1000 resultados para Índio, usos e costumes, Brasil
Este estudo visa apresentar os princípios gerais que regem a utilização dos recursos hídricos no Brasil e no Estado de São Paulo, destacando os instrumentos que regulamentam seu uso pelos múltiplos atores que dependem da água para a realização das mais variadas atividades, levando-se em consideração a legislação e demais normas e documentos elaborados e vigentes até o final do mês de maio de 2015. Será realizada pesquisa bibliográfica e documental e os dados serão tratados através da análise qualitativa de conteúdo. Afinal, como é a gestão da água no Estado de São Paulo e no Brasil, enquanto recurso, visando atender as necessidades heterogêneas dos atores que dele dependem para inúmeros usos? Buscar-se-á despertar o leitor para a relevância do tema neste momento em que atravessamos um cenário de escassez decorrente de uma série de fatores, dentre os quais destacam-se os gerenciais.
En el siguiente trabajo nos proponemos indagar sobre las transformaciones en el uso del suelo urbano a partir de la ley 2972, mediante la cual el Ministerio de Desarrollo Económico, crea el Distrito Tecnológico en la zona sur. El mismo estará ubicado en los barrios de Parque Patricios y Nueva Pompeya, en el polígono conformado por las avenidas Sáenz, Boedo, Chiclana, Sánchez de Loria, Brasil, las calles Alberti y Manuel García y la Av. Amancio Alcorta. Este Distrito contará con una serie de beneficios y exenciones para las empresas que allí se radiquen, además de la ventaja que implica la concentración geográfica de recursos y el aprovechamiento de economías de escala. En este sentido, a partir del caso concreto de Parque Patricio problematizaremos las formas de accionar del Estado a nivel local para promover cambios en los usos del suelo urbano, centrando la atención en las posibles consecuencias socio habitacionales para los residentes de aquel barrio
A dissertação elabora considerações reflexivas a respeito do canto coral como prática cultural social no protestantismo brasileiro. O texto direciona sua atenção para o canto coral e suas idiossincrasias a partir das bases da sociologia de Pierre Bourdieu e de sua aplicação às discussões sociológicas sobre o gosto como realidade social definida por tensões criadas no meio cultural, as quais se aplicam os conceitos de campo, habitus e capital. A prática cultural do canto coral é apresentada e um histórico é traçado desde suas origens até os dias atuais. O foco recai sobre os usos do canto coral pelas mais diferentes vertentes do protestantismo a fim de acompanhar os aspectos que se mostraram preponderantes quando da chegada dessa prática cultural ao Brasil e compreender fatos e personagens que fizeram com que o canto coral evangélico brasileiro tomasse os rumos históricos que o levaram a ocupar um posto de alto valor cultural dentro da cultura protestante no Brasil. Posteriormente, verificam-se os abalos ao canto coral causados por mudanças sociais que recaracterizaram profundamente o gosto musical no protestantismo pátrio. A discussão se encaminha para a análise das lutas que essas novas configurações estão estabelecendo dentro do campo religioso e às expressões dessas batalhas dentro de um mercado de bens simbólicos que as comporta e orienta. Visando determinar os sujeitos envolvidos, são apresentados os principais adversários do canto coral no campo evangélico brasileiro e, por fim, são delineados três projetos que, nas últimas décadas, têm alcançado impacto dentro do meio protestante como defensores do canto coral.
The demand side growth accounting studies the demand aggregate component contributions in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Traditionally, international and national organizations that uses the traditional method for calculating such contributions. However, this method does not take into account the effect the induction of imports by the various components of aggregate demand on the calculation of these. As an alternative to this method are presented others studies that consider this effect, as the alternative method proposed by Lara (2013), the attribution method, proposed by Kranendonk and Verbruggen (2005) and Hoekstra and van der Helm (2010), and the method the sraffian supermultiplier, by Freitas and Dweck (2013). Was made a summary of these methods, demonstrating the similarities and differences between them. Also, in the aim to contribute to the study of the subject was developed the “method of distribution of imports” that aims to distribute imports for the various components of aggregate demand, through the information set forth in the input-output matrices and tables of resources and uses. Were accounted the contributions to the growth of macroeconomic aggregates for Brazil from 2001 to 2009 using the method of distribution, and realized comparison with the traditional method, understanding the reasons for the differences in contributions. Later was done comparisons with all the methods presented in this work, between the calculated contributions to the growth of the components of aggregate demand and the domestic and external sectors. Was verified that the methods that exist in the literature was not enough to deal with this question, and given the alternatives for contributions to the growth presented throughout this work, it is believed that the method of distribution provides the best estimates for the account of contributions by aggregate demand sector. In particular, the main advantage of this method to the others is the breakdown of the contribution of imports, separated by aggregate demand component, which allows the analysis of contribution of each component to GDP growth. Thus, this type of analysis helps to study the pattern of growth of the Brazilian economy, not just the theoretical point of view, but also empirical and basis for the decision to economic policies
Artisanal fishing is one of the important economic activities of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), becoming the main form of survival and income for many families. The southern coast of RN has strong fishing tradition, both in exploitation of fish as in the collection of mollusks on the banks of Guaraíra Lagoon (APA Bonfim-Guaraíra). In recent years, fishing communities have become more vulnerable to outside influences, since the socio-economic and environmental changes are exposed. These changes require adjustments to the fishermen to different environmental conditions, as the social and natural systems are driven by reorganization and upgrading processes. The living conditions in fishing communities are objective and necessary in different ways, according to a selection that is cultural, so adaptable. This study has the general objective to analyze the main environmental changes in fishing communities, based on the understanding of fishermen and mollusk fisherwomen about this problem. The specific objectives searched to: describe the socioeconomic profile, prospects and difficulties of fishermen and mollusk fisherwomen; investigate the major social and environmental changes in the fishing communities of Patané and Camocim (Arez/RN). The methodology was qualitative-quantitative with the techniques of observation in the field and open and semistructured interviews applied to representatives of Cologne fishing, fishermen and mollusk fisherwomen. Between the months of January to July 2014 were applied semistructured interviews with 41 interlocutors in Patané and 23 of Camocim; totaling 64 people. The results indicated that the interlocutors are aged 40 to 60 years; have only completed elementary school level; are married and have children; survive on less than a minimum wage income and they are not receiving employment insurance. The case study also revealed that the socioeconomic and environmental problems reflected in changes in reproduction, organization and social division of labor, which generates adaptive changes of families to external influences, resulting directly from other economic activities and market pressure and indirectly from tourism. Therefore, adaptations to changes scenario presented as favorable to economic aspects and unfavorable to the social and environmental aspects. In short, the fishery develops on technical, bureaucratic and financial obstacles, in the everyday needs of men and women is the determining factor in willingness to continue exercising fishing and shell fishing on Guaraíra Lagoon, space representing relations social, practices and customs transmitted in the course of local history through social memory of the oldest to the youngest.
Nous nous proposons à analyser les usages politiques que le groupe lié au gouvernement Aluízio Alves a fait d’un complexe d’habitation s’appelé Cidade da Esperança, qui a été construit en Natal dans les années 1960. Ce nouvel espace a été utilisé pour solutionner la crise d’habitation dans la capital, dont le número de personne augmentait fortement. Cette élévation, néanmoins, n’a été pas accompagné pari passu pour l’expansion de l’offre des maisons pour le marché et ce pénurie se transformer dans un problème social e politique. La Cidade da Esperança, alors, a été une réponse de l’État à la population et entre ces dynamiques, le groupe du gouvernement Aluízio Alves a su explorer la question parce qu’il a utilisé l’espace pour négocier avec differents agentes sociaux et il aussi a réussi élire Agnelo Alves, le diretor de la construction, à maire de Natal. Par la construction de cette analyse nous utilisons le journal gouvernamental Tribuna do Norte et le journal catholique A Ordem. Ils ont représenté dans ces pages les problèmes de pénurie des maisons et aussi les appropriations de la Cidade da Esperança. Pour ça nous pouvons reconstruire ces processus historiques. Pour les journaux est possible connaître du quotidien des travaux, les actions des sujets réponsable et les tensions politiques du groupe aluizista avec l’autre lié à Dinarte Mariz. Ainsi, ils possibilites l’étude de l’utilisation de la Cidade da Esperança dans l’intérieur d’une réseau des tensions et l’examen de la recherche pour legitimité dans un champ politique très poralisé.
This work is the result of a master’s program research developed in the post graduation program in music at the Music School of the UFRN ( Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte) under the orientation of Dr. Andre Luiz Muniz de Oliveira which aimed at making a reflexion about regency gestures and its implications about the objective and subjective elements of the performance connected to a number of regency tools concieved in accordance with the tradition of historic music. As a tool for gestual analysis we’ve used the Harold Farbermann PatternCube method. We’ve used videos from conductors Pierre Boulez e Valery Gergiev, both conducting Igor Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring. In the analysis of the videos we’ve observed the technical use of the gestual aparatus instead of the use of musical gestures fundamented in Hatten. The research showed us the importance of the use of analitical tools in helping subsidise a direction in performance in regency.
Reservoirs are artificial ecosystems intermediate between rivers and lakes widely used in the Brazilian semiarid region as a way to provide water supply due to the said region’s water scarcity. The use of water from these supply sources for multiple uses, along with occupation and utilization of its riparian zone without proper management, directly influences the increased nutrient flow into aquatic environments, there with contributing to the acceleration of eutrophication. The semi-arid region is characterized by peculiar weather conditions, such as severe evaporation, high temperatures with little variation throughout the year and long water residence time, making it susceptible to prolonged drought occurrence, which tends to concentrate the nutrients in reservoirs, which favors the development of eutrophic conditions. Moreover, it is common soil use and occupation by carrying out activities with potential environmental impact on natural resources such as agriculture, livestock farming and lack of sanitation. The aim of this study is both to evaluate the water quality of the Cruzeta Reservoir, located in the semiarid region of Rio Grande do Norte, during a prolonged drought period, and assess the quality of its riparian zone soil under different uses, by monitoring physical-chemical variables. Along the prolonged drought, high levels of turbidity, suspended solids, nutrients and chlorophyll a were verified as present, therefore featuring low water quality. In the riparian zone of Cruzeta Reservoir, the areas under use of agriculture and livestock farming appeared as one of the main diffuse sources of nutrients to the said reservoir, featuring the highest levels of phosphorus and nitrogen in the soil, originated from decomposition of animal excreta and from the use of fertilizers, creating a tendency to increased eutrophication of such water supply source. The indicators of water and soil quality are useful for monitoring and evaluating the conservation status of natural resources, allowing the control and mitigation of the reservoir eutrophication process. This study confirmed the hypothesis that the reduction of water level, resulting from prolonged drought event, aggravates the symptoms of eutrophication; and also that using the soil under severalways modifies the physic chemical properties of the soil, having livestock farming and agriculture as the usages with greatest potential towards yielding P and N to the aquatic environment.
The solidary economy as the organization of production, alternative to the capitalist economy provides new forms of organization and social behavior, that, in the sight of geography, it is shown by the different territory uses. The territory assume new meanings that, influenced by the Solidary Economy movement, tries to reach for new ways of acting that differ from social order already stablished. However, the different uses show themselves in a more complex and contradictory way, given that, in solidary undertakings, different corporative agents start to act, the State being a last resource on this process. Given this reality, our goal on the present paper is to analyze the different uses of the territory from the rural economic solidary undertakings and the relationship it establishes to the different agents involved on the socio-territorial dynamics on Rio Grande do Norte. Starting from a study that contemplates the territorial organization forms and contents of the analyzed phenomena, the methodology utilized for this research is based on a bibliographic review, with authors from the geography and areas related to the Solidary Economy, besides the use of secondary data, acquired from official offices such as SIES and IBGE, from the documented research, SENAES and field interviews conducted with local solidary undertakings. The results obtained in the study reveal the complexity of the agricultural use of the territory by Solidary Economy on the RN, while a resource of intensified use, from the state actions and important economical agents, and regulating the use while shelter, that marginalize solidary workers, making them subdued to the hegemonic logic. Therefore, we can infer that the solidary economy, despite its image of new form of organization between agricultural workers, given the expressivity of the rural solidary undertakings presented on RN, it hasn’t shown a full social development as an instrument of reproduction and emancipation of the associates. Nevertheless, the undertakings articulated in nets excel, even when considering its punctual and residual form. The given contradictions show that it is necessary to fortify the building of the solidary economy as being horizontal and popular based for it to have strength to surpass the regulative actions of the capitalist state and ownership created by the Capital.
This dissertation addresses issues considered essential for sustainable development of urban waterfronts and beaches. Many of these spaces, even though they are of public authorities, economic market and general population interests - due to its landscape, its importance for recreation purposes and as a basis of " Sun and beach Tourism " (Turismo de Sol e Praia), among other factors - have shown aesthetic, health and cultural degradation, entailing environmental, economic and social losses and conflicts. Based on this perception, the research aims to understand the main reasons for these negative results for beach spaces. To this end, it was chosen the case study of a typical urban beach, Ponta Negra Beach, located in Natal, RN. Ponta Negra is associated with the "postcard" of the city and it has been deserving of municipal urban planning legislation that legally recognizes the importance of its landscape. Also it has received constant investments by the Government through urban projects, arguing to leave the site attractive to its users. Nevertheless, in the last fifteen years, the beach has lived with the expansion of its problems, such as those related to bathing water, to coastal erosion, and to the mangling of its natural surroundings. Social conflicts have also been frequent in this time frame: conflicts between residents of the waterfront and traders who work on the beach, between the traders themselves, between the managers of space and fishermen, between managers and formal and informal traders. Many of these social and environmental conflicts have taken such grand proportions that became legal matters. Assuming that the problems identified are related to the issue of rationality - understood as a system of values, norms and actions that relate means and ends - and upholding the need for focused research on "environmental rationality" to understand and interpret the dynamics of social and environmental problems encountered on site, the research that guides the study relies on the Mexican economist Enrique Leff's theory on "environmental rationality" which, briefly, can be defined as a system of values, norms, actions and means and ends relations based on the principles of environmental management and sustainable development. Among other aspects, rationality encompasses cross-sectional planning of public administration, the participation of society in the management of environmental resources, interdisciplinary reorganization of knowledge, the clash of opposing interests and the conciliation of common goals of different social actors. The study evaluates the relationship between "environmental rationality", as proposed by Enrique Leff, with the management, urban interventions and uses observed in Ponta Negra Beach. For that, some benchmarks were established and considered in the research as related to sustainable development of the "beachy" atmosphere. Analytical instruments chosen were the urban transformations and the environmental and social problems that have been the target of lawsuits. Also part of the study, the problems that were the subject of civil investigations, which are investigation procedures carried out by the Prosecutor's Office.
This dissertation addresses issues considered essential for sustainable development of urban waterfronts and beaches. Many of these spaces, even though they are of public authorities, economic market and general population interests - due to its landscape, its importance for recreation purposes and as a basis of " Sun and beach Tourism " (Turismo de Sol e Praia), among other factors - have shown aesthetic, health and cultural degradation, entailing environmental, economic and social losses and conflicts. Based on this perception, the research aims to understand the main reasons for these negative results for beach spaces. To this end, it was chosen the case study of a typical urban beach, Ponta Negra Beach, located in Natal, RN. Ponta Negra is associated with the "postcard" of the city and it has been deserving of municipal urban planning legislation that legally recognizes the importance of its landscape. Also it has received constant investments by the Government through urban projects, arguing to leave the site attractive to its users. Nevertheless, in the last fifteen years, the beach has lived with the expansion of its problems, such as those related to bathing water, to coastal erosion, and to the mangling of its natural surroundings. Social conflicts have also been frequent in this time frame: conflicts between residents of the waterfront and traders who work on the beach, between the traders themselves, between the managers of space and fishermen, between managers and formal and informal traders. Many of these social and environmental conflicts have taken such grand proportions that became legal matters. Assuming that the problems identified are related to the issue of rationality - understood as a system of values, norms and actions that relate means and ends - and upholding the need for focused research on "environmental rationality" to understand and interpret the dynamics of social and environmental problems encountered on site, the research that guides the study relies on the Mexican economist Enrique Leff's theory on "environmental rationality" which, briefly, can be defined as a system of values, norms, actions and means and ends relations based on the principles of environmental management and sustainable development. Among other aspects, rationality encompasses cross-sectional planning of public administration, the participation of society in the management of environmental resources, interdisciplinary reorganization of knowledge, the clash of opposing interests and the conciliation of common goals of different social actors. The study evaluates the relationship between "environmental rationality", as proposed by Enrique Leff, with the management, urban interventions and uses observed in Ponta Negra Beach. For that, some benchmarks were established and considered in the research as related to sustainable development of the "beachy" atmosphere. Analytical instruments chosen were the urban transformations and the environmental and social problems that have been the target of lawsuits. Also part of the study, the problems that were the subject of civil investigations, which are investigation procedures carried out by the Prosecutor's Office.
The study proposes to present a discussion about the value of cachaça as a cultural heritage and its relation with the touristic activities in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. Based on a discussion originated from historic studies related to the touristic sector, especially when it comes to gastronomy, cachaça is defined not only as an important instrument to the construction of identities, but, also, as an element able to weave social, political and economic relations. Therefore, a touristic product that can provide new destinations. The research was made through five alembics located on the East and Seridó regions of Rio Grande do Norte. To define the focus, it is necessary to refine this selection, especially when dealing with historical facts and memories from these establishment owners. Thus, it becomes necessary to consider the alembic trajectory, periods of larger productions and insertion in the touristic market. Through documental data collection and observations made in field tours, the research has a qualitative approach with descriptive and exploratory goal, methodology that allows us to approach issues around articulations among heritage, identity and tourism. "It was concluded that the state of Rio Grande do Norte has many tourist routes where handmade cachaça produced in the State can be inserted in any of these routes due to its potential searched in the research, as well as, it is possible to work in other perspective when it comes to ways of protecting this patrimony and strategies of incentive of the activity for the development and appreciation of local economy.
In this work a chitosan (CS) ionically crosslinked were manufactured by treatment with sulfuric acid solution for application in the treatment of wastewater from oil industry. Two crosslinking process were developed: homogeneous and heterogeneous. In the homogeneous process the ratio molar of SO42-/ NH3+ (1:6 and 1:4) were the variable analyzed, denominated CS16 and CS14 respectively. In the heterogeneous process the soaking time of the membranes in sulfuric acid solution were the variable studied, being used times of 5 (CS5) and 30 (CS30) minutes. FTIR-ATR results indicated no changes in the characteristics of chitosan after homogeneous crosslinking process, while heterogeneous crosslinking showed formation of ionic bonds between protonated groups from chitosan and the crosslinking agent sulfate ions. TG/DTG and XRD analysis confirmed the formation of these interactions, as also shown the new structure on the surface region of CS5 and CS30 membranes compared to CS, CS16 e CS14. Swelling test in aqueous medium have shown that crosslinking process reduced the membrane sorption capacity. Swelling test in acid medium demonstrated that CS16 and CS14 membranes increasing the adsorption capacity up to a maximum percentage of 140% approximately, whereas the CS5 e CS30 reached a maximum of 60%. The mechanical properties indicated the stiff and ductile behavior of crosslinked membrane. Adsorption experiments of CuCl2 results that CS16 membranes reached the efficiency maximum with 73% of copper removal at pH 5.0 and 87% at pH 4.0. The experiments with CuSO4 also obtained efficiency maximum to the CS16 membrane and 80% to the removal of Cu2+ ions. Also was verified that the increase of concentration and temperature cause a decrease in the adsorption capacity for all membranes. Kinetics study indicated that pseudo-second-order obtained characterized better the membranes. Equilibrium studies demonstrated that the CS, CS16 and CS14 follow the Langmuir model, whereas CS5 and CS30 follows Freundlich model. Filtration experiments results with rejection maximum to the CS16 and CS5 membranes, reaching 92 and 98% respectively.
In this work a chitosan (CS) ionically crosslinked were manufactured by treatment with sulfuric acid solution for application in the treatment of wastewater from oil industry. Two crosslinking process were developed: homogeneous and heterogeneous. In the homogeneous process the ratio molar of SO42-/ NH3+ (1:6 and 1:4) were the variable analyzed, denominated CS16 and CS14 respectively. In the heterogeneous process the soaking time of the membranes in sulfuric acid solution were the variable studied, being used times of 5 (CS5) and 30 (CS30) minutes. FTIR-ATR results indicated no changes in the characteristics of chitosan after homogeneous crosslinking process, while heterogeneous crosslinking showed formation of ionic bonds between protonated groups from chitosan and the crosslinking agent sulfate ions. TG/DTG and XRD analysis confirmed the formation of these interactions, as also shown the new structure on the surface region of CS5 and CS30 membranes compared to CS, CS16 e CS14. Swelling test in aqueous medium have shown that crosslinking process reduced the membrane sorption capacity. Swelling test in acid medium demonstrated that CS16 and CS14 membranes increasing the adsorption capacity up to a maximum percentage of 140% approximately, whereas the CS5 e CS30 reached a maximum of 60%. The mechanical properties indicated the stiff and ductile behavior of crosslinked membrane. Adsorption experiments of CuCl2 results that CS16 membranes reached the efficiency maximum with 73% of copper removal at pH 5.0 and 87% at pH 4.0. The experiments with CuSO4 also obtained efficiency maximum to the CS16 membrane and 80% to the removal of Cu2+ ions. Also was verified that the increase of concentration and temperature cause a decrease in the adsorption capacity for all membranes. Kinetics study indicated that pseudo-second-order obtained characterized better the membranes. Equilibrium studies demonstrated that the CS, CS16 and CS14 follow the Langmuir model, whereas CS5 and CS30 follows Freundlich model. Filtration experiments results with rejection maximum to the CS16 and CS5 membranes, reaching 92 and 98% respectively.
Tendo como recorte o Vale do Cariri nos anos de 1930 a 1950, esta pesquisa visa contribuir para a história da inserção da Igreja Batista Regular no Brasil. A referência ao Vale do Cariri é necessária para captar o contexto e as relações sociais vigentes na chegada do missionário batista regular ao local. A inserção batista regular em solo brasileiro, mais especificamente em Juazeiro do Norte, de certa forma, se deu em terreno já preparado com a religiosidade nordestina construída num longo período. Tentamos observar os costumes, as crenças, as dores, os medos e os sonhos do carirense, como ponto de partida para identificarmos suas ações e reações à nova religiosidade oferecida pelos batistas regulares. Intentamos mostrar que o espaço deixado por Pe. Cícero e certa semelhança entre algumas posturas do missionário batista com aquelas do padre carismático foram pontos fundamentais para inserção e posterior institucionalização dos batistas regulares no nordeste brasileiro.