588 resultados para tall


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Over the last 30 years, western European Song Thrush populations have declined with the steepest decline recorded on British farmland. Changes in agricultural practices have been implicated in these population declines. Ireland is an agriculturally dominated landscape but changes in agriculture here have occurred on a relatively slower rate and scale. Little is known about the ecology of the Song Thrush in Ireland, even though it is not classified as a species of conservation concern here. Some decline is thought to have occurred but the current breeding population appears to be stable and widespread. In light of these facts, this study investigated various aspects of Song Thrush ecology in relation to the Irish landscape from 2001-2003. The breeding season extended from mid March to late June, where mean clutch size was 4.1 and number of fledglings was 3.7. There were very few third broods. Daily nest survival rates were calculated for egg stage 0.9362, incubation stage 0.9505 and nestling stage 0.6909. Most nest failures were due to avian predation at both egg and chick stages. Most nests were located 1.3 -2.4m from the ground at trees, bushes or hedgerow. Clutch size was significantly higher on farmland than garden & parkland and woodland, and the number of fledglings was significantly lower in nests in trees than hedgerow and bush sites. Daily nest fail rates were significantly higher at tree sites and partly concealed nests. Nesting areas had significantly denser vertical vegetation than non-nesting areas. Mercury and the organochlorine HEOD were the most common contaminants in Song Thrush eggs and livers. However concentrations and occurrence were low and of no apparent biological or ecological concern. The presence of breeding Song Thrushes was influenced by mixed surrounding farmland, the absence of grass surrounding farmland, ditches especially wet ones, tall dense vegetation and trimmed boundaries. Song Thrush winter densities were predicted by ditches, with wet or dry, low thin vegetation and untrimmed boundaries. Winter densities were almost double that of the breeding season, probably due to the arrival and passage of migrating Song Thrushes through the country, especially in November. Changes in Irish agriculture did not differ significantly in areas of Song Thrush breeding population stability and apparent decline during 1970 1990. Even though the current breeding population heavily uses farmland, woodland, human and scrub habitats are more preferred. Nevertheless no farmland habitat was avoided, highlighting a positive relationship between breeding Song Thrushes and Irish agriculture. This appears to be in contrast with findings between breeding Song Thrushes and British agriculture. Theses findings are compared with other studies and possible influences by agricultural intensification, climate, latitude and insular syndrome are discussed. Implications for conservation measures are considered, especially for areas of decline. Even though Song Thrushes are currently widespread and stable here, future environmental consequences of longer-term changes in Irish agriculture and perhaps climate change remain to be seen.


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Red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle L.) forests have distinct tree-height zones, with tall trees fringing the ocean and shorter trees in interior stands. A long-term nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilization experiment in Almirante Bay, Bocas del Toro Province, Panama has shown that tree-height zonation is primarily related to nutrient limitation. This experiment was used to test the effects of in-situ nutrient additions and tree zonation on mangrove sediments. The sediments underlying the experimental R. mangle trees were sampled and N2 fixation, 15N, chlorophyll a, percent N and P, and percent organic biomass were quantified. Both N and P additions significantly affected almost every parameter measured in both zones within this experiment. These results are likely to have implications for management since N and P inputs are predicted to increase throughout the tropics and subtropics worldwide.


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Light is a critical environmental signal that regulates every phase of the plant life cycle, from germination to floral initiation. Of the many light receptors in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, the red- and far-red light-sensing phytochromes (phys) are arguably the best studied, but the earliest events in the phy signaling pathway remain poorly understood. One of the earliest phy signaling events is the translocation of photoactivated phys from the cytoplasm to the nucleus, where they localize to subnuclear foci termed photobodies; in continuous light, photobody localization correlates closely with the light-dependent inhibition of embryonic stem growth. Despite a growing body of evidence supporting the biological significance of photobodies in light signaling, photobodies have also been shown to be dispensable for seedling growth inhibition in continuous light, so their physiological importance remains controversial; additionally, the molecular components that are required for phy localization to photobodies are largely unknown. The overall goal of my dissertation research was to gain insight into the early steps of phy signaling by further defining the role of photobodies in this process and identifying additional intragenic and extragenic requirements for phy localization to photobodies.

Even though the domain structure of phys has been extensively studied, not all of the intramolecular requirements for phy localization to photobodies are known. Previous studies have shown that the entire C-terminus of phys is both necessary and sufficient for their localization to photobodies. However, the importance of the individual subdomains of the C-terminus is still unclear. For example a truncation lacking part of the most C-terminal domain, the histidine kinase-related domain (HKRD), can still localize to small photobodies in the light and behaves like a weak allele. However, a point mutation within the HKRD renders the entire molecule completely inactive. To resolve this discrepancy, I explored the hypothesis that this point mutation might impair the dimerization of the HKRD; dimerization has been shown to occur via the C-terminus of phy and is required for more efficient signaling. I show that this point mutation impairs nuclear localization of phy as well as its subnuclear localization to photobodies. Additionally, yeast-two-hybrid analysis shows that the wild-type HKRD can homodimerize but that the HKRD containing the point mutation fails to dimerize with both itself and with wild-type HKRD. These results demonstrate that dimerization of the HKRD is required for both nuclear and photobody localization of phy.

Studies of seedlings grown in diurnal conditions show that photoactivated phy can persist into darkness to repress seedling growth; a seedling's growth rate is therefore fastest at the end of the night. To test the idea that photobodies could be involved in regulating seedling growth in the dark, I compared the growth of two transgenic Arabidopsis lines, one in which phy can localize to photobodies (PBG), and one in which it cannot (NGB). Despite these differences in photobody morphology, both lines are capable of transducing light signals and inhibiting seedling growth in continuous light. After the transition from red light to darkness, the PBG line was able to repress seedling growth, as well as the accumulation of the growth-promoting, light-labile transcription factor PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR 3 (PIF3), for eighteen hours, and this correlated perfectly with the presence of photobodies. Reducing the amount of active phy by either reducing the light intensity or adding a phy-inactivating far-red pulse prior to darkness led to faster accumulation of PIF3 and earlier seedling growth. In contrast, the NGB line accumulated PIF3 even in the light, and seedling growth was only repressed for six hours; this behavior was similar in NGB regardless of the light treatment. These results suggest that photobodies are required for the degradation of PIF3 and for the prolonged stabilization of active phy in darkness. They also support the hypothesis that photobody localization of phys could serve as an instructive cue during the light-to-dark transition, thereby fine-tuning light-dependent responses in darkness.

In addition to determining an intragenic requirement for photobody localization and further exploring the significance of photobodies in phy signaling, I wanted to identify extragenic regulators of photobody localization. A recent study identified one such factor, HEMERA (HMR); hmr mutants do not form large photobodies, and they are tall and albino in the light. To identify other components in the HMR-mediated branch of the phy signaling pathway, I performed a forward genetic screen for suppressors of a weak hmr allele. Surprisingly, the first three mutants isolated from the screen were alleles of the same novel gene, SON OF HEMERA (SOH). The soh mutations rescue all of the phenotypes associated with the weak hmr allele, and they do so in an allele-specific manner, suggesting a direct interaction between SOH and HMR. Null soh alleles, which were isolated in an independent, tall, albino screen, are defective in photobody localization, demonstrating that SOH is an extragenic regulator of phy localization to photobodies that works in the same genetic pathway as HMR.

In this work, I show that dimerization of the HKRD is required for both the nuclear and photobody localization of phy. I also demonstrate a tight correlation between photobody localization and PIF3 degradation, further establishing the significance of photobodies in phy signaling. Finally, I identify a novel gene, SON OF HEMERA, whose product is necessary for phy localization to photobodies in the light, thereby isolating a new extragenic determinant of photobody localization. These results are among the first to focus exclusively on one of the earliest cellular responses to light - photobody localization of phys - and they promise to open up new avenues into the study of a poorly understood facet of the phy signaling pathway.


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© 2014, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.The evolution of capillary forces during evaporation and the corresponding changes in the geometrical characteristics of liquid (water) bridges between two glass spheres with constant separation are examined experimentally. For comparison, the liquid bridges were also tested for mechanical extension (at constant volume). The obtained results reveal substantial differences between the evolution of capillary force due to evaporation and the evolution due to extension of the liquid bridges. During both evaporation and extension, the change of interparticle capillary forces consists in a force decrease to zero either gradually or via rupture of the bridge. At small separations between the grains (short & wide bridges) during evaporation and at large volumes during extension, there is a slight initial increase of force. During evaporation, the capillary force decreases slowly at the beginning of the process and quickly at the end of the process; during extension, the capillary force decreases quickly at the beginning and slowly at the end of the process. Rupture during evaporation of the bridges occurs most abruptly for bridges with wider separations (tall and thin), sometimes occurring after only 25% of the water volume was evaporated. The evolution (pinning/depinning) of two geometrical characteristics of the bridge, the diameter of the three-phase contact line and the “apparent” contact angle at the solid/liquid/gas interface, seem to control the capillary force evolution. The findings are of relevance to the mechanics of unsaturated granular media in the final phase of drying.


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We present descriptions of a new order (Ranunculo cortusifolii-Geranietalia reuteri and of a new alliance (Stachyo lusitanicae-Cheirolophion sempervirentis) for the herbaceous fringe communities of Macaronesia and of the southwestern Iberian Peninsula, respectively. A new alliance, the Polygalo mediterraneae-Bromion erecti (mesophilous post-cultural grasslands), was introduced for the Peninsular Italy. We further validate and typify the Armerietalia rumelicae (perennial grasslands supported by nutrient-poor on siliceous bedrocks at altitudes characterized by the submediterranean climate of central-southern Balkan Peninsula), the Securigero-Dasypyrion villosae (lawn and fallow-land tall-grass annual vegetation of Italy), and the Cirsio vallis-demoni-Nardion (acidophilous grasslands on siliceous substrates of the Southern Italy). Nomenclatural issues (validity, legitimacy, synonymy, formal corrections) have been discussed and clarified for the following names: Brachypodio-Brometalia, Bromo pannonici-Festucion csikhegyensis, Corynephoro-Plantaginion radicatae, Heleochloion, Hieracio-Plantaginion radicatae, Nardetea strictae, Nardetalia strictae, Nardo-Callunetea, Nardo-Galion saxatilis, Oligo-Bromion, Paspalo-Heleochloetalia, Plantagini-Corynephorion and Scorzoneret alia villosae. 


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The extent of genetic diversity and the genetic relationships among 94 coconut varieties/populations (51 Talls and 43 Dwarfs) representing the entire geographic range of cultivation/distribution of the coconut was assessed using 12 pairs of coconut microsatellite primers. A high level of genetic diversity was observed in the collection with the mean gene diversity of 0.647+/-0.139, with that of the mean gene diversity of Talls 0.703+/-0.125 and 0.374+/-0.204 of Dwarfs. A phenetic tree based on DAD genetic distances clustered all the 94 varieties/ populations into two main groups, with one group composed of all the Talls from southeast Asia, the Pacific, west coast of Panama, and all Dwarfs and the other of all Talls from south Asia, Africa, and the Indian Ocean coast of Thailand. The allele distribution of Dwarfs highlighted a unique position of Dwarf palms from the Philippines exhibiting as much variation as that in the Tall group. The grouping of all Dwarfs representing the entire geographic distribution of the crop with Talls from southeast Asia and the Pacific and the allele distribution between the Tall and Dwarf suggest that the Dwarfs originated from the Tall forms and that too from the Talls of southeast Asia and the Pacific. Talls from Pacific Islands recorded the highest level of genetic diversity (0.6+/-0.26) with the highest number of alleles (51) among all the regions.


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The coconut variety Typica, form typica, commonly known as Sri Lanka tall coconuts is the most widely exploited and grown variety in Sri Lanka. Under the coconut bio-diversity conservation programme, several Typica populations have been collected by island-wide surveys and planted ex situ. Thirty-three coconut populations were subjected to microsatellite assay with eight coconut-specific microsatellite primer pairs in order to study the levels and distribution of genetic variation of the collected materials for formulating future collection strategies and selecting parents for the breeding programme. A total of 56 alleles were detected ranging from 3 to 10 alleles per primer pair with an average of 7 alleles per locus. Overall a very high level of genetic diversity was detected (0.999) for all the populations studied ranging from 0.526 for population Debarayaya to 0.683 for population Dickwella. Only four introduced coconut populations, i.e. Clovis, Margeret, Dickwella, Mirishena and an embryo-cultured population were clearly separated from the resulting dendrogram. A very high level of within population variation (99%) accounted for native populations suggests a common history and a restricted genetic base for native Sri Lankan tall coconuts. Categorization of alleles into different classes according to their frequency and distribution confirmed the results of the dedrogram and concluded the adequacy of single large collection from the entire target area to represent the total genetic diversity in Sri Lanka. This study discusses useful information regarding conservation and breeding of coconut in Sri Lanka.


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Livestock face complex foraging options associated with optimizing nutrient intake while being able to avoid areas posing risk of parasites or disease. Areas of tall nutrient-rich swards around fecal deposits may be attractive for grazing, but might incur fitness costs from parasites. We use the example of dairy cattle and the risks of tuberculosis transmission posed to them by pastures contaminated with badger excreta to examine this trade-off. A risk may be posed either by aerosolized inhalation through investigation or by ingestion via grazing contaminated swards. We quantified the levels of investigation and grazing of 150 dairy cows at badger latrines (accumulations of feces and urine) and crossing points (urination-only sites). Grazing behavior was compared between strip-grazed and rotation-grazed fields. Strip grazing had fields subdivided for grazing periods of


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Cribriform-morular variant (C-MV) of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is a rare and unusual neoplasm composed of multiple histologic components, including cribriform, papillary, solid, tall columnar, and morular patterns. Analyses of gross C-MV of PTC lesions has linked adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) mutations to its pathogenesis; however, the extent of involvement of mutations in the development Of individual components is unclear We report on bidirectional sequencing of the mutation cluster region (codons 1032-1565) of the APC gene in individually laser-microdissected components of a previously unreported C-MV of PTC. A silent Thr1493Thr gene variant was found in all tumoral components, whereas a 5-base-pair frameshift deletion at codon 1309 was identified only in the morules. Neither variant was observed in matched normal thyroid tissue. These results show the histologic components of C-MV of PTC to have some common mutational background, although additional somatic mutations may be involved in the development of morular structures.


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