986 resultados para underground geology


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Ofrece los contenidos del currículo oficial de biología y geología de tercero de la ESO en inglés. El propósito principal de este manual del profesor, es proporcionar apoyo en las aulas, desde un punto de vista científico y claro. El material que ha sido desarrollado desde una perspectiva científica, facilita la integración de los conocimientos y fomenta el desarrollo del razonamiento. Permite cumplir los objetivos curriculares tanto en España como en el Reino Unido.


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Ofrece los contenidos del currículo oficial de biología y geología del cuarto curso de la ESO en inglés. Esta opción es para los centros que deseen incorporar el desarrollo del idioma inglés en la enseñanza de otras materias escolares. Facilita la integración de los conocimientos y fomenta el desarrollo del razonamiento. Permite cumplir los objetivos curriculares tanto en España como en el Reino Unido.


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Ofrece los contenidos del currículo oficial de biología y geología del cuarto curso de la ESO en inglés. El propósito principal de este manual del profesor, es proporcionar apoyo en las aulas, desde un punto de vista científico y claro. El material que ha sido desarrollado desde una perspectiva científica, facilita la integración de los conocimientos y fomenta el desarrollo del razonamiento. Permite cumplir los objetivos curriculares tanto en España como en el Reino Unido.


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Texto de Geología para los cursos específicos del General Certificate of Education Advanced level (A,A2). Proporciona definiciones de términos clave importante de las especificaciónes. Incluye consejos sobre cómo mejorar los conocimientos para ayudar a los alumnos a prepararse para la evaluación práctica. La publicación está estructurada en cuatro unidades con preguntas de examen al final de cada una de ellas: Tectónica de la tierra; Rocas; Geología Ambiental; Evolución de la Vida, Tierra y Clima; y dos de habilidades prácticas para los niveles A y AS respectivamente. Tiene las soluciones a las cuestiones .


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Es una herramienta de aprendizaje para entender los fundamentos científicos de la geología, así como las consecuencias de las acciones humanas sobre nuestro planeta. Ofrece a los estudiantes un marco para aprender y pensar de forma crítica y ayudarles a tomar decisiones sobre cuestiones tan importantes como: el calentamiento global, la superpoblación, el problema del agua dulce y otros.


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Guía geológica con catorce excursiones de fácil acceso para conocer la amplia variedad de rocas y estructuras existente en la zona de Moine Supergroup. Contiene mapas geológicos de cada ruta y datos sobre el itinerario de cada excursión, así como datos adicionales (tipo de terreno, distancia y tiempo). La guía ha sido escrita por aquellos que tienen algún conocimiento previo de geología, por ejemplo, estudiantes graduados y geólogos profesionales. También se menciona que es necesario llevar calzado, ropa de abrigo e impermeable para realizar estas curiosas rutas.


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The Rio Tinto river in SW Spain is a classic example of acid mine drainage and the focus of an increasing amount of research including environmental geochemistry, extremophile microbiology and Mars-analogue studies. Its 5000-year mining legacy has resulted in a wide range of point inputs including spoil heaps and tunnels draining underground workings. The variety of inputs and importance of the river as a research site make it an ideal location for investigating sulphide oxidation mechanisms at the field scale. Mass balance calculations showed that pyrite oxidation accounts for over 93% of the dissolved sulphate derived from sulphide oxidation in the Rio Tinto point inputs. Oxygen isotopes in water and sulphate were analysed from a variety of drainage sources and displayed delta O-18((SO4-H2O)) values from 3.9 to 13.6 parts per thousand, indicating that different oxidation pathways occurred at different sites within the catchment. The most commonly used approach to interpreting field oxygen isotope data applies water and oxygen fractionation factors derived from laboratory experiments. We demonstrate that this approach cannot explain high delta O-18((SO4-H2O)) values in a manner that is consistent with recent models of pyrite and sulphoxyanion oxidation. In the Rio Tinto, high delta O-18((SO4-H2O)) values (11.2-13.6 parts per thousand) occur in concentrated (Fe = 172-829 mM), low pH (0.88-1.4), ferrous iron (68-91% of total Fe) waters and are most simply explained by a mechanism involving a dissolved sulphite intermediate, sulphite-water oxygen equilibrium exchange and finally sulphite oxidation to sulphate with O-2. In contrast, drainage from large waste blocks of acid volcanic tuff with pyritiferous veins also had low pH (1.7). but had a low delta O-18((SO4-H2O)) value of 4.0 parts per thousand and high concentrations of ferric iron (Fe(III) = 185 mM, total Fe = 186 mM), suggesting a pathway where ferric iron is the primary oxidant, water is the primary source of oxygen in the sulphate and where sulphate is released directly from the pyrite surface. However, problems remain with the sulphite-water oxygen exchange model and recommendations are therefore made for future experiments to refine our understanding of oxygen isotopes in pyrite oxidation. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The building fabrics of seven churches situated either on Romney Marsh or the marshland fringe were examined briefly. These revealed important differences in the relative abundance of the two principal building stones. Ragstones from the Hythe Formation occurred more frequently in the northeast, while sandstones from the Ashdown 'Beds' were more common in the west. In the Romney Marsh area, both stones were quarried mainly from their adjoining coastlines, with, up to the thirteenth century, opportunist collection of beach boulders generally preceding the exploitation or hewn stone. Other building stones, possible distribution routes and impacts of the quarrying upon coastline development were also discussed.


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Phenotypic and molecular genetic studies were performed on an unknown facultative anaerobic, catalase-negative, non-spore-forming, rod-shaped bacterium isolated from a pig manure storage pit. The unknown bacterium was nutritionally fastidious with growth enhanced by the addition of rumen fluid and was phenotypically initially identified as an Eubacterium species. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing studies, however, revealed that the unknown bacterium was phylogenetically distant from Eubacterium limosum (the type species of the genus Eubacterium) and related organisms. Phylogenetically, the unknown species displayed a close association with an uncultured organism from human subgingival plaque and formed an unknown sub-line within a cluster of organisms which includes Alloioccoccus otitis, Alkalibacterium olivoapovliticus, Allofustis seminis, Dolosigranulum pigrum, and related organisms, within the low mol% G + C Gram-positive bacteria. Sequence divergence values of > 8% with all known taxonomically recognised taxa, however, clearly indicates the novel bacterium represents a hitherto unknown genus. Based on both phenotypic and phylogenetic considerations, it is proposed that the unknown bacterium from pig manure be classified in a new genus and species, as Atopostipes suicloacale gen. nov., sp. nov. The type strain of Atopostipes suicloacale is PPC79(T) = NRRL 23919(T) = DSM 15692(T). Crown Copyright (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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To ensure minimum loss of system security and revenue it is essential that faults on underground cable systems be located and repaired rapidly. Currently in the UK, the impulse current method is used to prelocate faults, prior to using acoustic methods to pinpoint the fault location. The impulse current method is heavily dependent on the engineer's knowledge and experience in recognising/interpreting the transient waveforms produced by the fault. The development of a prototype real-time expert system aid for the prelocation of cable faults is described. Results from the prototype demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of the expert system as an aid for the diagnosis and location of faults on underground cable systems.


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Safety is an element of extreme priority in mining operations, currently many traditional mining countries are investing in the implementation of wireless sensors capable of detecting risk factors; through early warning signs to prevent accidents and significant economic losses. The objective of this research is to contribute to the implementation of sensors for continuous monitoring inside underground mines providing technical parameters for the design of sensor networks applied in underground coal mines. The application of sensors capable of measuring in real time variables of interest, promises to be of great impact on safety for mining industry. The relationship between the geological conditions and mining method design, establish how to implement a system of continuous monitoring. In this paper, the main causes of accidents for underground coal mines are established based on existing worldwide reports. Variables (temperature, gas, structural faults, fires) that can be related to the most frequent causes of disaster and its relevant measuring range are then presented, also the advantages, management and mining operations are discussed, including the analyzed of applying these systems in terms of Benefit, Opportunity, Cost and Risk. The publication focuses on coal mining, based on the proportion of these events a year worldwide, where a significant number of workers are seriously injured or killed. Finally, a dynamic assessment of safety at underground mines it is proposed, this approach offers a contribution to design personalized monitoring networks, the experience developed in coal mines provides a tool that facilitates the application development of technology within underground coal mines.