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The paleontological richness of Morocco has been scientifically known since at least the early 20th century. The region of the Middle Atlas, more specifically the Boulemane area, has been however only sparsely studied since the 60’s when it supplied various vertebrate fossils from the Middle Jurassic.In the beginning of the 2000’s some fossil bones were discovered in a new fossil-site near the village of Taghrout, in the Boulemane area and in September 2013 a Moroccan-Portuguese expedition made excavations in the site with the help locals from the village of Taghrout. The site is Pleistocene in age and is located on a rare bone bearing small high-altitude sedimentary basin, non-charted in previous geological maps. The excavations yielded new bone material from large mammals. The most common findings are elephants ascribed to the genus Elephas, but artiodactyls, turtles, and in-situ hominid Acheulean tools were also collected. During the excavation campaign the Jurassic sites were revisited and new dinosaur trails and possible crocodilomorph bones were discovered. Surface collection of in a cave near Taghrout with Holocene mammal material, including the genera Canis, Capra, Bos, Panthera and Hystrix was also conducted and its fossils elements identified.
SUMMARYMycobacteria which are most commonly isolated in pulmonary secretions of patients with respiratory symptoms living in the State of Amazonas are given. The high percentage of isolates (25,4) and the species obtained indicate a strong relationship of contamination of man by the environment. Among the species isolated, seven of them are considered potentially pathogenic mycobacteria. Since some of these species may interfere with present and further vaccination programs against Tuberculosis and Leprosy, these investigations indicate a necessity of carrying out studies of population awareness against specific PPD's prepared from the same species.
The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the monodominant non-pioneer Peltogyne gracilipes, typically does not suffer density-dependent herbivory (Janzen-Connell model). Two components of intraspecific variation in leaf herbivory were measured: 1) the variation between individuals in the population at the same time and 2) the temporal variation in rates of damage to each individual. The study was carried out on Maracá Island, Roraima, Brazil in three plots (50 m χ 50 m) in each of three forest types: Peltogyne-rich forest (PRF), Peltogyne-poor forest (PPF), and forest without Peltogyne (FWP). Two other non-pioneer species (Ecclinusa guianensis and Pradosia surinamensis) were chosen for comparison because they were fairly abundant and their seedlings could be readily identified. The values of leaf area removed by herbivores of trees and seedlings of the three study species were in the range reported for other tropical tree species (2-16%, standing damage). There were no differences within species between forests. However, there was a significant difference among species but this was not correlated with seedling density. Peltogyne seedlings showed no evidence of density-dependent herbivory as predicted by the Janzen-Connell model despite the fact that adult trees were observed to suffer a mass defoliation in April 1992. This result suggests that Peltogyne may be dominant partly due to escape from herbivory in the early stages of its life although it may suffer occasional mass defoliation as an adult.
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the worldwide leading vaginal disorder in women of reproductive age. BV is characterized by the replacement of beneficial lactobacilli and the augmentation of anaerobic bacteria. Gardnerella vaginalis is a predominant bacterial species, however, BV is also associated with other numerous anaerobes, such as Atopobium vaginae, Mobiluncus mulieris, Prevotella bivia, Fusobacterium nucleatum and Peptoniphilus sp.. Currently, the role of G. vaginalis in the etiology of BV remains a matter of controversy. It is however known that, in BV patients, a biofilm is usually formed on the vaginal epithelium and G. vaginalis is typically the predominant species. So, the current paradigm is that the establishment of a biofilm plays a key role in the pathogenesis of BV. This review provides background on the influence of biofilm formation by G. vaginalis and other anaerobes in the polymicrobial etiology of BV, through its initial adhesion until biofilm formation and discusses the commensal and synergic interactions established between them to understand the phenotypic shift of G. vaginalis' biofilms into BV establishment.
This Letter presents a search for a hidden-beauty counterpart of the X(3872) in the mass ranges 10.05--10.31 GeV and 10.40--11.00 GeV, in the channel Xb→π+π−Υ(1S)(→μ+μ−), using 16.2 fb−1 of s√=8 TeV pp collision data collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. No evidence for new narrow states is found, and upper limits are set on the product of the Xb cross section and branching fraction, relative to those of the Υ(2S), at the 95% confidence level using the CLS approach. These limits range from 0.8% to 4.0%, depending on mass. For masses above 10.1 GeV, the expected upper limits from this analysis are the most restrictive to date. Searches for production of the Υ(13DJ), Υ(10860), and Υ(11020) states also reveal no significant signals.
v. 1 1868 - Ranuncul-Connar
v. 2 1871 - Leguminosae-Ficoideae
v. 3 1877 - Umbelliferae-Eben
v. 4 (1-4) 1902-04 - Ola-Gentianeae
v. 4 (1-3) 1905-06 - Hydrophyll-Pedalineae
v. 5 (1-3) 1899-1900 - Acanth-Plantagineae
v. 6 (1-6) 1909-13 - Nyctagineae-Euphorbi
v. 6 (1-2) 1916-17 - Ulm-Cycad
v. 7 (1-3) 1897-98