932 resultados para whole blood
Mixing at low Reynolds number is usually due to diffusion and requires longer channel lengths for complete mixing. In order to reduce the mixing lengths, advective flow can be induced by varying the channel geometry. Additionally, in non-newtonian fluids, appropriate modifications to channel geometry can be used to aid the mixing process by capitalizing on their viscoelastic nature. Here we have exploited the advection and viscoelastic effects to implement a planar passive micro-mixer. Microfluidic devices incorporating different blend of mixing geometries were conceived. The optimum design was chosen based on the results of the numerical simulations performed in COMSOL. The chosen design had sudden expansion and contraction along with teeth patterns along the channel walls to improve mixing. Mixing of two different dyes was performed to validate the mixing efficiency. Particle dispersion experiments were also carried out. The results indicated effective mixing. In addition, the same design was also found to be compatible with electrical power free pumping mechanism like suction. The proposed design was then used to carry out on-chip chemical cell lysis with human whole blood samples to establish its use with non-newtonian fluids. Complete lysis of the erythrocytes was observed leaving behind the white blood cells at the outlet.
Sorbitol é um poliol encontrado em produtos para fins especiais, como diet e light, Dentro deste contexto, incluem-se as lactantes como grandes consumidoras, almejando o retorno mais rápido ao peso pré-gestacional. Devido à grande carência em dados referentes às consequências metabólicas do consumo excessivo destes tipos de produtos, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os possíveis efeitos da ingestão materna de sorbitol na lactação sobre os perfis nutricional, bioquímico e toxicológico nas proles amamentadas. O teste da Salmonella/microssoma foi utilizado, inicialmente, na avaliação mutagênica e citotóxica com linhagens de S. enterica sorovar Typhimurium (TA97, TA98, TA100, TA102, TA104 e TA1535). Verificamos a capacidade de reversão da mutação (I.M.) e sobrevivência (%), em diferentes concentrações (0,4; 4; 40; 400; 4000 e 5000 μg/placa). Os resultados foram considerados positivos para valores de I.M. ≥ 2,0. Ratas wistar lactantes (6 por grupo experimental), cada uma com 6 filhotes, receberam sorbitol (0,00015 mg/g/dia; 0,0015 mg/g/dia e 0,15 mg/g/dia), nos primeiros 14 dias da lactação. Neste período, avaliamos a biometria das mães e proles, consumo de ração e ingestão hídrica das mães. Após a lactação, as ratas mães foram ordenhadas, e, junto com as proles, sacrificadas por punção cardíaca, para coleta de sangue total. Os fígados das proles foram submetidos ao método de perfusão, para obtenção de hepatócitos em cultura primária, ao final dos 14 dias de lactação. Os fêmures das proles foram retirados, para obtenção da medula óssea. A bioquímica de sangue das proles (glicose, triglicerídeo, colesterol total, LDL, proteínas totais, albumina, ALT, AST, cálcio total e ionizado) foi analisada, assim como a bioquímica do leite ordenhado (triglicerídeos). Os testes do micronúcleo em medual óssea e hepatócitos, assim como o teste Cometa em sangue total, foram utilizados para avaliação genotóxica e citotóxica, de acordo com as diretrizes da OECD. Os resultados mostraram que, em concentrações mais baixas (0,00015 e 0,0015 mg/g), o sorbitol induziu o ganho de peso, principalmente na menor concentração (0,00015 mg/g), e alterações no perfil lipídico do sangue em todas as concentrações. As quantidades de triglicerídeo no leite variaram em função da dose ingerida, reduzida na maior concentração (0,15 mg/g) e aumentada na menor (0,00015 mg/g). A maior concentração (0,15 mg/g) resultou em perda de peso das mães e proles, diminuição de proteínas viscerais totais, albumina e aumento de enzimas hepáticas (ALT e AST) nas proles. Os resultados do teste da Salmonella/microssoma não indicaram mutagenicidade, entretanto, uma relação de dependência entre dose e Índice de Mutagenicidade (I.M.). Ambos os testes, micronúcleos de medula óssea e hepatócitos, apresentaram uma citotoxicidade dose dependente, estatisticamente significativa em relação ao grupo controle, corroborando com a genotoxicidade do teste Cometa e dependência de dose encontrada no teste da Salmonella/microssoma. Em concentrações mais baixas, parece existir modulação das vias lipogênicas, em contrapartida, nas mais altas a toxicidade parece dificultar tais alterações, induzindo o efeito contrário. Concluimos que o consumo excessivo de sorbitol resulta em alterações metabólicas e toxicológicas em lactentes, mesmo sendo considerado seguro pelo FDA e ANVISA.
MENEZES, Patrick Lourenço. Erros pré-analíticos em medicina laboratorial: uma revisão sistemática. 2013. 98 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Saúde, Medicina Laboratorial e Tecnologia Forense) - Instituto de Biologia Roberto Alcântara Gomes, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 2013. A relevância evidente dos erros pré-analíticos como problema de saúde pública fica patente tanto no dano potencial aos pacientes quanto nos custos ao sistema de saúde, ambos desnecessários e evitáveis. Alguns estudos apontam que a fase pré-analítica é a mais vulnerável a erros, sendo responsável por, aproximadamente, 60 a 90% dos erros laboratoriais em consequência da falta orientação aos pacientes sobre os procedimentos que serão realizados no laboratório clínico. Objetivos: Sistematizar as evidências científicas relacionadas aos erros pré-analíticos dos exames laboratoriais de análises clínicas. Método: Uma revisão sistemática foi realizada, buscando as bases de dados do Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Scopus(que inclui MEDLINE e Embase), ISI Web of Knowledge, SciFinder, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (Lilacs) (que inclui a Scientific Electronic Library Online SciELO) e o Índice Bibliográfico Espanhol de Ciências de Saúde (IBECS), para artigos publicados entre janeiro de 1990 e junho de 2012 sobre erros de exames laboratoriais que possam ocorrer na fase pré-analítica. Os estudos foram incluídos de acordo com os seguintes exames laboratoriais: hemograma, análise bioquímica do sangue total ou do soro, exames de coagulação sanguínea,uroanálise e exames hematológicos ou bioquímicos em outros materiais e categorizados pelo tipo de erro pré-analítico e pela frequência dos incidentes. Resultados: A busca nas bases de dados bibliográficas resultou no seguinte número de artigos recuperados: 547 na MEDLINE, 229 na Scopus, 110 na ISI, 163 na SciFinder, 228 na Lilacs e 64 na IBECS, perfazendo um total de 1.341 títulos. Ao fim da revisão sistemática, obteve-se um conjunto de 83 artigos para leitura de texto completo, dos quais 14 foram incluídos na revisão. Os estudos abrangeram diferentes tipos de laboratórios, setores técnicos e origem de erros, segundo a fase do processo laboratorial. Discussão: Sete artigos demonstraram erros de pedidos médicos, com uma alta variabilidade nos valores de incidência. Os seis artigos que estudaram erros de coleta de amostra observaram redução deste desfecho. As proporções de eventos adversos relatados e os impactos clínicos variaram, levando a consequências descritas como: erros decorrentes da flebotomia, recoleta de amostras, repetições de exames, atrasos na liberação de resultados de exames e possíveis danos ao paciente. Conclusões: O laboratório deve ter instruções por escrito para cada teste, que descreva o tipo de amostra e procedimento de coleta de amostra. Meios de identificação por código de barras, sistemas robóticos e analíticos reduzem os erros pré-analíticos. A melhoria da fase pré-analítica de testes laboratoriais permanece um desafio para muitos laboratórios clínicos.
We present prevalence of Bartonella spp. for multiple cohorts of wild and captive cetaceans. One hundred and six cetaceans including 86 bottlenose dolphins (71 free-ranging, 14 captive in a facility with a dolphin experiencing debility of unknown origin, 1 stranded), 11 striped dolphins, 4 harbor porpoises, 3 Risso's dolphins, 1 dwarf sperm whale and 1 pygmy sperm whale (all stranded) were sampled. Whole blood (n = 95 live animals) and tissues (n = 15 freshly dead animals) were screened by PCR (n = 106 animals), PCR of enrichment cultures (n = 50 animals), and subcultures (n = 50 animals). Bartonella spp. were detected from 17 cetaceans, including 12 by direct extraction PCR of blood or tissues, 6 by PCR of enrichment cultures, and 4 by subculture isolation. Bartonella spp. were more commonly detected from the captive (6/14, 43%) than from free-ranging (2/71, 2.8%) bottlenose dolphins, and were commonly detected from the stranded animals (9/21, 43%; 3/11 striped dolphins, 3/4 harbor porpoises, 2/3 Risso's dolphins, 1/1 pygmy sperm whale, 0/1 dwarf sperm whale, 0/1 bottlenose dolphin). Sequencing identified a Bartonella spp. most similar to B. henselae San Antonio 2 in eight cases (4 bottlenose dolphins, 2 striped dolphins, 2 harbor porpoises), B. henselae Houston 1 in three cases (2 Risso's dolphins, 1 harbor porpoise), and untyped in six cases (4 bottlenose dolphins, 1 striped dolphin, 1 pygmy sperm whale). Although disease causation has not been established, Bartonella species were detected more commonly from cetaceans that were overtly debilitated or were cohabiting in captivity with a debilitated animal than from free-ranging animals. The detection of Bartonella spp. from cetaceans may be of pathophysiological concern.
Hemoglobin (Hb) variability is a commonly used index of phylogenetic differentiation and molecular adaptation in fish. In the current study, the structural and functional characteristics of Hbs from two Sturgeon species of the Southern Caspian Sea Basin were investigated. After extraction and separation of hemoglobin from whole blood , the polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDSPAGE), native-PAGE and isoelectric focusing (IEF) were used to confirm Hb variability in these fishes. Ion-exchange on CM-cellulose chromatography was used for purification of the dominant Hbs from these fishes. The accuracy of the methods was confirmed by IEF and SDS-PAGE. Spectral studies using fluorescence spectrophotometery, circular dichroism spectropolarimetry (CD) analysis and UV–vis spectrophotometery. Oxygen affinities of these Hbs were compared using Hb-oxygen dissociation curves. Also, the dominant Hbs from these blood fishes were utilized for further experiments. The behavior of Hbs during the denaturation process by n-dodecyl trimethylammonium bromide (DTAB) is investigated by UV–vis spectrophotometer and circular dichroism spectropolarimetry. The thermal denaturation properties of the Hbs wereinvestigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Hbs aggregation performed chemically in the presence of dithiotreitol (DTT) by UV–vis spectrophotometer and chemometric study. The results demonstrate a significant relationship between stability of fish hemoglobins and the ability of fish for entering to deeper depths. The UV–Vis absorption spectra identified species of hemoglobin and showed the concentration of oxyHb and metHb decreases and deoxyHb increases upon interaction with DTAB. Besides the UV–vis spectrophotometry, the interaction of DTAB with hemoglobins has been studied using circular dichroism spectropolarimetry analysis. This experiment was utilized to measure the unfolding mechanism and compared alpha-helix secondary structure under different conditions for Hbs. The results reveal that the Acipenser stellatus Hb in comparison with Acipenser persicus Hb has more stability and more structural compactness. Besides, the results confirm the hypothesis that there is a meaningful relation between average habitat depth, partial oxygen pressure, oxygen affinity, structural compactness of Hb, and its stability.
A new amino silica monolithic column was developed for DNA extraction in a miniaturized format. The monolithic column was prepared in situ by polymerization of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) and N-(beta-aminoethyl)-gamma-aminopropylmethyldimethoxysilane (AEAPMDMS). DNA was loaded in 50 mM tris(hydroxylmethyl)aminomethane-EDTA buffer at pH 7.0 and eluted with 300 mM potassium phosphate solution at pH 10.0. Under optimal condition, a 6.0-cm monolithic column provided a capacity of 56 ng DNA with an extraction efficiency of 71 +/- 5.2% (X +/- RSD). When the amino silica monolithic column was applied to extract genomic DNA from the whole blood of crucian carp, an extraction efficiency of 52 +/- 5.6% (X +/- SD) was obtained by three extractions. Since the chaotropic-based sample loading and organic solvent wash steps were avoided in this procedure, the purified DNA was suitable for downstream processes such as PCR. This amino silica monolithic column was demonstrated to allow rapid and efficient DNA purification in microscale.
A chemically modified electrode (CME) constructed by adsorption of aquocobalamin (VB12a) onto a glassy carbon electrode surface was demonstrated to catalyze the electro-oxidation of cysteine, a sulfhydryl-containing compound. The sulfhydryl oxidation occured at 0.54-0.88 V vs. Ag/AgCl depending on pH value (3.0-10.0). The electrocatalytic behavior of cysteine is elucidated with respect to solution pH, operating potential and other variables as well as the CME preparation conditions. When used as the sensing electrode in flow injection amperometric detection, the CME permitted detection of the compound at 0.8 V. The detection limit was 1.7 pmol. The linear response range went up to 1.16 nmol. The stability of the CME was shown by RSD (4.2%) over 10 repeated injections.
An assay procedure utilizing pulsed amperometric detection at a platinum-particles modified electrode has been developed for the determination of cysteine and glutathione in blood samples following preliminary separation by reversed-phase liquid chromatography. A chemically modified electrode (CME) constructed by unique electroreduction from a platinum-salt solution to produce dispersed Pt particles on a glassy carbon surface was demonstrated to catalyze the electo-oxidation of sulfhydryl-containing compounds: DL-cysteine (CYS), reduced glutathione (GSH). When used as the sensing electrode in flow-system pulsed-amperometric detection (PAD), electrode fouling could be avoided using a waveform in which the cathodic reactivation process occurred at a potential of - 1.0 V vs. Ag/AgCl to achieve a cathodic desorption of atomic sulfur. A superior detection limit for these free thiols was obtained at a Pt particle-based GC electrode compared with other methods; this novel dispersed Pt particles CME exhibited high electrocatalytic stability and activity when it was employed as an electrochemical detector in FIA and HPLC for the determination of those organo-sulfur compounds.
A female patient, with normal familial history, developed at the age of 30 months an episode of diarrhoea, vomiting and lethargy which resolved spontaneously. At the age of 3 years, the patient re-iterated vomiting, was sub-febrile and hypoglycemic, fell into coma, developed seizures and sequels involving right hemi-body. Urinary excretion of hexanoylglycine and suberylglycine was low during this metabolic decompensation. A study of pre- and post-prandial blood glucose and ketones over a period of 24 hours showed a normal glycaemic cycle but a failure to form ketones after 12 hours fasting, suggesting a mitochondrial β-oxidation defect. Total blood carnitine was lowered with unesterified carnitine being half of the lowest control value. A diagnosis of mild MCAD deficiency (MCADD) was based on rates of 1-14C-octanoate and 9, 10-3H-myristate oxidation and of octanoyl-CoA dehydrogenase being reduced to 25% of control values. Other mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation proteins were functionally normal. De novo acylcarnitine synthesis in whole blood samples incubated with deuterated palmitate was also typical of MCADD. Genetic studies showed that the patient was compound heterozygous with a sequence variation in both of the two ACADM alleles; one had the common c.985A>G mutation and the other had a novel c.145C>G mutation. This is the first report for the ACADM gene c.145C>G mutation: it is located in exon 3 and causes a replacement of glutamine to glutamate at position 24 of the mature protein (Q24E). Associated with heterozygosity for c.985A>G mutation, this mutation is responsible for a mild MCADD phenotype along with a clinical story corroborating the emerging literature view that patients with genotypes representing mild MCADD (high residual enzyme activity and low urinary levels of glycine conjugates), similar to some of the mild MCADDs detected by MS/MS newborn screening, may be at risk for disease presentation.
BACKGROUND: Since mature erythrocytes are terminally differentiated cells without nuclei and organelles, it is commonly thought that they do not contain nucleic acids. In this study, we have re-examined this issue by analyzing the transcriptome of a purified population of human mature erythrocytes from individuals with normal hemoglobin (HbAA) and homozygous sickle cell disease (HbSS). METHODS AND FINDINGS: Using a combination of microarray analysis, real-time RT-PCR and Northern blots, we found that mature erythrocytes, while lacking ribosomal and large-sized RNAs, contain abundant and diverse microRNAs. MicroRNA expression of erythrocytes was different from that of reticulocytes and leukocytes, and contributed the majority of the microRNA expression in whole blood. When we used microRNA microarrays to analyze erythrocytes from HbAA and HbSS individuals, we noted a dramatic difference in their microRNA expression pattern. We found that miR-320 played an important role for the down-regulation of its target gene, CD71 during reticulocyte terminal differentiation. Further investigation revealed that poor expression of miR-320 in HbSS cells was associated with their defective downregulation CD71 during terminal differentiation. CONCLUSIONS: In summary, we have discovered significant microRNA expression in human mature erythrocytes, which is dramatically altered in HbSS erythrocytes and their defect in terminal differentiation. Thus, the global analysis of microRNA expression in circulating erythrocytes can provide mechanistic insights into the disease phenotypes of erythrocyte diseases.
Intracellular cytokine staining combined with flow cytometry is one of a number of assays designed to assess T-cell immune responses. It has the specific advantage of enabling the simultaneous assessment of multiple phenotypic, differentiation and functional parameters pertaining to responding T-cells, most notably, the expression of multiple effector cytokines. These attributes make the technique particularly suitable for the assessment of T-cell immune responses induced by novel tuberculosis vaccines in clinical trials. However, depending upon the particular nature of a given vaccine and trial setting, there are approaches that may be taken at different stages of the assay that are more suitable than other alternatives. In this paper, the Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI) TB Biomarker Working group reports on efforts to assess the conditions that will determine when particular assay approaches should be employed. We have found that choices relating to the use of fresh whole blood or peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and frozen PBMC; use of serum-containing or serum-free medium; length of stimulation period and use of co-stimulatory antibodies can all affect the sensitivity of intracellular cytokine assays. In the case of sample material, frozen PBMC, despite some loss of sensitivity, may be more advantageous for batch analysis. We also recommend that for multi-site studies, common antibody panels, gating strategies and analysis approaches should be employed for better comparability.
The coagulation and fibrinolytic systems are linked by the thrombin-thrombomodulin complex which regulates each system through activation of protein C and TAFI, respectively. We have used novel assays and techniques to study the enzymology and biochemistry of TAFI and TAFIa, to measure TAFI activation in hemophilia A and protein C deficiency and to determine if enhancing TAFI activation can improve hemostasis in hemophilic plasma and whole blood. We show that TAFIa not TAFI attenuates fibrinolysis in vitro and this is supported by a relatively high catalytic efficiency (16.41μM-1s-1) of plasminogen binding site removal from fibrin degradation products (FDPs) by TAFIa. Since the catalytic efficiency of TAFIa in removing these sites is ~60-fold higher than that for inflammatory mediators such as bradykinin it is likely that FDPs are a physiological substrate of TAFIa. The high catalytic efficiency is primarily a result of a low Km which can be explained by a novel mechanism where TAFIa forms a binary complex with plasminogen and is recruited to the surface of FDPs. The low Km also suggests that TAFIa would effectively cleave lysines from FDPs during the early stages of fibrinolysis (i.e. at low concentrations of FDPs). Since individuals with hemophilia suffer from premature fibrinolysis as a result of insufficient TAFI activation we quantified TAFI activation in whole blood from hemophilic subjects. Both the rate of activation and the area under the TAFI activation time course (termed TAFIa potential) was determined to be reduced in hemophilia A and the TAFIa potential was significantly and inversely correlated with the clinical bleeding iii phenotype. Using a novel therapeutic strategy, we used soluble thrombomodulin to increase TAFI activation which improved the clot lysis time in factor VIII deficient human plasma and hemophilic dog plasma as well as hemophilic dog blood. Finally, we briefly show in a biochemical case study that TAFI activation is enhanced in protein C deficiency and when afflicted individuals are placed on Warfarin anticoagulant therapy, TAFI activation is reduced. Since TAFIa stabilizes blood clots, this suggests that reducing TAFI activation or inhibiting TAFIa may help restore blood flow in vessels with pathological thrombosis.
Objective: Prolonged limb ischemia followed by reperfusion (I/R) is associated with a systemic inflammatory response syndrome and remote acute lung injury. Ischemic preconditioning (IPC), achieved with repeated brief periods of I/R before the prolonged ischemic period, has been shown to protect skeletal muscle against ischemic injury. The aim of this study was to ascertain whether IPC of the limb before I/R injury also attenuates systemic inflammation and acute lung injury in a fully resuscitated porcine model of hind limb I/R. Methods: This prospective, randomized, controlled, experimental animal study was performed in a university-based animal research facility with 18 male Landrace pigs that weighed from 30 to 35 kg. Anesthetized ventilated swine were randomized (n = 6 per group) to three groups: sham-operated control group, I/R group (2 hours of bilateral hind limb ischemia and 2.5 hours of reperfusion), and IPC group (three cycles of 5 minutes of ischemia/5 minutes of reperfusion immediately preceding I/R). Plasma was separated and stored at -70° C for later determination of plasma tumor necrosis factor-a and interleukin-6 with bioassay as markers of systemic inflammation. Circulating phagocytic cell priming was assessed with a whole blood chemiluminescence assay. Lung tissue wet-to-dry weight ratio and myeloperoxidase concentration were markers of edema and neutrophil sequestration, respectively. The alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient and pulmonary artery pressure were indices of lung function. Results: In a porcine model, bilateral hind limb (I/R) injury significantly increased plasma interleukin-6 concentrations, circulating phagocytic cell priming, and pulmonary leukosequestration, edema, and impaired gas exchange. Conversely, pigs treated with IPC before the onset of the ischemic period had significantly reduced interleukin-6 levels, circulating phagocytic cell priming, and experienced significantly less pulmonary edema, leukosequestration, and respiratory failure. Conclusion: Lower limb IPC protects against systemic inflammation and acute lung injury in lower limb I/R injury.
Pregnancy is characterized by a state of heightened coagulation, which is exacerbated in pathological conditions such as pre-eclampsia (PET). PET is further associated with abnormal maternal inflammation and increased circulating microparticles (MP); however, a mechanistic link between these pathological features has never been established. It is proposed in this thesis that abnormal maternal inflammation is causally linked to pro-coagulant trophoblast MP shedding via a mechanism mediated by the pro-inflammatory cytokine tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF), thereby contributing to maternal coagulopathies associated with PET. Using thromboelastography (TEG) and standard laboratory tests, haemostatic function was evaluated in PET and normotensive subjects at delivery and post-partum. Furthermore, the effects of the menstrual cycle and oral contraceptive (OC) use on haemostatic function were assessed in non-pregnant subjects in order to understand their influence on post-partum haemostasis. Plasma TNF and pro-coagulant MP levels were evaluated in the pregnant subjects. Using chorionic villi explants from human term placentas, MPs were quantified after TNF administration. The pro-coagulant potential of placental MPs was evaluated by TEG by spiking whole-blood with medium containing MPs from chorionic villi. TEG identified increased whole-blood coagulability in PET subjects at delivery, demonstrating its increased sensitivity over standard laboratory tests at identifying haemostatic alterations associated with PET. Haemostatic alterations were normalized by six weeks post-partum. TEG also identified cyclic haemostatic variations associated with OC use. Chorionic villi treated with TNF (1 ng/ml) shed significantly more MPs than untreated placentas. MPs from chorionic villi increased the coagulability of whole-blood. Together, results provide evidence supporting the concept that abnormal maternal inflammation is causally linked to the development of maternal coagulopathies in pregnancy complications. Moreover, TEG may be superior to standard laboratory tests in evaluating haemostasis in pregnant and non-pregnant subjects.
Pregnancy is often referred to as a hypercoaguable state due to changes in the haemostatic system. Tissue factor (TF) is the initiator of blood clotting in vivo. The effect of pregnancy on monocyte TF expression was determined in a longitudinal case control study, (89 pregnant, 39 non-pregnant). Using whole blood flow cytometry and CD14 as a monocyte marker, TF expression was measured on all CD14 positive, CD14Bright and CD14Dim cells. TF expression was significantly lower in pregnant women than in non-pregnant control subjects, on all CD14 positive cells at 20 and 35 weeks, on CD14Bright cells at 12 and 35 weeks and on CD14Dim cells at 20 weeks. Additionally, we report that a higher percentage of CD14Dim than CD14Bright cells express TF. These results suggest that, in order to maintain homeostasis in haemostasis in an otherwise hypercoaguable state, monocyte TF expression is reduced during normal pregnancy.