737 resultados para 1203
This study presents the design of a thin electromagnetic absorber which exhibits radar backscatter suppression that is independent of the wave polarisation at large incidence angles. The structure consists of a metal backed printed frequency selective surface (FSS), with resistors placed across narrow gaps inserted in the middle of each of the four sides of the conductor loops. The geometry of the periodic array and the value of the vertical and horizontal resistor pairs are carefully chosen to present a real impedance of 377 Ω at the centre operating frequency for both TE and TM polarised waves. Angular sensitivity and reflectivity bandwidth have been investigated for FSS absorber designs with thicknesses of 1, 2 and 3 mm. Each of the three structures was optimised to work at a centre frequency of 10 GHz and an incident angle of 45°. The design methodology is verified by measuring the radar backscatter suppression from a 3 mm (l / 10) thick screen in the frequency range 8–12 GHz. The absorber construction was simplified by filling the four metal gaps in each unit cell with shielding paint, and selecting the ink thickness to give the two required surface resistance values.
This paper presents a simple polarization encoding strategy that operates using only single element dual port transmit and receive antennas in such a way that selective spatial scrambling of QPSK data can be effected. The key transmitter and receiver relationships needed for this operation to occur are derived. The system is validated using a cross dipole antenna arrangement. Unlike all previously reported physical layer wireless solutions the approach developed in this paper transfers the security property to the receive side resulting in very simple transmit and receive side architectures thus avoiding the need for near field modulated array technology. In addition the scheme permits, for the first time, multiple spatially separated secured receive sites to operate in parallel.
This article discusses an enigmatic poem by the 18th century Gaelic poet Séamas Mac Cuarta, and three subsequent translations into English. The poem is written in the 'Trí Rann agus Amhrán' form, reminiscent of the English sonnet.
The From Boys to Men Project was funded by the Economic and Social Research
Council to explore why some boys become domestic abuse perpetrators when
others do not. In so doing, it sought to establish what more could be done to
reduce the number of young men who become perpetrators. The study
involved three phases of data collection including: Phase 1 - a survey of 1203
school children aged 13-14; Phase 2 - focus groups with 69 young people aged
13-19; and Phase 3 - life history interviews with 30 young men, aged 16-21,
who had experienced domestic abuse as victims, perpetrators or witnesses.
Reports on all stages of the project are freely available on our website
This report provides a brief overview of what we found and what
recommendations follow from the project’s findings.
This paper presents a novel method of audio-visual fusion for person identification where both the speech and facial modalities may be corrupted, and there is a lack of prior knowledge about the corruption. Furthermore, we assume there is a limited amount of training data for each modality (e.g., a short training speech segment and a single training facial image for each person). A new representation and a modified cosine similarity are introduced for combining and comparing bimodal features with limited training data as well as vastly differing data rates and feature sizes. Optimal feature selection and multicondition training are used to reduce the mismatch between training and testing, thereby making the system robust to unknown bimodal corruption. Experiments have been carried out on a bimodal data set created from the SPIDRE and AR databases with variable noise corruption of speech and occlusion in the face images. The new method has demonstrated improved recognition accuracy.
We present here a simple methodology for calculating species inventories for allergenic pollen that can be used by atmospheric transport models. Ragweed (Ambrosia) species distribution or infection level on the Pannonian Plain has been used as an example of how the methodology can be used. The Pannonian Plain is one of the three main regions in Europe recognized as being polluted by Ambrosia. The methodology relies on spatial variations in annual Ambrosia pollen counts, knowledge on ragweed ecology and detailed land cover information. The results of this analysis showed that some of the highest mean annual ragweed pollen concentrations were witnessed around Kecskemét in central Hungary and Novi Sad in northern Serbia. These areas are also the areas with the highest density of Ambrosia habitats. The resulting inventory can be entered into atmospheric transport models in combination with other components such as a phenological model and a model for daily pollen release, in order to simulate the movement of ragweed pollen from the Pannonian Plain. The methodology is likely to be generally applicable for creating inventories of species distribution of allergenic plants. The main requirement is availability of: detailed land cover information; pollen indexes; a list of the most important habitats; and a region of interest that is mainly influenced by local sources.
Pollen data have been recorded at Novi Sad in Serbia since 2000. The adopted method of producing pollen counts has been the use of five longitudinal transects that examine 19.64% of total sample surface. However, counting five transects is time consuming and so the main objective of this study is to investigate whether reducing the number to three or even two transects would have a significant effect on daily average and bi-hourly pollen concentrations, as well as the main characteristics of the pollen season and long-term trends. This study has shown that there is a loss of accuracy in daily average and bi-hourly pollen concentrations (an increase in % ERROR) as the sub-sampling area is reduced from five to three or two longitudinal transects. However, this loss of accuracy does not impact on the main characteristics of the season or long-term trends. As a result, this study can be used to justify changing the sub-sampling method used at Novi Sad from five to three longitudinal transects. The use of two longitudinal transects has been ruled out because, although quicker, the counts produced: (a) had the greatest amount of % ERROR, (b) altered the amount of influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable (the slope in regression analysis) and (c) the total sampled surface (7.86%) was less than the minimum requirement recommended by the European Aerobiology Society working group on Quality Control (at least 10% of total slide area).
La lisa Mugil cephalus, es uno de los recursos que sustentan la pesquería artesanal en el Perú; a pesar de su importancia, escasos son los estudios relacionados con su biología. Con el objeto de determinar su biología y pesquería, se analizan las cifras de desembarques de las Estadísticas de la Pesquería Marina (Flores et al., 1994) de los años 1980 a 1992, las cifras de captura por artes de pesca obtenidas por la pesca artesanal en once caletas del litoral peruano entre los años 1986 y 1988, y, para el estudio de los aspectos biológicos, la información de los Laboratorios Costeros del IMARPE: Paita (05°05 ' S), Callao (12°03 'S), Pisco (13°44 'S) e Ilo (17°38.4 'S), periodo 1979 a 1992. La lisa se distribuye en toda la costa del Perú con mayores volúmenes de captura en el norte del país (5° a 7° S); en el sur, los valores suelen ser bajos. En Paita los ejemplares capturados se encontraron por encima de la talla mínima reglamentaria de captura (35 cm), mientras que en Callao, Pisco e Ilo, por debajo de la misma. La longitud media a la cual el 50% de individuos alcanza su primera madurez es 29 cm y 34 cm al primer desove. Los valores de índice gonadosomático (IGS), indican que la lisa desova en primavera-verano. El análisis de la relación peso-longitud separada por sexos en las zonas de Paita, Callao, Pisco e Ilo mostró que las hembras alcanzaron mayores pesos que los machos a la misma longitud. En ambos sexos se evidenció un crecimiento isométrico.
Durante el Crucero de Evaluación del Stock de Merluza BIC Humboldt 9705-06 realizado entre el 15 de mayo y el 8 de junio de 1997, se obtuvo un total de 54 avistamientos de cetáceos entre odontocetos (delfines) y misticetos (ballenas) en un recorrido de 842,6 mn. El área abarcada por este estudio se situó entre las latitudes 3°39 'S y 12°03 'S, correspondientes a los puertos costeros de Puerto Pizarro y Callao. Se identificaron tres especies de delfines: el bufeo Tursiops truncatus, el delfín común Delphinus sp. y el delfín común de hocico largo Delphinus capensis; siendo el bufeo la especie que presentó una mayor frecuencia de observación. Entre los balaenoptéridos se identificó a Balaenoptera sp. El rango de temperaturas superficiales del mar para el total de avistamientos estuvo comprendido entre 20,1 °C y 25,9 °C y se registraron a profundidades que variaron entre los 60 y 1550 m. Se concluye que las condiciones térmicas anormales causadas por el fenómeno El Niño han producido una ligera variación en la distribución de algunas especies de cetáceos menores en zonas abarcadas en el presente crucero. Para el caso de las grandes ballenas los avistamientos concuerdan con la ruta migratoria de la estación.
Se efectuó un análisis de la distribución espacial de operaciones de pesca de la flota calamarera industrial dentro y fuera de la zona económica exclusiva peruana (ZEE) con relación a la temperatura superficial de mar (TSM) y concentración de clorofila-a (Cl-a) para el periodo 2004-2012. La data de operaciones de pesca se dividió en tres periodos en función a distancia a la costa considerando regulaciones de pesca, de enero 2004 a octubre 2010, de noviembre 2010 a diciembre 2011 y 2012. Durante el primer periodo, se identificaron dos patrones mensuales de distribución espacial, de enero a julio fue a lo largo del litoral desde Paita (5°S) hasta San Juan de Marcona (15°22’S) y de agosto a diciembre entre Chimbote y Paita. En el segundo periodo, las operaciones de pesca formaron pequeñas concentraciones y puntos de pesca dispersas debido a la restricción de pesca dentro de las 80 millas náuticas desde noviembre del 2010. Durante el 2012 la flota se localizó fuera de la ZEE. Las mayores concentraciones de la flota se ubicaron entre 30 a 90 millas náuticas de la costa. Mayores concentraciones de pesca se localizaron en Paita-Chimbote (5°-9°S) y Callao- San Juan de Marcona (12°03’-15°22’S). Las faenas de pesca se realizaron en un rango amplio de TSM entre 14,1 y 26,8 °C, con mayor incidencia en temperaturas entre 18,4 a 22 °C, con tendencia a localizarse en áreas de mayor temperatura durante los últimos años. Respecto a la clorofila-a, la flota faenó entre concentraciones de clorofila-a de 0 a 9,5 mg/m3 dentro de la ZEE, y entre 0,2 y 0,5 mg/m3 fuera de la ZEE. Se observó un patrón de distribución de flota, asociado a las anomalías de temperatura superficial de mar del área El Niño 1+2, a la distribución latitudinal y una variabilidad cíclica mensual de la TSM.
1887/07/03 (Numéro 1203).
Contient : Châteauvillain ; Troyes ; Nogaro en Armagnac ; Narbonne ; La Beuvrière (cf. fol. 73) ; Reims ; Troyes ; Beaumont ; Châteauvillain (1236 ; cf. fol. 2) ; La Chapelle [d'Angillon] ; Joigny ; Lorris ; Dixmont ; Montargis ; Barcelone (cf. fol. 149) ; Selens et Saint-Aubin ; La Beuvrière (cf. fol. 14) ; Chaumont ; Saint-Bris ; Saint-Laurent-sur-Barenjon ; Voisines ; Le Moulinet ; Barlieu ; Crespy [-en-Valois] ; Montdidier ; Laon ; Soissons ; Abbeville ; Compiègne ; Saint-Quentin ; Corbie ; Saint-Josse-sur-Mer ; La Fère ; Beauvais ; Nanteuil ; Courmelles ; Breteuil ; Beaumont-en-Argonne ; Chaumont ; Saint-Omer ; Vaux près Mouzon ; Vaux, Saconin, Mercin ; Chacrise ; Tournai ; Crandelain, etc ; Ambleteuse ; Morsain, etc ; Mantes ; Ferrières ; Aizy ; Pargny ; Saint-Riquier ; Soissons ; Saint-Martin d'Issoudun (cf. fol. 182) ; Rouen ; Dreux ; Meaux ; Reims ; Chablis ; Chatillon-sur-Seine ; Sens ; Auxerre ; Cerny ; Dixmont ; Étampes ; Orléans ; Bourges ; Issoudun (cf. fol. 148) ; Beaufort-en-Vallée ; La Rochelle ; Villefranche [d'Allier] ; Montauban ; Nevers ; Castres ; Toulouse ; Habitants de la Terre d'Albigeois ; Aigues-Mortes ; Lorrez-le-Bocage ; Le Puy ; Saint-Céré ; Barcelone ; Chatillon-sur-Marne ; Raucourt et Héraucourt ; Mézières ; Chatillon-sur-Marne ; Saint-Hellier ; Coutumes d'Anjou et du Maine ; Ervy-le-Chatel ; Cerres, Montceaux, Chaussepierre ; Notice sur un ms. de Chroniques françaises, de la bibliothèque de Colbert (= Duchesne 79)