197 resultados para steatosis


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Objetivos: Avaliar a equivalência da operação gastrectomia vertical com anel (GVA), em relação à operação gastroplastia vertical com anel e derivação gástrica em Y-de-Roux (DGA), na indução de perda ponderal e modificação da composição corporal em obesas mórbidas. Verificar os impactos laboratoriais e clínicos da GVA sobre as principais doenças associadas à obesidade mórbida, e a ocorrência de complicações, em comparação à DGA. Métodos: Ensaio clínico prospectivo não-randomizado, incluindo 65 mulheres obesas mórbidas, distribuídas em dois grupos, GVA (n = 33) e DGA (n = 32). Operadas consecutivamente, pelo mesmo cirurgião, por via laparotômica. Os parâmetros avaliados foram antropométricos; composição corporal, por meio de bioimpedância elétrica; laboratoriais; efeitos sobre as doenças pré-existentes e complicações. Resultados: Ocorreu perda de peso expressiva (p = 0,0000), redução do índice de massa corporal - IMC (p = 0,0000) e cintura abdominal (p = 0,0000) em ambos grupos. O índice cintura/quadril diminuiu (p = 0,0000) após ambas intervenções. A perda do excesso de IMC foi de 86,05% ± 14,2 no grupo GVA e 85,91 ± 15,71 no grupo DGA. A variação da gordura corporal foi de -35,84% ± 8,66 no grupo GVA e de -37,64% ± 9,62 no grupo DGA. A redução dos níveis de triglicerídios (p = 0,0222) foi mais expressiva no grupo DGA. O grupo DGA atingiu os alvos terapêuticos para o colesterol-LDL com maior freqüência (p = 0,0005), que o grupo GVA. Intolerância à glicose, diabetes mellitus tipo 2, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, esteatose hepática e síndrome metabólica, foram controladas de forma semelhante entre as técnicas. Anemia foi mais prevalente no grupo DGA (p=0,0033) e a esofagite erosiva, no grupo GVA (p = 0,0032). Não houve diferença na formação de cálculos biliares entre os grupos. Conclusões: A GVA é tão efetiva quanto a DGA em induzir perda ponderal e modificação favorável da composição corporal. A GVA é menos efetiva no controle da dislipidemia, em relação à DGA. GVA acarreta anemia em menor freqüência e, esofagite erosiva de maneira mais freqüente, que a DGA. GVA não é mais segura que a DGA, mas deve ser considerada intervenção bariátrica efetiva como segunda opção.


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Introdução: vários fatores estão associados à lesão de isquemia fria (IF) e referfusão quente (RQ) no transplante hepático (TxH), tais como infiltrado de neutrófilos e linfo-plasmocitário, liberação de citoquinas inflamatórias e apoptose. Porém, pouco se conhece sobre o papel da IF/RQ em enxertos esteatóticos. Objetivo: avaliar o papel da lesão de IF/RQ no TxH em humanos comparando enxertos esteatóticos e não esteatóticos. Métodos: entre maio/02 e março/07 foram realizadas 84 biópsias pós reperfusão (2hs após RQ) e 18 pré reperfusão, totalizando-se 84 TxH em 82 pacientes. As biópsias foram agrupadas em 5 grupos, de acordo com o grau de macro e microesteatose: GEL – leve (<30%), GEM – moderada (30-59%), GEG - grave (≥60%), GEA - sem esteatose, GPR-pré-reperfusão. Nas 102 biópsias foram analisadas: porcentagens de macro e microesteatose, graus de exudato de neutrófilos (0-3) e infiltrado linfo-plasmocitário portal (0-3), índices de apoptose (métodos de Túnel e Caspase- 3) e de ICAM-1. As esteatoses macro (n=49) e microvesicular (n=74) foram individualmente analisadas e classificadas em graus leve (G1), moderado (G2) e grave (G3) e ausente (G4). Resultados: o índice de apoptose (TUNEL) foi: GEL=0.262±0.111, GEM=0.278±0.113, GEG=0.244±0.117, GEA=0,275±0.094 e GPR=0.181±0.123, p-0.07. No grupo macroesteatose índice de apoptose (TUNEL) foi: G1=0.284± 0.106, G2+3=0.160±0.109, G4=0,275±0.094, p-0.05; e no grupo microesteatose, G1=0.222±0.123, G2+3=0.293±0.108, G4=0.275±0.094, p-0.049. O GEG expressou o ICAM-1 em 83% dos casos de forma difusa. Não existiu diferença estatística entre os grupos ao analisarmos os índices de apoptose (caspase-3) e ICAM-1. Conclusão: o GEG e o grupo macroesteatose (moderado e grave) apresentaram significante redução no índice de apoptose, enquanto o grupo microesteatose (moderado e grave), significante aumento. E o GEG apresentou expressão de ICAM-1 difusamente, podendo ser estes marcadores envolvidos na lesão de I/R hepática dos enxertos esteatóticos.


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O objetivo foi estudar os efeitos do precondicionamento isquêmico e da N-acetilcisteína no clampeamento da tríade portal comparado com o clampeamento vascular excluindo a via biliar. Foram utilizados oitenta ratos EPM-1 Wistar distribuídos aleatoriamente em 2 grupos de 40 animais. Estes se distinguiram pela inclusão (CVB=1) ou não (SVB=2) do ducto biliar no clampeamento e foram redistribuídos em subgrupos de 10. IR1: 20 minutos após a celiotomia, o pedículo contendo os elementos vasculares e o ducto biliar para os lobos mediano e lateral esquerdo do fígado foi clampeado por 40 minutos, seguido de 30 minutos de reperfusão; PCI1: 10 minutos de isquemia e 10 minutos de reperfusão. Após o PCI, seguiu-se o mesmo procedimento usado para IR1; NAC1: (150mg.Kg-1 ), administrada 15 minutos antes do período isquêmico e 5 minutos antes da reperfusão; S1: dissecção e clampeamento exclusivo do ducto biliar durante o período de isquemia. Nos subgrupos IR2, PCI2 e NAC2, o clampeamento excluiu a via biliar; S2: dissecção e observação por 90min. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue para a dosagem dos níveis enzimáticos e fragmento do fígado isquêmico para coloração HE. Na análise estatística dos resultados foram utilizados testes não paramétricos e o nível de rejeição da hipótese de nulidade foi fixado em 5%. A lesão de IR hepática foi menos grave nos animais do grupo de clampeamento seletivo incluindo o ducto biliar, com AST (766 vs 1380) e ALT (840 vs 1576); PCI protegeu o fígado da IR nos animais com clampeamento seletivo da tríade portal com relação à AST (421 vs 1131) e ALT (315 vs 1085). Na avaliação morfológica, o PCI inibiu a ocorrência de esteatose microvesicular e núcleos picnóticos (0% de lesão moderada ou intensa) e a NAC protegeu parcialmente 17% e 50% de lesão moderada ou intensa para CVB e SVB, respectivamente. O clampeamento seletivo da tríade portal resulta em lesão de IR do fígado menos grave, quando comparado à exclusão do ducto biliar. O PCI protege o fígado da lesão de IR. A NAC mostra um efeito de proteção parcial, reduzindo as alterações parenquimatosas, mas não os níveis de aminotransferases.


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The metabolic disorders that predispose patients to NASH (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis) include insulin resistance and obesity. Repeated hypoxic events, such as occur in obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome, have been designated as a risk factor in the progression of liver disease in such patients, but the mechanism is unclear, in particular the role of hypoxia. Therefore we studied the influence of hypoxia on the development and progression of steatohepatitis in an experimental mouse model. Mice with a hepatocellular-specific deficiency in the Pten (phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome 10) gene, a tumour suppressor, were exposed to a 10% O2 (hypoxic) or 21% O2 (control) atmosphere for 7 days. Haematocrit, AST (aspartate aminotransferase), glucose, triacylglycerols (triglycerides) and insulin tolerance were measured in blood. Histological lesions were quantified. Expression of genes involved in lipogenesis and mitochondrial beta-oxidation, as well as FOXO1 (forkhead box O1), hepcidin and CYP2E1 (cytochrome P450 2E1), were analysed by quantitative PCR. In the animals exposed to hypoxia, the haematocrit increased (60+/-3% compared with 50+/-2% in controls; P<0.01) and the ratio of liver weight/body weight increased (5.4+/-0.2% compared with 4.7+/-0.3% in the controls; P<0.01). Furthermore, in animals exposed to hypoxia, steatosis was more pronounced (P<0.01), and the NAS [NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) activity score] (8.3+/-2.4 compared with 2.3+/-10.7 in controls; P<0.01), serum AST, triacylglycerols and glucose were higher. Insulin sensitivity decreased in mice exposed to hypoxia relative to controls. The expression of the lipogenic genes SREBP-1c (sterol-regulatory-element-binding protein-1c), PPAR-gamma (peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor-gamma), ACC1 (acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1) and ACC2 (acetyl-CoA carboxylase 2) increased significantly in mice exposed to hypoxia, whereas mitochondria beta-oxidation genes [PPAR-alpha (peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor-alpha) and CPT-1 (carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1)] decreased significantly. In conclusion, the findings of the present study demonstrate that hypoxia alone aggravates and accelerates the progression of NASH by up-regulating the expression of lipogenic genes, by down-regulating genes involved in lipid metabolism and by decreasing insulin sensitivity.


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Objective To evaluate the impact of tumour necrosis factor α (TNFα) blockers on the presence of liver fibrosis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) treated with methotrexate (MTX). Methods Participants were consecutive patients with RA and PsA who had undergone MTX treatment for at least 1 year ± TNF blockade for over 6 months. Liver fibrosis was assessed using non-invasive transient elastography (FibroScan). Regression models were used to compare FibroScan values of patients with RA and patients with PsA receiving TNFα blockers with those who were not. Results FibroScan assessments were performed on 51 patients with RA and 43 patients with PsA. Compared to patients with RA, those with PsA were predominantly young men, received lower cumulative dosages of MTX and exhibited a higher incidence of liver steatosis and hyperlipidaemia. An abnormal result was observed in 7.1% of the anti-TNFα-naïve and in 13% of the anti-TNFα-treated patients in the RA group and in 30% of the anti-TNFα-naïve and 4.3% of the anti-TNFα-treated patients in the PsA group (OR=0.11, 95% CI 0.02 to 0.98). Results of the PsA group were robust when adjusted for baseline characteristics. Conclusion The results suggest a protective effect of TNFα inhibitors against the development of liver fibrosis in patients with PsA.


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High protein diets have been shown to improve hepatic steatosis in rodent models and in high-fat fed humans. We therefore evaluated the effects of a protein supplementation on intrahepatocellular lipids (IHCL), and fasting plasma triglycerides in obese non diabetic women.


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The cannabinoid system (CS) is implicated in the regulation of hepatic fibrosis, steatosis and inflammation, with cannabinoid receptors 1 and 2 (CB1 and CB2) being involved in regulation of pro- and antifibrogenic effects. Daily cannabis smoking is an independent risk factor for the progression of fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C and a mediator of experimental alcoholic steatosis. However, the role and function of CS in alcoholic liver fibrosis (ALF) is unknown so far. Thus, human liver samples from patients with alcoholic liver disease (ALD) were collected for analysis of CB1 expression. In vitro, hepatic stellate cells (HSC) underwent treatment with acetaldehyde, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol H(2)O(2), endo- and exocannabinoids (2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) and [THC]), and CB1 antagonist SR141716 (rimonabant). In vivo, CB1 knockout (KO) mice received thioacetamide (TAA)/ethanol (EtOH) to induce fibrosis. As a result, in human ALD, CB1 expression was restricted to areas with advanced fibrosis only. In vitro, acetaldehyde, H(2)O(2), as well as 2-AG and THC, alone or in combination with acetaldehyde, induced CB1 mRNA expression, whereas CB1 blockage with SR141716 dose-dependently inhibited HSC proliferation and downregulated mRNA expression of fibrosis-mediated genes PCα1(I), TIMP-1 and MMP-13. This was paralleled by marked cytotoxicity of SR141716 at high doses (5-10 μmol/L). In vivo, CB1 knockout mice showed marked resistance to alcoholic liver fibrosis. In conclusion, CB1 expression is upregulated in human ALF, which is at least in part triggered by acetaldehyde (AA) and oxidative stress. Inhibition of CB1 by SR141716, or via genetic knock-out protects against alcoholic-induced fibrosis in vitro and in vivo.


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Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) as one entity of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the hepatic manifestation of metabolic syndrome and accompanies the rise in the prevalence of obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and hyperlipidemia in the western world. It is not known why some patients progress in the disease and develop inflammation in the liver, whereas others remain in the stage of simple steatosis, which generally has a benign course. However, NASH can progress to fibrosis and cirrhosis as well as hepatocellular carcinoma. Therefore, it is important to determine the stage of the disease in patients presenting with the metabolic syndrome and abnormal liver function tests, suggesting NAFLD. Liver biopsy is the only tool that allows for reliable detection, grading and staging of liver disease. The main strategies in the treatment of NASH are correction of risk factors (lifestyle modifications, insuline sensitizer) and anti-oxidants (ursodeoxycholic acid, vitamin E) which both have been shown to improve liver histology as well as liver enzymes. Patients wih alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD) present the same liver histology and often also metabolic alterations similar to metabolic syndrome. Therefore, MAFLD (metabolic syndrome-associated fatty liver disease) might describe both patient populations more accurately and also describes the pathophysiological characteristics.


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A recent genome-wide study revealed an association between variation in the PNPLA3 gene and liver fat content. In addition, the PNPLA3 single-nucleotide polymorphism rs738409 (M148I) was reported to be associated with advanced alcoholic liver disease in alcohol-dependent individuals of Mestizo descent. We therefore evaluated the impact of rs738409 on the manifestation of alcoholic liver disease in two independent German cohorts. Genotype and allele frequencies of rs738409 (M148I) were determined in 1,043 alcoholic patients with or without alcoholic liver injury and in 376 at-risk drinkers from a population-based cohort. Relative to alcoholic patients without liver damage (n = 439), rs738409 genotype GG was strongly overrepresented in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis (n = 210; OR 2.79; P(genotype) = 1.2 × 10(-5) ; P(allelic) = 1.6 × 10(-6) ) and in alcoholic patients without cirrhosis but with elevated alanine aminotransferase levels (n = 219; OR 2.33; P(genotype) = 0.0085; P(allelic) = 0.0042). The latter, biochemically defined association was confirmed in an independent population-based cohort of at-risk drinkers with a median alcohol intake of 300 g/week (OR 4.75; P(genotype) = 0.040; P(allelic) = 0.022), and for aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels. Frequencies of allele PNPLA3 rs738409(G) in individuals with steatosis and normal alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and AST levels were lower than in alcoholics without steatosis and normal ALT/AST (P(combined) = 0.03). The population attributable risk of cirrhosis in alcoholic carriers of allele PNPLA3 rs738409(G) was estimated at 26.6%. CONCLUSION: Genotype PNPLA3 rs738409(GG) is associated with alcoholic liver cirrhosis and elevated aminotransferase levels in alcoholic Caucasians.


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Visceral fat differs from subcutaneous fat by higher local inflammation and increased release of IL-6 and free fatty acids (FFA) which contribute to hepatic steatosis. IL-6 has been shown to upregulate the monocyte/macrophage specific receptor CD163 whose soluble form, sCD163, is increased in inflammatory diseases. Here, it was analyzed whether CD163 and sCD163 are differentially expressed in the human fat depots and fatty liver. CD163 mRNA and protein were similarly expressed in paired samples of human visceral and subcutaneous fat, and comparable levels in portal venous and systemic venous blood of liver-healthy controls indicate that release of sCD163 from visceral adipose tissue was not increased. CD163 was also similarly expressed in steatotic liver when compared to non-steatotic tissues and sCD163 was almost equal in the respective sera. Concentrations of sCD163 were not affected when passing the liver excluding substantial hepatic removal/release of this protein. A high concentration of IL-6 upregulated CD163 protein while physiological doses had no effect. However, sCD163 was not increased by any of the IL-6 doses tested. FFA even modestly decreased CD163 and sCD163. The anti-inflammatory mediators fenofibrate, pioglitazone, and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) did not influence sCD163 levels while CD163 was reduced by EPA. These data suggest that in humans neither visceral fat nor fatty liver are major sources of sCD163.


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Background PCSK9 (Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin Kexin type 9) is a circulating protein that promotes hypercholesterolemia by decreasing hepatic LDL receptor protein. Under non interventional conditions, its expression is driven by sterol response element binding protein 2 (SREBP2) and follows a diurnal rhythm synchronous with cholesterol synthesis. Plasma PCSK9 is associated to LDL-C and to a lesser extent plasma triglycerides and insulin resistance. We aimed to verify the effect on plasma PCSK9 concentrations of dietary interventions that affect these parameters. Methods We performed nutritional interventions in young healthy male volunteers and offspring of type 2 diabetic (OffT2D) patients that are more prone to develop insulin resistance, including: i) acute post-prandial hyperlipidemic challenge (n=10), ii) 4 days of high-fat (HF) or high-fat/high-protein (HFHP) (n=10), iii) 7 (HFruc1, n=16) or 6 (HFruc2, n=9) days of hypercaloric high-fructose diets. An acute oral fat load was also performed in two patients bearing the R104C-V114A loss-of-function (LOF) PCSK9 mutation. Plasma PCSK9 concentrations were measured by ELISA. For the HFruc1 study, intrahepatocellular (IHCL) and intramyocellular lipids were measured by 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Hepatic and whole-body insulin sensitivity was assessed with a two-step hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp (0.3 and 1.0 mU.kg-1.min-1). Findings HF and HFHP short-term diets, as well as an acute hyperlipidemic oral load, did not significantly change PCSK9 concentrations. In addition, post-prandial plasma triglyceride excursion was not altered in two carriers of PCSK9 LOF mutation compared with non carriers. In contrast, hypercaloric 7-day HFruc1 diet increased plasma PCSK9 concentrations by 28% (p=0.05) in healthy volunteers and by 34% (p=0.001) in OffT2D patients. In another independent study, 6-day HFruc2 diet increased plasma PCSK9 levels by 93% (p<0.0001) in young healthy male volunteers. Spearman’s correlations revealed that plasma PCSK9 concentrations upon 7-day HFruc1 diet were positively associated with plasma triglycerides (r=0.54, p=0.01) and IHCL (r=0.56, p=0.001), and inversely correlated with hepatic (r=0.54, p=0.014) and whole-body (r=−0.59, p=0.0065) insulin sensitivity. Conclusions Plasma PCSK9 concentrations vary minimally in response to a short term high-fat diet and they are not accompanied with changes in cholesterolemia upon high-fructose diet. Short-term high-fructose intake increased plasma PCSK9 levels, independent on cholesterol synthesis, suggesting a regulation independent of SREBP-2. Upon this diet, PCSK9 is associated with insulin resistance, hepatic steatosis and plasma triglycerides.


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NASH associates steatosis with parenchymal inflammation and signs of hepatocellular injuy and even apoptosis. This leads in a minority of patients to fibrosis and in the long term to cirrhosis. NASH regularly occurs in a metabolic context characterized by insulin resistance. Several drugs have been tested in randomized controlled studies. Glitazones improve insulin resistance and also NASH, but are associated with side effects particularly unwelcome in NASH patients. Ursodesoxycholic acid, an hydrophilic biliary acid with hepatoprotective properties, does not improve the histological lesions of NASH. Vitamin E is the only compound which showed so far a positive effect without relevant side effects. However, it is too early to recommend its long-term use in this indication. Finally, the best treatment is not with drugs, but relies on behavioural changes: NASH patients should regularly exercise!


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Elevated serum ferritin levels may reflect a systemic inflammatory state as well as increased iron storage, both of which may contribute to an unfavorable outcome of chronic hepatitis C (CHC). We therefore performed a comprehensive analysis of the role of serum ferritin and its genetic determinants in the pathogenesis and treatment of CHC. To this end, serum ferritin levels at baseline of therapy with pegylated interferon-alpha and ribavirin or before biopsy were correlated with clinical and histological features of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, including necroinflammatory activity (N = 970), fibrosis (N = 980), steatosis (N = 886), and response to treatment (N = 876). The association between high serum ferritin levels (> median) and the endpoints was assessed by logistic regression. Moreover, a candidate gene as well as a genome-wide association study of serum ferritin were performed. We found that serum ferritin ≥ the sex-specific median was one of the strongest pretreatment predictors of treatment failure (univariate P < 0.0001, odds ratio [OR] = 0.45, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.34-0.60). This association remained highly significant in a multivariate analysis (P = 0.0002, OR = 0.35, 95% CI = 0.20-0.61), with an OR comparable to that of interleukin (IL)28B genotype. When patients with the unfavorable IL28B genotypes were stratified according to high versus low ferritin levels, SVR rates differed by > 30% in both HCV genotype 1- and genotype 3-infected patients (P < 0.001). Serum ferritin levels were also independently associated with severe liver fibrosis (P < 0.0001, OR = 2.67, 95% CI = 1.68-4.25) and steatosis (P = 0.002, OR = 2.29, 95% CI = 1.35-3.91), but not with necroinflammatory activity (P = 0.3). Genetic variations had only a limited impact on serum ferritin levels. Conclusion: In patients with CHC, elevated serum ferritin levels are independently associated with advanced liver fibrosis, hepatic steatosis, and poor response to interferon-alpha-based therapy.


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Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) accounts for the majority of chronic liver disease in Western countries. The spectrum of ALD includes steatosis with or without fibrosis in virtually all individuals with an alcohol consumption of >80 g/day, alcoholic steatohepatitis of variable severity in 10-35% and liver cirrhosis in approximately 15% of patients. Once cirrhosis is established, there is an annual risk for hepatocellular carcinoma of 1-2%. Environmental factors such as drinking patterns, coexisting liver disease, obesity, diet composition and comedication may modify the natural course of ALD. Twin studies have revealed a substantial contribution of genetic factors to the evolution of ALD, as demonstrated by a threefold higher disease concordance between monozygotic twins and dizygotic twins. With genotyping becoming widely available, a large number of genetic case-control studies evaluating candidate gene variants coding for proteins involved in the degradation of alcohol, mediating antioxidant defence, the evolution and counteraction of necroinflammation and formation and degradation of extracellular matrix have been published with largely unconfirmed, impeached or even disproved associations. Recently, whole genome analyses of large numbers of genetic variants in several chronic liver diseases including gallstone disease, primary sclerosing cholangitis and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) have identified novel yet unconsidered candidate genes. Regarding the latter, a sequence variation within the gene coding for patatin-like phospholipase encoding 3 (PNPLA3, rs738409) was found to modulate steatosis, necroinflammation and fibrosis in NAFLD. Subsequently, the same variant was repeatedly confirmed as the first robust genetic risk factor for progressive ALD.


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BACKGROUND ; AIMS: Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a frequent liver disease that can progress to cirrhosis and for which there is no recognized therapy. UDCA and vitamin E have been considered separately as therapeutic options and have not been shown to be effective. This study tested their combination. METHODS: Patients with elevated aminotransferase levels and drinking less than 40 g alcohol/week with biopsy-proven NASH were randomly assigned to receive UDCA 12-15 mg.kg-1.day-1 with vitamin E 400 IU twice a day (UDCA/Vit E), UDCA with placebo (UDCA/P), or placebo/placebo (P/P). After 2 years, they underwent a second liver biopsy. Biopsy specimens were collected, blinded, and scored by a single liver pathologist. RESULTS: Forty eight patients were included, 15 in the UDCA/Vit E group, 18 in the UDCA/P group, and 15 in the P/P group; 8 patients dropped out, none because of side effects. Baseline parameters were not significantly different between the 3 groups. Body mass index remained unchanged during the study. Serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels diminished significantly in the UDCA/Vit E group. Neither the AST nor the ALT levels improved in the P/P group and only the ALT levels in the UDCA/P group. Histologically, the activity index was unchanged at the end of the study in the P/P and UDCA/P groups, but it was significantly better in the UDCA/Vit E group, mostly as a result of regression of steatosis. CONCLUSIONS: Two years of treatment with UDCA in combination with vitamin E improved laboratory values and hepatic steatosis of patients with NASH. Larger trials are warranted.