343 resultados para équité salariale
BACKGROUND: A possible strategy for increasing smoking cessation rates could be to provide smokers who have contact with healthcare systems with feedback on the biomedical or potential future effects of smoking, e.g. measurement of exhaled carbon monoxide (CO), lung function, or genetic susceptibility to lung cancer. OBJECTIVES: To determine the efficacy of biomedical risk assessment provided in addition to various levels of counselling, as a contributing aid to smoking cessation. SEARCH METHODS: For the most recent update, we searched the Cochrane Collaboration Tobacco Addiction Group Specialized Register in July 2012 for studies added since the last update in 2009. SELECTION CRITERIA: Inclusion criteria were: a randomized controlled trial design; subjects participating in smoking cessation interventions; interventions based on a biomedical test to increase motivation to quit; control groups receiving all other components of intervention; an outcome of smoking cessation rate at least six months after the start of the intervention. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two assessors independently conducted data extraction on each paper, with disagreements resolved by consensus. Results were expressed as a relative risk (RR) for smoking cessation with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Where appropriate, a pooled effect was estimated using a Mantel-Haenszel fixed-effect method. MAIN RESULTS: We included 15 trials using a variety of biomedical tests. Two pairs of trials had sufficiently similar recruitment, setting and interventions to calculate a pooled effect; there was no evidence that carbon monoxide (CO) measurement in primary care (RR 1.06, 95% CI 0.85 to 1.32) or spirometry in primary care (RR 1.18, 95% CI 0.77 to 1.81) increased cessation rates. We did not pool the other 11 trials due to the presence of substantial clinical heterogeneity. Of the remaining 11 trials, two trials detected statistically significant benefits: one trial in primary care detected a significant benefit of lung age feedback after spirometry (RR 2.12, 95% CI 1.24 to 3.62) and one trial that used ultrasonography of carotid and femoral arteries and photographs of plaques detected a benefit (RR 2.77, 95% CI 1.04 to 7.41) but enrolled a population of light smokers and was judged to be at unclear risk of bias in two domains. Nine further trials did not detect significant effects. One of these tested CO feedback alone and CO combined with genetic susceptibility as two different interventions; none of the three possible comparisons detected significant effects. One trial used CO measurement, one used ultrasonography of carotid arteries and two tested for genetic markers. The four remaining trials used a combination of CO and spirometry feedback in different settings. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: There is little evidence about the effects of most types of biomedical tests for risk assessment on smoking cessation. Of the fifteen included studies, only two detected a significant effect of the intervention. Spirometry combined with an interpretation of the results in terms of 'lung age' had a significant effect in a single good quality trial but the evidence is not optimal. A trial of carotid plaque screening using ultrasound also detected a significant effect, but a second larger study of a similar feedback mechanism did not detect evidence of an effect. Only two pairs of studies were similar enough in terms of recruitment, setting, and intervention to allow meta-analyses; neither of these found evidence of an effect. Mixed quality evidence does not support the hypothesis that other types of biomedical risk assessment increase smoking cessation in comparison to standard treatment. There is insufficient evidence with which to evaluate the hypothesis that multiple types of assessment are more effective than single forms of assessment.
BACKGROUND: A possible strategy for increasing smoking cessation rates could be to provide smokers who have contact with healthcare systems with feedback on the biomedical or potential future effects of smoking, e.g. measurement of exhaled carbon monoxide (CO), lung function, or genetic susceptibility to lung cancer. We reviewed systematically data on smoking cessation rates from controlled trials that used biomedical risk assessment and feedback. OBJECTIVES: To determine the efficacy of biomedical risk assessment provided in addition to various levels of counselling, as a contributing aid to smoking cessation. SEARCH STRATEGY: We systematically searched he Cochrane Collaboration Tobacco Addiction Group Specialized Register, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE (1966 to 2004), and EMBASE (1980 to 2004). We combined methodological terms with terms related to smoking cessation counselling and biomedical measurements. SELECTION CRITERIA: Inclusion criteria were: a randomized controlled trial design; subjects participating in smoking cessation interventions; interventions based on a biomedical test to increase motivation to quit; control groups receiving all other components of intervention; an outcome of smoking cessation rate at least six months after the start of the intervention. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two assessors independently conducted data extraction on each paper, with disagreements resolved by consensus. MAIN RESULTS: From 4049 retrieved references, we selected 170 for full text assessment. We retained eight trials for data extraction and analysis. One of the eight used CO alone and CO + Genetic Susceptibility as two different intervention groups, giving rise to three possible comparisons. Three of the trials isolated the effect of exhaled CO on smoking cessation rates resulting in the following odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI): 0.73 (0.38 to 1.39), 0.93 (0.62 to 1.41), and 1.18 (0.84 to 1.64). Combining CO measurement with genetic susceptibility gave an OR of 0.58 (0.29 to 1.19). Exhaled CO measurement and spirometry were used together in three trials, resulting in the following ORs (95% CI): 0.6 (0.25 to 1.46), 2.45 (0.73 to 8.25), and 3.50 (0.88 to 13.92). Spirometry results alone were used in one other trial with an OR of 1.21 (0.60 to 2.42).Two trials used other motivational feedback measures, with an OR of 0.80 (0.39 to 1.65) for genetic susceptibility to lung cancer alone, and 3.15 (1.06 to 9.31) for ultrasonography of carotid and femoral arteries performed in light smokers (average 10 to 12 cigarettes a day). AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Due to the scarcity of evidence of sufficient quality, we can make no definitive statements about the effectiveness of biomedical risk assessment as an aid for smoking cessation. Current evidence of lower quality does not however support the hypothesis that biomedical risk assessment increases smoking cessation in comparison with standard treatment. Only two studies were similar enough in term of recruitment, setting, and intervention to allow pooling of data and meta-analysis.
BACKGROUND: We assessed expectations to improve cardiovascular disease risk factors (CVD-RF) in participants to a health promotion program. PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: Blood pressure (BP), blood glucose (BG), blood total cholesterol (TC), body mass index (BMI), and self-reported smoking were assessed in 1,598 volunteers from the general public (men: 40%; mean age: 56.7 +/- 12.7 years) participating in a mobile health promotion program in the Vaud canton, Switzerland. Participants were asked about their expectation to have their CVD-RF improved at a next visit scheduled 2-3 years later. RESULTS: Expectation for improved control was found in 90% of participants with elevated BP, 91% with elevated BG, 45% with elevated TC, 44% who were overweight, and 35% who were smoking. Expectation for TC improvement was reported more often by men, persons with high level of TC, and persons who had consulted a doctor in the past 12 months. Expectations to lose weight and to quit smoking were found more often in younger persons than the older ones. CONCLUSION: Volunteers from the general population participating in a health promotion program expected improved control more often for hypertension and dysglycemia than for dyslipidemia, overweight and smoking.
Cet article présente un nouveau modèle de redistribution des aides sociales en France, le mécanisme de "l'allocation personnelle", fondé sur une nouvelle conception des mutuelles auxquelles est assigné un rôle de redistribution. L'enjeu de ce papier est de mettre en avant les fondements philosophiques qui sous-tendent cette nouvelle conception de la redistribution, en particulier la philosophie personnaliste.
Physicians are in a unique position to advise smokers to quit by the ability to integrate the various aspects of nicotine dependence. This review provides an overview of the intervention strategies for smokers presented in a primary care setting. The strategies that are used for smoking cessation counselling differ according to the patient's readiness to quit. For smokers who do not intend to give up smoking, physicians should inform about tobacco use and the benefits of cessation. For smokers who are dissonant, physicians should use motivational strategies, such as discussing the barriers to successful cessation and their solutions. For smokers who are ready to quit, the physician should show strong support, help set a date to quit, prescribe pharmaceutical therapies for nicotine dependence, such as nicotine replacement therapy (i.e., gum, transdermal patch, nasal spray, mouth inhaler, lozenges, and micro and sublingual tablets) and/or bupropion (an atypical antidepressant thought to work by blocking the neural re-uptake of dopamine and/or noradrenaline), with instructions for use, and suggest behavioural strategies to prevent relapse. The efficacy of all of these pharmacotherapies is comparable, roughly doubling the cessation rates over control conditions.
The Division of Tobacco Use Prevention and Control works to reduce tobacco use and the toll of tobacco-caused disease and death by preventing youth from starting, helping Iowans to quit, and preventing exposure to secondhand smoke. Tobacco is the leading preventable cause of death for Iowans, taking the lives of more than 4,400 adults each year. Estimated annual health care costs in Iowa directly related to tobacco use now total $1 billion.
Physicians are in a unique position to advice smokers to quit by the ability to integrate the various aspects of nicotine dependence. This review provides an overview of intervention with smokers presenting in a primary care setting. Strategies used for smoking cessation counseling differed according to patient's readiness to quit. For smokers who do not intend to quit smoking, physicians should inform and sensitize patients about tobacco use and cessation, especially by personalizing benefits to quit and challenging smokers 'beliefs. For smokers who are dissonant, physicians should use motivational strategies, such as discussing barriers to cessation and their solutions. For smokers ready to quit, the physician should show strong support, help set a quit date, prescribe pharmaceutical therapies for nicotine dependence, such as replacement therapy and/or bupropion, with instructions for use, and suggest behavioral strategies to prevent relapse.
Introduction La précarité définit ce dont l'avenir, la durée ou la solidité ne sont pas assurés. Elle se développe notamment lorsque le niveau socio-économique est défavorable. Elle se définit par rapport à la communauté et peut être matérielle ou relationnelle. Le rapport entre précarité et santé peut se comprendre sous l'angle des déterminants sociaux de la santé, énoncés en 2004 par l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) : les conditions et les habitudes de vie influencent l'état de santé. Ayant un large accès à la population, les médecins de premier recours (MPR) sont des témoins privilégiés de la précarité et des inégalités sociales. La littérature définit la mission des MPR, mais il est essentiel de connaître leurs points de vue sur la question de la précarité, dans la réalité pratique. Méthode Ce travail de recherche a débuté par une revue approfondie de la littérature concernant les problématiques psychosociales en médecine. Une approche qualitative était ensuite nécessaire, sous forme d'entrevues semidirigées avec cinq différents médecins de la région lausannoise, afin de réaliser un questionnaire à soumettre à 47 autres médecins de premier recours, dans l'ensemble de la Suisse Romande, après validation par la commission cantonale vaudoise d'éthique. Résultats Cette enquête met en évidence l'existence et l'importance de la problématique de la précarité au sein du système de santé en Suisse Romande. Difficile à cerner, complexe et multifactorielle, certains ont tenté de la définir mais chacun l'apprécie différemment selon son vécu et sa sensibilité. Hormis ceux qui renoncent aux soins ou qui recourent aux urgences en dernier recours, la population qui consulte les MPR comporte entre 10 et 20% de patients précaires, proportion en augmentation ces dernières années et dépendant de la localisation. Les MPR détectent la précarité grâce à l'anamnèse psychosociale et certains marqueurs extérieurs. Leurs points de vue sont au coeur de notre question initiale. Pour eux, c'est leur rôle de détecter et prendre en charge, du moins partiellement, la précarité. Ils réfèrent ensuite souvent les patients vers d'autres structures ou corps de métiers mieux spécialisés. Ils ressentent, selon les situations, de la frustration, du surmenage, de l'impuissance mais aussi de la satisfaction personnelle dans ce type de prise en charge. La précarité complique souvent la prise en charge médicale : elle influence la survenue ou l'évolution du problème de santé, augmente le temps de consultation pour les patients précaires, induit une tendance chez les MPR à adapter le traitement ou réaliser moins d'investigations complémentaires en raison des difficultés économiques des patients et entraîne souvent des factures impayées. Les pathologies ou problèmes de santé les plus fréquemment rencontrés dans ces populations sont les troubles dépressifs, les addictions, les douleurs chroniques et le syndrome métabolique. Enfin, au delà du simple constat, les MPR expriment certains besoins pour mieux faire face à la précarité : ils souhaiteraient entre autres un carnet d'adresses utiles, un score mesurant la précarité et une formation continue à ce sujet. Conclusion La précarité est un sujet d'actualité et peut notamment influencer l'état de santé des populations, et inversement. Les MPR sont des témoins essentiels de cette problématique et la clé de sa détection, de par leur accès à une large population. Connaître leurs points de vue paraît donc essentiel si l'on souhaite imaginer des interventions visant à réduire les inégalités en matière de santé, pour une meilleure équité des soins. Entre ce qu'ils ressentent et les problèmes concrets d'organisation des consultations de patients précaires, le risque est un certain renoncement aux soins de la part des médecins, qui accentuerait celui des patients déjà existant. Finalement, la pénurie grandissante des MPR nécessite également de mieux comprendre leur mission et leurs conditions de travail, afin d'aider à redéfinir l'avenir du métier, pour continuer à exister et détecter ces situations à prendre en charge, visant à restaurer une santé solide et équilibrée, physique, mentale et sociale.
La prévalence mondiale du tabagisme est environ cinq fois plus importante chez les hommes que chez les femmes, toutefois cet écart tend à s'égaliser. En ce qui concerne les conséquences sur la santé du tabagisme, les femmes semblent plus susceptibles que les hommes. Elles sont notamment plus à risque de présenter certains cancers pulmonaires ou de décéder de maladies cardiovasculaires. Si les hommes sont moins enclins à demander de l'aide pour arrêter de fumer, les femmes quant à elles ont moins de succès dans leurs tentatives d'arrêt et les traitements semblent moins efficaces chez ces dernières. Des interventions d'aide à l'arrêt et des mesures de prévention du tabagisme adaptées aux spécificités de genre ont le potentiel d'améliorer la prise en charge des fumeurs et de diminuer les disparités de genre en santé. Smoking prevalence is globally five times higher among men compared to women but this gap tends to decrease. Regarding health consequences of smoking, women tend to be more vulnerable than men. They are namely more at risk to present certain lung cancers and die of cardiovascular disease. While men are less prone to seek help for smoking cessation, women are less successful in their quit attempts and smoking cessation treatments are less effective among them. Interventions for smoking cessation and preventive measures tailored to gender specificities have the potential to improve management of smokers and decrease gender disparities in healthcare.
La prévalence mondiale du tabagisme est environ cinq fois plus importante chez les hommes que chez les femmes, toutefois cet écart tend à s'égaliser. En ce qui concerne les conséquences sur la santé du tabagisme, les femmes semblent plus susceptibles que les hommes. Elles sont notamment plus à risque de présenter certains cancers pulmonaires ou de décéder de maladies cardiovasculaires. Si les hommes sont moins enclins à demander de l'aide pour arrêter de fumer, les femmes quant à elles ont moins de succès dans leurs tentatives d'arrêt et les traitements semblent moins efficaces chez ces dernières. Des interventions d'aide à l'arrêt et des mesures de prévention du tabagisme adaptées aux spécificités de genre ont le potentiel d'améliorer la prise en charge des fumeurs et de diminuer les disparités de genre en santé. Smoking remains a major public health problem in Switzerland and is responsible for about 9000 deaths annually. In 2013, a quarter of the Swiss population (15 and over) were smokers and more than half of them wanted to quit smoking. This article provides an update of Swiss clinical practice guidelines published in 2011 and covers several new features, including views regarding smoking reduction, gradual quitting, use of nicotine replacement therapy for a short period prior to quitting, nicotine mouth spray marketing and the reimbursement of varenicline and bupropion treatments (under certain conditions) by basic health insurance. An algorithm summarizes the different stages of management of patients who smoke.
La méconnaissance des maladies rares, définies par une prévalence inférieure à 1/2000, a été à l'origine de situations parfois très invalidantes pour les patients. Les développements de ces dernières années, tant sur le plan de la clinique que de la biologie moléculaire et de la génétique, permettent de jeter un regard neuf sur ces pathologies et d'aborder leur prise en charge en se basant sur une approche multidisciplinaire. L'angiologie n'y fait pas exception et la collaboration entre l'angiologue et les autres spécialistes concernés est essentielle pour une démarche évolutive visant à optimaliser la prise en charge de ces pathologies Little is known about the effects of smoking on inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). However the co-occurrence of smoking and IBD often happens in ambulatory care. Smokers have a doubled risk of developing a Crohn's disease with a more active disease course. After quitting, a decrease in risk can be observed after only one year. An inverse relationship is found between smoking and ulcerative colitis. Smoking seems protective for the development of the disease and its course is less active among smokers. Smoking cessation transitorily increases the risk of developing ulcerative colitis. Nevertheless, continuing smoking cannot be justified among those patients given the risks of long-term extra-digestive effects. It is thus important to counsel all smokers with an IBD to quit smoking.
QUESTION UNDER STUDY: To test longitudinally differences in conventional cigarette use (cigarettes smoked, cessation, quit attempts) between vapers and nonvapers. METHODS: Fifteen months follow-up of a sample of 5 128 20-year-old Swiss men. The onset of conventional cigarette (CC) use among nonsmokers, and smoking cessation, quit attempts, changes in the number of CCs smoked among smokers at baseline were compared between vapers and nonvapers at follow-up, adjusted for nicotine dependence. RESULTS: Among baseline nonsmokers, vapers were more likely to start smoking at follow-up than nonvapers (odds ratio [OR] 6.02, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.81, 12.88 for becoming occasional smokers, and OR = 12.69, 95% CI 4.00, 40.28 for becoming daily smokers). Vapers reported lower smoking cessation rates among occasional smokers at baseline (OR = 0.43 (0.19, 0.96); daily smokers: OR = 0.42 [0.15, 1.18]). Vapers compared with nonvapers were heavier CC users (62.53 vs 18.10 cigarettes per week, p <0.001) and had higher nicotine dependence levels (2.16 vs 0.75, p <0.001) at baseline. The number of CCs smoked increased between baseline and follow-up among occasional smokers (b = 6.06, 95% CI 4.44, 7.68) and decreased among daily smokers (b = -5.03, 95% CI -8.69, -1.38), but there were no differential changes between vapers and nonvapers. Vapers showed more quit attempts at follow-up compared with nonvapers for baseline occasional smokers (incidence rate ratio [IRR] 1.81, 95% CI 1.24, 2.64; daily smokers IRR 1.28, 95% CI 0.95, 1.73). CONCLUSIONS: We found no beneficial effects of vaping at follow-up for either smoking cessation or smoking reduction.
Asthma, COPD, and asthma and COPD overlap syndrome (ACOS) are chronic pulmonary diseases with an obstructive component. In COPD, the obstruction is irreversible and the disease is progressive. The aim of the study was to define and analyze factors that affected disease progression and patients’ well-being, prognosis and mortality in Chronic Airway Disease (CAD) cohort. The main focus was on COPD and ACOS patients. Retrospective data from medical records was combined with genetic and prospective follow-up data. Smoking is the biggest risk factor for COPD and even after the diagnosis of the disease, smoking plays an important role in disease development and patient’s prognosis. Sixty percent of the COPD patients had succeeded in smoking cessation. Patients who had managed to quit smoking had lower mortality rates and less psychiatric diseases and alcohol abuse although they were older and had more cardiovascular diseases than patients who continued smoking. Genetic polymorphism rs1051730 in the nicotinic acethylcholine receptor gene (CHRNA3/5) associated with heavy smoking, cancer prevalence and mortality in two Finnish independent cohorts consisting of COPD patients and male smokers. Challenges in smoking cessation and higher mortality rates may be partly due to individual patient’s genetic composition. Approximately 50% of COPD patients are physically inactive and the proportion was higher among current smokers. Physically active and inactive patients didn’t differ from each other in regard to age, gender or comorbidities. Bronchial obstruction explained inactivity only in severe disease. Subjective sensation of dyspnea, however, had very strong association to inactivity and was also associated to low health related quality of life (HRQoL). ACOS patients had a significantly lower HRQoL than either the patients with asthma or with COPD even though they were younger than COPD patients, had better lung functions and smaller tobacco exposure.
The aim of this study was to explore adherence to treatment among people with psychotic disorders through the development of user-centered mobile technology (mHealth) intervention. More specifically, this study investigates treatment adherence as well as mHealth intervention and the factors related to its possible usability. The data were collected from 2010 to 2013. First, patients’ and professionals’ perceptions of adherence management and restrictive factors of adherence were described (n = 61). Second, objectives and methods of the intervention were defined based on focus group interviews and previously used methods. Third, views of patients and professionals about barriers and requirements of the intervention were described (n = 61). Fourth, mHealth intervention was evaluated based on a literature review (n = 2) and patients preferences regarding the intervention (n = 562). Adherence management required support in everyday activities, social networks and maintaining a positive outlook. The factors restricting adherence were related to illness, behavior and the environment. The objective of the intervention was to support the intention to follow the treatment guidelines and recommendations with mHealth technology. The barriers and requirements for the use of the mHealth were related to technology, organizational issues and the users themselves. During the course of the intervention, 33 (6%) out of 562 participants wanted to edit the content, timing or amount of the mHealth tool, and 23 (4%) quit the intervention or study before its conclusion. According to the review, mHealth interventions were ineffective in promoting adherence. Prior to the intervention, participants perceived that adherence could be supported, and the use of mHealth as a part of treatment was seen as an acceptable and efficient method for doing so. In conclusion, the use of mHealth may be feasible among people with psychotic disorders. However, clear evidence for its effectiveness in regards to adherence is still currently inconclusive.
Objective. Smoking prevalence is highest among the young adult cohort. Postsecondary students are no exception. Although many students intend to quit smoking, no research has established what methods best promote reductions in, or complete abstinence from smoking. This randomized controlled trial examined the effectiveness of three self-help smoking cessation interventions. Method. On six post-secondary campuses, 483 smokers who voluntarily accessed Leave The Pack Behind (a tobacco control initiative) were randomly assigned to one of three smoking cessation interventions: One Step At A Time (a 2-booklet, *gold standard' program for adults); Smoke|Quit (a newly-developed 2-booklet program for young adult students); and usual care (a 'Quit Kit' containing a booklet on stress management, information about pharmacological quitting aides and novelty items). All participants also received one proactive telephone support call from a peer counsellor. During the study, 85 participants withdrew. The final sample of 216 students who completed baseline questionnaires and 12-week follow-up telephone interviews was representative of the initial sample in terms of demographic characteristics, and smokingquitting- related variables. Results. Whether participants quit smoking depended upon treatment condition, ^(2, N=2\6) = 6.34, p = .04, with Smoke|Quit producing more successfijl quitters (18.4%) than One Step At A Time (4.5%) or the Quit Kit (1 1.4%). On average, participants had quit 53.46 days, with no significant difference across treatments. Selfefficacy also increased. Use of the intervention or other quitting aides was not associated with treatment condition. Among the 191 participants who did not quit smoking, treatment condition did not influence outcomes. Overall, 46.2% had made a quit attempt. Significant decreases in weekly tobacco consumption and increases in self-efficacy to resist smoking were observed from baseline to follow-up. Conclusion. Post-secondary institutions represent a potentially final opportunity for age-targeted interventions. Self-help resources tailored to students' social and contextual characteristics will have considerable more impact than stage-only tailored interventions. Both reduction and abstinence outcomes should be emphasized to positively support students to stop smoking.