999 resultados para 124-769A


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This study relates the organic sedimentation characteristics to the lithostratigraphic successionsthat were observed at Site 767 (Celebes Sea) and Site 768 (Sulu Sea) during ODP Leg 124. It is based on the total organic carbon content (TOC) of the sediments, on the petrographictype and maturity of the organic matter, and on the TOC accumulation rates calculated for the lithostratigraphic units. In the Celebes and Sulu Seas sediments, the organic matter is mainly of terrestrial origin with the highest concentrations and TOC accumulation rates occurring in the middle Miocene turbiditic sequences that correspond to a major compressive event between the Philippine Mobile Belt and the Palawan, Cagayan, and Sulu Ridges. Petrographic analysis of the Eocene and lower Miocene organic matter in the Celebes Sea shows that it consists only of highly degraded terrestrial particles. This observation and the very low TOC accumulation rates indicate poor conditions for organic carbon preservation during this open-ocean phase of the Celebes Basin formation. The organic matter, either of marine or terrestrial origin, is much better preserved in the younger sediments, suggesting physico-chemical changes in the depositional environment. Because of the dilution phenomena by turbidites, it is difficult to observe the progressive improvement of the organic matter preservation throughout the turbiditic series. The same change in preservation is broadly observed in the Sulu Sea from the early Miocene (rapid opening phase of the basin with massive pyroclastic deposits) to the present.


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The combination of multiple sediment sources and varying rates of sediment accumulation in the Celebes and Sulu seas have had significant impact on the processes of diagenesis, mineralization, and pore-fluid flow. Isotopic and mass-balance calculations help elucidate the various reactions taking place in these western Pacific basins, where ash alteration and basalt-seawater interactions are superimposed on the effects of sulfate oxidation of organic carbon and biogenic methane and of dolomitization of biogenic carbonates. Based on the shape of the calcium and magnesium depth profiles, two major reactive zones have been identified. The first is located near the zone of sulfate depletion and is characterized by carbonate recrystallization, dolomitization and ash alteration reactions at both Ocean Drilling Program Sites 767 and 768. The second reactive zone corresponds to the bottom of the sedimentary sequence and is characterized by alteration reactions in the basement (Site 767) and in the pyroclastic deposits beneath the sediment column (Site 768).


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Occurrence of deep-sea dolomites has been reported from numerous settings (for discussion see Lumsden, 1988). Different authors agree that dolomite formation in the pelagic realm is a relatively early diagenetic process (e.g., Jorgensen, 1983; Shimmield and Price, 1984; Kablanow et al., 1984; Kulm et al., 1984). Baker and Burns (1985) suggest that most of the pelagic dolomites formed within a few tens of meters below the seafloor within the zone of microbial sulfate reduction. According to Fuechtbauer and Richter (1988), dolomite can form in the deep-sea at a minimum temperature of 10°C. Other deep-sea dolomites are products of fluids derived from underlying evaporites or submarine weathering of basalts (Garrison, 1981). In some cases (Mullins et al., 1985; Dix and Mullins, 1988; Mullins et al., 1988), the existence of dolomite is linked to disconformities and its formation may have resulted from circulation of seawater through the sediment during prolonged exposure (Dix and Mullins, 1988, p. 287). At Site 768 (Fig. 1), lithified carbonate layers, some containing variable amounts of dolomite, occur below 201 mbsf (Miocene). These beds alternate with unconsolidated or semi-lithified marl layers interbedded in clays and siliciclastic turbidites. The irregular depth distribution of the limestone beds and the variation in preservation and recrystallization of the calcareous microfaunas suggest that lithification of carbonates at Site 768 not only reflects burial diagenesis as described by Garrison (1981) and others, but in part may be a selective, early diagenetic process. The different types and distribution of the dolomite additionally seem to support this assumption. The purpose of this report is to document the occurrence and textural nature of the dolomite at Site 768. Methods used were analyses of stained thin sections (Alizarin S and Ferrocyanide) and studies with the scanning electron microscope. No geochemical analyses (e.g., stable isotopes) were carried out; they will be the subject of further investigations.


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