actual strength in groups of male adolescents ages 12 to 15 years. For this purpose, 889 male adolescents (M age = 13.2 yr., SD = 1.0) were questioned about their self-concept of strength, after which a test of strength was carried out. The results showed that the correlation between self- concept of strength and actual strength was higher in older (14- and 15-year-old) than younger (12- and 13-year-old) adolescents. There was a statistically signifi cant association between age group and veridicality, indicating that realistic self-concept is underrepresented among younger, but overrepresented among older adolescents. No association was found between the adolescents’ physical activity and veridicality. The consequences for further research on the development of veridicality in the physical domain are discussed.


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In schulsportbezogenen Interventionsstudien, welche eine Überprüfung der Sozialisationshypothese zum Ziel hatten, wurde bis anhin versucht, das Selbstkonzept der Schülerinnen und Schüler zu erhöhen, was mit Blick auf die Funktionalität fragwürdig erscheint. Denn sowohl aus pädagogischer als auch aus psychologischer Perspektive ist zu fragen, ob nicht eher eine möglichst realitätsangemessene Ausprägung des Selbstkonzepts anzustreben ist. So dürfte eine Unterschätzung leistungsbezogenes Verhalten hemmen und eine Überschätzung kann insbesondere in sozialen Interaktionen dysfunktional sein. Ausgehend von diesem Widerspruch wird im folgenden Beitrag die Frage behandelt, welche Selbstkonzeptausprägungen aus einer psychologischen Perspektive durch den Sportunterricht gefördert werden sollen. Dabei entsteht eine neue Zielperspektive für zukünftige selbstkonzeptfördernde Interventionen im Sportunterricht.


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Studien zu Sozialisationswirkungen sportlicher Aktivitäten auf Facetten der Persönlichkeit (z. B. Selbstkonzept) haben sich bislang in der Regel auf die Analyse isolierter Effekte des Sports konzentriert, ohne weitere Entwicklungskontexte (wie z. B. die Familie) angemessen zu berücksichtigen. Da hierin eine wesentliche Ursache für die unbefriedigende Befundlage gesehen wird, bemüht sich der Beitrag darum, die Rolle des Sports für das Selbstkonzept im komplexen Wirkungsgeflecht verschiedener Entwicklungskontexte herauszuarbeiten. 121 Heranwachsende wurden in einer personorientierten Längsschnittsstudie untersucht und die Daten mit der LICUR-Methode (z. B. Bergman, Magnusson & El-Khouri, 2003) ausgewertet. Die dabei identifizierten Subgruppen unterscheiden sich in allen untersuchten Facetten des Selbstkonzepts bedeutsam, zeigen sowohl zeitstabile als auch dynamische Werteprofile ihrer Entwicklungsfaktoren und folgen überzufällig häufig einzelnen Entwicklungswegen. Aus diesen Befunden werden Konsequenzen für eine ganzheitliche und funktionale Selbstkonzeptförderung durch Sport abgeleitet.