958 resultados para ultra-high-vacuum magneto-optical trap


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Durante los últimos años el flujo de datos en la transmisión que tiene lugar en los sistemas de comunicación ha aumentado considerablemente de forma que día a día se requieren más aplicaciones trabajando en un rango de frecuencias muy alto (3-30 GHz). Muchos de estos sistemas de comunicación incluyen dispositivos de onda acústica superficial (SAW) y por tanto se hace necesario el aumento de frecuencia a la que éstos trabajan. Pero este incremento de frecuencia de los dispositivos SAW no sólo es utilizado en los sistemas de comunicación, varios tipos de sensores, por ejemplo, aumentan su sensibilidad cuando la frecuencia a la que trabajan también lo hace. Tradicionalmente los dispositivos SAW se han fabricado sobre cuarzo, LiNbO3 y LiTaO3 principalmente. Sin embargo la principal limitación de estos materiales es su velocidad SAW. Además, debido a la alta temperatura a la que se depositan no pueden ser integrados en la tecnología de fabricación CMOS. El uso de la tecnología de capa delgada, en la que un material piezoeléctrico es depositado sobre un substrato, se está utilizando en las últimas décadas para incrementar la velocidad SAW de la estructura y poder obtener dispositivos trabajando en el rango de frecuencias requerido en la actualidad. Por otra parte, esta tecnología podría ser integrada en el proceso de fabricación CMOS. Durante esta tesis nos hemos centrado en la fabricación de dispositivos SAW trabajando a muy alta frecuencia. Para ello, utilizando la tecnología de capa delgada, hemos utilizado la estructura nitruro de aluminio (AlN) sobre diamante que permite conseguir velocidades SAW del sustrato que no se pueden alcanzar con otros materiales. El depósito de AlN se realizó mediante sputtering reactivo. Durante esta tesis se han realizado diferentes experimentos para optimizar dicho depósito de forma que se han obtenido los parámetros óptimos para los cuales se pueden obtener capas de AlN de alta calidad sobre cualquier tipo de sustrato. Además todo el proceso se realizó a baja temperatura para que el procesado de estos dispositivos pueda ser compatible con la tecnología CMOS. Una vez optimizada la estructura AlN/diamante, mediante litografía por haz de electrones se fabricaron resonadores SAW de tamaño nanométrico que sumado a la alta velocidad resultante de la combinación AlN/diamante nos ha permitido obtener dispositivos trabajando en el rango de 10-28 GHz con un alto factor de calidad y rechazo fuera de la banda. Estás frecuencias y prestaciones no han sido alcanzadas por el momento en resonadores de este tipo. Por otra parte, se han utilizado estos dispositivos para fabricar sensores de presión de alta sensibilidad. Estos dispositivos son afectados altamente por los cambios de temperatura. Se realizó también un exhaustivo estudio de cómo se comportan en temperatura estos resonadores, entre -250ºC y 250ºC (rango de temperaturas no estudiado hasta el momento) diferenciándose dos regiones una a muy baja temperatura en la que el dispositivo muestra un coeficiente de retraso en frecuencia (TCF) relativamente bajo y otra a partir de los -100ºC en la que el TCF es similar al observado en la bibliografía. Por tanto, durante esta tesis se ha optimizado el depósito de AlN sobre diamante para que sea compatible con la tecnología CMOS y permita el procesado de dispositivos trabajando a muy alta frecuencia con altas prestaciones para comunicaciones y sensores. ABSTRACT The increasing volume of information in data transmission systems results in a growing demand of applications working in the super-high-frequency band (3–30 GHz). Most of these systems work with surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices and thus there is a necessity of increasing their resonance frequency. Moreover, sensor application includes this kind of devices. The sensitivity of them is proportional with its frequency. Traditionally, quartz, LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 have been used in the fabrication of SAW devices. These materials suffer from a variety of limitations and in particular they have low SAW velocity as well as being incompatible with the CMOS technology. In order to overcome these problems, thin film technology, where a piezoelectric material is deposited on top of a substrate, has been used during the last decades. The piezoelectric/substrate structure allows to reach the frequencies required nowadays and could be compatible with the mass electronic production CMOS technology. This thesis work focuses on the fabrication of SAW devices working in the super-high-frequency range. Thin film technology has been used in order to get it, especially aluminum nitride (AlN) deposited by reactive sputtering on diamond has been used to increase the SAW velocity. Different experiments were carried out to optimize the parameters for the deposit of high quality AlN on any kind of substrates. In addition, the system was optimized under low temperature and thus this process is CMOS compatible. Once the AlN/diamond was optimized, thanks to the used e-beam lithography, nanometric SAW resonators were fabricated. The combination of the structure and the size of the devices allow the fabrication of devices working in the range of 10-28 GHz with a high quality factor and out of band rejection. These high performances and frequencies have not been reached so far for this kind of devices. Moreover, these devices have been used as high sensitivity pressure sensors. They are affected by temperature changes and thus a wide temperature range (-250ºC to 250ºC) study was done. From this study two regions were observed. At very low temperature, the temperature coefficient of frequency (TCF) is low. From -100ºC upwards the TCF is similar to the one appearing in the literature. Therefore, during this thesis work, the sputtering of AlN on diamond substrates was optimized for the CMOS compatible fabrication of high frequency and high performance SAW devices for communication and sensor application.


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The paths towards high efficiency multijunction solar cells operating inside real concentrators at ultra high concentration (>1000 suns) are described. The key addressed factors comprehend: 1) the development of an optimized tunnel junction with a high peak current density (240 A/cm2) to mitigate the non-uniform light profiles created by concentrators, 2) the inclusion of highly conductive semiconductor lateral layers to minimize the effects of the non-uniform light profiles in general, and the chromatic aberration in particular; and 3) an adequate design of reliability studies to test multijunction solar cells for real operation conditions in order to determine the fragile parts in the device and improve them. These challenges are faced by means of experimental and theoretical investigation using a quasi-3D distributed circuital model.


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In this paper we report a new metod for optical switching based on the magneto-optical properties of liquid crystal materials. In order to improve previous response times, we used a wedge structure.


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El objetivo principal de esta tesis ha sido el diseño y la optimización de receptores implementados con fibra óptica, para ser usados en redes ópticas de alta velocidad que empleen formatos de modulación de fase. En los últimos años, los formatos de modulación de fase (Phase Shift keying, PSK) han captado gran atención debido a la mejora de sus prestaciones respecto a los formatos de modulación convencionales. Principalmente, presentan una mejora de la eficiencia espectral y una mayor tolerancia a la degradación de la señal causada por la dispersión cromática, la dispersión por modo de polarización y los efectos no-lineales en la fibra óptica. En este trabajo, se analizan en detalle los formatos PSK, incluyendo sus variantes de modulación de fase diferencial (Differential Phase Shift Keying, DPSK), en cuadratura (Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying, DQPSK) y multiplexación en polarización (Polarization Multiplexing Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying, PM-DQPSK), con la finalidad de diseñar y optimizar los receptores que permita su demodulación. Para ello, se han analizado y desarrollado nuevas estructuras que ofrecen una mejora en las prestaciones del receptor y una reducción de coste comparadas con las actualmente disponibles. Para la demodulación de señales DPSK, en esta tesis, se proponen dos nuevos receptores basados en un interferómetro en línea Mach-Zehnder (MZI) implementado con tecnología todo-fibra. El principio de funcionamiento de los MZI todo-fibra propuestos se asienta en la interferencia modal que se produce en una fibra multimodo (MMF) cuando se situada entre dos monomodo (SMF). Este tipo de configuración (monomodo-multimodo-monomodo, SMS) presenta un buen ratio de extinción interferente si la potencia acoplada en la fibra multimodo se reparte, principal y equitativamente, entre dos modos dominantes. Con este objetivo, se han estudiado y demostrado tanto teórica como experimentalmente dos nuevas estructuras SMS que mejoran el ratio de extinción. Una de las propuestas se basa en emplear una fibra multimodo de índice gradual cuyo perfil del índice de refracción presenta un hundimiento en su zona central. La otra consiste en una estructura SMS con las fibras desalineadas y donde la fibra multimodo es una fibra de índice gradual convencional. Para las dos estructuras, mediante el análisis teórico desarrollado, se ha demostrado que el 80 – 90% de la potencia de entrada se acopla a los dos modos dominantes de la fibra multimodo y se consigue una diferencia inferior al 10% entre ellos. También se ha demostrado experimentalmente que se puede obtener un ratio de extinción de al menos 12 dB. Con el objeto de demostrar la capacidad de estas estructuras para ser empleadas como demoduladores de señales DPSK, se han realizado numerosas simulaciones de un sistema de transmisión óptico completo y se ha analizado la calidad del receptor bajo diferentes perspectivas, tales como la sensibilidad, la tolerancia a un filtrado óptico severo o la tolerancia a las dispersiones cromática y por modo de polarización. En todos los casos se ha concluido que los receptores propuestos presentan rendimientos comparables a los obtenidos con receptores convencionales. En esta tesis, también se presenta un diseño alternativo para la implementación de un receptor DQPSK, basado en el uso de una fibra mantenedora de la polarización (PMF). A través del análisi teórico y del desarrollo de simulaciones numéricas, se ha demostrado que el receptor DQPSK propuesto presenta prestaciones similares a los convencionales. Para complementar el trabajo realizado sobre el receptor DQPSK basado en PMF, se ha extendido el estudio de su principio de demodulación con el objeto de demodular señales PM-DQPSK, obteniendo como resultado la propuesta de una nueva estructura de demodulación. El receptor PM-DQPSK propuesto se basa en la estructura conjunta de una única línea de retardo junto con un rotador de polarización. Se ha analizado la calidad de los receptores DQPSK y PM-DQPSK bajo diferentes perspectivas, tales como la sensibilidad, la tolerancia a un filtrado óptico severo, la tolerancia a las dispersiones cromática y por modo de polarización o su comportamiento bajo condiciones no-ideales. En comparación con los receptores convencionales, nuestra propuesta exhibe prestaciones similares y además permite un diseño más simple que redunda en un coste potencialmente menor. En las redes de comunicaciones ópticas actuales se utiliza la tecnología de multimplexación en longitud de onda (WDM) que obliga al uso de filtros ópticos con bandas de paso lo más estrechas posibles y a emplear una serie de dispositivos que incorporan filtros en su arquitectura, tales como los multiplexores, demultiplexores, ROADMs, conmutadores y OXCs. Todos estos dispositivos conectados entre sí son equivalentes a una cadena de filtros cuyo ancho de banda se va haciendo cada vez más estrecho, llegando a distorsionar la forma de onda de las señales. Por esto, además de analizar el impacto del filtrado óptico en las señales de 40 Gbps DQPSK y 100 Gbps PM-DQPSK, este trabajo de tesis se completa estudiando qué tipo de filtro óptico minimiza las degradaciones causadas en la señal y analizando el número máximo de filtros concatenados que permiten mantener la calidad requerida al sistema. Se han estudiado y simulado cuatro tipos de filtros ópticos;Butterworth, Bessel, FBG y F-P. ABSTRACT The objective of this thesis is the design and optimization of optical fiber-based phase shift keying (PSK) demodulators for high-bit-rate optical networks. PSK modulation formats have attracted significant attention in recent years, because of the better performance with respect to conventional modulation formats. Principally, PSK signals can improve spectrum efficiency and tolerate more signal degradation caused by chromatic dispersion, polarization mode dispersion and nonlinearities in the fiber. In this work, many PSK formats were analyzed in detail, including the variants of differential phase modulation (Differential Phase Shift Keying, DPSK), in quadrature (Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying, DQPSK) and polarization multiplexing (Polarization Multiplexing Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying, PM-DQPSK), in order to design and optimize receivers enabling demodulations. Therefore, novel structures, which offer good receiver performances and a reduction in cost compared to the current structures, have been analyzed and developed. Two novel receivers based on an all-fiber in-line Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) were proposed for DPSK signal demodulation in this thesis. The operating principle of the all-fiber MZI is based on the modal interference that occurs in a multimode fiber (MMF) when it is located between two single-mode fibers (SMFs). This type of configuration (Single-mode-multimode-single-mode, SMS) can provide a good extinction ratio if the incoming power from the SMF could be coupled equally into two dominant modes excited in the MMF. In order to improve the interference extinction ratio, two novel SMS structures have been studied and demonstrated, theoretically and experimentally. One of the two proposed MZIs is based on a graded-index multimode fiber (MMF) with a central dip in the index profile, located between two single-mode fibers (SMFs). The other one is based on a conventional graded-index MMF mismatch spliced between two SMFs. Theoretical analysis has shown that, in these two schemes, 80 – 90% of the incoming power can be coupled into the two dominant modes exited in the MMF, and the power difference between them is only ~10%. Experimental results show that interference extinction ratio of 12 dB could be obtained. In order to demonstrate the capacity of these two structures for use as DPSK signal demodulators, numerical simulations in a completed optical transmission system have been carried out, and the receiver quality has been analyzed under different perspectives, such as sensitivity, tolerance to severe optical filtering or tolerance to chromatic and polarization mode dispersion. In all cases, from the simulation results we can conclude that the two proposed receivers can provide performances comparable to conventional ones. In this thesis, an alternative design for the implementation of a DQPSK receiver, which is based on a polarization maintaining fiber (PMF), was also presented. To complement the work made for the PMF-based DQPSK receiver, the study of the demodulation principle has been extended to demodulate PM-DQPSK signals, resulting in the proposal of a novel demodulation structure. The proposed PM-DQPSK receiver is based on only one delay line and a polarization rotator. The quality of the proposed DQPSK and PM-DQPSK receivers under different perspectives, such as sensitivity, tolerance to severe optical filtering, tolerance to chromatic dispersion and polarization mode dispersion, or behavior under non-ideal conditions. Compared with the conventional receivers, our proposals exhibit similar performances but allow a simpler design which can potentially reduce the cost. The wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology used in current optical communications networks requires the use of optical filters with a passband as narrow as possible, and the use of a series of devices that incorporate filters in their architecture, such as multiplexers, demultiplexers, switches, reconfigurable add-drop multiplexers (ROADMs) and optical cross-connects (OXCs). All these devices connected together are equivalent to a chain of filters whose bandwidth becomes increasingly narrow, resulting in distortion to the waveform of the signals. Therefore, in addition to analyzing the impact of optical filtering on signal of 40 Gbps DQPSK and 100 Gbps PM-DQPSK, we study which kind of optical filter minimizes the signal degradation and analyze the maximum number of concatenated filters for maintaining the required quality of the system. Four types of optical filters, including Butterworth, Bessel, FBG and FP, have studied and simulated.


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A conceptual energy storage system design that utilizes ultra high temperature phase change materials is presented. In this system, the energy is stored in the form of latent heat and converted to electricity upon demand by TPV (thermophotovoltaic) cells. Silicon is considered in this study as PCM (phase change material) due to its extremely high latent heat (1800 J/g or 500 Wh/kg), melting point (1410 C), thermal conductivity (~25 W/mK), low cost (less than $2/kg or $4/kWh) and abundance on earth. The proposed system enables an enormous thermal energy storage density of ~1 MWh/m3, which is 10e20 times higher than that of lead-acid batteries, 2e6 times than that of Li-ion batteries and 5e10 times than that of the current state of the art LHTES systems utilized in CSP (concentrated solar power) applications. The discharge efficiency of the system is ultimately determined by the TPV converter, which theoretically can exceed 50%. However, realistic discharge efficiencies utilizing single junction TPV cells are in the range of 20e45%, depending on the semiconductor bandgap and quality, and the photon recycling efficiency. This concept has the potential to achieve output electric energy densities in the range of 200-450 kWhe/m3, which is comparable to the best performing state of the art Lithium-ion batteries.


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A cold atomic cloud is a versatile object, because it offers many handles to control and tune its properties. This facilitates studies of its behavior in various circumstances, such as sample temperature, size and density, composition, dimensionality and coherence time. The range of possible experiments is constrained by the specifications of the atomic species used. In this thesis presents the work done in the experiment for laser cooling of strontium atoms, focusing on its stability, which should provide cold and ultracold samples for the study of collective effects in light scattering. From the initial apparatus, innumerous changes were performed. The vacuum system got improved and now reached lower ultra high vacuum due to the pre-baking done to its parts and adding a titanium-sublimation stage. The quadrupole trap were improved by the design and construction of a new pair of coils. The stability of the blue, green and red laser systems and the loss prevention of laser light were improved, giving rise to a robust apparatus. Another important point is the development of homemade devices to reduce the costs and to be used as a monitor of different parts of an cold atoms experiment. From this homemade devices, we could demonstrate a dramatic linewidth narrowing by injection lock of an low cost 461 nm diode laser and its application to our strontium experiment. In the end, this improved experimental apparatus made possible the study of a new scattering effect, the mirror assisted coherent back-scattering (mCBS).


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Observations of cosmic rays arrival directions made with the Pierre Auger Observatory have previously provided evidence of anisotropy at the 99% CL using the correlation of ultra high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) with objects drawn from the Veron-Cetty Veron catalog. In this paper we report on the use of three catalog independent methods to search for anisotropy. The 2pt-L, 2pt+ and 3pt methods, each giving a different measure of self-clustering in arrival directions, were tested on mock cosmic ray data sets to study the impacts of sample size and magnetic smearing on their results, accounting for both angular and energy resolutions. If the sources of UHECRs follow the same large scale structure as ordinary galaxies in the local Universe and if UHECRs are deflected no more than a few degrees, a study of mock maps suggests that these three method can efficiently respond to the resulting anisotropy with a P-value = 1.0% or smaller with data sets as few as 100 events. using data taken from January 1, 2004 to July 31, 2010 we examined the 20, 30, ... , 110 highest energy events with a corresponding minimum energy threshold of about 49.3 EeV. The minimum P-values found were 13.5% using the 2pt-L method, 1.0% using the 2pt+ method and 1.1% using the 3pt method for the highest 100 energy events. In view of the multiple (correlated) scans performed on the data set, these catalog-independent methods do not yield strong evidence of anisotropy in the highest energy cosmic rays.


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In this paper we introduce the concept of Lateral Trigger Probability (LTP) function, i.e., the probability for an Extensive Air Shower (EAS) to trigger an individual detector of a ground based array as a function of distance to the shower axis, taking into account energy, mass and direction of the primary cosmic ray. We apply this concept to the surface array of the Pierre Auger Observatory consisting of a 1.5 km spaced grid of about 1600 water Cherenkov stations. Using Monte Carlo simulations of ultra-high energy showers the LTP functions are derived for energies in the range between 10(17) and 10(19) eV and zenith angles up to 65 degrees. A parametrization combining a step function with an exponential is found to reproduce them very well in the considered range of energies and zenith angles. The LTP functions can also be obtained from data using events simultaneously observed by the fluorescence and the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory (hybrid events). We validate the Monte Carlo results showing how LTP functions from data are in good agreement with simulations.


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The Pierre Auger Collaboration has reported. evidence for anisotropy in the distribution of arrival directions of the cosmic rays with energies E > E-th = 5.5 x 10(19) eV. These show a correlation with the distribution of nearby extragalactic objects, including an apparent excess around the direction of Centaurus A. If the particles responsible for these excesses at E > E-th are heavy nuclei with charge Z, the proton component of the sources should lead to excesses in the same regions at energies E/Z. We here report the lack of anisotropies in these directions at energies above E-th/Z (for illustrative values of Z = 6, 13, 26). If the anisotropies above E-th are due to nuclei with charge Z, and under reasonable assumptions about the acceleration process, these observations imply stringent constraints on the allowed proton fraction at the lower energies.


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"First printing, October, 1939."


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Bibliography: p. [199]


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We summarize recent theoretical results for the signatures of strongly correlated ultra-cold fermions in optical lattices. In particular, we focus on collective mode calculations, where a sharp decrease in collective mode frequency is predicted at the onset of the Mott metal-insulator transition; and correlation functions at finite temperature, where we employ a new exact technique that applies the stochastic gauge technique with a Gaussian operator basis.