998 resultados para tax expenditures


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This paper analyzes the existence of an inflation tax Laffer curve (ITLC) in the context of two standard optimizing monetary models: a cash-in-advance model and a money in the utility function model. Agents’ preferences are characterized in the two models by a constant relative risk aversion utility function. Explosive hyperinflation rules out the presence of an ITLC. In the context of a cash-in-advance economy, this paper shows that explosive hyperinflation is feasible and thus an ITLC is ruled out whenever the relative risk aversion parameter is greater than one. In the context of an optimizing model with money in the utility function, this paper firstly shows that an ITLC is ruled out. Moreover, it is shown that explosive hyperinflations are more likely when the transactions role of money is more important. However, hyperinflationary paths are not feasible in this context unless certain restrictions are imposed.


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A dynamic optimisation framework is adopted to show how tax-based management systems theoretically correct the inefficient allocation of fishing resources derived from the stock externality. Optimal Pigouvian taxes on output (τ) and on inputs (γ) are calculated, compared and considered as potential alternatives to the current regulation of VIII division Cantabrian anchovy fishery. The sensibility analysis of optimal taxes illustrates an asymmetry between (τ) and (γ) when cost price ratio varies. The distributional effects also differ. Special attention will be paid to the real implementation of the tax-based systems in fisheries.


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Over the past decade, scholarly interest concerning the use of limitations to constrain government spending and taxing has noticeably increased. The call for constitutional restrictions can be credited, in part, to Washington's apparent inability to legislate any significant reductions in government expenditures or in the size of the national debt. At the present time, the federal government is far from instituting any constitutional limitations on spending or borrowing; however, the states have incorporated many controls on revenues and expenditures, the oldest being strictures on full faith and credit borrowing. This dissertations examines the efficacy of these restrictions on borrowing across the states (excluding Alaska) for the period dating from 1961 to 1990 and also studies the limitations on taxing and spending synonymous with the Tax Revolt.

We include socio-economic information in our calculations to control for factors other than the institutional variables that affect state borrowing levels. Our results show that certain constitutional restrictions (in particular, the referendum requirement and the dollar debt limit) are more effective than others. The apparent ineffectiveness of other limitations, such as the flexible debt limit, seem related to the bindingness of the limitations in at least half of the cases. Other variables, such as crime rates, number of schoolage children, and state personal income do affect the levels of full faith and credit debt, but not as strongly as the limitations. While some degree of circumvention can be detected (the amount of full faith and credit debt does inversely affect the levels of nonguaranteed debt), it is so small when compared to the effectiveness of the constitutional restrictions that it is almost negligible. The examination of the tax revolt era limitations yielded quite similar conclusions, with the additional fact that constitutional restrictions appear more binding than statutory ones. Our research demonstrates that constitutional limitations on borrowing can be applied effectively to constrain excessive borrowing, but caution must be used. The efficacy of these restrictions decrease dramatically as the number of loopholes increase.


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En este trabajo se realiza un análisis de los gastos fiscales en España durante los últimos 10 años. Para ello se parte de la definición y características de estos pasando por sus ventajas e inconvenientes, sus tres métodos de estimación del mismo y el utilizado en España, contextualizándolo en el marco legal básico del que emana los Presupuestos Generales del Estado. Continuamos abordando los gastos fiscales a través de tres puntos de vista diferentes: Presupuestario, donde se analizan los gastos fiscales a través de los Beneficios Fiscales y del Presupuesto de Ingresos. Por Políticas de Gasto, donde estos son analizados a través de las políticas a los que son destinados dichos gastos. Y finalmente, desde el punto de vista Impositivo, donde se analizan a través de cada impuesto individualmente en que elemento del impuesto se recogen dichos Beneficios Fiscales relacionándolos con las políticas de gasto a los que son destinados.


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This paper analyzes the effects of personal income tax progressivity on long-run economic growth, income inequality and social welfare. The quantitative implications of income tax progressivity increments are illustrated for the US economy under three main headings: individual effects (reduced labor supply and savings, and increased dispersion of tax rates); aggregate effects (lower GDP growth and lower income inequality); and welfare effects (lower dispersion of consumption across individuals and higher leisure levels, but also lower growth of future consumption). The social discount factor proves to be crucial for this third effect: a higher valuation of future generations' well-being requires a lower level of progressivity. Additionally, if tax revenues are used to provide a public good rather than just being discarded, a higher private valuation of such public goods will also call for a lower level of progressivity.


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Esta tese abordou como temas centrais a capacidade de extração tributária e os conflitos distributivos inerentes ao efetivo exercício da coleta de tributos pelo Estado. Nosso objetivo foi analisar os processos por trás das disputas em torno da tributação no Novo Desenvolvimentismo no Brasil (governos Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, 2003-2010) e na Argentina (governos Néstor Kirchner, 2003-2007, e Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, 2007-2011), identificando os legados das trajetórias institucionais prévias sobre a formulação de suas agendas tributárias, bem como as estratégias empreendidas pelas coalizões governantes e opositoras para a promoção de mudanças nas instituições tributária. Para tanto, focalizamos o estudo dos conflitos em torno da CPMF, no Brasil, e das retenções às exportações, na Argentina. Sustentamos que a formação de coalizões desenvolvimentistas explica a formatação de consensos em torno do fortalecimento da capacidade de extração tributária e, por conseguinte, da capacidade de investir e de efetuar gastos sociais. As diferenças observadas nas capacidades extrativas no Brasil e na Argentina se explicam, fundamentalmente, pela construção de um duradouro consenso em torno do desenvolvimentismo, no Brasil, em contraste com a trajetória de marcada por disputas em torno das estratégias de desenvolvimento na Argentina. Ademais, a formação de coalizões de sustentação a determinadas agendas tributárias deve ser entendida no marco das disputas em torno da distribuição dos custos e dos benefícios decorrentes dessas políticas. Por isso, fez-se necessário analisar a articulação das elites econômicas dos dois países na defesa dos seus interesses: embora suas elites empresariais (industriais ou agropecuárias) apresentassem dificuldades históricas na articulação de ação coletiva em favor de agendas positivas, elas foram capazes de articularem suas ações em torno de interesses negativos, objetivando obstaculizar políticas tributárias que fossem de encontro aos seus interesses.


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Rhodes, Mark. 'US Foreign Sales Corporations, Export Tax Credits and the WTO', in: 'The WTO and the Regulation of International Trade: Recent Trade Disputes between the European Union and the United States', (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2005), pp.177-189 RAE2008


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The research and development costs of 68 randomly selected new drugs were obtained from a survey of 10 pharmaceutical firms. These data were used to estimate the average pre-tax cost of new drug development. The costs of compounds abandoned during testing were linked to the costs of compounds that obtained marketing approval. The estimated average out-of-pocket cost per new drug is 403 million US dollars (2000 dollars). Capitalizing out-of-pocket costs to the point of marketing approval at a real discount rate of 11% yields a total pre-approval cost estimate of 802 million US dollars (2000 dollars). When compared to the results of an earlier study with a similar methodology, total capitalized costs were shown to have increased at an annual rate of 7.4% above general price inflation.


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Illicit trade carries the potential to magnify existing tobacco-related health care costs through increased availability of untaxed and inexpensive cigarettes. What is known with respect to the magnitude of illicit trade for Vietnam is produced primarily by the industry, and methodologies are typically opaque. Independent assessment of the illicit cigarette trade in Vietnam is vital to tobacco control policy. This paper measures the magnitude of illicit cigarette trade for Vietnam between 1998 and 2010 using two methods, discrepancies between legitimate domestic cigarette sales and domestic tobacco consumption estimated from surveys, and trade discrepancies as recorded by Vietnam and trade partners. The results indicate that Vietnam likely experienced net smuggling in during the period studied. With the inclusion of adjustments for survey respondent under-reporting, inward illicit trade likely occurred in three of the four years for which surveys were available. Discrepancies in trade records indicate that the value of smuggled cigarettes into Vietnam ranges from $100 million to $300 million between 2000 and 2010 and that these cigarettes primarily originate in Singapore, Hong Kong, Macao, Malaysia, and Australia. Notable differences in trends over time exist between the two methods, but by comparison, the industry estimates consistently place the magnitude of illicit trade at the upper bounds of what this study shows. The unavailability of annual, survey-based estimates of consumption may obscure the true, annual trend over time. Second, as surveys changed over time, estimates relying on them may be inconsistent with one another. Finally, these two methods measure different components of illicit trade, specifically consumption of illicit cigarettes regardless of origin and smuggling of cigarettes into a particular market. However, absent a gold standard, comparisons of different approaches to illicit trade measurement serve efforts to refine and improve measurement approaches and estimates.


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