959 resultados para time-domain reflectometry


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PURPOSE. We compared retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) and macular thickness measurements in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and neuromyelitis optica (NMO) with or without a history of optic neuritis, and in controls using Fourier-domain (FD) optical coherence tomography (OCT). METHODS. Patients with MS (n = 60), NMO (n = 33), longitudinal extensive transverse myelitis (LETM, n = 28) and healthy controls (n = 41) underwent ophthalmic examination, including automated perimetry, and FD-OCT RNFL and macular thickness measurements. Five groups of eyes were compared: MS with or without previous optic neuritis, NMO, LETM, and controls. Correlation between OCT and visual field (VF) findings was investigated. RESULTS. With regard to most parameters, RNFL and macular thickness measurements were significantly smaller in eyes of each group of patients compared to controls. MS eyes with optic neuritis did not differ significantly from MS eyes without optic neuritis, but measurements were smaller in NMO eyes than in all other groups. RNFL (but not macular thickness) measurements were significantly smaller in LETM eyes than in controls. While OCT abnormalities were correlated significantly with VF loss in NMO/LETM and MS, the correlation was much stronger in the former. CONCLUSIONS. Although FD-OCT RNFL and macular thickness measurements can reveal subclinical or optic neuritis-related abnormalities in NMO-spectrum and MS patients, abnormalities are predominant in the macula of MS patients and in RFNL measurements in NMO patients. The correlation between OCT and VF abnormalities was stronger in NMO than in MS, suggesting the two conditions differ regarding structural and functional damage. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01024985.) Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012;53:3959-3966) DOI:10.1167/iovs.11-9324


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Cytochrom c Oxidase (CcO), der Komplex IV der Atmungskette, ist eine der Häm-Kupfer enthaltenden Oxidasen und hat eine wichtige Funktion im Zellmetabolismus. Das Enzym enthält vier prosthetische Gruppen und befindet sich in der inneren Membran von Mitochondrien und in der Zellmembran einiger aerober Bakterien. Die CcO katalysiert den Elektronentransfer (ET) von Cytochrom c zu O2, wobei die eigentliche Reaktion am binuklearen Zentrum (CuB-Häm a3) erfolgt. Bei der Reduktion von O2 zu zwei H2O werden vier Protonen verbraucht. Zudem werden vier Protonen über die Membran transportiert, wodurch eine elektrochemische Potentialdifferenz dieser Ionen zwischen Matrix und Intermembranphase entsteht. Trotz ihrer Wichtigkeit sind Membranproteine wie die CcO noch wenig untersucht, weshalb auch der Mechanismus der Atmungskette noch nicht vollständig aufgeklärt ist. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, einen Beitrag zum Verständnis der Funktion der CcO zu leisten. Hierzu wurde die CcO aus Rhodobacter sphaeroides über einen His-Anker, der am C-Terminus der Untereinheit II angebracht wurde, an eine funktionalisierte Metallelektrode in definierter Orientierung gebunden. Der erste Elektronenakzeptor, das CuA, liegt dabei am nächsten zur Metalloberfläche. Dann wurde eine Doppelschicht aus Lipiden insitu zwischen die gebundenen Proteine eingefügt, was zur sog. proteingebundenen Lipid-Doppelschicht Membran (ptBLM) führt. Dabei musste die optimale Oberflächenkonzentration der gebundenen Proteine herausgefunden werden. Elektrochemische Impedanzspektroskopie(EIS), Oberflächenplasmonenresonanzspektroskopie (SPR) und zyklische Voltammetrie (CV) wurden angewandt um die Aktivität der CcO als Funktion der Packungsdichte zu charakterisieren. Der Hauptteil der Arbeit betrifft die Untersuchung des direkten ET zur CcO unter anaeroben Bedingungen. Die Kombination aus zeitaufgelöster oberflächenverstärkter Infrarot-Absorptionsspektroskopie (tr-SEIRAS) und Elektrochemie hat sich dafür als besonders geeignet erwiesen. In einer ersten Studie wurde der ET mit Hilfe von fast scan CV untersucht, wobei CVs von nicht-aktivierter sowie aktivierter CcO mit verschiedenen Vorschubgeschwindigkeiten gemessen wurden. Die aktivierte Form wurde nach dem katalytischen Umsatz des Proteins in Anwesenheit von O2 erhalten. Ein vier-ET-modell wurde entwickelt um die CVs zu analysieren. Die Methode erlaubt zwischen dem Mechanismus des sequentiellen und des unabhängigen ET zu den vier Zentren CuA, Häm a, Häm a3 und CuB zu unterscheiden. Zudem lassen sich die Standardredoxpotentiale und die kinetischen Koeffizienten des ET bestimmen. In einer zweiten Studie wurde tr-SEIRAS im step scan Modus angewandt. Dafür wurden Rechteckpulse an die CcO angelegt und SEIRAS im ART-Modus verwendet um Spektren bei definierten Zeitscheiben aufzunehmen. Aus diesen Spektren wurden einzelne Banden isoliert, die Veränderungen von Vibrationsmoden der Aminosäuren und Peptidgruppen in Abhängigkeit des Redoxzustands der Zentren zeigen. Aufgrund von Zuordnungen aus der Literatur, die durch potentiometrische Titration der CcO ermittelt wurden, konnten die Banden versuchsweise den Redoxzentren zugeordnet werden. Die Bandenflächen gegen die Zeit aufgetragen geben dann die Redox-Kinetik der Zentren wieder und wurden wiederum mit dem vier-ET-Modell ausgewertet. Die Ergebnisse beider Studien erlauben die Schlussfolgerung, dass der ET zur CcO in einer ptBLM mit größter Wahrscheinlichkeit dem sequentiellen Mechanismus folgt, was dem natürlichen ET von Cytochrom c zur CcO entspricht.


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Conventional time-domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) has become an important tool for following dry or exudative age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Fourier-domain three-dimensional (3D) OCT was recently introduced. This study tested the reproducibility of 3D-OCT retinal thickness measurements in patients with dry and exudative AMD.


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Coronary late stent thrombosis, a rare but devastating complication, remains an important concern in particular with the increasing use of drug-eluting stents. Notably, pathological studies have indicated that the proportion of uncovered coronary stent struts represents the best morphometric predictor of late stent thrombosis. Intracoronary optical frequency domain imaging (OFDI), a novel second-generation optical coherence tomography (OCT)-derived imaging method, may allow rapid imaging for the detection of coronary stent strut coverage with a markedly higher precision when compared with intravascular ultrasound, due to a microscopic resolution (axial approximately 10-20 microm), and at a substantially increased speed of image acquisition when compared with first-generation time-domain OCT. However, a histological validation of coronary OFDI for the evaluation of stent strut coverage in vivo is urgently needed. Hence, the present study was designed to evaluate the capacity of coronary OFDI by electron (SEM) and light microscopy (LM) analysis to detect and evaluate stent strut coverage in a porcine model.


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We present an overview of different methods for decomposing a multichannel spontaneous electroencephalogram (EEG) into sets of temporal patterns and topographic distributions. All of the methods presented here consider the scalp electric field as the basic analysis entity in space. In time, the resolution of the methods is between milliseconds (time-domain analysis), subseconds (time- and frequency-domain analysis) and seconds (frequency-domain analysis). For any of these methods, we show that large parts of the data can be explained by a small number of topographic distributions. Physically, this implies that the brain regions that generated one of those topographies must have been active with a common phase. If several brain regions are producing EEG signals at the same time and frequency, they have a strong tendency to do this in a synchronized mode. This view is illustrated by several examples (including combined EEG and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)) and a selective review of the literature. The findings are discussed in terms of short-lasting binding between different brain regions through synchronized oscillations, which could constitute a mechanism to form transient, functional neurocognitive networks.


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In process industries, make-and-pack production is used to produce food and beverages, chemicals, and metal products, among others. This type of production process allows the fabrication of a wide range of products in relatively small amounts using the same equipment. In this article, we consider a real-world production process (cf. Honkomp et al. 2000. The curse of reality – why process scheduling optimization problems are diffcult in practice. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 24, 323–328.) comprising sequence-dependent changeover times, multipurpose storage units with limited capacities, quarantine times, batch splitting, partial equipment connectivity, and transfer times. The planning problem consists of computing a production schedule such that a given demand of packed products is fulfilled, all technological constraints are satisfied, and the production makespan is minimised. None of the models in the literature covers all of the technological constraints that occur in such make-and-pack production processes. To close this gap, we develop an efficient mixed-integer linear programming model that is based on a continuous time domain and general-precedence variables. We propose novel types of symmetry-breaking constraints and a preprocessing procedure to improve the model performance. In an experimental analysis, we show that small- and moderate-sized instances can be solved to optimality within short CPU times.


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Frequency-transformed EEG resting data has been widely used to describe normal and abnormal brain functional states as function of the spectral power in different frequency bands. This has yielded a series of clinically relevant findings. However, by transforming the EEG into the frequency domain, the initially excellent time resolution of time-domain EEG is lost. The topographic time-frequency decomposition is a novel computerized EEG analysis method that combines previously available techniques from time-domain spatial EEG analysis and time-frequency decomposition of single-channel time series. It yields a new, physiologically and statistically plausible topographic time-frequency representation of human multichannel EEG. The original EEG is accounted by the coefficients of a large set of user defined EEG like time-series, which are optimized for maximal spatial smoothness and minimal norm. These coefficients are then reduced to a small number of model scalp field configurations, which vary in intensity as a function of time and frequency. The result is thus a small number of EEG field configurations, each with a corresponding time-frequency (Wigner) plot. The method has several advantages: It does not assume that the data is composed of orthogonal elements, it does not assume stationarity, it produces topographical maps and it allows to include user-defined, specific EEG elements, such as spike and wave patterns. After a formal introduction of the method, several examples are given, which include artificial data and multichannel EEG during different physiological and pathological conditions.


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Full-field Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography (3F-OCT) is a full-field version of spectraldomain/swept-source optical coherence tomography. A set of two-dimensional Fourier holograms is recorded at discrete wavenumbers spanning the swept-source tuning range. The resultant three-dimensional data cube contains comprehensive information on the three-dimensional morphological layout of the sample that can be reconstructed in software via three-dimensional discrete Fourier-transform. This method of recording of the OCT signal confers signal-to-noise ratio improvement in comparison with "flying-spot" time-domain OCT. The spatial resolution of the 3F-OCT reconstructed image, however, is degraded due to the presence of a phase cross-term, whose origin and effects are addressed in this paper. We present theoretical and experimental study of imaging performance of 3F-OCT, with particular emphasis on elimination of the deleterious effects of the phase cross-term.


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Pulses with an envelope in the form of the Airy function are obtained using Green's functions in 1D and 2D in time domain. Interaction of such pulses with a dielectric layer is investigated and expressions for reflected and transmitted pulses are obtained. © 2012 EUROPEAN MICROWAVE ASSOC.


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Communication has become an essential function in our civilization. With the increasing demand for communication channels, it is now necessary to find ways to optimize the use of their bandwidth. One way to achieve this is by transforming the information before it is transmitted. This transformation can be performed by several techniques. One of the newest of these techniques is the use of wavelets. Wavelet transformation refers to the act of breaking down a signal into components called details and trends by using small waveforms that have a zero average in the time domain. After this transformation the data can be compressed by discarding the details, transmitting the trends. In the receiving end, the trends are used to reconstruct the image. In this work, the wavelet used for the transformation of an image will be selected from a library of available bases. The accuracy of the reconstruction, after the details are discarded, is dependent on the wavelets chosen from the wavelet basis library. The system developed in this thesis takes a 2-D image and decomposes it using a wavelet bank. A digital signal processor is used to achieve near real-time performance in this transformation task. A contribution of this thesis project is the development of DSP-based test bed for the future development of new real-time wavelet transformation algorithms.


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A novel interrogation technique for fully distributed linearly chirped fiber Bragg grating (LCFBG) strain sensors with simultaneous high temporal and spatial resolution based on optical time-stretch frequency-domain reflectometry (OTS-FDR) is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. LCFBGs is a promising candidate for fully distributed sensors thanks to its longer grating length and broader reflection bandwidth compared to normal uniform FBGs. In the proposed system, two identical LCFBGs are employed in a Michelson interferometer setup with one grating serving as the reference grating whereas the other serving as the sensing element. Broadband spectral interferogram is formed and the strain information is encoded into the wavelength-dependent free spectral range (FSR). Ultrafast interrogation is achieved based on dispersion-induced time stretch such that the target spectral interferogram is mapped to a temporal interference waveform that can be captured in real-Time using a single-pixel photodector. The distributed strain along the sensing grating can be reconstructed from the instantaneous RF frequency of the captured waveform. High-spatial resolution is also obtained due to high-speed data acquisition. In a proof-of-concept experiment, ultrafast real-Time interrogation of fully-distributed grating sensors with various strain distributions is experimentally demonstrated. An ultrarapid measurement speed of 50 MHz with a high spatial resolution of 31.5 μm over a gauge length of 25 mm and a strain resolution of 9.1 μϵ have been achieved.


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The surface of the Earth is subjected to vertical deformations caused by geophysical and geological processes which can be monitored by Global Positioning System (GPS) observations. The purpose of this work is to investigate GPS height time series to identify interannual signals affecting the Earth’s surface over the European and Mediterranean area, during the period 2001-2019. Thirty-six homogeneously distributed GPS stations were selected from the online dataset made available by the Nevada Geodetic Laboratory (NGL) on the basis of the length and quality of the data series. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is the technique applied to extract the main patterns of the space and time variability of the GPS Up coordinate. The time series were studied by means of a frequency analysis using a periodogram and the real-valued Morlet wavelet. The periodogram is used to identify the dominant frequencies and the spectral density of the investigated signals; the second one is applied to identify the signals in the time domain and the relevant periodicities. This study has identified, over European and Mediterranean area, the presence of interannual non-linear signals with a period of 2-to-4 years, possibly related to atmospheric and hydrological loading displacements and to climate phenomena, such as El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). A clear signal with a period of about six years is present in the vertical component of the GPS time series, likely explainable by the gravitational coupling between the Earth’s mantle and the inner core. Moreover, signals with a period in the order of 8-9 years, might be explained by mantle-inner core gravity coupling and the cycle of the lunar perigee, and a signal of 18.6 years, likely associated to lunar nodal cycle, were identified through the wavelet spectrum. However, these last two signals need further confirmation because the present length of the GPS time series is still too short when compared to the periods involved.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física