1000 resultados para índice de coloração
El presente documento describe los trabajos realizados en el ámbito del Proyecto Fin de Carrera de la titulación de Ingeniería Informática de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya para la creación de un nuevo índice espacial para la extensión JASPA sobre H2. En él se detallan el análisis y desarrollo realizados así como la documentación generada durante su proceso de creación.
El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo ofrecer una solución para la creación de un índice espacial para la extensión JASPA (Java SPAtial) sobre la base de datos H2. El algoritmo de indexación elegido para la implementación del índice espacial ha sido el Rtree.La implementación se ha realizado con el lenguaje de programación Java lo que ha facilitado su integración con la extensión JASPA y la base de datos H2, dado que ambos proyectos están codificados en el mismo lenguaje. El índice es persistente en memoria secundaria en una tabla de la propia base de datos H2.La solución que se propone está limitada a operaciones espaciales en dos dimensiones y es lo suficientemente flexible como para que no se haya necesitado modificar ni el código fuente de JASPA, ni de H2. Además, se ha previsto que el algoritmo de indexación se pueda mejorar o sustituir fácilmente.Por último, se ha tenido en cuenta que el proceso de creación y manipulación de los índices espaciales sea intuitivo y fácil de usar.
Chronic renal failure is commonly related to hyponutrition, affecting approximately on third of patients with advanced renal failure. We carried out a longitudinal study to assess nutritional evolution of 73 patients on a regular hemodialysis program, assessing changes in the anthropometrical parameter body mass index (BMI) and its correspondence to biochemical nutritional parameters such as total protein (TP) levels and serum albumin (Alb). Every three months plasma TP and albumin levels were collected and BMI was calculated by the standard formula: post-dialysis weight in kg/height in m2. For classifying by BMI categories, overweight and low weight were defined according to the WHO Expert Committee. Studied patients had a mean age of 53 years, 43 were male and 30 were female patients. BMI in women was lower than that in men (p < 0.001), as well as TP (p < 0.001) and Alb (p < 0.001) levels. Mean BMI was 29.3 kg/m2. Three point two percent of the determinations showed low weight, 12.16% overweight, and 83.97% normal BMI. TP were normal in 90.76% and decreased in 9.24%. Alb was normal in 82.2% and low in 17.78%. After the follow-up time (21.6 months, minimum 18 months, maximum 53 months), the Kruskal-Wallis test did not show a statistically significant change for BMI but it did show a change for the biochemical parameters albumin and total proteins (p < 0.05): nutritional impairment in CRF patients is manifested on biochemical parameters (TP and Alb) with no reflection on anthropometrical data.
Sección "Buenas prácticas en gestión clínica"
Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar social: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social / Profesionales / Salud Pública / Promoción de la Salud / Actividad Física y Alimentación Equilibrada / Consejo dietético)
INTRODUCCIÓN: La asociación entre la arteriopatía periférica y los nuevos eventos cardiovasculares ya es conocida, no así, en función del Índice tobillo-brazo (ITB). OBJETIVOS: Identificar los valores a partir de los que un ITB patológico se correlaciona con la aparición de eventos cardiovasculares. PACIENTES Y MÉTODOS: Se analiza el resgistro FRENA de pacientes a los que se realiza una única medición del ITB. CONCLUSIONES: No hemos encontrado un valor a partir del cual el ITB se asocie significativamente a un peor pronóstico pero sí una asociación entre un ITB & 0.6 y el riesgo de IAM.
INTRODUCTION: Gain weight after transplantation is relatively common, also tends to be multifactorial and can be influenced by glucocorticoids and immunosuppressive medications, delayed graft function and cause serious health complications. OBJECTIVES: Assess changes in weight, degree of obesity and body mass index as well as the effect of immunosuppressive treatment over these 5 years after kidney transplantation. METHODS: The samples were 119 kidney transplant recipients, 70 men and 49 women, that attended the query post for five years. All patients were measured Pretransplant and post (from 1st year to the 5th year) weight, height and body mass index calculated by the formula weight/size2 relating it to immunosuppressive treatment taking. RESULTS: There is a considerable increase of body mass index, weight and degree of obesity in the first year after transplantation to increase more slowly in the next four years. The type of immunosuppressive treatment influence the weight and degree of obesity that occurs in this period of time. CONCLUSIONS: A high prevalence there are overweight and obesity after the transplant especially during the first year. A year patients earn an average of 6.6 kg in weight and an average of 2.5 kg/m2 in their BMI. During treatment should minimize doses of steroids and include dietary treatment and adequate physical exercise
Introduction: The quality of life assessment means investigating how patients perceive their disease. Malnutrition-specific characteristics make patients more vulnerable, so it is important to know how these factors impaction patients’ daily life. Aim: To assess the quality of life in malnourished patients who have had hospital admission, and to determine the relationship of the quality of life with age, body mass index, diagnosis of malnutrition, and dependency. Method: Multicenter transversal descriptive study in 106 malnourished patients after hospital admission. The quality of life (SF-12 questionnaire), BMI, functional independency (Barthel index), morbidity, and a dietary intake evaluation were assessed. The relationship between variables was tested by using the Spearman correlation coefficient Results: The patients of the present study showed a SF-12 mean of 38.32 points. The age was significantly correlated with the SF-12 (r= -0.320, p= 0.001). The BMI was correlated with the SF-12 (r= 0.251, p= 0.011) and its mental component (r= 0.289, p= 0.03). It was also reported a significant correlation between the Barthel index and the SF-12 (r= 0.370, p< 0.001). Conclusions: The general health perception in malnourished patients who have had a hospital admission was lower than the Spanish mean. Moreover, the quality of life in these patients is significantly correlated with age, BMI and functional independency.
INTRODUCTION: frequently after kidney transplantation there is an increase in weight with a resulting high percent of obesity in these recipients. This combined with a rapid loss of bone mass, a higher prevalence of osteoporosis and fractures is evident than in normal populations. OBJECTIVES: to explore the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and prevalence of osteoporosis in a population of renal transplant recipients. METHODS: prospective longitudinal study design. The study was conducted on 306 kidney transplant recipients. The relationship between weigh and body mass index with femoral and lumbar osteopenia and osteoporosis prevalence at the moment of transplant and at 12 months post was explored. RESULTS: there was a high prevalence of overweight (35.6%) and obese (14.1%) recipients after renal transplant and 1 year after (42.2% and 24.2% respectively). Significant differences were found(p = 0.049) between the weight at the time of transplant and the presence of osteopenia or osteoporosis at the lumbar level one year after, the highest weights were in recipients with osteoporosis. The mean BMI was higher (p = 0.028) in osteoporotic patients (26.59 kg/m2) than in patients with osteopenia (24.23 kg/m2). CONCLUSION: results seem to be consistent with recent studies in the general population showing excessive weight as a possible factor detrimental to the bone health.
Background: Protein calorie malnutrition as well as systemic inflammation and metabolic disorders are common among patients with chronic renal failure undergoing renal replacement therapy (haemodialysis), which contributes to its morbidity and mortality. Aims: The aims of this work was to evaluate the nutritional status of patients in a hemodialysis treatment through the assessment of biochemical parameters nutritional as albumin, and anthropometric parameters of body mass index during ten years of follow up. Methods: In this work has been followed 90 patients of both sexes with chronic kidney disease who were treated with hemodialysis regularly on our unit for ten years. All patients were conducted quarterly measurements of plasma albumin (Alb), and other biochemical determinations, and anthropometric measurements of height, weight and body mass index calculated by the formula weight/height², grouped n BMI < 23 kg/m2 and albumin levels <3.8 g/dl according to the consensus of the panel of experts of the International Society for renal Nutrition and metabolism. Results: During the 10 years all patients showed a significant decline in the biochemical parameters and the albumin, change in BMI does not presented significant changes in relation to malnutrition. Conclusions: Malnutrition in patients on dialysis is a fact patent, BMI does not correspond with the biochemical parameters were observed, for what nutritional impairment in these patients is mainly expressed by serum albumin.
RESUMONo artigo, analisa-se a ocorrência de retornos e volumes anormais para as ações adicionadas ao Ibovespa entre 2004 e 2013, no contexto do efeito índice, uma das anomalias de mercado mais antigas relatadas em finanças, empregando-se a metodologia de estudo de evento. Diferentemente de outros estudos, encontram-se retornos anormais positivos próximos aos dias que antecedem a data de efetivação do índice à nova carteira. Os resultados são invertidos para períodos de estimação superiores àquele de apuração do índice. Os volumes são anormalmente altos. A não persistência dos retornos anormais ao longo da janela de entrada é coerente com a hipótese de pressão de preços e pode ser considerada coerente com a forma de eficiência semiforte de mercado.
RESUMONeste trabalho, trata-se da mensuração do impacto da produção científica em Administração. Foram avaliados os Núcleos de Do centes Permanentes de seis programas brasileiros de pós-graduação, além de quatro programas estrangeiros, para efeito de referência. Os indicadores de impacto foram coletados a partir da base de dados do Google Scholar, com o apoio de um softwareespecífico. O indica dor utilizado na análise foi o índice H, criado por Jorge H. Hirsch. Constatou-se considerável diversidade entre os programas e entre os pesquisadores de cada programa brasileiro. Apenas pequena parcela dos pesquisadores dos programas analisados apresenta índices H próximos daqueles considerados adequados na literatura sobre o tema. Advoga-se que o índice H, combinado a outros indicadores de impacto, poderia ser utilizado para avaliar e definir ações para aperfeiçoamento dos programas locais de pós-graduação em Admi nistração, visando aumentar seu impacto na ciência.
La aterosclerosis cérvico-cerebral es una de las principales causas de ictus isquémico, y por tanto, de morbimortalidad en nuestro medio. La detección de la misma en su fase asintomática mediante instrumentos como la función REGICOR, el grosor íntima-media y el índice tobillo-brazo podría mejorar las estrategias de prevención primaria. Comprobamos que, en nuestra cohorte de 933 sujetos sin antecedentes cardiovasculares, los tres factores (REGICOR≥10, GIM≥0.9, ITB≤ 0.9) se asociaron de forma independiente con la presencia de aterosclerosis cérvico-cerebral y de cualquier localización (extracraneal-intracraneal-combinada). La utilización conjunta de REGICOR e ITB podría facilitar el diagnóstico precoz de la aterosclerosis cérvico-cerebral subclínica.
O estudo teve por objetivo identificar o Índice de Segurança Técnica (IST) da equipe de enfermagem da Unidade de Pediatria do Hospital Universitário da USP, no período de 2001 a 2005. Os percentuais de cada tipo de ausência, dos profissionais de enfermagem, foram obtidos junto ao Departamento de Enfermagem ou calculados com base nas equações propostas na literatura. O percentual de ausências por folgas correspondeu ao maior percentual de cobertura dos trabalhadores de enfermagem. Os percentuais totais de ausências não previstas foram inferiores àqueles referentes às ausências previstas, contrariando o discurso das enfermeiras que relacionam esse tipo de ausência como o principal responsável pela insuficiência de pessoal nas instituições de saúde. A variação dos ISTs apontou a importância de serem realizadas avaliações sistemáticas das ausências da equipe de enfermagem, assim como de se identificarem índices específicos das unidades, como subsídio para a avaliação do quadro de pessoal nas organizações de saúde.
Este artigo tem como objetivos descrever os processos de desenvolvimento conceitual e metodológico utilizados na criação do instrumento Ferrans and Powers Quality of Life Index (QLI) e disponibilizar a versão genérica atual adaptada para o português, visando ampliar a disseminação do seu uso em diferentes contextos e amostras da população brasileira. O QLI avalia a qualidade de vida de acordo com os níveis de satisfação e de importância atribuídos a quatro dimensões: Saúde/funcionamento, Psicológico/espiritual, Socioeconômico e Família. Aplicações prévias da versão em português (Índice de Qualidade de Vida de Ferrans e Powers) têm demonstrado que o instrumento pode ser utilizado em nosso meio como uma medida válida e confiável de qualidade de vida.