971 resultados para upper level (UL) coupling field
The prehistoric cemetery of Barshalder is located along the main road on the boundary between Grötlingbo and Fide parishes, near the southern end of the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea. The ceme-tery was used from c. AD 1-1100. The level of publication in Swedish archaeology of the first millennium AD is low compared to, for instance, the British and German examples. Gotland’s rich Iron Age cemeteries have long been intensively excavated, but few have received monographic treatment. This publication is intended to begin filling this gap and to raise the empirical level of the field. It also aims to make explicit and test the often somewhat intuitively conceived re-sults of much previous research. The analyses deal mainly with the Migration (AD 375–540), Vendel (AD 520–790) and Late Viking (AD 1000–1150) Periods. The following lines of inquiry have been prioritised. 1. Landscape history, i.e. placing the cemetery in a landscape-historical context. (Vol. 1, section 2.2.6) 2. Migration Period typochronology, i.e. the study of change in the grave goods. (Vol. 2, chapter 2) 3. Social roles: gender, age and status. (Vol. 2, chapter 3) 4. Religious identity in the 11th century, i.e. the study of religious indicators in mortuary cus-toms and grave goods, with particular emphasis on the relationship between Scandinavian paganism and Christianity. (Vol. 2, chapter 4) Barshalder is found to have functioned as a central cemetery for the surrounding area, located on pe-ripheral land far away from contemporary settle-ment, yet placed on a main road along the coast for maximum visibility and possibly near a harbour. Computer supported correspondence analysis and seriation are used to study the gender attributes among the grave goods and the chronology of the burials. New methodology is developed to distin-guish gender-neutral attributes from transgressed gender attributes. Sub-gender grouping due to age and status is explored. An independent modern chronology system with rigorous type definitions is established for the Migration Period of Gotland. Recently published chronology systems for the Vendel and Viking Periods are critically reviewed, tested and modified to produce more solid models. Social stratification is studied through burial wealth with a quantitative method, and the results are tested through juxtaposition with several other data types. The Late Viking Period graves of the late 10th and 11th centuries are studied in relation to the contemporary Christian graves at the churchyards. They are found to be symbolically soft-spoken and unobtrusive, with all pagan attributes kept apart from the body in a space between the feet of the deceased and the end of the over-long inhumation trench. A small number of pagan reactionary graves with more forceful symbolism are however also identified. The distribution of different 11th cen-tury cemetery types across the island is used to in-terpret the period’s confessional geography, the scale of social organisation and the degree of alle-giance to western and eastern Christianity. 11th century society on Gotland is found to have been characterised by religious tolerance, by an absence of central organisation and by slow piecemeal Christianisation.
Come si evince dal titolo della tesi, la ricerca effettuata dal presente candidato nel corso del dottorato di ricerca ha avuto ad oggetto l’analisi delle competenze che, a diverso livello, comunitario, nazionale e regionale, sono attribuite agli enti in materia di rilascio di concessioni di servizi in abito interportuale, portuale e demaniale marittimo. L’attenzione, pertanto, ha dovuto innanzitutto essere rivolta ai compiti ed alle facoltà che, in forza del trattato che istituisce la Comunità Europea, sono attribuite alla Comunità stessa. Si è provveduto, pertanto, ad analizzare l’evoluzione della normativa per giungere all’attuale sistema giuridico. Gli aspetti della disciplina delle concessioni, oggetto di ricerca, hanno dovuto ripercorrere i vari procedimenti di infrazione comminati dalla Corte Europea, per i quali il sistema giuridico nazionale si è dovuto adattare con non poche difficoltà, soprattutto per la presenza di posizioni e prassi, negli anni, divenute consolidate.
Diabatische Rossby-Wellen (DRWs) sind zyklonale Wirbel in der unteren Troposphäre, welche sich durch einen thermodynamisch-dynamischen Mechanismus kontinuierlich regenerieren und dabei schnell propagieren können. Vorangehende Untersuchungen schreiben derartigen zyklonalen Wirbeln das Potential zu, unter Wechselwirkung mit einer Anomalie an der Tropopause eine rapide Zyklonenintensivierung und folglich extreme Wetterereignisse hervorrufen zu können. DRWs wurden bisher meist in idealisierten Studien untersucht, woraus sich noch einige offene Fragen zu diesem Phänomen, besonders in realen Modelldaten, ergeben.rnrnIm Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit steht die Fallstudie einer DRW, die im Dezember 2005 über dem Nordatlantik auftrat. Der Lebenszyklus des Systems ist über mehrere Tage und durch verschiedene Phasen verfolgbar und resultiert in einer explosiven Druckvertiefung. Zur Untersuchung der Fallstudie wurde mit operationellen Daten eines Globalmodelles sowie mit den Resultaten eines feinskaligeren Regionalmodelles gearbeitet, auf welche unterschiedliche Analysewerkzeuge angewendet wurden. rnrnDie eingehende Untersuchung der Propagationsphase der DRW bekräftigte das Vorhandensein von genügend Feuchte und Baroklinität als essentiell für den Propagationsmechanismus und die Intensität der DRW. Während der Propagationsphase arbeitet der selbsterhaltende DRW-Mechanismus unabhängig von einer von den Wellen an der Tropopause ausgehenden Anregung. Sensitivitätsstudien mit dem Regionalmodell, in denen die Umgebungsbedingungen der DRW lokal modifiziert wurden, ergaben, dass die Propagation einen relativ robusten Ablauf darstellt. Dementsprechend war in den vier untersuchten operationellen Vorhersagen die Propagationsphase gut wiedergegeben, während die rapide Intensivierung, wie sie gemäß den Analysen aufgetreten ist, von zwei der Vorhersagen verfehlt wurde.rnrnBei der Untersuchung der Intensivierungsphase stellten sich die Position und die zeitliche Abstimmung der Bewegung der Anomalie an der Tropopause relativ zur DRW in der unteren Troposphäre sowie die Stärke der Systeme als entscheidende Einflussfaktoren heraus. In den Entwicklungen der Sensitivitätssimulationen deutete sich an, dass ein unabhängig von der DRW an geeigneter Position entstandener zyklonaler Wirbel konstruktiver zu einer starken Zyklonenintensivierung beitragen kann als die DRW.rnrnIm zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde ein Datensatz über die Nordhemisphäre für die Jahre 2004-2008 hinsichtlich des geographischen Vorkommens und der Intensivierung von DRWs untersucht. DRWs ereigneten sich in diesem Zeitraum über dem Atlantik (255 DRWs) halb so oft wie über dem Pazifik (515 DRWs). Ihre Entstehungsgebiete befanden sich über den Ostteilen der Kontinente und den Westhälften der Ozeane. Die Zugbahnen folgten größtenteils der baroklinen Zone der mittleren Breiten. Von den erfassten DRWs intensivierten sich im Atlanik 16% zu explosiven Tiefdruckgebieten, über dem Pazifik liegt der Anteil mit 11% etwas niedriger. Damit tragen DRWs zu etwa 20% der sich explosiv intensivierenden außertropischen Zyklonen bei.
Potential vorticity and moisture in extratropical cyclones : climatology and sensitivity experiments
The development of extratropical cyclones can be seen as an interplay of three positive potential vorticity (PV) anomalies: an upper-level stratospheric intrusion, low-tropospheric diabatically produced PV, and a warm anomaly at the surface acting as a surrogate PV anomaly. In the mature stage they become vertically aligned and form a “PV tower” associated with strong cyclonic circulation. This paradigm of extratropical cyclone development provides the basis of this thesis, which will use a climatological dataset and numerical model experiments to investigate the amplitude of the three anomalies and the processes leading in particular to the formation of the diabatically produced low-tropospheric PV anomaly.rnrnThe first part of this study, based on the interim ECMWF Re-Analysis (ERA-Interim) dataset, quantifies the amplitude of the three PV anomalies in mature extratropical cyclones in different regions in the Northern Hemisphere on a climatological basis. A tracking algorithm is applied to sea level pressure (SLP) fields to identify cyclone tracks. Surface potential temperature anomalies ∆θ and vertical profiles of PV anomalies ∆PV are calculated at the time of the cyclones’ minimum SLP and during the intensification phase 24 hours before in a vertical cylinder with a radius of 200 km around the surface cyclone center. To compare the characteristics of the cyclones, they are grouped according to their location (8 regions) and intensity, where the central SLP is used as a measure of intensity. Composites of ∆PV profiles and ∆θ are calculated for each region and intensity class at the time of minimum SLP and during the cyclone intensification phase.rnrnDuring the cyclones’ development stage the amplitudes of all three anomalies increase on average. In the mature stage all three anomalies are typically larger for intense than for weak winter cyclones [e.g., 0.6 versus 0.2 potential vorticity units (PVU) at lower levels, and 1.5 versus 0.5 PVU at upper levels].rnThe regional variability of the cyclones’ vertical structure and the profile evolution is prominent (cyclones in some regions are more sensitive to the amplitude of a particular anomaly than in other regions). Values of ∆θ and low-level ∆PV are on average larger in the western parts of the oceans than in the eastern parts. In addition, a large seasonal variability can be identified, with fewer and weaker cyclones especially in the summer, associated with higher low-tropospheric PV values, but also with a higher tropopause and much weaker surface potential temperature anomalies (compared to winter cyclones).rnrnIn the second part, we were interested in the diabatic low-level part of PV towers. Evaporative sources were identified of moisture that was involved in PV production through condensation. Lagrangian backward trajectories were calculated from the region with high PV values at low-levels in the cyclones. PV production regions were identified along these trajectories and from these regions a new set of backward trajectories was calculated and moisture uptakes were traced along them. The main contribution from surface evaporation to the specific humidity of the trajectories is collected 12-72 hours prior to therntime of PV production. The uptake region for weaker cyclones with less PV in the centre is typically more localized with reduced uptake values compared to intense cyclones. However, in a qualitative sense uptakes and other variables along single trajectories do not vary much between cyclones of different intensity in different regions.rnrnA sensitivity study with the COSMO model comprises the last part of this work. The study aims at investigating the influence of synthetic moisture modification in the cyclone environment in different stages of its development. Moisture was eliminated in three regions, which were identified as important moisture source regions for PV production. Moisture suppression affected the cyclone the most in its early phase. It led to cyclolysis shortly after its genesis. Nevertheles, a new cyclone formed on the other side of a dry box and developed relatively quickly. Also in other experiments, moisture elimination led to strong intensity reduction of the surface cyclone, limited upper-level development, and delayed or missing interaction between the two.rnrnIn summary, this thesis provides novel insight into the structure of different intensity categories of extratropical cyclones from a PV perspective, which corroborates the findings from a series of previous case studies. It reveals that all three PV anomalies are typically enhanced for more intense cyclones, with important regional differences concerning the relative amplitude of the three anomalies. The moisture source analysis is the first of this kind to study the evaporation-condensation cycle related to the intensification of extratropical cyclones. Interestingly, most of the evaporation occurs during the 3 days prior to the time of maximum cyclone intensity and typically extends over fairly large areas along the track of the cyclone. The numerical model case study complements this analysis by analyzing the impact of regionally confined moisture sources for the evolution of the cyclone.
Unique as snowflakes, learning communities are formed in countless ways. Some are designed specifically for first-year students, while others offer combined or clustered upper-level courses. Most involve at least two linked courses, and some add residential and social components. Many address core general education and basic skills requirements. Learning communities differ in design, yet they are similar in striving to enhance students' academic and social growth. First-year learning communities foster experiences that have been linked to academic success and retention. They also offer unique opportunities for librarians interested in collaborating with departmental faculty and enhancing teaching skills. This article will explore one librarian's experiences teaching within three first-year learning communities at Buffalo State College.
This project considered the second stage of transforming local administration and public service management to reflect democratic forms of government. In Hungary in the second half of the 1990s more and more public functions delegated to local governments have been handed over to the private or civil sectors. This has led to a relative decrease of municipal functions but not of local governments' responsibilities, requiring them to change their orientation and approach to their work so as to be effective in their new roles of managing these processes rather than traditional bureaucratic administration. Horvath analysed the Anglo-Saxon, French and German models of self-government, identifying the differing aspects emphasised in increasing the private sector's role in the provision of public services, and the influence that this process has on the system of public administration. He then highlighted linkages between actors and local governments in Hungary, concluding that the next necessary step is to develop institutional mechanisms, financial incentives and managerial practices to utilise the full potential of this process. Equally important is the need for conscious avoidance of restrictive barriers and unintended consequences, and for local governments to confront the social conflicts that have emerged in parallel with privatisation. A further aspect considered was a widening of the role of functional governance at local level in the field of human services. A number of different special purpose bodies have been set up in Hungary, but the results of their work are unclear and Horvath feels that this institutionalisation of symbiosis is not the right path in Hungary today. He believes that the change from local government to local governance will require the formulation of specific public policy, the relevance of which can be proven by processes supported with actions.
The purpose of this project was to investigate the effect of using of data collection technology on student attitudes towards science instruction. The study was conducted over the course of two years at Madison High School in Adrian, Michigan, primarily in college preparatory physics classes, but also in one college preparatory chemistry class and one environmental science class. A preliminary study was conducted at a Lenawee County Intermediate Schools student summer environmental science day camp. The data collection technology used was a combination of Texas Instruments TI-84 Silver Plus graphing calculators and Vernier LabPro data collection sleds with various probeware attachments, including motion sensors, pH probes and accelerometers. Students were given written procedures for most laboratory activities and were provided with data tables and analysis questions to answer about the activities. The first year of the study included a pretest and posttest measuring student attitudes towards the class they were enrolled in. Pre-test and post-test data were analyzed to determine effect size, which was found to be very small (Coe, 2002). The second year of the study focused only on a physics class and used Keller’s ARCS model for measuring student motivation based on the four aspects of motivation: Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction (Keller, 2010). According to this model, it was found that there were two distinct groups in the class, one of which was motivated to learn and the other that was not. The data suggest that the use of data collection technology in science classes should be started early in a student’s career, possibly in early middle school or late elementary. This would build familiarity with the equipment and allow for greater exploration by the student as they progress through high school and into upper level science courses.
Climate in the European part of the Arctic underwent a rapid warming between the 1910s and the 1930s. Previous studies have addressed the role of atmospheric circulation in this period based on geopotential height fields because observations of upper-level winds in the Arctic are rare. Here we analyse winds over the Arctic and specifically over Spitsbergen in the “Twentieth Century Reanalyses” (20CR). We compare in situ upper-air wind measurements performed in 1912 and 1913 in Spitsbergen with six-hourly 20CR data. Furthermore, we compare monthly-to-seasonal 20CR winds at 700 hPa over the European Arctic with statistically reconstructed winds at 3 km altitude. Finally, we analyse long-term trends in Arctic winds in 20CR. The general agreement between observed upper-air winds and 20CR on the day-to-day scale is rather poor, which is not surprising given the paucity of observations in the Arctic at that time that constrain 20CR. In contrast, the seasonally averaged winds (which represent a larger spatial scale) in 20CR compare well with statistically reconstructed winds. The analysis of long term near-surface wind time series in 20CR shows arguably artificial trends from 1871 to around the 1950s over sparsely observed regions, particularly oceanic regions. Densely observed regions such as Europe or the USA show no such trends. This analysis shows that great care needs to be taken when working with 20CR in the Arctic and other sparsely observed regions.
Tropical cyclogenesis is generally considered to occur in regions devoid of baroclinic structures; however, an appreciable number of tropical cyclones (TCs) form in baroclinic environments each year. A global climatology of these baroclinically influenced TC developments is presented in this study. An objective classification strategy is developed that focuses on the characteristics of the environmental state rather than on properties of the vortex, thus allowing for a pointwise “development pathway” classification of reanalysis data. The resulting climatology shows that variability within basins arises primarily as a result of local surface thermal contrasts and the positions of time-mean features on the subtropical tropopause. The pathway analyses are sampled to generate a global climatology of 1948–2010 TC developments classified by baroclinic influence: nonbaroclinic (70%), low-level baroclinic (9%), trough induced (5%), weak tropical transition (11%), and strong tropical transition (5%). All basins other than the North Atlantic are dominated by nonbaroclinic events; however, there is extensive interbasin variability in secondary development pathways. Within each basin, subregions and time periods are identified in which the relative importance of the development pathways also differs. The efficiency of tropical cyclogenesis is found to be highly dependent on development pathway. The peak efficiency defined in the classification subspace straddles the nonbaroclinic/trough-induced boundary, suggesting that the optimal environment for TC development includes a baroclinic contribution from an upper-level disturbance. By assessing the global distribution of baroclinically influenced TC formations, this study identifies regions and pathways whose further study could yield improvements in our understanding of this important subset of TC developments.
Optimized regional climate simulations are conducted using the Polar MM5, a version of the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University-NCAR Mesoscale Model (MM5), with a 60-km horizontal resolution domain over North America during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 21 000 calendar years ago), when much of the continent was covered by the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS). The objective is to describe the LGM annual cycle at high spatial resolution with an emphasis on the winter atmospheric circulation. Output from a tailored NCAR Community Climate Model version 3 (CCM3) simulation of the LGM climate is used to provide the initial and lateral boundary conditions for Polar MM5. LGM boundary conditions include continental ice sheets, appropriate orbital forcing, reduced CO2 concentration, paleovegetation, modified sea surface temperatures, and lowered sea level. Polar MM5 produces a substantially different atmospheric response to the LGM boundary conditions than CCM3 and other recent GCM simulations. In particular, from November to April the upper-level flow is split around a blocking anticyclone over the LIS, with a northern branch over the Canadian Arctic and a southern branch impacting southern North America. The split flow pattern is most pronounced in January and transitions into a single, consolidated jet stream that migrates northward over the LIS during summer. Sensitivity experiments indicate that the winter split flow in Polar MM5 is primarily due to mechanical forcing by LIS, although model physics and resolution also contribute to the simulated flow configuration. Polar MM5 LGM results are generally consistent with proxy climate estimates in the western United States, Alaska, and the Canadian Arctic and may help resolve some long-standing discrepancies between proxy data and previous simulations of the LGM climate.
The link between high precipitation in Dronning Maud Land (DML), Antarctica, and the large-scale atmospheric circulation is investigated using ERA-Interim data for 1979–2009. High-precipitation events are analyzed at Halvfarryggen situated in the coastal region of DML and at Kohnen Station located in its interior. This study further includes a comprehensive comparison of high precipitation in ERA-Interim with precipitation data from the Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS) and snow accumulation measurements from automatic weather stations (AWSs), with the limitations of such a comparison being discussed. The ERA-Interim and AMPS precipitation data agree very well. However, the correspondence between high precipitation in ERA-Interim and high snow accumulation at the AWSs is relatively weak. High-precipitation events at both Halvfarryggen and Kohnen are typically associated with amplified upper level waves. This large-scale atmospheric flow pattern is preceded by the downstream development of a Rossby wave train from the eastern South Pacific several days before the precipitation event. At the surface, a cyclone located over the Weddell Sea is the main synoptic ingredient for high precipitation both at Halvfarryggen and at Kohnen. A blocking anticyclone downstream is not a requirement for high precipitation per se, but a larger share of blocking occurrences during the highest-precipitation days in DML suggests that these blocks strengthen the vertically integrated water vapor transport (IVT) into DML. A strong link between high precipitation and the IVT perpendicular to the local orography suggests that IVT could be used as a “proxy” for high precipitation, in particular over DML's interior.
Alpine heavy precipitation events often affect small catchments, although the circulation pattern leading to the event extends over the entire North Atlantic. The various scale interactions involved are particularly challenging for the numerical weather prediction of such events. Unlike previous studies focusing on the southern Alps, here a comprehensive study of a heavy precipitation event in the northern Alps in October 2011 is presented with particular focus on the role of the large-scale circulation in the North Atlantic/European region. During the event exceptionally high amounts of total precipitable water occurred in and north of the Alps. This moisture was initially transported along the flanks of a blocking ridge over the North Atlantic. Subsequently, strong and persistent northerly flow established at the upstream flank of a trough over Europe and steered the moisture towards the northern Alps. Lagrangian diagnostics reveal that a large fraction of the moisture emerged from the West African coast where a subtropical upper-level cut-off low served as an important moisture collector. Wave activity flux diagnostics show that the ridge was initiated as part of a low-frequency, large-scale Rossby wave train while convergence of fast transients helped to amplify it locally in the North Atlantic. A novel diagnostic for advective potential vorticity tendencies sheds more light on this amplification and further emphasizes the role of the ridge in amplifying the trough over Europe. Operational forecasts misrepresented the amplitude and orientation of this trough. For the first time, this study documents an important pathway for northern Alpine flooding, in which the interaction of synoptic-scale to large-scale weather systems and of long-range moisture transport from the Tropics are dominant. Moreover, the trapping of moisture in a subtropical cut-off near the West African coast is found to be a crucial precursor to the observed European high-impact weather.
To say that regionalism is gaining momentum has become an understatement. To mourn the lack of progress in multilateral trade rule-making is a commonplace in the discourse of politicians regretting the WTO negotiation standstill, and of “know-what-to-do” academics. The real problem is the uneven level-playing field resulting from increasing differences of rules and obligations. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Agreement (TTIP) is a very ambitious project. WTI studies in 2014 have shown that the implications for Switzerland could be enormous. But even the combined market power of the two TTIP participants – the EU and the USA – will not level the playing field impairing the regulatory framework, and the market access barriers for trade in agriculture. Such differences will remain in three areas which, incidentally, are also vital for a global response to the food security challenge to feed 9 billion people before the year 2050: market access, non-tariff barriers, and trade-distorting domestic support programmes. This means that without multilateral progress the TTIP and other so-called mega-regionals, if successfully concluded, will exacerbate rather than lessen trade distortions. While this makes farmers in rich countries safer from competition, competitive production in all countries will be hampered. Consequently, and notwithstanding the many affirmations to the contrary, farm policies worldwide will continue to only address farmer security without increasing global food security. What are the implications of the TTIP for Swiss agriculture? This article, commissioned by Waseda University in Tokyo, finds that the failure to achieve further reforms – including a number of areas where earlier reforms have been reversed – is presenting Switzerland and Swiss agriculture with a terrible dilemma in the eventuality of a successful conclusion of the TTIP. If Swiss farm production is to survive for more than another generation, continuous reform efforts are required, and over-reliance on the traditional instruments of border protection and product support is to be avoided. Without a substantial TTIP obliging Switzerland to follow suit, autonomous reforms will remain extremely fragile.
Neural tube defects (NTDs) are the most common severely disabling birth defects in the United States, with a frequency of approximately 1–2 of every 1,000 births. This text includes the identification and evaluation of candidate susceptibility genes that confer risk for the development of neural tube defects (NTDs). The project focused on isolated meningomyelocele, also termed spina bifida (SB). ^ Spina bifida is a complex disease with multifactorial inheritance, therefore the subject population (consisting of North American Caucasians and Hispanics of Mexicali-American descent) was composed of 459 simplex SB families who were tested for genetic associations utilizing the transmission disequilibrium test (TDT), a nonparametric linkage technique. Three categories of candidate genes were studied, including (1) human equivalents of genes determined in mouse models to cause NTDs, (2) HOX and PAX genes, and (3) the MTHFR gene involved in the metabolic pathway of folate. ^ The C677T variant of the 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene was the first mutation in this gene to be implicated as a risk factor for NTDs. Our evaluation of the MTHFR gene provides evidence that maternal C677T homozygosity is a risk factor for upper level spina bifida defects in Hispanics [OR = 2.3, P = 0.02]. This observed risk factor is of great importance due to the high prevalence of this homozygous genotype in the Hispanic population. Additionally, maternal C677T/A1298C compound heterozygosity is a risk factor for upper level spina bifida defects in non-Hispanic whites [OR = 3.6, P = 0.03]. ^ For TDT analysis, our total population of 1128 subjects were genotyped for 54 markers from within and/or flanking the 20 candidate genes/gene regions of interest. Significant TDT findings were obtained for 3 of the 54 analyzed markers: d20s101 flanking the PAX1 gene (P = 0.019), d1s228 within the PAX7 gene (P = 0.011), and d2s110 within the PAX8 gene (P = 0.013). These results were followed-up by testing the genes directly for mutations utilizing single-strand conformational analysis (SSCA) and direct sequencing. Multiple variations were detected in each of these PAX genes; however, these variations were not passed from parent to child in phase with the positively transmitted alleles. Therefore, these variations do not contribute to the susceptibility of spina bifida, but rather are previously unreported single nucleotide polymorphisms. ^
The mammalian cerebral neocortex is a complex six-layered structure containing multiple types of neurons. Pyramidal neurons of the neocortex are formed during development in an inside-out manner, by which deep layer (DL) neurons are generated first, and upper layer (UL) neurons are generated last. Neurons within the six-layered neocortex express unique markers for their position, showing whether they are subplate, deep layer, upper layer, or Cajal-Retzius neurons. The sequential generation of cortical layers, which exists in vivo, has been partially recapitulated in vitro by differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells (Gaspard et al., 2008) and human embryonic stem cells (hESC) (Eiraku et al., 2008). The timeline of generation of cortical neurons from hESC is still not well defined, and could be very important in the future of cell therapy. In this study we will define timeline for UL and DL neurons for our experimental paradigm as well as test the effects of fibroblast growth factors (FGF) 2 and 8 on this neuronal differentiation. Recent papers suggest that FGFs are critical for forebrain patterning (Storm et al., 2003). Neuronal differentiation after treatment with either FGF2 or FGF8 from hESCs will be examined and the proportion of specific neuronal markers will be analyzed using immunocytochemistry. Our results show that the generated pyramidal neurons will express DL and UL laminar markers in vitro as they do in vivo and that the presence of FGF8 in induction media creates a proliferative effect, while FGF2 induces hESC to differentiate at a higher rate.