995 resultados para transcription initiation


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Members of the LEF-1/TCF family of transcription factors have been implicated in mediating a nuclear response to Wnt signals by association with β-catenin. Consistent with this view, mice carrying mutations in either the Wnt3a gene or in both transcription factor genes Lef1 and Tcf1 were previously found to show a similar defect in the formation of paraxial mesoderm in the gastrulating mouse embryo. In addition, mutations in the Brachyury gene, a direct transcriptional target of LEF-1, were shown to result in mesodermal defects. However, direct evidence for the role of LEF-1 and Brachyury in Wnt3a signaling has been limiting. In this study, we genetically examine the function of LEF-1 in the regulation of Brachyury expression and in signaling by Wnt3a. Analysis of the expression of Brachyury in Lef1−/−Tcf1−/− mice and studies of Brachyury:lacZ transgenes containing wild type or mutated LEF-1 binding sites indicate that Lef1 is dispensable for the initiation, but is required for the maintenance of Brachyury expression. We also show that the expression of an activated form of LEF-1, containing the β-catenin activation domain fused to the amino terminus of LEF-1, can rescue a Wnt3a mutation. Together, these data provide genetic evidence that Lef1 mediates the Wnt3a signal and regulates the stable maintenance of Brachyury expression during gastrulation.


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Initiation of minus (-) strand DNA synthesis was examined on templates containing R, U5, and primer-binding site regions of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), and equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) genomic RNA. DNA synthesis was initiated from (i) an oligoribonucleotide complementary to the primer-binding sites, (ii) synthetic tRNA(3Lys), and (iii) natural tRNA(3Lys), by the reverse transcriptases of HIV-1, FIV, EIAV, simian immunodeficiency virus, HIV type 2 (HIV-2), Moloney murine leukemia virus, and avian myeloblastosis virus. All enzymes used an oligonucleotide on wild-type HIV-1 RNA, whereas only a limited number initiated (-) strand DNA synthesis from either tRNA(3Lys). In contrast, all enzymes supported efficient tRNA(3Lys)-primed (-) strand DNA synthesis on the genomes of FIV and EIAV. This may be in part attributable to the observation that the U5-inverted repeat stem-loop of the EIAV and FIV genomes lacks an A-rich loop shown with HIV-1 to interact with the U-rich tRNA anticodon loop. Deletion of this loop in HIV-1 RNA, or disrupting a critical loop-loop complex by tRNA(3Lys) extended by 9 nt, restored synthesis of HIV-1 (-) strand DNA from primer tRNA(3Lys) by all enzymes. Thus, divergent evolution of lentiviruses may have resulted in different mechanisms to use the same host tRNA for initiation of reverse transcription.


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In conjunction with other general initiation factors, the TATA box-binding protein (TBP) can direct basal transcription by RNA polymerase II from TATA-containing promoters, but its stable interaction with TBP-associated factors (TAFs) in the TFIID complex is required both for activator-dependent transcription and for basal transcription directed by an initiator element. We have generated a TATA-binding-defective TFIID complex containing an amino acid substitution in the DNA-binding surface of its TBP subunit. This mutated TFIID is defective in both basal and activated transcription from core promoters containing only a TATA box but supports transcription from initiator-containing promoters independently of the presence or absence of a TATA sequence. Our results show that a functional initiator element is needed to bypass the requirement for an active TATA DNA-binding surface in TFIID and imply that gene-specific transcription can be achieved by modulating distinct core promoter-specific TFIID functions--e.g., TBP-TATA versus TAF-initiator interactions.


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We have developed a system to transcribe the yeast 5S rRNA gene in the absence of the transcription factor TFIIIA. A long transcript was synthesized both in vitro and in vivo from a hybrid gene in which the tRNA-like promoter sequence of the RPR1 gene was fused to the yeast 5S RNA gene. No internal initiation directed by the endogenous 5S rDNA promoter or any processing of the hybrid transcript was observed in vitro. Yeast cells devoid of transcription factor TFIIIA, which, therefore, could not synthesize any 5S rRNA from the endogenous chromosomal copies of 5S rDNA, could survive if they carried the hybrid RPR1-5S construct on a multicopy plasmid. In this case, the only source of 5S rRNA was the precursor RPR1-5S transcript that gave rise to two RNA species slightly larger than wild-type 5S rRNA. This establishes that the only essential function of TFIIIA is to promote the synthesis of 5S rRNA. However, cells devoid of TFIIIA and surviving with these two RNAs grew more slowly at 30 degrees C compared with wild-type cells and were thermosensitive at 37 degrees C.


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The TATA box sequence in eukaryotes is located about 25 bp upstream of many genes transcribed by RNA polymerase II (Pol II) and some genes transcribed by RNA polymerase III (Pol III). The TATA box is recognized in a sequence-specific manner by the TATA box-binding protein (TBP), an essential factor involved in the initiation of transcription by all three eukaryotic RNA polymerases. We have investigated the recognition of the TATA box by the Pol II and Pol III basal transcription machinery and its role in establishing the RNA polymerase specificity of the promoter. Artificial templates were constructed that contained a canonical TATA box as the sole promoter element but differed in the orientation of the 8-bp TATA box sequence. As expected, Pol II initiated transcription in unfractionated nuclear extracts downstream of the "forward" TATA box. In distinct contrast, transcription that initiated downstream of the "reverse" TATA box was carried out specifically by Pol III. Importantly, this effect was observed regardless of the source of the DNA either upstream or downstream of the TATA sequence. These findings suggest that TBP may bind in opposite orientations on Pol II and Pol III promoters and that opposite, yet homologous, surfaces of TBP may be utilized by the Pol II and Pol III basal machinery for the initiation of transcription.


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We analyzed the FANTOM2 clone set of 60,770 RIKEN full-length mouse cDNA sequences and 44,122 public mRNA sequences. We developed a new computational procedure to identify and classify the forms of splice variation evident in this data set and organized the results into a publicly accessible database that can be used for future expression array construction, structural genomics, and analyses of the mechanism and regulation of alternative splicing. Statistical analysis shows that at least 41% and possibly as much as 60% of multiexon genes in mouse have multiple splice forms. Of the transcription units with multiple splice forms, 49% contain transcripts in which the apparent use of an alternative transcription start (stop) is accompanied by alternative splicing of the initial (terminal) exon. This implies that alternative transcription may frequently induce alternative splicing. The fact that 73% of all exons with splice variation fall within the annotated coding region indicates that most splice variation is likely to affect the protein form. Finally, we compared the set of constitutive (present in all transcripts) exons with the set of cryptic (present only in some transcripts) exons and found statistically significant differences in their length distributions, the nucleoticle distributions around their splice junctions, and the frequencies of occurrence of several short sequence motifs.


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The unrestrained proliferation of cancer cells requires a high level of ribosome biogenesis. The first stage of ribosome biogenesis is the transcription of the large ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs); the structural and functional components of the ribosome. Transcription of rRNA is carried out by RNA Polymerase I (Pol-I) and its associated holoenzyme complex. Here we report that BRCA1, a nuclear phosphoprotein, and a known tumour suppressor involved in variety of cellular processes such as DNA damage response, transcriptional regulation, cell cycle control and ubiquitylation, is associated with rDNA repeats, in particular with the regulatory regions of the rRNA gene. We demonstrate that BRCA1 interacts directly with the basal Pol-I transcription factors; upstream binding factor (UBF), selectivity factor-1 (SL1) as well as interacting with RNA Pol-I itself. We show that in response to DNA damage, BRCA1 occupancy at the rDNA repeat is decreased and the observed BRCA1 interactions with the Pol-I transcription machinery are weakened. We propose, therefore, that there is a rDNA associated fraction of BRCA1 involved in DNA damage dependent regulation of Pol-I transcription, regulating the stability and formation of the Pol-I holoenzyme during initiation and/or elongation in response to DNA damage.


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Résumé : Le nucléole est considéré comme étant une « usine » à produire des ribosomes. Cette production est la fonction la plus énergivore de la cellule. Elle met en jeu les trois ARN polymérases et représente 80% de l’activité de transcription au sein d’une cellule. Les trois quarts de cette activité de transcription correspondent à la synthèse des ARNr par l’ARN polymérase I (ARNPI). Ainsi mieux comprendre les mécanismes cellulaires se déroulant à l’intérieur de ce compartiment permettra le développement de nouveaux traitements contre le cancer. La synthèse d’ARNr par l’ARNPI est régulée à trois niveaux : l’initiation de la transcription, l’élongation et le nombre de gènes de l’ARNr en transcription. La plupart des travaux qui se sont intéressés à ces niveaux de régulation ont été réalisés avec des cellules en phase exponentielle de croissance. Au cours de mes travaux, je me suis attardé sur la régulation de la transcription par l’ARNPI au cours de la phase G1 du cycle cellulaire et au début de la phase S. Ainsi mes résultats ont montré que si la chromatine des gènes de l’ARNr est essentiellement dépourvue de nucléosomes, la régulation de l’ARNPI diffère dans des cellules en G1 et au début de la phase S. J’ai pu de ce fait observer qu’en G1, la transcription de l’ARNPI se concentre sur un nombre réduit de gènes en transcription. Dans des cellules arrêtées au début de la phase S avec de l’hydroxyurée, la transcription de l’ARNPI est perturbée par un défaut de maturation de l’ARNR. Fort de ces résultats sur la nature des gènes ribosomaux en phase G1, je me suis attardé à la réparation de ces gènes lors de cette phase. Alors que dans des cellules en phase exponentielle de croissance irradiées avec des UVC, la chromatine des gènes de l’ARNr se ferme ; je n’ai pas observé la formation de nucléosomes suite à l’irradiation de cellules synchronisée en G1. Mes résultats montrent également que la réparation est plus efficace. Parallèlement, j’ai exploré l’assemblage du complexe de réparation par excision de nucléotides. Toutefois, les résultats obtenus sont peu concluants.


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Embryogenic callus was initiated by culturing in vitro taro corm slices on agar-solidified half-strength MS medium containing 2.0 mg/L 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) for 20 days followed by transfer to 1.0 mg/L thidiazuron (TDZ). Callus was subsequently proliferated on solid medium containing 1.0 mg/L TDZ, 0.5 mg/L 2,4- D and 800 mg/L glutamine before transfer to liquid medium containing the same components but with reduced glutamine (100 mg/L). After 3 months in liquid culture on an orbital shaker, cytoplasmically dense cell aggregates began to form. Somatic embryogenesis was induced by plating suspension cells onto solid media containing reduced levels of hormones (0.1 mg/L TDZ, 0.05 mg/L 2,4-D), high concentrations of sucrose (40–50 g/L) and biotin (1.0 mg/L). Embryo maturation and germination was then induced on media containing 0.05 mg/L benzyladenine (BA) and 0.1 mg/L indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Histological studies of the developing embryos revealed the presence of typical shoot and root poles suggesting that these structures were true somatic embryos. The rate of somatic embryos formation was 500–3,000 per mL settledcell volume while approximately 60% of the embryos regenerated into plants.


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The use of the PC and Internet for placing telephone calls will present new opportunities to capture vast amounts of un-transcribed speech for a particular speaker. This paper investigates how to best exploit this data for speaker-dependent speech recognition. Supervised and unsupervised experiments in acoustic model and language model adaptation are presented. Using one hour of automatically transcribed speech per speaker with a word error rate of 36.0%, unsupervised adaptation resulted in an absolute gain of 6.3%, equivalent to 70% of the gain from the supervised case, with additional adaptation data likely to yield further improvements. LM adaptation experiments suggested that although there seems to be a small degree of speaker idiolect, adaptation to the speaker alone, without considering the topic of the conversation, is in itself unlikely to improve transcription accuracy.


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The androgen receptor (AR) is a ligand-activated transcription factor of the nuclear receptor superfamily that plays a critical role in male physiology and pathology. Activated by binding of the native androgens testosterone and 5-dihydrotestosterone, the AR regulates transcription of genes involved in the development and maintenance of male phenotype and male reproductive function as well as other tissues such as bone and muscle. Deregulation of AR signaling can cause a diverse range of clinical conditions, including the X-linked androgen insensitivity syndrome, a form of motor neuron disease known as Kennedy’s disease, and male infertility. In addition, there is now compelling evidence that the AR is involved in all stages of prostate tumorigenesis including initiation, progression, and treatment resistance. To better understand the role of AR signaling in the pathogenesis of these conditions, it is important to have a comprehensive understanding of the key determinants of AR structure and function. Binding of androgens to the AR induces receptor dimerization, facilitating DNA binding and the recruitment of cofactors and transcriptional machinery to regulate expression of target genes. Various models of dimerization have been described for the AR, the most well characterized interaction being DNA-binding domain- mediated dimerization, which is essential for the AR to bind DNA and regulate transcription. Additional AR interactions with potential to contribute to receptor dimerization include the intermolecular interaction between the AR amino terminal domain and ligand-binding domain known as the N-terminal/C-terminal interaction, and ligand-binding domain dimerization. In this review, we discuss each form of dimerization utilized by the AR to achieve transcriptional competence and highlight that dimerization through multiple domains is necessary for optimal AR signaling.