806 resultados para structural equation models


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À l’instar de plusieurs systèmes de santé, les centres hospitaliers québécois ont amorcé l’informatisation du dossier patient sous forme papier pour la transition vers un dossier clinique informatisé (DCI). Ce changement complexe s’est parfois traduit par des répercussions sur les pratiques de soins, la sécurité et la qualité des soins offerts. L’adoption de la part des utilisateurs de technologies de l’information (TI) est considérée comme un facteur critique de succès pour la réalisation de bénéfices suite au passage à un DCI. Cette étude transversale multicentrique avait pour objectifs d’examiner des facteurs explicatifs de l’adoption, de l’utilisation réelle d’un DCI, de la satisfaction des infirmières et de comparer les résultats au regard du sexe, de l’âge, de l’expérience des infirmières et des stades de déploiement du DCI. Un modèle théorique s’appuyant sur la Théorie unifiée de l’adoption et de l’utilisation de la technologie a été développé et testé auprès d’un échantillon comptant 616 infirmières utilisant un DCI hospitalier dans quatre milieux de soins différents. Plus particulièrement, l’étude a testé 20 hypothèses de recherche s’intéressant aux relations entre huit construits tels la compatibilité du DCI, le sentiment d’auto-efficacité des infirmières, les attentes liées à la performance, celles qui sont liées aux efforts à déployer pour adopter le DCI, l'influence sociale dans l’environnement de travail, les conditions facilitatrices mises de l’avant pour soutenir le changement et ce, relativement à l’utilisation réelle du DCI et la satisfaction des infirmières. Au terme des analyses de modélisation par équations structurelles, 13 hypothèses de recherche ont été confirmées. Les résultats tendent à démontrer qu’un DCI répondant aux attentes des infirmières quant à l’amélioration de leur performance et des efforts à déployer, la présence de conditions facilitatrices dans l’environnement de travail et un DCI compatible avec leur style de travail, leurs pratiques courantes et leurs valeurs sont les facteurs les plus déterminants pour influencer positivement l’utilisation du DCI et leur satisfaction. Les facteurs modélisés ont permis d’expliquer 50,2 % de la variance des attentes liées à la performance, 52,9 % des attentes liées aux efforts, 33,6 % de l’utilisation réelle du DCI et 54,9 % de la satisfaction des infirmières. La forte concordance du modèle testé avec les données de l’échantillon a notamment mis en lumière l’influence des attentes liées à la performance sur l’utilisation réelle du DCI (r = 0,55 p = 0,006) et sur la satisfaction des infirmières (r = 0,27 p = 0,010), des conditions facilitatrices sur les attentes liées aux efforts (r = 0,45 p = 0,009), de la compatibilité du DCI sur les attentes liées à la performance (r = 0,39 p = 0,002) et sur celles qui sont liées aux efforts (r = 0,28 p = 0,009). Les nombreuses hypothèses retenues ont permis de dégager l’importance des effets de médiation captés par le construit des attentes liées à la performance et celui des attentes liées aux efforts requis pour utiliser le DCI. Les comparaisons fondées sur l’âge, l’expérience et le sexe des répondants n’ont décelé aucune différence statistiquement significative quant à l’adoption, l’utilisation réelle du DCI et la satisfaction des infirmières. Par contre, celles qui sont fondées sur les quatre stades de déploiement du DCI ont révélé des différences significatives quant aux relations modélisées. Les résultats indiquent que plus le stade de déploiement du DCI progresse, plus on observe une intensification de certaines relations clés du modèle et une plus forte explication de la variance de la satisfaction des infirmières qui utilisent le DCI. De plus, certains résultats de l’étude divergent des données empiriques produites dans une perspective prédictive de l’adoption des TI. La présente étude tend à démontrer l’applicabilité des modèles et des théories de l’adoption des TI auprès d’infirmières œuvrant en centre hospitalier. Les résultats indiquent qu’un DCI répondant aux attentes liées à la performance des infirmières est le facteur le plus déterminant pour influencer positivement l’utilisation réelle du DCI et leur satisfaction. Pour la gestion du changement, l’étude a relevé des facteurs explicatifs de l’adoption et de l’utilisation d’un DCI. La modélisation a aussi mis en lumière les interrelations qui évoluent en fonction de stades de déploiement différents d’un DCI. Ces résultats pourront orienter les décideurs et les agents de changement quant aux mesures à déployer pour optimiser les bénéfices d’une infostructure entièrement électronique dans les systèmes de santé.


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Le monde actuel, marqué par une augmentation incessante des exigences professionnelles, requiert des enseignants une adaptation constante aux changements sociaux, culturels et économiques. Si, pour les enseignants expérimentés, l’accommodation à ces transformations est accompagnée de plusieurs défis, pour les nouveaux enseignants qui ne maîtrisent pas complètement tous les aspects de la profession, l’intégration au milieu scolaire peut être extrêmement difficile ou même insupportable, au point où certains quittent le métier. Néanmoins, à force de persévérance, un certain nombre des nouveaux enseignants franchissent les obstacles imposés par la profession. Dans leur cas, la satisfaction et l’engagement professionnel peuvent être des caractéristiques importantes qui les incitent à continuer à exercer leurs activités d’enseignement. Dans ce contexte, l’étude vise l’analyse des éléments liés à la construction de l’identité professionnelle des enseignants lors de leur insertion dans le métier, à partir des perceptions des nouveaux enseignants et de celles des gestionnaires des écoles primaires et secondaires. L’harmonie entre la perception de ces deux groupes d’acteurs scolaires peut constituer un important facteur du rendement des professionnels dans leur métier et de l’efficacité des institutions d’enseignement. Ainsi, du côté des nouveaux enseignants, l’étude examine les variables qui peuvent être liées à leur engagement professionnel et de celui des gestionnaires, elle vise à analyser les éléments qui peuvent être liés à leur satisfaction sur le travail effectué par les nouveaux enseignants. La présente étude, de type quantitatif, est constituée des analyses secondaires des données issues des enquêtes pancanadiennes auprès des directions et des enseignants d’écoles primaires et secondaires du Canada, menées en 2005 et 2006 par une équipe de professeurs de différentes universités canadiennes. Les analyses statistiques sont basées sur deux modèles théoriques : (1) l’engagement professionnel des nouveaux enseignants et (2) la satisfaction des gestionnaires sur le travail effectué par les nouveaux enseignants. Ces modèles sont examinés en suivant la théorie classique des tests (TCT) et celle des réponses aux items (TRI) afin de profiter des avantages de chacune des méthodes. Du côté de la TCT, des analyses de cheminement et des modélisations aux équations structurelles ont été effectuées pour examiner les modèles théoriques. Du côté de la TRI, des modélisations de Rasch ont été utilisées pour examiner les propriétés psychométriques des échelles utilisées par la recherche afin de vérifier si les données sont bien ajustées aux modèles et si les items se regroupent de façon logique pour expliquer les traits latents à l’étude. Les résultats mettent en évidence le rapport humain qui définit la profession enseignante. Autrement dit, pour les nouveaux enseignants, les émotions en classe, conséquence du processus d’interaction avec leurs élèves, sont le facteur majeur lié à l’engagement professionnel. Dans le même sens, la relation des nouveaux enseignants avec les divers membres de la communauté scolaire (parents des élèves, gestionnaires, personnel de l’école et autres enseignants) est un facteur-clé de la satisfaction des gestionnaires quant au travail des nouveaux enseignants. Les analyses indiquent également l’importance de la satisfaction au travail dans le modèle des nouveaux enseignants. Cette variable est un important déterminant de l’engagement professionnel et peut être associée à tous les autres éléments du modèle des nouveaux enseignants. Finalement, les résultats indiquent le besoin de construction des variables latentes avec un plus grand nombre d’items pour mieux positionner les personnes dans l’échelle de mesure. Ce résultat est plutôt important pour le modèle des gestionnaires qui indique de mauvais ajustements items-personnes.


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This research was undertaken with an objective of studying software development project risk, risk management, project outcomes and their inter-relationship in the Indian context. Validated instruments were used to measure risk, risk management and project outcome in software development projects undertaken in India. A second order factor model was developed for risk with five first order factors. Risk management was also identified as a second order construct with four first order factors. These structures were validated using confirmatory factor analysis. Variation in risk across categories of select organization / project characteristics was studied through a series of one way ANOVA tests. Regression model was developed for each of the risk factors by linking it to risk management factors and project /organization characteristics. Similarly regression models were developed for the project outcome measures linking them to risk factors. Integrated models linking risk factors, risk management factors and project outcome measures were tested through structural equation modeling. Quality of the software developed was seen to have a positive relationship with risk management and negative relationship with risk. The other outcome variables, namely time overrun and cost over run, had strong positive relationship with risk. Risk management did not have direct effect on overrun variables. Risk was seen to be acting as an intervening variable between risk management and overrun variables.


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Occupational stress is becoming a major issue in both corporate and social agenda .In industrialized countries, there have been quite dramatic changes in the conditions at work, during the last decade ,caused by economic, social and technical development. As a consequence, the people today at work are exposed to high quantitative and qualitative demands as well as hard competition caused by global economy. A recent report says that ailments due to work related stress is likely to cost India’s exchequer around 72000 crores between 2009 and 2015. Though India is a fast developing country, it is yet to create facilities to mitigate the adverse effects of work stress, more over only little efforts have been made to assess the work related stress.In the absence of well defined standards to assess the work related stress in India, an attempt is made in this direction to develop the factors for the evaluation of work stress. Accordingly, with the help of existing literature and in consultation with the safety experts, seven factors for the evaluation of work stress is developed. An instrument ( Questionnaire) was developed using these seven factors for the evaluation of work stress .The validity , and unidimensionality of the questionnaire was ensured by confirmatory factor analysis. The reliability of the questionnaire was ensured before administration. While analyzing the relation ship between the variables, it is noted that no relationship exists between them, and hence the above factors are treated as independent factors/ variables for the purpose of research .Initially five profit making manufacturing industries, under public sector in the state of Kerala, were selected for the study. The influence of factors responsible for work stress is analyzed in these industries. These industries were classified in to two types, namely chemical and heavy engineering ,based on the product manufactured and work environment and the analysis is further carried out for these two categories.The variation of work stress with different age , designation and experience of the employees are analyzed by means of one-way ANOVA. Further three different type of modelling of work stress, namely factor modelling, structural equation modelling and multinomial logistic regression modelling was done to analyze the association of factors responsible for work stress. All these models are found equally good in predicting the work stress.The present study indicates that work stress exists among the employees in public sector industries in Kerala. Employees belonging to age group 40-45yrs and experience groups 15-20yrs had relatively higher work demand ,low job control, and low support at work. Low job control was noted among lower designation levels, particularly at the worker level in these industries. Hence the instrument developed using the seven factors namely demand, control, manager support, peer support, relationship, role and change can be effectively used for the evaluation of work stress in industries.


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Esta investigación se propuso evaluar el papel mediador de atribuciones sobre eventos negativos en la relación entre dimensiones del apego y satisfacción marital, en parejas heterosexuales en cohabitación o legalmente casadas (n = 183 parejas). Se pusieron a prueba dos modelos en los cuales las atribuciones de causalidad y responsabilidad reportadas por hombres y mujeres mediaban el efecto de las dimensiones del apego sobre su satisfacción. los modelos tomaron como unidad de análisis a la díada (pareja). Se realizaron análisis de vías, empleando ecuaciones estructurales, para estimar los efectos de variables del individuo y de su pareja sobre la satisfacción de cada miembro de la pareja con la relación. Se encontró que la relación entre dimensiones del apego y satisfacción se encuentra mediada, al menos parcialmente, por atribuciones tanto de causalidad como de responsabilidad. los resultados indicaron diferentes patrones de asociación entre variables para hombres y mujeres. Así mismo, se evidenciaron relaciones de mediación entre dimensiones del apego y atribuciones de un individuo y la satisfacción del otro miembro de la pareja. los resultados se discuten con base en la literatura sobre apego, cogniciones y satisfacción marital, y se sugieren preguntas para futuras investigaciones.


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Este trabalho visa explorar, com base em dados brasileiros, a relação entre diversificação e performance. Como medida de performance serão utilizados valores correspondentes ao índice q de Tobin para empresas de capital aberto. Para o cálculo do índice de diversificação de uma firma serão utilizados índices compostos a partir da codificação americana SIC (Standard Industry Code). A verificação da relação estatística entre diversificação e performance será então aferida através da aplicação de modelos de regressão linear e sistemas de equações estruturais simultâneas.


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O objetivo principal desta dissertação é verificar a relação entre satisfação e lealdade do consumidor, bem como a relação entre a satisfação e seus antecedentes no mercado automobilístico brasileiro. Para isto, foram avaliados 160 questionários respondidos por proprietários de automóveis novos e usados. Nove hipóteses foram testadas por meio de um modelo proposto, usando-se o método de equações estruturais. No que diz respeito à validação, o modelo final demonstrou uma boa confiabilidade, comparando-se aos modelos apresentados na literatura. Implicações gerenciais incluem ações das montadoras no campo da satisfação do cliente.


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A dissertação tem como objeto a investigação das relações entre a o design de um website de comércio eletrônico de CDs e o comportamento do consumidor virtual, com ênfase a sua atitude e intenção de compra. O objetivo principal é mensurar o efeito do design da loja virtual (website) em seu papel de agente de vendas na Internet. A análise do comércio varejista de CDs foi escolhida, pois este produto é um dos principais artigos de venda neste canal. O estudo é apoiado em um referencial teórico, no qual são analisadas as características dos seguintes pontos: i) a Internet atuando como canal de vendas; ii) o comércio varejista de CD no Brasil e iii) o comportamento do consumidor e o seu processo decisório. Ainda no referencial teórico são apresentados os diversos modelos de avaliação de website existentes: baseado em Marketing, Teoria dos Dois Fatores, avaliação da qualidade, avaliação da web (W AM) e aceitação da Tecnologia na Web (T AM). A análise e comparação destes modelos serviu como base para o desenvolvimento da proposta do modelo de avaliação website. O estudo é complementado pelo desenvolvimento de uma pesquisa, com aplicação de questionário via web (websurvey). A coleta dos dados é utilizada como forma de validação estatística das relações existentes no modelo desenvolvido. Isto é feito por meio do uso da ferramenta de análise de Equações Estruturadas (SEM), suportada pelos conceitos e métodos de abordagem descritos no referencial teórico. A ferramenta permite tanto avaliar um modelo de mensuração e um modelo estrutural simultaneamente.


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Este trabalho procura dar uma resposta à seguinte pergunta de pesquisa: quais variáveis influenciam o comportamento colecionar a partir da perspectiva do consumidor? Para tanto, faz uso de métodos complementares: uso de análise de conteúdo e de modelagem de equações estruturais. As seguintes variáveis foram identificadas: ideal temático, envolvimento, desejo, prazer, permanência, ocupação do espaço e exposição, conhecimento e autoridade. O construto ideal temático foi desenvolvido e escalas para medi-lo e às variáveis permanência, ocupação do espaço e exposição, conhecimento, autoridade e colecionar também foram desenvolvidas. Os resultados sugerem que o modelo estrutural de colecionar aqui desenvolvido é consistente, confiável e válido pelos diversos critérios de análise empregados (índices de adequação do modelo; verificação das hipóteses do modelo; coeficientes de determinação; efeitos diretos, indiretos e totais dos caminhos do modelo e análise de modelos alternativos) e que, portanto, representa uma construção cabível do fenômeno colecionar na área de comportamento do consumidor e que o colecionar é uma forma de estender o eu do colecionador, de uma forma diferenciada, especial. Neste estudo esse fato foi ligado à influência do ideal temático no colecionar.


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The broader objective of this study undertaking can briefly be articulated in particulate aims as follows: to measure the attitudes of consumers regarding the brand displayed by this strategy as well as to highlight recall, recognition and purchase intentions generated by product placement on consumers. In addition, check the differences and similarities between the behavior of Brazilian and American consumers caused by the influence of product placements. The study was undertaken targeting consumer audience in Brazil and the U.S. A rang3 modeling set ups were performed in order to realign study instruments and hypothesis towards the research objectives. This study gave focus on the following hypothesized models. H1: Consumers / Participants who viewed the brands / products in the movie have a higher brand / product recall compared to the consumers / participants who did not view the brands / products in the movie. H2: US Consumers / Participants are able to recognize and recall brands / products which appear in the background of the movie than Brazil. H3: Consumers / participants from USA are more accepting of product placements compared to their counterparts in Brazil. H4: There are discernible similarities in consumer / participant brand attitudes and purchase intentions in consumers / participants from USA and Brazil in spite of the fact that their country of origin is different. Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient ensured the reliability of survey instruments. The study involved the use of the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for the hypothesis testing. This study used the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to assess both the convergent and discriminant validities instead of using the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) or the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). This reinforced for the use of the regression Chi Square and T statistical tests in further. Only hypothesis H3 was rejected, the rest were not. T test provided insight findings on specific subgroup significant differences. In the SEM testing, the error variance for product placement attitudes was negative for both the groups. On this The Heywood Case came in handy to fix negative values. The researcher used both quantitative and qualitative approach where closed ended questionnaires and interviews respectively were used to collect primary data. The results were additionally provided with tabulations. It can be concluded that, product placement varies markedly in the U.S. from Brazil based on the influence a range of factors provided in the study. However, there are elements of convergence probably driven by the convergence in technology. In order, product placement to become more competitive in the promotional marketing, there will be the need for researchers to extend focus from the traditional variables and add knowledge on the conventional marketplace factors that is the sell-ability of the product placement technologies and strategies.


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A presente pesquisa apresentou como seu objetivo principal verificar as relações entre valores, atitude em relação ao empreendedorismo (AE) e intenção empreendedora (IE) em um estudo comparativo com universitários de graduação em Administração das Cinco Regiões Brasileiras e Cabo Verde. O instrumento de pesquisa foi composto por um questionário sócio demográfico, a escala de Valores Humanos – Questionário de Perfis de Valores de Schwartz(2001) e o Questionário de Intenção Empreendedora de Liñán & Chen (2009). Após o consentimento livre e informado, os alunos responderam o instrumento de pesquisa, perfazendo um total de 1561 respostas válidas. Os dados foram tabulados e analisados nos Softwares: SPSS 21 e AMOS 21 para a produção de Estatísticas Descritivas, Análises de Confiabilidade, Análises de Correlação, Análise de Variância (ANOVA), Gráficos, Análise Fatorial Confirmatória e Modelagem de Equações Estruturais (SEM). Os modelos utilizaram a Teoria de Ação Racional (FISHBEIN & AJZEN,1971) e Teoria do Comportamento Planejado(AJZEN,1991), testando o impacto dos valores nas atitudes e intenções. Os resultados indicaram que os valores de Estimulação, Poder e Hedonismo foram tiveram os maiores efeitos na IE e na AE. Diferenças significativas foram encontradas entre os gêneros, com os homens apresentando maior IE e AE. Diferenças regionais foram encontradas. Limitações, implicações práticas e teóricas, além de sugestões para pesquisas futuras são apresentadas.


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This research is part of the field of organizational studies, focusing on organizational purchase behavior and, specifically, trust interorganizational at the purchases. This topic is current and relevant by addressing the development of good relations between buyer-supplier that increases the exchange of information, increases the length of relationship, reduces the hierarchical controls and improves performance. Furthermore, although there is a vast literature on trust, the scientific work that deal specifically at the trust interorganizational still need further research to synthesize and validate the variables that generate this phenomenon. In this sense, this investigation is to explain the antecedents of trust interorganizational by the relationship between the variable operational performance, organizational characteristics, shared values and interpersonal relationships on purchases by manufacturing industries, in order to develop a robust literature, most consensual, that includes the current sociological and economic, considering the effect of interpersonal relationships in this phenomenon. This proposal is configured in a new vision of the antecedents of interorganizational trust, described as significant quantitative from models Morgan and Hunt (1994), Doney and Cannon (1997), Zhao and Cavusgil (2006) and Nyaga, Whipple, Lynch (2011), as well as qualitative analysis of Tacconi et al. (2011). With regard to methodological aspects, the study assumes the form of a descriptive, survey type, and causal trace theoretical and empirical. As for his nature, the investigation, explicative character, has developed a quantitative approach with the use of exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modeling SEM, with the use of IBM software SPSS Amos 18.0, using the method of maximum verisimilitude, and supported by technical bootstraping. The unit of analysis was the buyer-supplier relationship, in which the object under investigation was the supplier organization in view of the purchasing company. 237 valid questionnaires were collected among key informants, using a simple random sampling developed in manufacturing industries (SIC 10-33), located in the city of Natal and in the region of Natal. The first results of descriptive analysis demonstrate the phenomenon of interorganizational trust, in which purchasing firms believe, feel secure about the supplier. This demonstration showed high levels of intensity, predominantly among the vendors that supply the company with materials that are used directly in the production process. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, performed on each variable alone, generated a set of observable and unobservable variables more consistent, giving rise to a model, that needed to be further specified. This again specify model consists of trajectories was positive, with a good fit, with a composite reliability and variance extracted satisfactory, and demonstrates convergent and discriminant validity, in which the factor loadings are significant and strong explanatory power. Given the findings that reinforce the model again specify data, suggesting a high probability that this model may be more suited for the study population, the results support the explanation that interorganizational trust depends on purchases directly from interpersonal relationships, sharing value and operating performance and indirectly of personal relationships, social networks, organizational characteristics, physical and relational aspect of performance. It is concluded that this trust can be explained by a set of interactions between these three determinants, where the focus is on interpersonal relationships, with the largest path coefficient for the factor under study


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The present study has proposed a structural model to identify the reasons why individuals become voluntary, keep and exit this type of work. The empirical space was the Pastoral da Criança - social action agency of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB) - community-based institution that has its work based on solidarity and the sharing of knowledge. The theoretical framework has the context in which are volunteering studies in Brazilian and world level. Then discuss the various concepts of volunteering and presented the theoretical models of volunteer motivation. Studies of Mostyn (1983) and studies conducted by the BEPEGE-Base for Studies and Research in Management Policies and Strategies - in their line of research GERQUAL - Human Resource Management and Organizational Quality - of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte as Carvalho e Souza(2006), Souza, Medeiros e Fernandes (2006), Souza et al (2009, 2010), Cavalcante et al (2011a, 2011b, 2011c, 2011d) were the main theoretical references for the construction of the model that was tested. Data collection was done through a survey with 71 indicators, in 2 visits to cities from the Diocese of Pesqueira, Pernambuco. The first data collection occurred in the period between May 30 and June 3, 2011, in Buique/PE and the second collection happened in Pesqueira/PE, in St. Joseph Seminary, in the period between July 6-8, 2011. 720 questionnaires were collected. The sample was divided into two parts. Exploratory Factor Analysis was applied in first part and Confirmatory Factor Analysis - structural equation modeling - in the second half. The examination of the results achieved by the expectations, reasons for entry, reasons for staying and exit reasons showed that all hypotheses were accepted. So the motivation of voluntary Pastoral da Criança can be explained by a set of interactions between these five constructs: Altruistic, Affectionate, Amiable, Adjusted and Astute


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The study aims to identify the factors that influence the behavior intention to adopt an academic Information System (SIE), in an environment of mandatory use, applied in the procurement process at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). For this, it was used a model of innovation adoption and technology acceptance (TAM), focused in attitudes and intentions regarding the behavior intention. The research was conducted a quantitative survey, through survey in a sample of 96 administrative staff of the researched institution. For data analysis, it was used structural equation modeling (SEM), using the partial least squares method (Partial Least Square PLS-PM). As to results, the constructs attitude and subjective norms were confirmed as strong predictors of behavioral intention in a pre-adoption stage. Despite the use of SIE is required, the perceived voluntariness also predicts the behavior intention. Regarding attitude, classical variables of TAM, like as ease of use and perceived usefulness, appear as the main influence of attitude towards the system. It is hoped that the results of this study may provide subsidies for more efficient management of the process of implementing systems and information technologies, particularly in public universities


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This study aimed to examine how students perceives the factors that may influence them to attend a training course offered in the distance virtual learning environment (VLE) of the National School of Public Administration (ENAP). Thus, as theoretical basis it was used the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), the result of an integration of eight previous models which aimed to explain the same phenomenon (acceptance/use of information technology). The research approach was a quantitative and qualitative. To achieve the study objectives were made five semi-structured interviews and an online questionnaire (websurvey) in a valid sample of 101 public employees scattered throughout the country. The technique used to the analysis of quantitative data was the structural equation modeling (SEM), by the method of Partial Least Square Path Modeling (PLS-PM). To qualitative data was the thematic content analysis. Among the results, it was found that, in the context of public service, the degree whose the individual believes that the use of an AVA will help its performance at work (performance expectancy) is a factor to its intended use and also influence its use. Among the results, it was found that the belief which the public employee has in the use of a VLE as a way to improve the performance of his work (performance expectation) was determinant for its intended use that, in turn, influenced their use. It was confirmed that, under the voluntary use of technology, the general opinion of the student s social circle (social influence) has no effect on their intention to use the VLE. The effort expectancy and facilitating conditions were not directly related to the intended use and use, respectively. However, emerged from the students speeches that the opinions of their coworkers, the ease of manipulate the VLE, the flexibility of time and place of the distance learning program and the presence of a tutor are important to their intentions to do a distance learning program. With the results, it is expected that the managers of the distance learning program of ENAP turn their efforts to reduce the impact of the causes of non-use by those unwilling to adopt voluntarily the e-learning, and enhance the potentialities of distance learning for those who are already users