999 resultados para 06-NYak-01


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1927/01/06 (N1164).


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1910/01/06 (N299).


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Background. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is an important cause of chronic viral disease worldwide and can be life threatening. While a safe and effective vaccine is widely available, 5 to 10% of healthy vaccinees fail to achieve a protective anti-hepatitis B surface antigen antibody (anti-HBs) titer (>10mIU/ml). A limited number of studies investigated host genetics of the response to HBV vaccine. To our knowledge, no comprehensive overview of genetic polymorphisms both within and outside the HLA system has been done so far. Aim. The aim of this study was to perform a systematic review of the literature of human genetics influencing immune response after hepatitis B vaccination. Methods. Literature searches using keywords were conducted in the electronic databases Medline, Embase and ISI Web of Science the cut-off date being March 2014. After selection of papers according to stringent inclusion criteria, relevant information was systematically collected from the remaining articles, including demographic data, number of patients, schedule and type of vaccine, phenotypes, genes and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) genotyping results and their association with immune response to hepatitis B vaccine. Results. The literature search produced a total of 1968 articles from which 46 studies were kept for further analyses. From these studies, data was extracted for 19 alleles from the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) region that were reported as significant at least twice. Among those alleles, 9 were firmly associated with vaccine response outcome (DQ2 [DQB1*02 and DQB1*0201], DR3 [DRB1*03 and DRB1*0301], DR7 [DRB1*07 and DRB1*0701], C4AQ0, DPB1*0401, DQ3, DQB1*06, DRB1*01 and DRB1*13 [DRB1*1301]). In addition, data was extracted for 55 different genes from which 13 extra-HLA genes had polymorphisms that were studied by different group of investigators or by the same group with a replication study. Among the 13 genes allowing comparison, 4 genes (IL-1B, IL-2, IL-4R and IL- 6) revealed no significant data, 6 genes (IL-4, IL-10, IL-12B, IL-13, TNFA, IFNG and TLR2) were explored with inconsistent results and 2 genes (CD3Z and ITGAL) yielded promising results as their association with vaccine response was confirmed by a replication approach. Furthermore, this review produced a list of 46 SNPs from 26 genes that were associated with immune response to vaccine only once, providing novel candidates to be tested in datasets from existing genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Conclusion. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first systematic review of immunogenetic studies of response to hepatitis B vaccine. While this work reassesses the role of several HLA alleles on vaccine response outcome, the associations with polymorphisms in genes outside the HLA region were rather inconsistent. Moreover, this work produced a list of 46 significant SNPs that were reported by a single group of investigators, opening up some interesting possibilities for further research.


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1898/01/06 (T4,SER3,N39).


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Diplomityö on osa KaskiTec 2010 projektia. Työn tavoitteena oli tehostaa Lametal Oy:n hitsausrobotin käyttöä. Tehostamisella pyrittiin robotin käyttöasteen ja tuottavuuden kohottamiseen ja sitä kautta parantamaan investoinnin kannattavuutta. Työ on jaettu teoriaosaan ja soveltavaan osaan. Teoriaosassa käsitellään yleisesti robottihitsausta ja hitsauksen tuottavuutta. Lähdeaineistona on käytetty alan kirjallisuutta. Soveltavassa osassa käsitellään työn käytännön osuutta yrityksessä. Työn alkuvaiheessa kartoitettiin yrityksen lähtötilanne, selvitettiin pahimmat ongelmakohdat ja etsittiin ongelmiin parannuskeinoja. Tutkimusmenetelminä yrityksessä käytettiin havainnointia, henkilöhaastatteluita sekä tilastollisia ja laskennallisia menetelmiä. Seurattavaksi valittiin tuottavuuden tunnuslukuja, joiden perusteella voitiin arvioida tehostamistoimenpiteiden vaikutuksia. Yrityksessä kartoitettujen ongelmien perusteella ryhdyttiin nostamaan robotin käyttöastetta, kehittämään tuotannonohjausta, robotin materiaalivirtoja ja layoutia. Käyttöastetta nostettiin viemällä robotille uusia hitsattavia tuotteita. Työssä selvitettiin yrityksessä jo olemassa oleva tuotannonohjausjärjestelmän soveltuvuus hitsausrobotin ohjaukseen. Materiaalivirtojen sujuvuutta ja layoutia kehitettiin yhdessä muiden KaskiTec- projektin osapuolten kanssa.


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The basic goal of this study is to extend old and propose new ways to generate knapsack sets suitable for use in public key cryptography. The knapsack problem and its cryptographic use are reviewed in the introductory chapter. Terminology is based on common cryptographic vocabulary. For example, solving the knapsack problem (which is here a subset sum problem) is termed decipherment. Chapter 1 also reviews the most famous knapsack cryptosystem, the Merkle Hellman system. It is based on a superincreasing knapsack and uses modular multiplication as a trapdoor transformation. The insecurity caused by these two properties exemplifies the two general categories of attacks against knapsack systems. These categories provide the motivation for Chapters 2 and 4. Chapter 2 discusses the density of a knapsack and the dangers of having a low density. Chapter 3 interrupts for a while the more abstract treatment by showing examples of small injective knapsacks and extrapolating conjectures on some characteristics of knapsacks of larger size, especially their density and number. The most common trapdoor technique, modular multiplication, is likely to cause insecurity, but as argued in Chapter 4, it is difficult to find any other simple trapdoor techniques. This discussion also provides a basis for the introduction of various categories of non injectivity in Chapter 5. Besides general ideas of non injectivity of knapsack systems, Chapter 5 introduces and evaluates several ways to construct such systems, most notably the "exceptional blocks" in superincreasing knapsacks and the usage of "too small" a modulus in the modular multiplication as a trapdoor technique. The author believes that non injectivity is the most promising direction for development of knapsack cryptosystema. Chapter 6 modifies two well known knapsack schemes, the Merkle Hellman multiplicative trapdoor knapsack and the Graham Shamir knapsack. The main interest is in aspects other than non injectivity, although that is also exploited. In the end of the chapter, constructions proposed by Desmedt et. al. are presented to serve as a comparison for the developments of the subsequent three chapters. Chapter 7 provides a general framework for the iterative construction of injective knapsacks from smaller knapsacks, together with a simple example, the "three elements" system. In Chapters 8 and 9 the general framework is put into practice in two different ways. Modularly injective small knapsacks are used in Chapter 9 to construct a large knapsack, which is called the congruential knapsack. The addends of a subset sum can be found by decrementing the sum iteratively by using each of the small knapsacks and their moduli in turn. The construction is also generalized to the non injective case, which can lead to especially good results in the density, without complicating the deciphering process too much. Chapter 9 presents three related ways to realize the general framework of Chapter 7. The main idea is to join iteratively small knapsacks, each element of which would satisfy the superincreasing condition. As a whole, none of these systems need become superincreasing, though the development of density is not better than that. The new knapsack systems are injective but they can be deciphered with the same searching method as the non injective knapsacks with the "exceptional blocks" in Chapter 5. The final Chapter 10 first reviews the Chor Rivest knapsack system, which has withstood all cryptanalytic attacks. A couple of modifications to the use of this system are presented in order to further increase the security or make the construction easier. The latter goal is attempted by reducing the size of the Chor Rivest knapsack embedded in the modified system. '


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1911/01/06 (A5,N226).


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Auto käynnistetään ja ajetaan pois.


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Vesi liplattaa laituriin.


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Pesulan ääniä, liikenteen ääniä ulkona. Cembra, Italia.


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Roomalaiskatoliset kellot. Heleä ääni.


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Japanilaisia opiskelijoita, markkinat, ruoka-annosten kaupustelua. Hirosaki, Japani.


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Aseet. Pommin räjähdyksiä. Talo sortuu.


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