696 resultados para 070 News media, journalism
Like music and the news media before it, the film and television business is now facing its time of digital disruption. Major changes are being brought about in global online distribution of film and television by new players, such as Google/YouTube, Apple, Amazon, Yahoo!, Facebook, Netflix and Hulu, some of whom massively outrank in size and growth the companies that run film and television today. Content, Hollywood has always asserted, is King. But the power and profitability in screen industries have always resided in distribution. Incumbents in the screen industries tried to control the emerging dynamics of online distribution, but failed. The new, born digital, globally focused, players are developing TV network-like strategies, including commissioning content that has widened the net of what counts as television. Content may be King, but these new players may become the King Kongs of the online world.
In 2010 a couple in Cairns were charged, and later found not guilty, of illegally obtaining a medical abortion through the use of medication imported from overseas. The court case reignited the contentious debate surrounding the illegality and social acceptance of abortion in Queensland, Australia. Based on a critical discourse analysis of 150 online news media articles covering the Cairns trial, this paper argues that the media shapes perceptions of deviance and stigma in relation to abortion through the use of language. In this case, the Cairns couple were positioned as deviant for pursuing abortion on the basis that they were rejecting the social norm of motherhood. This paper identifies three key themes evident in the articles analysed which contribute to shaping the construction of deviance the humanising of the foetus, the stereotyping of the traditional female role of mother, and the demonising of women who choose abortion. This paper argues that the use of specific language in media coverage of abortion has the power to disrespect and invalidate the experiences, rights, and health of women who choose to terminate pregnancies.
In 2009 a couple in Cairns were charged, and later found not guilty, of illegally obtaining a medical abortion through the use of medication imported from overseas. The court case reignited the discussions surrounding the illegality and social acceptance of abortion in Queensland, Australia. Based on a discourse analysis of 150 online news media articles covering the Cairns trial, this article critically examines the language and key words relied upon by media when covering the Cairns trial. It argues that, despite popular support for the decriminalisation of abortion, emotive language that aligns with a pro-life ideology is still being employed which has the power to shape perceptions of deviance and stigma surrounding abortion. This is useful to demonstrate how media discourse surrounding abortion needs to further align with a pro-choice ideology for women to be empowered for their choices.
Assessments of students in primary and secondary education are debated among practitioners, policy-makers, and parents. In some countries, assessment scores serve a criterion for passage between levels of education, for example, from secondary school to post-secondary education. Those practices are often traditions and while they come under criticism, they are a long-accepted part of the educational practices within a country. In those countries, the students assessment and examination scores are posted in public places or published in local news media. In other countries, assessments are used for the periodic checks on individual student progress. The results of assessments may be used for rating schools, and in some cases, they are used for evaluating the performance of teachers. Assessments are used less often to analyze student performance and make judgments regarding the performance of the curriculum. Even less often, assessments serve to critically establish strategies for the improvement of student learning and educational practices. The ends on the continuum of the assessment debate often focus on the opportunities that assessments present to improve education on one end. The other end is that assessments serve as a major distraction from the important work of teachers by removing classroom room time from instruction. The debate on those issues continues.
This paper investigates the association between global community concerns about bribery activities and anti-bribery disclosure practices by two Chinese telecommunication companies operating internationally, namely China Mobile and ZTE. Based on content analysis of annual reports and global news media articles over a period of 16 years from 1995-2010, the findings suggest that the changes in the level of disclosures by the two major Chinese telecommunications companies were closely associated with the level of international concerns over bribery practices within the Chinese telecommunications industry. This finding indicates that the companies adopt anti-bribery disclosure practices in order to minimise the gap of trust (Social capital) between companies themselves and global stakeholders. In this paper we argue that, for domestic companies in China, culturally constructed social capital, such as guanxi, creates a level of trust between managers and their stakeholders, which obviates the need for managers to disclose anti-bribery performance information. However, for companies operating internationally, as social capital is inadequate to bridge the gap of trust between managers and global stakeholders, managers use disclosures of anti-bribery performance information as a way to minimise such a gap.
Marja Heinonen s dissertation Verkkomedian kytt ja tutkiminen. Iltalehti Online 1995-2001 describes the usage of new internet based news service Iltalehti Online during its first years of existence, 1995-2001. The study focuses on the content of the service and users attitudes towards the new media and its contents. Heinonen has also analyzed and described the research methods that can be used in the research of any new media phenomenon when there is no historical perspective to do the research. Heinonen has created a process model for the research of net medium, which is based on a multidimensional approach. She has chosen an iterative research method inspired by Sudweeks and Simoff s CEDA-methodology in which qualitative and quantitative methods take turns both creating results and new research questions. The dissertation discusses and describes the possibilities of combining several research methods in the study of online news media. On general level it discusses the methodological possibilities of researching a completely new media form when there is no historical perspective. The result of these discussions is in favour for the multidimensional methods. The empiric research was built around three cases of Iltalehti Online among its users: log analysis 1996-1999, interviews 1999 and clustering 2000-2001. Even though the results of different cases were somewhat conflicting here are the central results from the analysis of Iltalehti Online 1995-2001: - Reading was strongly determined by the gender. - The structure of Iltalehti Online guided the reading strongly. - People did not make a clear distinction in content between news and entertainment. - Users created new habits in their everyday life during the first years of using Iltalehti Online. These habits were categorized as follows: - break between everyday routines - established habit - new practice within the rhythm of the day - In the clustering of the users sports, culture and celebrities were the most distinguishing contents. Users did not move across these borders as much as within them. The dissertation gives contribution to the development of multidimensional research methods in the field of emerging phenomena in media field. It is also a unique description of a phase of development in media history through an unique research material. There is no such information (logs + demographics) available of any other Finnish online news media. Either from the first years or today.
El proceso de llevar a cabo investigaciones que examinen la funcin de la agenda setting de los medios de comunicacin implica una serie de decisiones. El proyecto de investigacin: examinar el primer nivel de la agenda (con los temas o issues como unidad de anlisis) o el segundo nivel (con los atributos como unidad de anlisis) Cul o qu ser el objeto de estudio? Qu tipo de atributos se incluirn en el anlisis? Qu contenido se comparara? En este estudio se esbozan algunas posibles aplicaciones de la teora de la agenda setting en un contexto internacional, lo cual podra servir de gua para futuras o posibles investigaciones. La fusin entre la cobertura de noticias internacionales y la investigacin de la agenda setting parecera ser un rea fructfera para los investigadores.
Traz um estudo sobre como e por que a imagem pblica do Congresso Nacional pode ser vista como cronicamente negativa no senso comum, nas sondagens de opinio pblica e nas representaes da mdia informativa, bem como nas percepes dos atores polticos. Com esse objetivo, alm da sntese de reflexes tericas que podem ser relacionadas ao campo interdisciplinar da comunicao poltica, foi realizada uma srie de entrevistas qualitativas com 20% dos parlamentares que formavam a Cmara dos Deputados na Legislatura 2003/2007. Embora as concluses apontem para uma forte conexo entre tal imagem negativa, recorrentes escndalos polticos e questes institucionais de carter estrutural e conjuntural, h tambm nesse contexto uma insuficincia de pluralismo poltico e social que revela um problema maior e mais complexo: a crise da democracia representativa - pois as organizaes da sociedade civil no dispem de canais adequados de participao que permitam a representao equilibrada de suas demandas tanto na mdia quanto no campo poltico parlamentar.
A retrica, segundo Aristteles, pode ser entendida como a faculdade de persuadir. Um elemento importante, e muitas vezes relevado pela pesquisa, diz respeito aplicao da retrica aristotlica pelos meios de comunicao. Nesse processo, a imprensa intervm, refaz e estabelece as relaes entre quem fala (orador), a mensagem e quem ouve (pblico ou auditrio) e, assim, constri um discurso poltico. A presente pesquisa analisa a existncia de um discurso poltico a partir da estratgia discursiva dos editoriais veiculados em dois jornais dirios de amplitude nacional, O Estado de S. Paulo e a Folha de S. Paulo e, a revista semanal Veja acerca do escndalo de corrupo conhecido por mensalo. Para tanto, toma por base o referencial terico-metodolgico da Anlise do Discurso de Fairclough (2001), para observar a utilizao da estratgia argumentativa da Nova Retrica, de Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca (1958) na construo do discurso poltico de acordo com a tipologia de Chilton & Schfnner (2000). O perodo estabelecido compreende os meses de junho, julho e agosto de 2005, momento do pice do escndalo. Os resultados revelam, por meio da utilizao de argumentos da Nova Retrica, um propsito comunicativo, ou seja, um discurso poltico, orientado para persuadir, convencer e criar opinio favorvel tese sustentada pelos rgos de imprensa que compem esta pesquisa. Verificou-se assim que, a partir de uma realidade, os rgos legitimam os prprios meios de comunicao e a oposio, ao mesmo tempo em que deslegitimam o Congresso Nacional, o Partido dos Trabalhadores e o Poder Executivo, na figura do Presidente da Repblica.
Analisa os aspectos polticos do discurso fundador das mdias legislativas da Cmara dos Deputados. Tal discurso compreende os argumentos e justificativas dos responsveis pela criao, gesto e produo de contedos desses veculos e contempla trs aspectos: (1) justificativa baseada no princpio constitucional da publicidade; (2) contraposio agenda negativa da mdia privada sobre o Poder Legislativo; (3) defesa institucional dos veculos legislativos, especialmente poltica editorial e estratgias de divulgao
Since the early years of the 21st century, and in particular since 2007, the U.S. has been awakening rapidly to the fact that climate change is underway and that even if stringent efforts are undertaken to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, adaptation to the unavoidable impacts from the existing commitment to climate change is still needed and needs to be begun now. This report provides an historical overview of the public, political, and scientific concern with adaptation in the United States. It begins by briefly distinguishing ongoing, historical adaptation to environmental circumstances from deliberate adaptation to humaninduced climate change. It then describes the shift from the early concerns with climate change and adaptation to the more recent awakening to the need for a comprehensive approach to managing the risks from climate change. Ranging from the treatment of the topic in the news media to the drafting of bills in Congress, to state and local government activities with considerable engagement of NGOs, scientists and consultants, it is apparent that adaptation has finally, and explosively, emerged on the political agenda as a legitimate and needed subject for debate. At the same time, the current policy rush is not underlain by widespread public engagement and mobilization nor does it rest on a solid research foundation. Funding for vulnerability and adaptation research, establishing adequate decision support institutions, as well as the building of the necessary capacity in science, the consulting world, and in government agencies, lags far behind the need. (PDF contains 42 pages)
As investigaes em torno da atuao poltica da imprensa costumam partir de duas posturas tericas opostas. De um lado, alguns analistas enfatizam a importncia da imprensa para a constituio de uma esfera pblica nas democracias modernas. Desse prisma, ela seria encarregada de viabilizar o debate pblico e submeter ao escrutnio da sociedade as decises estatais. Do outro lado, uma perspectiva mais ctica defende que a imprensa no pode ser tomada como um pilar da esfera pblica. Suas rotinas e estruturas a tornariam uma instncia de manipulao retrica incompatvel com o ideal moderno de um pblico deliberativo. Contudo, para alm dessas oposies importante notar que o ideal de uma deliberao pblica mediada pela imprensa tem funcionado historicamente como um discurso de legitimao para a prpria imprensa. Partindo da premissa de que a ideia de esfera pblica uma categoria poltica, esta pesquisa pretende entender de que modo alguns jornais se servem de uma dada concepo de esfera pblica para se autolegitimarem enquanto pilares do debate pblico democrtico. Atravs do estudo da maneira como a grande imprensa brasileira lidou com o tema das aes afirmativas raciais no ensino superior, este trabalho mostra como determinados enquadramentos miditicos serviram para que a imprensa reivindicasse para si o status de esfera pblica de debate do tema. A pesquisa se baseou numa anlise de todos os textos sobre as aes afirmativas raciais no ensino superior publicados entre 2001 e 2009 nos dois principais jornais brasileiros: O Globo e Folha de S. Paulo. No total, 1.831 textos de diferentes tipos (reportagens, artigos, colunas, editoriais, cartas de leitores etc.) foram compilados e analisados a partir de Programas Computacionais de Codificao Assistida de Dados Qualitativos (CAQDAS, na sigla anglfona). A anlise indica que ambos os jornais promoveram uma dramatizao pblica da controvrsia ao organizarem as discusses em torno das aes afirmativas raciais de acordo com determinados modelos de esfera pblica. Tal dramatizao no somente possibilitou que a imprensa influenciasse os destinos das aes afirmativas raciais no pas, apresentando-as como medidas essencialmente polmicas, mas tambm limitou a cobertura a estruturas narrativas padronizadas
Gunning, Jeroen. Hizballah and the logic of political participation, In: 'Terror, Insurgency and the State: Ending Protracted Conflicts', Heiberg, Marianne, O'Leary, Brendan & Tirman, John (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press), p.157-188, 2007. RAE2008
In the past twenty years an increasing number of Global South nations have vied for the rights to host prestigious and expensive sport mega events. This trend requires significant reflection given the enormous economic costs of these events, which often produce little capital gain for the host nation (Whitson & Horne, 2006). Furthermore, sport mega events are often utilized for their symbolic capital (Belanger, 2009), which sometimes manifests through forcing people from their land for the sake of beautification (Davis, 2006). In this project, then, I asked how technologies of power were utilized by FIFA, corporate stakeholders, and the South African government to control people who were marginal to, or impeded the success of, the World Cup in Nelspruit, South Africa. This project consisted of two parts: the first involved constructing a theoretical framework for better understanding power as it operates through sport mega events in general. To this end I employed Marxian notions of the ordering of physical space, Foucauldian conceptions of sovereignty and governmentality, and Agambens (1998) state of exception to determine how particular bodies are constituted and controlled through sport mega events. In the second part, I applied this theoretical framework to the events in South Africa to better elucidate how people became displaced and killed because of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. I used South African popular news and documentaries as empirical evidence and conducted a discursive analysis of said news media. Through this coverage it became apparent that the mega event created the conditions in which new forms of rogue sovereign partnerships could arise through a historically and spatially contingent process of capitalism. The rogue sovereigns para-juridico-political orders, the discourses and practices of accumulation by dispossession as a tactic and effect of govermentality, and other historical non-capital subjectivities such as racial identity, all contributed to constituting Agambens state of exception in which people could be displaced, killed or left to die in the events surrounding the World Cup.
Critical reading of science-based media reports is an authentic context in which to explore the mutual interests of teachers of science and English, who want to use science in the media to promote their subject discipline while encouraging cross-curricular learning. This empirical study focused on 90 teachers of science and English to explore their aptitude and capability for critical reading of science-based news reports. The influences of specialist subject culture and the extent of classroom experience contributed to the distinctive nature of the responses. The study revealed features in critical reading that were characteristic of the subject background of the participants. It suggested approaches to initial teacher education and ongoing professional development that would be mutually beneficial to teachers from different disciplines in promoting among pupils a critical approach to science-related news media.