982 resultados para time perception
Customer Satisfaction Surveys (CSS) have become an important tool for public transport planners, as improvements in the perceived quality of service lead to greater use of public transport and lower traffic pollution. Until now, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) enhancements in public transport have traditionally included fleet management systems based on Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) technologies, which can be used to optimize routing and scheduling, and to feed real-time information into passenger information channels. However, surveys of public transport users could also benefit from the new information technologies. As most customers carry their smartphones when traveling, Quick Response (QR) codes open up the possibility of conducting these surveys at a lower cost.This paper contributes to the limited existing literature by developing the analysis of QR codes applied to CSS in public transport and highlighting their importance in reducing the cost of data collection and processing. The added value of this research is that it provides the first assessment of a real case study in Madrid (Spain) using QR codes for this purpose. This pilot experience was part of a research project analyzing bus service quality in the same case study, so the QR code survey (155 valid questionnaires) was validated using a conventional face-to-face survey (520 valid questionnaires). The results show clearly that, after overcoming a few teething troubles, this QR code application will ultimately provide transport management with a useful tool to reduce survey costs
La medida de calidad de vídeo sigue siendo necesaria para definir los criterios que caracterizan una señal que cumpla los requisitos de visionado impuestos por el usuario. Las nuevas tecnologías, como el vídeo 3D estereoscópico o formatos más allá de la alta definición, imponen nuevos criterios que deben ser analizadas para obtener la mayor satisfacción posible del usuario. Entre los problemas detectados durante el desarrollo de esta tesis doctoral se han determinado fenómenos que afectan a distintas fases de la cadena de producción audiovisual y tipo de contenido variado. En primer lugar, el proceso de generación de contenidos debe encontrarse controlado mediante parámetros que eviten que se produzca el disconfort visual y, consecuentemente, fatiga visual, especialmente en lo relativo a contenidos de 3D estereoscópico, tanto de animación como de acción real. Por otro lado, la medida de calidad relativa a la fase de compresión de vídeo emplea métricas que en ocasiones no se encuentran adaptadas a la percepción del usuario. El empleo de modelos psicovisuales y diagramas de atención visual permitirían ponderar las áreas de la imagen de manera que se preste mayor importancia a los píxeles que el usuario enfocará con mayor probabilidad. Estos dos bloques se relacionan a través de la definición del término saliencia. Saliencia es la capacidad del sistema visual para caracterizar una imagen visualizada ponderando las áreas que más atractivas resultan al ojo humano. La saliencia en generación de contenidos estereoscópicos se refiere principalmente a la profundidad simulada mediante la ilusión óptica, medida en términos de distancia del objeto virtual al ojo humano. Sin embargo, en vídeo bidimensional, la saliencia no se basa en la profundidad, sino en otros elementos adicionales, como el movimiento, el nivel de detalle, la posición de los píxeles o la aparición de caras, que serán los factores básicos que compondrán el modelo de atención visual desarrollado. Con el objetivo de detectar las características de una secuencia de vídeo estereoscópico que, con mayor probabilidad, pueden generar disconfort visual, se consultó la extensa literatura relativa a este tema y se realizaron unas pruebas subjetivas preliminares con usuarios. De esta forma, se llegó a la conclusión de que se producía disconfort en los casos en que se producía un cambio abrupto en la distribución de profundidades simuladas de la imagen, aparte de otras degradaciones como la denominada “violación de ventana”. A través de nuevas pruebas subjetivas centradas en analizar estos efectos con diferentes distribuciones de profundidades, se trataron de concretar los parámetros que definían esta imagen. Los resultados de las pruebas demuestran que los cambios abruptos en imágenes se producen en entornos con movimientos y disparidades negativas elevadas que producen interferencias en los procesos de acomodación y vergencia del ojo humano, así como una necesidad en el aumento de los tiempos de enfoque del cristalino. En la mejora de las métricas de calidad a través de modelos que se adaptan al sistema visual humano, se realizaron también pruebas subjetivas que ayudaron a determinar la importancia de cada uno de los factores a la hora de enmascarar una determinada degradación. Los resultados demuestran una ligera mejora en los resultados obtenidos al aplicar máscaras de ponderación y atención visual, los cuales aproximan los parámetros de calidad objetiva a la respuesta del ojo humano. ABSTRACT Video quality assessment is still a necessary tool for defining the criteria to characterize a signal with the viewing requirements imposed by the final user. New technologies, such as 3D stereoscopic video and formats of HD and beyond HD oblige to develop new analysis of video features for obtaining the highest user’s satisfaction. Among the problems detected during the process of this doctoral thesis, it has been determined that some phenomena affect to different phases in the audiovisual production chain, apart from the type of content. On first instance, the generation of contents process should be enough controlled through parameters that avoid the occurrence of visual discomfort in observer’s eye, and consequently, visual fatigue. It is especially necessary controlling sequences of stereoscopic 3D, with both animation and live-action contents. On the other hand, video quality assessment, related to compression processes, should be improved because some objective metrics are adapted to user’s perception. The use of psychovisual models and visual attention diagrams allow the weighting of image regions of interest, giving more importance to the areas which the user will focus most probably. These two work fields are related together through the definition of the term saliency. Saliency is the capacity of human visual system for characterizing an image, highlighting the areas which result more attractive to the human eye. Saliency in generation of 3DTV contents refers mainly to the simulated depth of the optic illusion, i.e. the distance from the virtual object to the human eye. On the other hand, saliency is not based on virtual depth, but on other features, such as motion, level of detail, position of pixels in the frame or face detection, which are the basic features that are part of the developed visual attention model, as demonstrated with tests. Extensive literature involving visual comfort assessment was looked up, and the development of new preliminary subjective assessment with users was performed, in order to detect the features that increase the probability of discomfort to occur. With this methodology, the conclusions drawn confirmed that one common source of visual discomfort was when an abrupt change of disparity happened in video transitions, apart from other degradations, such as window violation. New quality assessment was performed to quantify the distribution of disparities over different sequences. The results confirmed that abrupt changes in negative parallax environment produce accommodation-vergence mismatches derived from the increasing time for human crystalline to focus the virtual objects. On the other side, for developing metrics that adapt to human visual system, additional subjective tests were developed to determine the importance of each factor, which masks a concrete distortion. Results demonstrated slight improvement after applying visual attention to objective metrics. This process of weighing pixels approximates the quality results to human eye’s response.
Two and a half millennia ago Pythagoras initiated the scientific study of the pitch of sounds; yet our understanding of the mechanisms of pitch perception remains incomplete. Physical models of pitch perception try to explain from elementary principles why certain physical characteristics of the stimulus lead to particular pitch sensations. There are two broad categories of pitch-perception models: place or spectral models consider that pitch is mainly related to the Fourier spectrum of the stimulus, whereas for periodicity or temporal models its characteristics in the time domain are more important. Current models from either class are usually computationally intensive, implementing a series of steps more or less supported by auditory physiology. However, the brain has to analyze and react in real time to an enormous amount of information from the ear and other senses. How is all this information efficiently represented and processed in the nervous system? A proposal of nonlinear and complex systems research is that dynamical attractors may form the basis of neural information processing. Because the auditory system is a complex and highly nonlinear dynamical system, it is natural to suppose that dynamical attractors may carry perceptual and functional meaning. Here we show that this idea, scarcely developed in current pitch models, can be successfully applied to pitch perception.
Suspension-cultured tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) cells react to stimulation by chitin fragments with a rapid, transient alkalinization of the growth medium, but behave refractory to a second treatment with the same stimulus (G. Felix, M. Regenass, T. Boller [1993] Plant J 4: 307–316). We analyzed this phenomenon and found that chitin fragments caused desensitization in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. Partially desensitized cells exhibited a clear shift toward lower sensitivity of the perception system. The ability of chitin oligomers to induce desensitization depended on the degree of polymerization (DP), with DP5 ≈ DP4 ≫ DP3 ≫ DP2 > DP1. This correlates with the ability of these oligomers to induce the alkalinization response and to compete for the high-affinity binding site on tomato cells and microsomal membranes, indicating that the alkalinization response and the desensitization process are mediated by the same receptor. The dose required for half-maximal desensitization was about 20 times lower than the dose required for half-maximal alkalinization; desensitization could therefore be used as a highly sensitive bioassay for chitin fragments and chitin-related stimuli such as lipochitooligosaccharides (nodulation factors) from Rhizobium leguminosarum. Desensitization was not associated with increased inactivation of the stimulus or with a disappearance of high-affinity binding sites from the cell surface, and thus appears to be caused by an intermediate step in signal transduction.
This study investigates whether different diurnal types (morning versus evening) differ in their estimation of time duration at different times of the day. Given that the performance of morning and evening types is typically best at their preferred times of day, and assuming different diurnal trends in subjective alertness (arousal?) for morning and evening types, and adopting the attentional gate model of time duration estimation, it was predicted that morning types would tend to underestimate and be more accurate in the morning compared to evening types where the opposite pattern was expected. Nineteen morning types, 18 evening types and 18 intermediate types were drawn from a large sample (N=1175) of undergraduates administered the Early/Late Preference Scale. Groups performed a time duration estimation task using the production method for estimating 20-s unfilled intervals at two times of day: 0800/1830. The median absolute error, median directional error and frequency of under- and overestimation were analysed using repeated-measures ANOVA. While all differences were statistically non-significant, the following trends were observed: morning types performed better than evening types; participants overestimated in the morning and underestimated in the evening; and participants were more accurate later in the day. It was concluded that the trends are inconsistent with a relationship between subjective alertness and time duration estimation but consistent with a possible relationship between time duration estimation and diurnal body temperature fluctuations. (C) 2002 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hitting a moving target demands that movement is both spatially and temporally accurate. Recent experiments have begun to reveal how performance of such actions depends on the spatial and temporal accuracy requirements of the task. The results suggest a simple strategy for achieving spatiotemporal accuracy using brief, high-speed movements.
The McGurk effect, in which auditory [ba] dubbed onto [go] lip movements is perceived as da or tha, was employed in a real-time task to investigate auditory-visual speech perception in prelingual infants. Experiments 1A and 1B established the validity of real-time dubbing for producing the effect. In Experiment 2, 4(1)/(2)-month-olds were tested in a habituation-test paradigm, in which 2 an auditory-visual stimulus was presented contingent upon visual fixation of a live face. The experimental group was habituated to a McGurk stimulus (auditory [ba] visual [ga]), and the control group to matching auditory-visual [ba]. Each group was then presented with three auditory-only test trials, [ba], [da], and [deltaa] (as in then). Visual-fixation durations in test trials showed that the experimental group treated the emergent percept in the McGurk effect, [da] or [deltaa], as familiar (even though they had not heard these sounds previously) and [ba] as novel. For control group infants [da] and [deltaa] were no more familiar than [ba]. These results are consistent with infants'perception of the McGurk effect, and support the conclusion that prelinguistic infants integrate auditory and visual speech information. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Purpose. Drivers adopt smaller safety margins when pulling out in front of motorcycles compared with cars. This could partly account for why the most common motorcycle/car accident involves a car violating a motorcyclist's right of way. One possible explanation is the size-arrival effect in which smaller objects are perceived to arrive later than larger objects. That is, drivers may estimate the time to arrival of motorcycles to be later than cars because motorcycles are smaller. Methods. We investigated arrival time judgments using a temporal occlusion paradigm. Drivers recruited from the student population (n = 28 and n = 33) saw video footage of oncoming vehicles and had to press a response button when they judged that vehicles would reach them. Results. In experiment 1, the time to arrival of motorcycles was estimated to be significantly later than larger vehicles (a car and a van) for different approach speeds and viewing times. In experiment 2, we investigated an alternative explanation to the size-arrival effect: that the smaller size of motorcycles places them below the threshold needed for observers to make an accurate time to arrival judgment using tau. We found that the motorcycle/car difference in arrival time estimates was maintained for very short occlusion durations when tau could be estimated for both motorcycles and cars. Conclusions. Results are consistent with the size-arrival effect and are inconsistent with the tau threshold explanation. Drivers estimate motorcycles will reach them later than cars across a range of conditions. This could have safety implications.
The perception of global form requires integration of local visual cues across space and is the foundation for object recognition. Here we used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to study the location and time course of neuronal activity associated with the perception of global structure from local image features. To minimize neuronal activity to low-level stimulus properties, such as luminance and contrast, the local image features were held constant during all phases of the MEG recording. This allowed us to assess the relative importance of striate (V1) versus extrastriate cortex in global form perception.
We used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to examine the nature of oscillatory brain rhythms when passively viewing both illusory and real visual contours. Three stimuli were employed: a Kanizsa triangle; a Kanizsa triangle with a real triangular contour superimposed; and a control figure in which the corner elements used to form the Kanizsa triangle were rotated to negate the formation of illusory contours. The MEG data were analysed using synthetic aperture magnetometry (SAM) to enable the spatial localisation of task-related oscillatory power changes within specific frequency bands, and the time-course of activity within given locations-of-interest was determined by calculating time-frequency plots using a Morlet wavelet transform. In contrast to earlier studies, we did not find increases in gamma activity (> 30 Hz) to illusory shapes, but instead a decrease in 10–30 Hz activity approximately 200 ms after stimulus presentation. The reduction in oscillatory activity was primarily evident within extrastriate areas, including the lateral occipital complex (LOC). Importantly, this same pattern of results was evident for each stimulus type. Our results further highlight the importance of the LOC and a network of posterior brain regions in processing visual contours, be they illusory or real in nature. The similarity of the results for both real and illusory contours, however, leads us to conclude that the broadband (< 30 Hz) decrease in power we observed is more likely to reflect general changes in visual attention than neural computations specific to processing visual contours.
Behavioural studies on normal and brain-damaged individuals provide convincing evidence that the perception of objects results in the generation of both visual and motor signals in the brain, irrespective of whether or not there is an intention to act upon the object. In this paper we sought to determine the basis of the motor signals generated by visual objects. By examining how the properties of an object affect an observer's reaction time for judging its orientation, we provide evidence to indicate that directed visual attention is responsible for the automatic generation of motor signals associated with the spatial characteristics of perceived objects.
How speech is separated perceptually from other speech remains poorly understood. Recent research suggests that the ability of an extraneous formant to impair intelligibility depends on the modulation of its frequency, but not its amplitude, contour. This study further examined the effect of formant-frequency variation on intelligibility by manipulating the rate of formant-frequency change. Target sentences were synthetic three-formant (F1?+?F2?+?F3) analogues of natural utterances. Perceptual organization was probed by presenting stimuli dichotically (F1?+?F2C?+?F3C; F2?+?F3), where F2C?+?F3C constitute a competitor for F2 and F3 that listeners must reject to optimize recognition. Competitors were derived using formant-frequency contours extracted from extended passages spoken by the same talker and processed to alter the rate of formant-frequency variation, such that rate scale factors relative to the target sentences were 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 (0?=?constant frequencies). Competitor amplitude contours were either constant, or time-reversed and rate-adjusted in parallel with the frequency contour. Adding a competitor typically reduced intelligibility; this reduction increased with competitor rate until the rate was at least twice that of the target sentences. Similarity in the results for the two amplitude conditions confirmed that formant amplitude contours do not influence across-formant grouping. The findings indicate that competitor efficacy is not tuned to the rate of the target sentences; most probably, it depends primarily on the overall rate of frequency variation in the competitor formants. This suggests that, when segregating the speech of concurrent talkers, differences in speech rate may not be a significant cue for across-frequency grouping of formants.
In an isolated syllable, a formant will tend to be segregated perceptually if its fundamental frequency (F0) differs from that of the other formants. This study explored whether similar results are found for sentences, and specifically whether differences in F0 (?F0) also influence across-formant grouping in circumstances where the exclusion or inclusion of the manipulated formant critically determines speech intelligibility. Three-formant (F1 + F2 + F3) analogues of almost continuously voiced natural sentences were synthesized using a monotonous glottal source (F0 = 150 Hz). Perceptual organization was probed by presenting stimuli dichotically (F1 + F2C + F3; F2), where F2C is a competitor for F2 that listeners must resist to optimize recognition. Competitors were created using time-reversed frequency and amplitude contours of F2, and F0 was manipulated (?F0 = ±8, ±2, or 0 semitones relative to the other formants). Adding F2C typically reduced intelligibility, and this reduction was greatest when ?F0 = 0. There was an additional effect of absolute F0 for F2C, such that competitor efficacy was greater for higher F0s. However, competitor efficacy was not due to energetic masking of F3 by F2C. The results are consistent with the proposal that a grouping “primitive” based on common F0 influences the fusion and segregation of concurrent formants in sentence perception.
Both animal and human studies suggest that the efficiency with which we are able to grasp objects is attributable to a repertoire of motor signals derived directly from vision. This is in general agreement with the long-held belief that the automatic generation of motor signals by the perception of objects is based on the actions they afford. In this study, we used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to determine the spatial distribution and temporal dynamics of brain regions activated during passive viewing of object and non-object targets that varied in the extent to which they afforded a grasping action. Synthetic Aperture Magnetometry (SAM) was used to localize task-related oscillatory power changes within specific frequency bands, and the time course of activity within given regions-of-interest was determined by calculating time-frequency plots using a Morlet wavelet transform. Both single subject and group-averaged data on the spatial distribution of brain activity are presented. We show that: (i) significant reductions in 10-25 Hz activity within extrastriate cortex, occipito-temporal cortex, sensori-motor cortex and cerebellum were evident with passive viewing of both objects and non-objects; and (ii) reductions in oscillatory activity within the posterior part of the superior parietal cortex (area Ba7) were only evident with the perception of objects. Assuming that focal reductions in low-frequency oscillations (< 30 Hz) reflect areas of heightened neural activity, we conclude that: (i) activity within a network of brain areas, including the sensori-motor cortex, is not critically dependent on stimulus type and may reflect general changes in visual attention; and (ii) the posterior part of the superior parietal cortex, area Ba7, is activated preferentially by objects and may play a role in computations related to grasping. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.