842 resultados para wireless sensors network
La gestión del conocimiento (KM) es el proceso de recolectar datos en bruto para su análisis y filtrado, con la finalidad de obtener conocimiento útil a partir de dichos datos. En este proyecto se pretende hacer un estudio sobre la gestión de la información en las redes de sensores inalámbricos como inicio para sentar las bases para la gestión del conocimiento en las mismas. Las redes de sensores inalámbricos (WSN) son redes compuestas por sensores (también conocidos como motas) distribuidos sobre un área, cuya misión es monitorizar una o varias condiciones físicas del entorno. Las redes de sensores inalámbricos se caracterizan por tener restricciones de consumo para los sensores que utilizan baterías, por su capacidad para adaptarse a cambios y ser escalables, y también por su habilidad para hacer frente a fallos en los sensores. En este proyecto se hace un estudio sobre la gestión de la información en redes de sensores inalámbricos. Se comienza introduciendo algunos conceptos básicos: arquitectura, pila de protocolos, topologías de red, etc.… Después de esto, se ha enfocado el estudio hacia TinyDB, el cual puede ser considerado como parte de las tecnologías más avanzadas en el estado del arte de la gestión de la información en redes de sensores inalámbricos. TinyDB es un sistema de procesamiento de consultas para extraer información de una red de sensores. Proporciona una interfaz similar a SQL y permite trabajar con consultas contra la red de sensores inalámbricos como si se tratara de una base de datos tradicional. Además, TinyDB implementa varias optimizaciones para manejar los datos eficientemente. En este proyecto se describe también la implementación de una sencilla aplicación basada en redes de sensores inalámbricos. Las motas en la aplicación son capaces de medir la corriente a través de un cable. El objetivo de esta aplicación es monitorizar el consumo de energía en diferentes zonas de un área industrial o doméstico, utilizando redes de sensores inalámbricas. Además, se han implementado las optimizaciones más importantes que se han aprendido en el análisis de la plataforma TinyDB. Para desarrollar esta aplicación se ha utilizado como sensores la plataforma open-source de creación de prototipos electrónicos Arduino, y el ordenador de placa reducida Raspberry Pi como coordinador. ABSTRACT. Knowledge management (KM) is the process of collecting raw data for analysis and filtering, to get a useful knowledge from this data. In this project the information management in wireless sensor networks is studied as starting point before knowledge management. Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are networks which consists of sensors (also known as motes) distributed over an area, to monitor some physical conditions of the environment. Wireless sensor networks are characterized by power consumption constrains for sensors which are using batteries, by the ability to be adaptable to changes and to be scalable, and by the ability to cope sensor failures. In this project it is studied information management in wireless sensor networks. The document starts introducing basic concepts: architecture, stack of protocols, network topology… After this, the study has been focused on TinyDB, which can be considered as part of the most advanced technologies in the state of the art of information management in wireless sensor networks. TinyDB is a query processing system for extracting information from a network of sensors. It provides a SQL-like interface and it lets us to work with queries against the wireless sensor network like if it was a traditional database. In addition, TinyDB implements a lot of optimizations to manage data efficiently. In this project, it is implemented a simple wireless sensor network application too. Application’s motes are able to measure amperage through a cable. The target of the application is, by using a wireless sensor network and these sensors, to monitor energy consumption in different areas of a house. Additionally, it is implemented the most important optimizations that we have learned from the analysis of TinyDB platform. To develop this application it is used Arduino open-source electronics prototyping platform as motes, and Raspberry Pi single-board computer as coordinator.
La calidad del hormigón prefabricado se determina mediante ensayos de rotura a compresión en probetas transcurridos los 28 días de curado, según establece la EHE-08. Sin embargo, en la plantas de prefabricados es necesario además saber cuándo el hormigón está listo para ser procesado (destensado, cortado, trasladado), por lo que es necesario hacer ensayos de resistencia a la compresión entre las 48 y 72 horas, este tiempo se determina a partir de la experiencia previa adquirida y depende de las condiciones de cada planta. Si las probetas no han alcanzado el valor establecido, normalmente debido a un cambio en las condiciones climatológicas o en los materiales utilizados como el tipo de cemento o agregados, la solución adoptada suele ser dejar curar el material más horas en la pista para que alcance la resistencia necesaria para ser procesado. Si sigue sin alcanzarla, lo cual sucede muy ocasionalmente, se intenta analizar cuál ha sido el motivo, pudiéndose tirar toda la producción de ese día si se comprueba que ha sido un fallo en la fabricación de la línea, y no un fallo de la probeta. Por tanto, esta metodología de control de calidad, basada en técnicas destructivas, supone dos tipos de problemas, costes y representatividad. Los métodos no destructivos que más se han aplicado para caracterizar el proceso de curado del hormigón son los ultrasónicos y la medida de la temperatura como se recoge en la bibliografía consultada. Hay diferentes modelos que permiten establecer una relación entre la temperatura y el tiempo de curado para estimar la resistencia a compresión del material, y entre la velocidad de propagación ultrasónica y la resistencia. Aunque estas relaciones no son generales, se han obtenido muy buenos resultados, ejemplo de ello es el modelo basado en la temperatura, Maturity Method, que forma parte de la norma de la ASTM C 1074 y en el mercado hay disponibles equipos comerciales (maturity meters) para medir el curado del hormigón. Además, es posible diseñar sistemas de medida de estos dos parámetros económicos y robustos; por lo cual es viable la realización de una metodología para el control de calidad del curado que pueda ser implantado en las plantas de producción de prefabricado. En este trabajo se ha desarrollado una metodología que permite estimar la resistencia a la compresión del hormigón durante el curado, la cual consta de un procedimiento para el control de calidad del prefabricado y un sistema inalámbrico de sensores para la medida de la temperatura y la velocidad ultrasónica. El procedimiento para el control de calidad permite realizar una predicción de la resistencia a compresión a partir de un modelo basado en la temperatura de curado y otros dos basados en la velocidad, método de tiempo equivalente y método lineal. El sistema inalámbrico de sensores desarrollado, WilTempUS, integra en el mismo dispositivo sensores de temperatura, humedad relativa y ultrasonidos. La validación experimental se ha realizado mediante monitorizaciones en probetas y en las líneas de prefabricados. Los resultados obtenidos con los modelos de estimación y el sistema de medida desarrollado muestran que es posible predecir la resistencia en prefabricados de hormigón en planta con errores comparables a los aceptables por norma en los ensayos de resistencia a compresión en probetas. ABSTRACT Precast concrete quality is determined by compression tests breakage on specimens after 28 days of curing, as established EHE-08. However, in the precast plants is also necessary to know when the concrete is ready to be processed (slack, cut, moved), so it is necessary to test the compressive strength between 48 and 72 hours. This time is determined from prior experience and depends on the conditions of each plant. If the samples have not reached the set value, usually due to changes in the weather conditions or in the materials used as for example the type of cement or aggregates, the solution usually adopted is to cure the material on track during more time to reach the required strength for processing. If the material still does not reach this strength, which happens very occasionally, the reason of this behavior is analyzed , being able to throw the entire production of that day if there was a failure in the manufacturing line, not a failure of the specimen. Therefore, this method of quality control, using destructive techniques, involves two kinds of problems, costs and representativeness. The most used non-destructive methods to characterize the curing process of concrete are those based on ultrasonic and temperature measurement as stated in the literature. There are different models to establish a relationship between temperature and the curing time to estimate the compressive strength of the material, and between the ultrasonic propagation velocity and the compressive strength. Although these relationships are not general, they have been very successful, for example the Maturity Method is based on the temperature measurements. This method is part of the standards established in ASTM C 1074 and there are commercial equipments available (maturity meters) in the market to measure the concrete curing. Furthermore, it is possible to design inexpensive and robust systems to measure ultrasounds and temperature. Therefore is feasible to determine a method for quality control of curing to be implanted in the precast production plants. In this work, it has been developed a methodology which allows to estimate the compressive strength of concrete during its curing process. This methodology consists of a procedure for quality control of the precast concrete and a wireless sensor network to measure the temperature and ultrasonic velocity. The procedure for quality control allows to predict the compressive strength using a model based on the curing temperature and two other models based on ultrasonic velocity, the equivalent time method and the lineal one. The wireless sensor network, WilTempUS, integrates is the same device temperature, relative humidity and ultrasonic sensors. The experimental validation has been carried out in cubic specimens and in the production plants. The results obtained with the estimation models and the measurement system developed in this thesis show that it is possible to predict the strength in precast concrete plants with errors within the limits of the standards for testing compressive strength specimens.
This paper presents a communication interface between supervisory low-cost mobile robots and domestic Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) based on the Zig Bee protocol from different manufacturers. The communication interface allows control and communication with other network devices using the same protocol. The robot can receive information from sensor devices (temperature, humidity, luminosity) and send commands to actuator devices (lights, shutters, thermostats) from different manufacturers. The architecture of the system, the interfaces and devices needed to establish the communication are described in the paper.
The Internet of Things makes use of a huge disparity of technologies at very different levels that help one to the other to accomplish goals that were previously regarded as unthinkable in terms of ubiquity or scalability. If the Internet of Things is expected to interconnect every day devices or appliances and enable communications between them, a broad range of new services, applications and products can be foreseen. For example, monitoring is a process where sensors have widespread use for measuring environmental parameters (temperature, light, chemical agents, etc.) but obtaining readings at the exact physical point they want to be obtained from, or about the exact wanted parameter can be a clumsy, time-consuming task that is not easily adaptable to new requirements. In order to tackle this challenge, a proposal on a system used to monitor any conceivable environment, which additionally is able to monitor the status of its own components and heal some of the most usual issues of a Wireless Sensor Network, is presented here in detail, covering all the layers that give it shape in terms of devices, communications or services.
Una red inalámbrica de sensores (Wireless Sensor Network, WSN) constituye un sistema de comunicación de datos flexible utilizado como alternativa a las redes cableadas o como extensión de éstas y está compuesta por elementos de cómputo, medición y comunicación, que permiten al administrador instrumentar, observar y reaccionar a eventos y fenómenos en un ambiente específico. Una de las aplicaciones de estas redes es su uso en sistemas de predicción y prevención de incendios en áreas naturales. Su implementación se basa en el despliegue de sensores inalámbricos, realizado en una zona de riesgo de incendio para que puedan recolectar información sobre parámetros ambientales como temperatura, humedad, luz o presión, entre otros. Desde una estación base (o nodo "sumidero"), se suministra la información de los sensores a un centro de monitorización y control de forma estructurada. En este centro la información recibida puede ser analizada, procesada y visualizada en tiempo real. Desde este centro de control se puede controlar también la red WSN modificando el comportamiento de los sensores según el nivel de riesgo de incendio detectado. Este proyecto se basa en el diseño, implementación y despliegue de una red inalámbrica de sensores en un entorno simulado para observar su comportamiento en diferentes situaciones y mostrar su eficacia ante un posible caso de incendio. La implementación de este sistema denominado Sistema de Estimación de Riesgo de Incendio Utilizando una WSN (SERIUW) , junto con el desarrollado, en paralelo, de otro proyecto denominado Sistema de Control y Visualización de Información sobre Riesgo de Incendio (SCVIRI) que implementa las funciones de los centros de monitorización y control, conforman un Sistema de Anticipación y Seguimiento de Fuegos (SASF). Se han realizado pruebas de funcionalidad y eficacia, incluidas en la presente memoria del sistema unitario de en conjunto (ambos proyectos), en un entorno controlado simulado. Este sistema es una solución para la lucha contra los incendios forestales ya que predice y previene, de forma temprana, posibles incendios en las áreas naturales bajo supervisión. Ante un evento de incendio declarado este sistema es un poderoso instrumento de apoyo permitiendo, por un lado, generar alertas automáticas (con localización y gravedad de fuegos detectados) y por el otro, hacer un seguimiento del incendio con mapas en tiempo real (con su consecuente apoyo para la protección e información con las brigadas de bomberos en las zonas activas). ABSTRACT. A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a flexible data communication system used as an alternative to wired networks or as an extension of them and consists of nodes that perform calculation, measurement and communication activities. This allows the administrator to observe and react to events and phenomena in a specific environment. One application of these networks is fire prediction and prevention in natural areas. Its implementation is based on a deployment of wireless sensors, in a fire risk area, capable of collecting information such as temperature, humidity, luminance and pressure. A base station (or "sink") sends the collected information to a monitoring and control center following a structured format. At this center, the information received can be analyzed, processed and displayed in real time with monitoring systems. From this control center the WSN can also be controlled by changing the sensors behavior according to the level of fire risk detection. This project is based on the design, implementation and deployment of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) in a simulated environment in order to observe its behavior in different situations and show its effectiveness against a possible fire environment. The implementation of this system called SERIUW, has been done in parallel with other system, called SCVIRI, which has been developed in another project that implements the functions of monitoring and control center. Together, these two systems, make up a general system of anticipation and monitoring of fires. Functionality and performance tests have been performed on the overall system, in a controlled and simulated environment. The results of these tests are included in this document. The global system is a solution to fight the forest fires because it makes it easier to predict and prevent, early, possible fires in natural areas under supervision. This sytem can be a powerful tool since, before a fire event is declared, it generates automatic alerts (including location and severity information) and allows the real-time motorization of fire evolution integrated with maps. This could be also very useful for the support protection and information of fire brigades in zones in which a fire is already active.
Una red inalámbrica de sensores (Wireless Sensor Network, WSN) constituye un sistema de comunicación de datos flexible utilizado como alternativa a las redes cableadas o como extensión de éstas. Una de las aplicaciones de estas redes es para su uso en sistemas de predicción y prevención de incendios en áreas naturales. Su implementación se basa en el despliegue de sensores inalámbricos, realizado en una zona de riesgo de incendio que puedan recolectar información tal como temperatura, humedad y presión. Desde una estación base (o nodo "sumidero"), se suministra la información de los sensores a un centro de monitorización y control de forma estructurada. En estos centros la información recibida puede ser analizada, procesada y visualizada en tiempo real. Desde este centro de control se puede controlar también la red WSN modificando el comportamiento de los sensores según el nivel de riesgo de incendio detectado. Este proyecto se basa en el diseño, desarrollo e implementación de un Sistema de Control y Visualización de Información sobre Riesgo de Incendio (SCVIRI), que implementa las funciones de los centros de monitorización y control. La implementación de este sistema, junto con el desarrollado, en paralelo, de otro proyecto denominado Sistema de Estimación de Riesgo de Incendio Utilizando una WSN (SERIUW) que implementa la emulación de la red WSN, conforman un sistema general de anticipación y seguimiento de Fuegos. Se han realizado pruebas de funcionalidad y eficacia, incluidas en la presente memoria del sistema general (ambos proyectos), en un entorno controlado simulado. Este sistema es una solución para la lucha contra los incendios forestales ya que predice y previene, de forma temprana, posibles incendios en las áreas naturales bajo supervisión. Ante un evento de incendio declarado este sistema es un poderoso instrumento de apoyo permitiendo, por un lado, generar alertas automáticas (con localización y gravedad de fuegos detectados) y por el otro, hacer un seguimiento del incendio con mapas en tiempo real (con su consecuente apoyo para la protección e información con las brigadas de bomberos en las zonas activas). ABSTRACT. A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a flexible data communication system used as an alternative to wired networks or as an extension of them. One possible application of these networks is related to fire prediction and prevention in natural areas. Its implementation is based on a deployment of wireless sensors, in an area with high or moderate fire risk, to collect information such as temperature, humidity, luminance and pressure. A base station (or "sink") sends the collected information to a monitoring and control center according to an agreed structured format. At this center, the information received can be analyzed, processed and displayed in real time by using monitoring systems. From this control center the WSN can also be controlled by changing the sensors behavior in consistence with the detected level of fire risk. The work carried out in this project consists on the design, development and implementation of a system named SCVIRI, which implements the functions of the aforementioned monitoring and control center. This system works in connection with other one, called SERIUW, which has been developed in a different project and implements the WSN in an emulated environment. These two systems working together make up a general system of anticipation and monitoring of fires. This document also includes the functionality and performance tests performed on the overall system in a controlled and simulated environment. The global system is a solution that makes it easier to predict and prevent possible fires in natural areas under supervision. This system can be a powerful tool since, before a fire event is declared, it generates automatic alerts (including location and severity information) and allows the real-time motorization of fire evolution and its graphical visualization on maps. This could be also very useful for providing fire brigades with support, protection and information in zones in which a fire is already active.
Las redes del futuro, incluyendo las redes de próxima generación, tienen entre sus objetivos de diseño el control sobre el consumo de energía y la conectividad de la red. Estos objetivos cobran especial relevancia cuando hablamos de redes con capacidades limitadas, como es el caso de las redes de sensores inalámbricos (WSN por sus siglas en inglés). Estas redes se caracterizan por estar formadas por dispositivos de baja o muy baja capacidad de proceso y por depender de baterías para su alimentación. Por tanto la optimización de la energía consumida se hace muy importante. Son muchas las propuestas que se han realizado para optimizar el consumo de energía en este tipo de redes. Quizás las más conocidas son las que se basan en la planificación coordinada de periodos de actividad e inactividad, siendo una de las formas más eficaces para extender el tiempo de vida de las baterías. La propuesta que se presenta en este trabajo se basa en el control de la conectividad mediante una aproximación probabilística. La idea subyacente es que se puede esperar que una red mantenga la conectividad si todos sus nodos tienen al menos un número determinado de vecinos. Empleando algún mecanismo que mantenga ese número, se espera que se pueda mantener la conectividad con un consumo energético menor que si se empleara una potencia de transmisión fija que garantizara una conectividad similar. Para que el mecanismo sea eficiente debe tener la menor huella posible en los dispositivos donde se vaya a emplear. Por eso se propone el uso de un sistema auto-adaptativo basado en control mediante lógica borrosa. En este trabajo se ha diseñado e implementado el sistema descrito, y se ha probado en un despliegue real confirmando que efectivamente existen configuraciones posibles que permiten mantener la conectividad ahorrando energía con respecto al uso de una potencia de transmisión fija. ABSTRACT. Among the design goals for future networks, including next generation networks, we can find the energy consumption and the connectivity. These two goals are of special relevance when dealing with constrained networks. That is the case of Wireless Sensors Networks (WSN). These networks consist of devices with low or very low processing capabilities. They also depend on batteries for their operation. Thus energy optimization becomes a very important issue. Several proposals have been made for optimizing the energy consumption in this kind of networks. Perhaps the best known are those based on the coordinated planning of active and sleep intervals. They are indeed one of the most effective ways to extend the lifetime of the batteries. The proposal presented in this work uses a probabilistic approach to control the connectivity of a network. The underlying idea is that it is highly probable that the network will have a good connectivity if all the nodes have a minimum number of neighbors. By using some mechanism to reach that number, we hope that we can preserve the connectivity with a lower energy consumption compared to the required one if a fixed transmission power is used to achieve a similar connectivity. The mechanism must have the smallest footprint possible on the devices being used in order to be efficient. Therefore a fuzzy control based self-adaptive system is proposed. This work includes the design and implementation of the described system. It also has been validated in a real scenario deployment. We have obtained results supporting that there exist configurations where it is possible to get a good connectivity saving energy when compared to the use of a fixed transmission power for a similar connectivity.
As redes de sensores sem fio, aplicadas à automação do controle de ambientes representam um paradigma emergente da computação, onde múltiplos nós providos de sensores, sistemas computacionais autônomos e capacidade de comunicação sem fio, conformam uma rede cuja topologia altamente dinâmica permite adquirir informações sobre sistemas complexos sendo monitorados. Um dos fatores essenciais para obter um ganho na produtividade avícola é o controle da ambiência animal. Atualmente os métodos utilizados para o monitoramento e controle ambiental não podem considerar a grande quantidade de microambientes internos nos ambientes de produção animal e também requerem infraestruturas cabeadas complexas. Dentro desse contexto o objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver e testar um sistema automatizado de controle ambiental, através da utilização de sensores sem fio, que auxilie e proporcione maior segurança no controle de ambientes automatizados. O sistema monitora variáveis que influenciam na produtividade de aves, tais como temperatura e umidade e outras variáveis físico-químicas do aviário. A infraestrutura desenvolvida foi testada em um aviário experimental e resultou em um sistema seguro e com grande escalabilidade, que é capaz de controlar e monitorar o ambiente e ainda coletar e gravar dados. Foi utilizado o protocolo ZigBee® para gerenciar o fluxo de dados do sistema. Foram feitas análises da eficiência de comunicação do sistema no aviário, monitorando os pacotes de dados perdidos. Os testes demonstraram uma perda de dados de aproximadamente 2% dos pacotes enviados, demonstrando a eficiência das redes ZigBee® para gerenciar o fluxo de dados no interior do aviário. Desta forma, pode-se concluir que é possível e viável a implantação de uma rede ZigBee®, para automatizar ambientes de produção animal com coleta de dados em tempo real, utilizando um sistema integrado via internet, que compreende: instrumentação eletrônica, comunicação sem fio e engenharia de software\".
Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs), based on commodity hardware, present a promising technology for a wide range of applications due to their self-configuring and self-healing capabilities, as well as their low equipment and deployment costs. One of the key challenges that WMN technology faces is the limited capacity and scalability due to co-channel interference, which is typical for multi-hop wireless networks. A simple and relatively low-cost approach to address this problem is the use of multiple wireless network interfaces (radios) per node. Operating the radios on distinct orthogonal channels permits effective use of the frequency spectrum, thereby, reducing interference and contention. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of the multi-radio Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol with a specific focus on hybrid WMNs. Our simulation results show that under high mobility and traffic load conditions, multi-radio AODV offers superior performance as compared to its single-radio counterpart. We believe that multi-radio AODV is a promising candidate for WMNs, which need to service a large number of mobile clients with low latency and high bandwidth requirements.
Ad hoc wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are formed from self-organising configurations of distributed, energy constrained, autonomous sensor nodes. The service lifetime of such sensor nodes depends on the power supply and the energy consumption, which is typically dominated by the communication subsystem. One of the key challenges in unlocking the potential of such data gathering sensor networks is conserving energy so as to maximize their post deployment active lifetime. This thesis described the research carried on the continual development of the novel energy efficient Optimised grids algorithm that increases the WSNs lifetime and improves on the QoS parameters yielding higher throughput, lower latency and jitter for next generation of WSNs. Based on the range and traffic relationship the novel Optimised grids algorithm provides a robust traffic dependent energy efficient grid size that minimises the cluster head energy consumption in each grid and balances the energy use throughout the network. Efficient spatial reusability allows the novel Optimised grids algorithm improves on network QoS parameters. The most important advantage of this model is that it can be applied to all one and two dimensional traffic scenarios where the traffic load may fluctuate due to sensor activities. During traffic fluctuations the novel Optimised grids algorithm can be used to re-optimise the wireless sensor network to bring further benefits in energy reduction and improvement in QoS parameters. As the idle energy becomes dominant at lower traffic loads, the new Sleep Optimised grids model incorporates the sleep energy and idle energy duty cycles that can be implemented to achieve further network lifetime gains in all wireless sensor network models. Another key advantage of the novel Optimised grids algorithm is that it can be implemented with existing energy saving protocols like GAF, LEACH, SMAC and TMAC to further enhance the network lifetimes and improve on QoS parameters. The novel Optimised grids algorithm does not interfere with these protocols, but creates an overlay to optimise the grids sizes and hence transmission range of wireless sensor nodes.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the use of 802.11e MAC to resolve the transmission control protocol (TCP) unfairness. Design/methodology/approach: The paper shows how a TCP sender may adapt its transmission rate using the number of hops and the standard deviation of recently measured round-trip times to address the TCP unfairness. Findings: Simulation results show that the proposed techniques provide even throughput by providing TCP fairness as the number of hops increases over a wireless mesh network (WMN). Research limitations/implications: Future work will examine the performance of TCP over routing protocols, which use different routing metrics. Other future work is scalability over WMNs. Since scalability is a problem with communication in multi-hop, carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) will be compared with time division multiple access (TDMA) and a hybrid of TDMA and code division multiple access (CDMA) will be designed that works with TCP and other traffic. Finally, to further improve network performance and also increase network capacity of TCP for WMNs, the usage of multiple channels instead of only a single fixed channel will be exploited. Practical implications: By allowing the tuning of the 802.11e MAC parameters that have previously been constant in 802.11 MAC, the paper proposes the usage of 802.11e MAC on a per class basis by collecting the TCP ACK into a single class and a novel congestion control method for TCP over a WMN. The key feature of the proposed TCP algorithm is the detection of congestion by measuring the fluctuation of RTT of the TCP ACK samples via the standard deviation, plus the combined the 802.11e AIFS and CWmin allowing the TCP ACK to be prioritised which allows the TCP ACKs will match the volume of the TCP data packets. While 802.11e MAC provides flexibility and flow/congestion control mechanism, the challenge is to take advantage of these features in 802.11e MAC. Originality/value: With 802.11 MAC not having flexibility and flow/congestion control mechanisms implemented with TCP, these contribute to TCP unfairness with competing flows. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Wireless sensor networks have been identified as one of the key technologies for the 21st century. In order to overcome their limitations such as fault tolerance and conservation of energy, we propose a middleware solution, In-Motes. In-Motes stands as a fault tolerant platform for deploying and monitoring applications in real time offers a number of possibilities for the end user giving him in parallel the freedom to experiment with various parameters, in an effort the deployed applications to run in an energy efficient manner inside the network. The proposed scheme is evaluated through the In-Motes EYE application, aiming to test its merits under real time conditions. In-Motes EYE application which is an agent based real time In-Motes application developed for sensing acceleration variations in an environment. The application was tested in a prototype area, road alike, for a period of four months.
The number of nodes has large impact on the performance, lifetime and cost of wireless sensor network (WSN). It is difficult to determine, because it depends on many factors, such as the network protocols, the collaborative signal processing (CSP) algorithms, etc. A mathematical model is proposed in this paper to calculate the number based on the required working time. It can be used in the general situation by treating these factors as the parameters of energy consumption. © 2004 IEEE.
Location estimation is important for wireless sensor network (WSN) applications. In this paper we propose a Cramer-Rao Bound (CRB) based analytical approach for two centralized multi-hop localization algorithms to get insights into the error performance and its sensitivity to the distance measurement error, anchor node density and placement. The location estimation performance is compared with four distributed multi-hop localization algorithms by simulation to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed analytical approach. The numerical results demonstrate the complex tradeoff between the centralized and distributed localization algorithms on accuracy, complexity and communication overhead. Based on this analysis, an efficient and scalable performance evaluation tool can be designed for localization algorithms in large scale WSNs, where simulation-based evaluation approaches are impractical. © 2013 IEEE.
In a Ubiquitous Consumer Wireless World (UCWW) environment the provision, administration and management of the authentication, authorization and accounting (AAA) policies and business services are provided by third-party AAA service providers (3P-AAA-SPs) who are independent of the wireless access network providers (ANPs). In this environment the consumer can freely choose any suitable ANP, based on his/her own preferences. This new AAA infrastructural arrangement necessitates assessing the impact and re-thinking the design, structure and location of ‘charging and billing’ (C&B) functions and services. This paper addresses C&B issues in UCWW, proposing potential architectural solutions for C&B realization. Implementation approaches of these novel solutions together with a software testbed for validation and performance evaluation are addressed.