955 resultados para 050 Magazines, journals


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This paper seeks to develop groupings of journals (A, B, C) using multi-dimensional perceptual rankings, based on North American respondents&rsquo; evaluation of a journal&rsquo;s prestige, contribution to theory, contribution to practice and contribution to teaching. Nonparametric comparisons of criterion mean values indicate that there are generally statistically significant correlations between criteria. Cluster analysis identifies A, B, and C 'categorisations' of journals are different in regards to all four evaluative criteria.<br />


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This paper examines differences in academics perceptions of how journals should be evaluated in terms of their prestige, contribution to theory, contribution to practice and contribution to teaching. Comparisons are made between individual and institutional weightings, regional variations and whether an individual works at an institution offering a PhD/DBA. Some differences were identified, suggesting that that evaluative criteria used to rank journal may be influenced by employment situations.<br />


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This article undertakes two studies to examine issues related to journal rankings. Study 1 examines the consistency between journal rankings reported in past studies. It finds that while there is consistency when comparing these studies, this consistency does not always occur outside the top-ranked journals. Study 2 explores whether individuals believe that the weighting of four underlying evaluative criteria&mdash;that is, prestige, contribution to theory, contribution to practice, and contribution to teaching&mdash;vary, based on (1) whose criteria are used (individual or individuals&rsquo; perception of their institutions weighting), (2) the geographic region in which the individuals teach (North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific), and (3) whether or not an individual works at an institution offering a Ph.D./D.B.A. The results suggest that some differences in criteria weighting exist. Implications are discussed, with it being suggested that it may not be possible to develop a universally applicable set of journal rankings.<br />


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This paper examines institutional research productivity across two sets of journals &ndash; Hult et al. (1997) and Polonsky and Whitelaw (2006), based on institutions' Carnegie Foundation Classification, funding type (private or public) and whether institutions' offer PhD's in marketing. It is identified that while Research Intensive institutions publish more than other types of organizations across journal types, the type of funding and offering PhD's in Marketing are equally if not more important. As such, institutions seeking to compare themselves to other institutions should choose a 'similar' set of institutions on which to base any comparisons.<br />


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<b>Purpose &ndash; </b>The purpose of this paper is to examine the global contribution of academics to marketing literature between 1999 and 2003, based on an examination of the location of academics institution of employment, as reported in published works. The data is used to evaluate the global dispersion of publishing. <br /><br /><b>Design/methodology/approach &ndash;</b> The paper uses the method of content analysis where the authorship of all articles in 20 leading marketing journals between 1999 and 2003 is examined. An empirical examination of performance was undertaken across geographic regions. There was also an examination of whether the quality of journal affected regional performance. <br /><br /><b>Findings &ndash; </b>The research found that there is a significant &ldquo;bias&rdquo; of authorship within the 20 journals examined, with the majority of works published by academics at institutions in North America. There is some variation in regional performance based on the type of journal examined. <br /><br /><b>Research limitations/implications &ndash;</b> There was no attempt to empirically examine why differences might exist. The study only focused on a sample of 20 English language journals over five years. These journals have been included in studies that list the leading marketing journal for US and European academics. <br /><br /><b>Practical implications &ndash;</b> The research suggests that there may in fact be regional differences in publishing behaviour. It is unclear if these differences relate to variations in the &ldquo;objectives&rdquo; of institutions within each country or other factors, such as the North American publish-or-perish mentality. The research posits that a marketing knowledge may be unnecessarily restricted, if there is a bias against non-North American perspectives. <br /><br /><b>Originality/value &ndash;</b> While there have been other works examining research performance of institutions, there has been limited examination in marketing on the nation in which authors work and none have used a broad cross-section of journals. This work takes a global &ldquo;snapshot&rdquo; of national research performance within marketing.<br />


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Purpose &ndash; The objective of this paper is to discuss some criteria in order to distinguish between top versus leading journals in marketing. The aim is to stimulate the debate of the adequacy of those issues that dominate in the top marketing journals.<br /><br />Design/methodology/approach &ndash; The authors discuss three groups of criteria, namely journal, article, and research. Each is discussed based on a set of dimensions: journal criteria &ndash; the editor, the editorial board, the editorial objective and the author affiliations; article criteria &ndash; research implication, practice implication, readability and originality; and research criteria &ndash; process, paradigm, representation, readership and contribution.<br /><br />Findings &ndash; While the top journals in marketing are named, the analysis is meant to be of a more general nature rather than to question or lambaste a specific journal.<br /><br />Research limitations/implications &ndash; There is an underlying quest for identifying and verifying the top academic journals in different research disciplines. As an extension to the discussion of top versus non-top journals, the authors raise another crucial issue, namely criteria to differentiate between top and leading journals in marketing.<br /><br />Practical implications &ndash; These criteria are based on the authors' examination of the editorial descriptions and overall contents of six top journals in marketing. The criteria are also derived from a review of the literature on academic journals and academic publishing.<br /><br />Originality/value &ndash; The discussion may stimulate and widen debate with respect to what constitutes a leading academic journal in marketing. The suggested list of criteria should be seen as a trigger for further discussion. It does not aspire to be complete, but a complement to the ongoing discussion of academic journals and academic publishing in marketing.<br />


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The authors report the results of a journal rating survey assessing 14 publications dedicated to arts management and related topics. Establishing a rating scheme for journals is an important step in the professionalization of an academic field. The authors argue that the development of a rating system in arts management is in the best interests of the discipline. Academics used weighted multidimensional perceptual ratings to evaluate each journal&rsquo;s prestige, contribution to theory, contribution to practice and contribution to teaching. Cluster analysis using these four criteria identified three classes of journals: A, B+ and B. The setting of standards serves to identify quality goals for academics and journal editors alike, thus enhancing the standing of arts management as a subdiscipline of management.<br />


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A question that has been raised in academia has to do with whether there is global inclusion of authors in publishing. While this issue has been explored in some areas in business and marketing it has generally not been investigated across 30 years of advertising research activity. This paper seeks to examine the global inclusion of authors in five advertising-focused journals. We found that, while there appears to be an increase in international publishing activity in advertising compared to data extrapolated from past studies, published advertising research still reveals a North American bias/domination. A failure to be globally inclusive may lead to an under-exploration of academic issues and perspectives, as important 'non-US' issues could possibly be ignored.<br />


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The question has been raised in academia whether there is global inclusion of authors in publishing. This has generally not been explored in the 30 years of research on advertising research activity and those works that do exist in advertising have generally only examined three North American focused journals. This paper expands the set of journals to five advertising focused journals and thus is a global examination of publishing in advertising. Within these five advertising journals there is an increased international involvement and thus it appears that a broader set of perspectives are being considered in the advertising literature. We also found that there is a positive correlation between publishing in the five leading advertising journals and four leading generalist journals, suggesting that institutions may be developing broader research cultures, rather than targeting works only in advertising.<br />


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The major component of the thesis is a manuscript of poetry titled How do detectives make love? which includes forty poems written over a period of two years. Many of these; poems have been published in literary journals and magazines both in Australia and internationally as well as being performed at various performance poetry venues. How do detectives make love? was accepted for publication by Penguin Books, Australia in 1994. Also included is a 12,000 word exegesis in support of the manuscript titled How do detectives make love? Themes of the survival of the child: corruption in relation to innocence. The exegesis explores various themes and motifs occurring throughout the work, including the motif of birds and dogs, and the themes of love and the police, guns and weaponry, the outback and parklands, the parents, the change from childhood to adolescence and adolescence to adulthood, and the survival of the child. The current vital social relevance of these themes and motifs is explored in the poems. The literary use of the themes is explored comparatively with the work of other Australian poets including Gig Ryan, Kenneth Slessor and Les Murray. The purpose of the exegesis is to give the reader insights into the poet's intellectual processes and literary concerns throughout the work itself.


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This paper examines all citations and self-citations to a list of 95 finance journals appearing in the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics and Review of Financial Studies from 1995 through 2005. Additionally, the publication profile of 100 prolific authors in top-tier finance journals is tabulated for these 95 journals. Citations to non-finance journals in economics and accounting are also tabulated for comparison with their finance counterpart along with working papers. Six ranking schemes are constructed with each scheme identifying the top fifty finance journals. Citations to finance journals are highly concentrated within ten journals and similarly for self-citations. Authors of papers appearing in top-tier finance journals pay scant attention to the bulk of research published in other finance journals. Furthermore, these authors cite other economic journals with greater frequency than their counterpart in finance. Of the top fifty finance journals identified in this paper, only 21 are listed in Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), and this compares to approximately 500 listed economic journals. Some glaring omissions from SSCI are identified, but most notably the Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, Journal of Financial Research, Journal of Empirical Finance and Journal of Fixed Income. An analysis of 2006 citations patterns is also presented. The top-tier mantra assigned to finance journals has a void with the decision by the Journal of Business to cease publication with the November 2006 issue. This paper identifies five finance journals anyone of which could potentially fill the void.<br />