986 resultados para storm


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Tempestitos grossos constituem camadas delgadas de conglomerado gradando a arenito, com estratificação cruzada seguida de laminação ondulada truncante a simétrica e de drape/flaser de siltito/folhelho. Cinco exemplos extraídos do Permiano da bacia do Paraná ilustram esse tipo de depósito: três deles são de rochas siliciclásticas, contendo bioclastos de bivalves e vertebrados (Formação Rio Bonito-Membro Triunfo e Formação Palermo), enquanto os outros dois são de rochas carbonática e fosfática (respectivamente, formações Teresina e Corumbataí do Grupo Passa Dois). O componente tracional da base do tempestito grosso apresenta-se como arenite quartzoso/lítico ou grainstone oolítico com cimento calcífero preenchendo poros (casos das formações Palermo e Teresina). em sua maioria, os tempestitos grossos constituem pavimentos transgressivos intercalados em folhelhos ou tempestitos finos (arenitos muito finos a folhelhos com estratificação ondulada truncante-hummocky). em outro caso, extraído de subsuperfície, o pavimento transgressivo ocorre na base de uma sucessão progradante de barra de plataforma. O tempestito grosso da Formação Teresina constitui um evento transgressivo sobreposto a depósitos de barra de plataforma.


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The solar events that occurred at the end of October 2003 gave rise to very strong geomagnetic disturbances that peaked twice with Dst values reaching -345 nT around 0000 UT on 30 October and -400 nT around 2300 UT, on the same day. Disturbances in several ionospheric parameters were observed over Brazil. This work will focus on the ionospheric response to the initial westward prompt penetration electric field and on the strong intensification of the equatorial ionization anomaly that occurred because of the electric field polarity reversal that followed in the early morning hours of 29 October. The F layer peak height over the equator first decreased under the strong prompt penetration westward electric field, which was followed by significant height increase under eastward electric field. We have used Sheffield University Plasmasphere Ionosphere Model (SUPIM) with an intensified westward disturbed electric field in the presunrise hours, presumably due to prompt penetration from the magnetosphere, in order to study the effect of such a field in the ionosphere. The simulation results showed that prompt penetration of magnetospheric electric fields of westward polarity to the nightside equatorial region seems to be the most probable cause of the initial F layer height decreases. The intensification of the equatorial ionization anomaly and the unusual enhancement on F layer peak density, which was not modeled by the SUPIM, are explained as caused by the strong eastward electric field that followed the initial phase in combination with a highly variable disturbed meridional/transequatorial wind system as inferred from the F2 layer peak height variations. The highly dynamic wind pattern, with a short-term response (2-4 hours), is compatible with the predictions of some previous theoretical model calculations reported in the literature.


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This paper describes an environment for constructing multimedia applications which are used to present different multimedia database objects in accordance with spatiotemporal constraints and from different sources. The main contribution of this paper is to propose an environment which integrates both a modelling case tool and an object-oriented database system.


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Radar and satellite data from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission-Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere (TRMM-LBA) project have been examined to determine causes for convective storm initiation in the southwest Amazon region. The locations and times of storm initiation were based on the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) S-band dual-polarization Doppler radar (S-Pol). Both the radar and the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-8 (GOES-8) visible data were used to identify cold pools produced by convective precipitation. These data along with high-resolution topographic data were used to determine possible convective storm triggering mechanisms. The terrain elevation varied from 100 to 600 m. Tropical forests cover the area with numerous clear-cut areas used for cattle grazing and farming. This paper presents the results from 5 February 1999. A total of 315 storms were initiated within 130 km of the S-Pol radar. This day was classified as a weak monsoon regime where convection developed in response to the diurnal cycle of solar heating. Scattered shallow cumulus during the morning developed into deep convection by early afternoon. Storm initiation began about 1100 LST and peaked around 1500-1600 LST. The causes of storm initiation were classified into four categories. The most common initiation mechanism was caused by forced lifting by a gust front (GF; 36%). Forcing by terrain (>300 m) without any other triggering mechanism accounted for 21% of the initiations and colliding GFs accounted for 16%. For the remaining 27% a triggering mechanism was not identified. Examination of all days during TRMM-LBA showed that this one detailed study day was representative of many days. A conceptual model of storm initiation and evolution is presented. The results of this study should have implications for other locations when synoptic-scale forcing mechanisms are at a minimum. These results should also have implications for very short-period forecasting techniques in any location where terrain, GFs, and colliding boundaries influence storm evolution.


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During 9-11 August 1988, a cyclone developed over Uruguay in the lee of the Andes Mountains and moved over the South Atlantic Ocean, where it redeveloped into an intense storm. This storm was responsible for unusual wave activity along the Brazilian shoreline from 22° to 32°S. The Brazilian news media reported the loss of at least one life, waves of 3 m and higher, and the disappearance of a drainage pipe, which weighed 8000 kg, off the shores of Rio de Janeiro. In this paper, the evolution of this intense storm and the associated ocean wave response is studied through European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts analyses, a hydrostatic limited-area meteorological model, and a second-generation prognostic wave model. The atmospheric model results indicated the presence of a long-lived and large fetch with surface wind velocities higher than 12 m s -1 directed toward the coast. Some areas with velocities of 20 m s -1 were embedded in the fetch. The wave model forced by this wind field was able to simulate waves with a significant height of 8 m far from the coast and about 4 m in regions very close to the Brazilian coast in agreement with the occurrence reported at Rio de Janeiro. The swell propagation toward the coast of Rio de Janeiro was obstructed by a northeastward 10-m wind during the first 24-h period of the model's integration. During the second 24-h period, the fetch was still large and strong, but the obstacle was removed by a counterclockwise rotation of wind direction favoring the swell and windsea propagation toward the Rio de Janeiro coast.


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Background. After brain death (BD) donors usually experience cardiac dysfunction, which is responsible for a considerable number of unused organs. Causes of this cardiac dysfunction are not fully understood. Some authors argue that autonomic storm with severe hemodynamic instability leads to inflammatory activation and myocardial dysfunction. Objectives. To investigate the hypothesis that thoracic epidural anesthesia blocks autonomic storm and improves graft condition by reducing the inflammatory response. Methods. Twenty-eight male Wistar rats (250-350 g) allocated to four groups received saline or bupivacaine via an epidural catheter at various times in relation to brain-death induction. Brain death was induced by a sudden increase in intracranial pressure by rapid inflation of a ballon catheter in the extradural space. Blood gases, electrolytes, and lactate analyses were performed at time zero, and 3 and 6 hours. Blood leukocytes were counted at 0 and 6 hours. After 6 hours of BD, we performed euthanasia to measure vascular adhesion molecule (VCAM)-1, intracellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1, interleukin (IL)-1 beta, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, Bcl-2 and caspase-3 on cardiac tissue. Results. Thoracic epidural anesthesia was effective to block the autonomic storm with a significant difference in mean arterial pressure between the untreated (saline) and the bupivacaine group before BD (P < .05). However, no significant difference was observed for the expressions of VCAM-1, ICAM-1, TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, Bcl-2, and caspase-3 (P > .05). Conclusion. Autonomic storm did not seem to be responsible for the inflammatory changes associated with BD; thoracic epidural anesthesia did not modify the expression of inflammatory mediators although it effectively blocked the autonomic storm.


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Natural cycles of irradiation during burial and bleaching due to solar exposure during transport increase the Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) sensitivity of quartz sand grains. The relationship between the OSL sensitivity and sediment transport allows to discriminate quartz sand grains with different depositional histories. In this paper, we evaluate the variation of OSL sensitivity in quartz grains deposited during the progradation of the Ilha Comprida barrier on the southern Brazilian, coast. Changes in sand sensitivity recorded by barrier growth since 6 ka ago are controlled by the variation in the proportion of low versus high sensitivity quartz grains. Low sensitivity grains with short sedimentary history are supplied by the Ribeira de Iguape River and reach the barrier through southward alongshore currents during fair weather conditions. Storm conditions shift the alongshore currents to northeast and permit the transport of high sensitivity grains with long sedimentary history from distal southern coastal sectors to the barrier. Therefore, the input of distal sediments for the Ilha Comprida barrier depends on the frequency and intensity of storms. Thus, the OSL sensitivity can be used as proxy for storm activity. The variation of OSL sensitivity through time indicates that the Ilha Comprida barrier changed from a relatively stable to an unstable storm pattern around 2 ka ago. Periods with increased storm activity peaked around AD 500, AD 1500 and AD 1850, approximately on the boundaries of the Medieval Climate Anomaly and the Little Ice Age. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Lo scopo dell'elaborato di tesi è l'analisi, progettazione e sviluppo di un prototipo di una infrastruttura cloud in grado di gestire un grande flusso di eventi generati da dispositivi mobili. Questi utilizzano informazioni come la posizione assunta e il valore dei sensori locali di cui possono essere equipaggiati al fine di realizzare il proprio funzionamento. Le informazioni così ottenute vengono trasmesse in modo da ottenere una rete di device in grado di acquisire autonomamente informazioni sull'ambiente ed auto-organizzarsi. La costruzione di tale struttura si colloca in un più ampio ambito di ricerca che punta a integrare metodi per la comunicazione ravvicinata con il cloud al fine di permettere la comunicazione tra dispositivi vicini in qualsiasi situazione che si potrebbe presentare in una situazione reale. A definire le specifiche della infrastruttura e quindi a impersonare il ruolo di committente è stato il relatore, Prof. Mirko Viroli, mentre lo sviluppo è stato portato avanti da me e dal correlatore, Ing. Pietro Brunetti. Visti gli studi precedenti riguardanti il cloud computing nell'area dei sistemi complessi distribuiti, Brunetti ha dato il maggiore contributo nella fase di analisi del problema e di progettazione mentre la parte riguardante la effettiva gestione degli eventi, le computazioni in cloud e lo storage dei dati è stata maggiormente affrontata da me. In particolare mi sono occupato dello studio e della implementazione del backend computazionale, basato sulla tecnologia Apache Storm, della componente di storage dei dati, basata su Neo4j, e della costruzione di un pannello di visualizzazione basato su AJAX e Linkurious. A questo va aggiunto lo studio su Apache Kafka, utilizzato come tecnologia per realizzare la comunicazione asincrona ad alte performance tra le componenti. Si è reso necessario costruire un simulatore al fine di condurre i test per verificare il funzionamento della infrastruttura prototipale e per saggiarne l'effettiva scalabilità, considerato il potenziale numero di dispositivi da sostenere che può andare dalle decine alle migliaia. La sfida più importante riguarda la gestione della vicinanza tra dispositivi e la possibilità di scalare la computazione su più macchine. Per questo motivo è stato necessario far uso di tecnologie per l'esecuzione delle operazioni di memorizzazione, calcolo e trasmissione dei dati in grado di essere eseguite su un cluster e garantire una accettabile fault-tolerancy. Da questo punto di vista i lavori che hanno portato alla costruzione della infrastruttura sono risultati essere un'ottima occasione per prendere familiarità con tecnologie prima sconosciute. Quasi tutte le tecnologie utilizzate fanno parte dell'ecosistema Apache e, come esposto all'interno della tesi, stanno ricevendo una grande attenzione da importanti realtà proprio in questo periodo, specialmente Apache Storm e Kafka. Il software prodotto per la costruzione della infrastruttura è completamente sviluppato in Java a cui si aggiunge la componente web di visualizzazione sviluppata in Javascript.