980 resultados para 140201 Agricultural Economics


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Development of new agricultural industries in northern Australia is often perceived as a solution to changes in water availability that have occurred within southern Australia as a result of changes to government policy in response to and exacerbated by climate change. This report examines the likely private, social and community costs and benefits associated with the establishment of a cotton industry in the Burdekin. The research undertaken covers three spatial scales by modelling the response of cotton and to climate change at the crop and farm scale and linking this to regional scale modelling of the economy. Modelling crop growth as either a standalone crop or as part of a farm enterprise provides the clearest picture of how yields and water use will be affected under climate change. The alternative to this is to undertake very costly trials in environmental chambers. For this reason it is critical that funding for model development especially for crops being crop in novel environments be seen as a high priority for climate change and adaptation studies. Crop level simulations not only provide information on how the crop responds to climate change, they also illustrate that that these responses are the result of complex interactions and cannot necessarily be derived from the climate information alone. These simulations showed that climate change would lead to decreased cotton yields in 2030 and 2050 without the affect of CO2 fertilisation. Without CO2 fertilisation, yields would be decreased by 3.2% and 17.8%. Including CO2 fertilisation increased yields initially by 5.9%, but these were reduced by 3.6% in 2050. This still represents a major offset and at least ameliorates the impact of climate change on yield. To cope with the decreased in-crop rainfall (4.5% by 2030 and 15.8% in 2050) and an initial increase in evapotranspiration of 2% in 2030 and


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate intensity, productivity and efficiency in agriculture in Finland and show implications for N and P fertiliser management. Environmental concerns relating to agricultural production have been and still are focused on arguments about policies that affect agriculture. These policies constrain production while demand for agricultural products such as food, fibre and energy continuously increase. Therefore the importance of increasing productivity is a great challenge to agriculture. Over the last decades producers have experienced several large changes in the production environment such as the policy reform when Finland joined the EU 1995. Other and market changes occurred with the further EU enlargement with neighbouring countries in 2005 and with the decoupling of supports over the 2006-2007 period. Decreasing prices a decreased number of farmers and decreased profitability in agricultural production have resulted from these changes and constraints and of technological development. It is known that the accession to the EU 1995 would herald changes in agriculture. Especially of interest was how the sudden changes in prices of commodities on especially those of cereals, decreased by 60%, would influence agricultural production. The knowledge of properties of the production function increased in importance as a consequence of price changes. A research on the economic instruments to regulate productions was carried out and combined with earlier studies in paper V. In paper I the objective was to compare two different technologies, the conventional farming and the organic farming, determine differences in productivity and technical efficiency. In addition input specific or environmental efficiencies were analysed. The heterogeneity of agricultural soils and its implications were analysed in article II. In study III the determinants of technical inefficiency were analysed. The aspects and possible effects of the instability in policies due to a partial decoupling of production factors and products were studied in paper IV. Consequently connection between technical efficiency based on the turnover and the sales return was analysed in this study. Simple economic instruments such as fertiliser taxes have a direct effect on fertiliser consumption and indirectly increase the value of organic fertilisers. However, fertiliser taxes, do not fully address the N and P management problems adequately and are therefore not suitable for nutrient management improvements in general. Productivity of organic farms is lower on average than conventional farms and the difference increases when looking at selling returns only. The organic sector needs more research and development on productivity. Livestock density in organic farming increases productivity, however, there is an upper limit to livestock densities on organic farms and therefore nutrient on organic farms are also limited. Soil factors affects phosphorous and nitrogen efficiency. Soils like sand and silt have lower input specific overall efficiency for nutrients N and P. Special attention is needed for the management on these soils. Clay soils and soils with moderate clay content have higher efficiency. Soil heterogeneity is cause for an unavoidable inefficiency in agriculture.


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Climate change and on-going water policy reforms will likely contribute to on-farm and regional structural adjustment in Australia. This paper gathers empirical evidence of farm-level structural adjustments and integrates these with a regional equilibrium model to investigate sectoral and regional impacts of climate change and recent water use policy on rice industry. We find strong evidence of adjustments to the farming system, enabled by existing diversity in on-farm production. A further loss of water with additional pressures to adopt less intensive and larger-scale farming, will however reduce the net number of farm businesses, which may affect regional rice production. The results from a regional CGE model show impacts on the regional economy over and above the direct cost of the environmental water, although a net reduction in real economic output and real income is partially offset by gains in rest of the Australia through the reallocation or resources. There is some interest within the industry and from potential new corporate entrants in the relocation of some rice production to the north. However, strong government support would be crucial to implement such relocation.


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Rainfall variability is a major challenge to sustainable grazing management in northern Australia, with management often complicated further by large, spatially-heterogeneous paddocks. This paper presents the latest grazing research and associated bio-economic modelling from northern Australia and assesses the extent to which current recommendations to manage for these issues are supported. Overall, stocking around the safe long-term carrying capacity will maintain land condition and maximise long-term profitability. However, stocking rates should be varied in a risk-averse manner as pasture availability varies between years. Periodic wet-season spelling is also essential to maintain pasture condition and allow recovery of overgrazed areas. Uneven grazing distributions can be partially managed through fencing, providing additional water-points and in some cases patch-burning, although the economics of infrastructure development are extremely context-dependent. Overall, complex multi-paddock grazing systems do not appear justified in northern Australia. Provided the key management principles outlined above are applied in an active, adaptive manner, acceptable economic and environmental outcomes will be achieved irrespective of the grazing system applied.


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In irrigated cropping, as with any other industry, profit and risk are inter-dependent. An increase in profit would normally coincide with an increase in risk, and this means that risk can be traded for profit. It is desirable to manage a farm so that it achieves the maximum possible profit for the desired level of risk. This paper identifies risk-efficient cropping strategies that allocate land and water between crop enterprises for a case study of an irrigated farm in Southern Queensland, Australia. This is achieved by applying stochastic frontier analysis to the output of a simulation experiment. The simulation experiment involved changes to the levels of business risk by systematically varying the crop sowing rules in a bioeconomic model of the case study farm. This model utilises the multi-field capability of the process based Agricultural Production System Simulator (APSIM) and is parameterised using data collected from interviews with a collaborating farmer. We found sowing rules that increased the farm area sown to cotton caused the greatest increase in risk-efficiency. Increasing maize area also improved risk-efficiency but to a lesser extent than cotton. Sowing rules that increased the areas sown to wheat reduced the risk-efficiency of the farm business. Sowing rules were identified that had the potential to improve the expected farm profit by ca. $50,000 Annually, without significantly increasing risk. The concept of the shadow price of risk is discussed and an expression is derived from the estimated frontier equation that quantifies the trade-off between profit and risk.


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There is an increasing requirement for more astute land resource management through efficiencies in agricultural inputs in a sugar cane production system. A precision agriculture (PA) approach can provide a pathway for a sustainable sugarcane production system. One of the impediments to the adoption of PA practices is access to paddock-scale mapping layers displaying variability in soil properties, crop growth and surface drainage. Variable rate application (VRA) of nutrients is an important component of PA. However, agronomic expertise within PA systems has fallen well behind significant advances in PA technologies. Generally, advisers in the sugar industry have a poor comprehension of the complex interaction of variables that contribute to within-paddock variations in crop growth. This is regarded as a significant impediment to the progression of PA in sugarcane and is one of the reasons for the poor adoption of VRA of nutrients in a PA approach to improved sugar cane production. This project therefore has established a number of key objectives which will contribute to the adoption of PA and the staged progression of VRA supported by relevant and practical agronomic expertise. These objectives include provision of base soils attribute mapping that can be determined using Veris 3100 Electrical Conductivity (EC) and digital elevation datasets using GPS mapping technology for a large sector of the central cane growing region using analysis of archived satellite imagery to determine the location and stability of yield patterns over time and in varying seasonal conditions on selected project study sites. They also include the stablishment of experiments to determine appropriate VRA nitrogen rates on various soil types subjected to extended anaerobic conditions, and the establishment of trials to determine nitrogen rates applicable to a declining yield potential associated with the aging of ratoons in the crop cycle. Preliminary analysis of archived yield estimation data indicates that yield patterns remain relatively stable overtime. Results also indicate the where there is considerable variability in EC values there is also significant variation in yield.


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The financial health of beef cattle enterprises in northern Australia has declined markedly over the last decade due to an escalation in production and marketing costs and a real decline in beef prices. Historically, gains in animal productivity have offset the effect of declining terms of trade on farm incomes. This raises the question of whether future productivity improvements can remain a key path for lifting enterprise profitability sufficient to ensure that the industry remains economically viable over the longer term. The key objective of this study was to assess the production and financial implications for north Australian beef enterprises of a range of technology interventions (development scenarios), including genetic gain in cattle, nutrient supplementation, and alteration of the feed base through introduced pastures and forage crops, across a variety of natural environments. To achieve this objective a beef systems model was developed that is capable of simulating livestock production at the enterprise level, including reproduction, growth and mortality, based on energy and protein supply from natural C4 pastures that are subject to high inter-annual climate variability. Comparisons between simulation outputs and enterprise performance data in three case study regions suggested that the simulation model (the Northern Australia Beef Systems Analyser) can adequately represent the performance beef cattle enterprises in northern Australia. Testing of a range of development scenarios suggested that the application of individual technologies can substantially lift productivity and profitability, especially where the entire feedbase was altered through legume augmentation. The simultaneous implementation of multiple technologies that provide benefits to different aspects of animal productivity resulted in the greatest increases in cattle productivity and enterprise profitability, with projected weaning rates increasing by 25%, liveweight gain by 40% and net profit by 150% above current baseline levels, although gains of this magnitude might not necessarily be realised in practice. While there were slight increases in total methane output from these development scenarios, the methane emissions per kg of beef produced were reduced by 20% in scenarios with higher productivity gain. Combinations of technologies or innovative practices applied in a systematic and integrated fashion thus offer scope for providing the productivity and profitability gains necessary to maintain viable beef enterprises in northern Australia into the future.


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Beth Woods has been hailed the Queen of Rice by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR). Beth’s decade-long relationship with the International Rice Research Institute driving research innovations that make large and measurable changes for rice farmers has received due recognition in a recent article published by ACIAR’s Partner’s Magazine. Her particular expertise relates to structures and strategies that help get ‘the most bang’ from the money invested in research.


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Tutkimuksessa mitataan porsastuotannon tuottavuuden kehitystä ProAgrian sikatilinpäätöstiloilla vuosina 2003–2008. Tuottavuutta mitataan Fisher-tuottavuusindeksillä, joka dekomponoidaan tekniseen, allokatiiviseen ja skaalatehokkuuteen sekä teknologiseen kehitykseen ja hintavaikutukseen. Koko aineistosta aggregoidulla tuottavuusindeksillä mitattuna tuottavuus kasvoi viidessä vuodessa yhteensä 14,3 % vuotuisen kasvun ollessa 2,7 %. Tuottajien keskimääräinen tuottavuusindeksi antaa lähes saman tuloksen: sen mukaan tuottavuus kasvaa yhteensä 14,7 %, mikä tekee 2,8 % vuodessa. Skaalatehokkuuden paraneminen havaitaan merkittävimmäksi tuottavuuskasvun lähteeksi. Skaalatehokkuus paranee aggregoidusti mitattuna 1,6 % vuodessa ja tiloilla keskimäärin 2,1 % vuodessa. Teknisen tehokkuuden koheneminen on toinen tuottavuuskasvua edistävä tekijä tutkimusjaksolla. Molemmilla mittaustavoilla nousu on keskimäärin 1,4 % vuodessa. Allokatiivinen tehokkuus laskee hieman: aggregoidusti mitattuna 0,1 % ja keskimäärin 0,4 % vuodessa. Teknologinen kehitys tutkimusjaksolla on lievästi negatiivista, keskimäärin -0,1 % vuodessa. Vuosittaiset vaihtelut ovat kuitenkin voimakkaita. Hintojen muutokset eivät juuri ole vaikuttaneet tuottavuuden tasoon, sillä hintavaikutuksen vuotuiset muutokset jäävät jokaisena vuonna alle puoleen prosenttiin ja keskimääräinen vuotuinen muutos on -0,1 %. Keskeinen tuottavuuskasvua edistänyt tekijä näyttää olleen tilakoon kasvu, joka on parantanut rakenteellista tehokkuutta. Teknologisen kehityksen jääminen negatiiviseksi kuitenkin tarkoittaa, että paras havaittu tuottavuuden taso ei ole noussut lainkaan.


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Osakeyhtiömuotoisten maatilojen määrä on kasvanut vuodesta 1995 lähtien. Vuonna 2008 Suomessa oli 527 osakeyhtiömuotoista maatilaa. Kaikista Suomen maatiloista osake-yhtiömuotoisia on vielä hyvin vähän. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan yksityisen maataloudenharjoittajan, verotusyhtymän ja osakeyhtiön ominaispiirteitä. Lisäksi tarkastellaan yksityisen maataloudenharjoittajan ja osakeyhtiön tilinpäätöksen toteuttamiseen ja verotukseen liittyviä eroavaisuuksia. Tutkimuksen tutkimusmenetelmänä on kvalitatiivinen tapaustutkimus. Tutkimusta varten haastateltiin kahdeksaa osakeyhtiömuotoisen maatilan yrittäjää. Teemahaastattelun avulla selvitettiin yritysmuodon muutoksen syitä, yritysmuodon muutoksen vaikutuksia, toimintaa rahoittajan kanssa ja osakeyhtiötä maatilan yritysmuotona. Haastateltavilla yrittäjillä oli maatalousalan koulutus ja heillä oli kokemusta toimimisesta maatalousyrittäjinä. Tutkimustilojen päätuotantosuuntina olivat kananmunan-, porsas- tai broilerin tuotanto. Yrittäjät olivat laajentaneet tuotantoaan merkittävästi viimeisen 15 vuoden aikana ja tilat olivat keskimääräistä suurempia. Osakeyhtiöittämisestä saatavat hyödyt olivat keskeisimmät syyt yritysmuodon muutokselle. Näistä merkittävin oli osakeyhtiöihin sovellettava 26 prosentin yhteisöverokanta. Sen katsottiin alentavan veroja ja parantavan kannattavuutta, vakavaraisuutta ja maksuvalmiutta. Lisäksi osakeyhtiö mahdollisti tuotannon aikaisempaa nopeamman laajentamisen. Toiminnallisia vaikutuksia ei yritysmuodon muutoksella katsottu olevan. Yrittäjät aikoivat jatkaa maatalouden harjoittamista osakeyhtiössä ja osakeyhtiön katsottiin olevan heidän tiloilleen oikea yritysmuoto. Osakeyhtiötä yritysmuotona koskevat rajoitteet verrattu yksityiseen maataloudenharjoittajaan oli pääasiassa poistettu. Osakeyhtiön katsottiin soveltuvan yritysmuodoksi varsinkin kannattaville ja velkaisille tiloille. Lisäksi usean yrittäjän omistamilla sekä peltoa omistuksessaan olevilla tiloilla osakeyhtiötyyppisen yritysmuodon katsottiin soveltuvan yritystoiminnan kehittämiseen.


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Liharotuiset naudat omaavat paremman kasvupotentiaalin kuin maitorotuiset ja kasvavat pääosin suurempiin teuraspainoihin kuitenkaan rasvoittumatta liikaa. Ruhon euromääräinen arvo nousee teuraspainon noustessa sekä lihakkuusluokan parantuessa. Vastaavasti rasvaisuus vähentää ruhon arvoa. Tuottaja pystyy parhaiten vaikuttamaan naudan ruhon arvoon ruokinnalla, jolla voidaan vähentää ruhon rasvaisuutta. Ruhon arvo määritellään lakisääteisellä EUROP-luokituksella, jossa ruhosta määritetään sen lihakkuusluokka ja rasvaisuus. Tehdyn tutkimuksen perusteella teurastamolle jää paras taloudellinen tulos limousinrotuisesta ruhosta, jolla on huono lihakkuusluokka. Saatu tulos johtuu pääosin teurastamon hinnastorakenteesta. Kuitenkaan koko lihantuotantoketjun kannalta ei ole mielekästä tuottaa (pieniä ja) huonosti luokittuvia ruhoja. Regressioanalyysin perusteella teurastamon katetuottoon vaikuttaa eniten lihakkuusluokka. Kun lihakkuusluokka paranee teurastamon katetuotto pienenee. Tulosten perusteella taloudellisesti optimaalisin ruho olisi limousin rotuinen, vähärasvainen, omaisi hyvän teuraspainon, mutta ei saisi liian hyvää tulosta lihakkuusluokittelussa.


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Desenvolvimento da soja no Brasil; Beneficios gerados pela pesquisa no CNPSo; Propriedades da pesquisa e principais tecnologias geradas.


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Planilha eletronica; O modelo "custo de producao".


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O agronegócio é o setor mais dinâmico da economia brasileira. Em 2003, movimentou recursos da ordem de R$ 508,00 bilhões, representando cerca de 36,4% do PIB brasileiro. Apesar desse setor movimentar tal soma, a cadeia produtiva de alguns produtos não participam da criação intensiva de empregos na economia. Por essa razão, o objetivo do trabalho foi analisar com mais profundidade o número de empregos gerados pelo agronegócio, especificamente da soja. Usou-se a metodologia de geração de empregos do BNDES e análise dos dados estatísticos existentes em relação ao tema. Os resultados indicaram que, tanto a montante da cadeia produtiva quanto a na produção da matéria prima, o complexo soja é capital-intensivo. O maior número de empregos é criado a jusante do complexo, a partir do processamento do produto. No total chegou-se a 4,5 milhões de postos de trabalho gerados pelo agronegócio da soja. Conclui-se que, apesar de o setor agropecuário estar classificado em terceiro lugar na criação de empregos, o setor específico da soja, está entre os mais capital-intensivos do agronegócio.